Dr. Vishesh Bhatia is a highly accomplished dental professional with a robust background in orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry. He earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S) degree from Rangsit University in Thailand, where he received comprehensive training in general and specialized dental practices. This strong foundation in dental science paved the way for his advanced expertise in orthodontics and aligner treatments.
Dr. Bhatia's commitment to staying at the forefront of dental technology and techniques is reflected in his extensive array of certifications. He has completed a Certificate in Invisalign Course by Align Technology, demonstrating his proficiency in using one of the leading clear aligner systems for achieving optimal orthodontic results. Additionally, he holds a Certificate in Clear Aligners from Aligner Academy, further enhancing his expertise in this innovative field. His dedication to mastering advanced techniques is also highlighted by his completion of the MOOV Clear Aligners Masterclass, the AOSC Orthodontics Course, and the E-Line Orthodontics Course, all of which have equipped him with cutting-edge knowledge and skills in modern orthodontic practices.
In 2022, Dr. Bhatia was recognized as an Invisalign Platinum Provider, a prestigious accolade that underscores his exceptional skill and experience in providing Invisalign treatments. This designation reflects his high level of competence and success in delivering effective, aesthetically pleasing orthodontic solutions to his patients.
Dr. Bhatia’s commitment to improving patient care extends beyond his clinical practice. He is the founder of SmileBox Dental Clinic, a premier dental practice in Thailand known for its patient-centered approach and high-quality care. Additionally, he founded SmileBox Oral Care Products, which aims to offer innovative dental products that enhance oral hygiene and overall dental health. His entrepreneurial spirit is further exemplified by the creation of MOOV Clear Aligners, a cutting-edge brand that provides advanced aligner solutions tailored to meet the evolving needs of orthodontic patients.
Graduating from The International Baccalaureate® program at NIST International School of Thailand provided Dr. Bhatia with a global perspective and a strong academic foundation that has been instrumental in his professional development. His education and training are complemented by his licensure from the Thai Dental Council, which affirms his adherence to the highest standards of dental practice in Thailand.
Dr. Bhatia is also an active member of the Thai Dental Association, reflecting his dedication to professional development and his commitment to contributing to the advancement of dental care in Thailand. His involvement in the association underscores his engagement with the dental community and his pursuit of excellence in his field.
In summary, Dr. Vishesh Bhatia combines a comprehensive educational background with advanced certifications and a successful track record in orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry. His expertise in clear aligners and modern orthodontic techniques, coupled with his entrepreneurial ventures and commitment to patient care, positions him as a leading figure in the dental field. His contributions to dental practice and innovation underscore his dedication to enhancing patient outcomes and advancing the standards of dental care.
Читати далі
Endodontic dentist
Graduated (M.D. From)
Doctor of Dental Surgery, Chulalongkorn University, 2nd class honors
Master of Science (Endodontics), Chulalongkorn University
Dental specialist focuses on complex tooth problems that primarily affect tooth pulp. the nerves, blood vessels and other tissues deep inside each tooth.
Diplomate, Thai board of Endodontics
Current Positions
Endodontist at Intrarat Hospita
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Читати даліDr. Ning Porndee
Orthodontist & Prosthodontist
a graduate of Chulalongkorn University, has received a graduate diploma in Prosthodontics from Mahidol University and a Post Graduate Certificate in Orthodontics from New York University School of Dentistry. She is a certified Invisalign orthodontist and a member of the American Association of Orthodontics (AAO). Dr. Porndee specializes in orthodontics, prosthodontics, and cosmetic/implant dentistry and has been awarded the “Invisalign Diamond Provider 2016-2017” status and has treated over a thousand cases with the clear aligner system.
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