
  • Спеціалізація: Стоматолог
  • 10 років досвіду
  • Speaks:
    English, Spanish
  • Місце роботи: Мексика, Лос-Альгодонес, Laga Dental Implant Center
  • DDS. Joel Laga, is a skilled dental surgeon specializing in implantology with 10 years of experience. His dedication to excellence and patient-centered care has helped countless patients achieve healthy, confident smiles. Dr. Laga combines his expertise with the latest dental technology, including intraoral scanners and digital X-rays, to provide precise diagnoses and advanced treatment solutions. Whether performing dental implants, restorative treatments, or cosmetic procedures, his goal is to deliver exceptional results with a gentle and personalized approach. Dr. Laga has multiple diplomas from the courses he has attended, both national and international.

Doctor's services


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2009 al 2025 Universidad Autonoma De nayarit

2012 Curso Educacion Continua de la Federacion Dental Iberoamericana 

2013 Verano de la investigacion cientifica y tecnologica del Pacifico

2016 al 2020 Dentista general en Escobedo Dental Office en los algodones B.C.

2017 Asistencia al curso Soporte Vital Basico para provedores de salud

2018 al 2019 Diplomado de implantes avalado por el Colegio de cirujanos dentistas del estado de Jalisco

2020 al 2024 Dentista general-Implantologo en Supreme Dental Los Alogodones B.C

2021 Curso Imediatez con implantes Straumann BLX Impartido por la Dra Rocio Calleja

2022 Curso Pro Arch Straumann Impartido por Dr. Everardo de la toba

2022 Curso Intensivo de Regeneracion Osea y Elevacion de Seno Maxilar Impartido por el Dr. Carlos Rubio y el Dr Ernesto Moran 

2023 Asistencia al Congreso Internacional del ITI en Buenos Aires Argentina 

2024 - ACT  Implantologo- Rehabilitador en Laga Dental Implant Center



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