Dr Braun's primary responsibilities include direct leadership and execution of complex surgeries, including gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and other advanced metabolic and bariatric procedures. He has developed solid experience in managing the different clinical challenges present in obese patients, providing them with personalized and optimized care to ensure positive long-term outcomes.
His surgical practice is based on an in-depth methodology and a careful look at the latest technological innovations in the field of bariatric surgery. He has actively worked to implement advanced protocols and continually improve operational techniques, while maintaining the highest standards of patient safety and care.
With over 2000 operations performed as a surgeon specializing in oncology, he has developed extensive experience and expertise in laparoscopic and robotic surgery applied to the care of cancer patients.
As a primary operator, he has successfully conducted a wide range of laparoscopic and robotic surgeries for the treatment of oncological conditions, including gastrointestinal, urological, gynecological and other solid tumors. His surgical practice has focused on the application of advanced techniques, using cutting-edge laparoscopic instruments and robotic systems
Читати даліПрофесор доктор Луїджі Масоні - досвідчений хірург загального профілю, що спеціалізується на онкології та загальній хірургії. Він спеціалізується на мінімально інвазивних колоректальних операціях, проктології та хірургії тазового дна. Маючи 35-річний досвід роботи, доктор Масоні розробив нову методику біліо-кишкового шунтування і отримав нагороду за виконання тотальної проктоколектомії з використанням трьохтроакарної техніки.
Читати даліDr. Ayman is a Medical Doctor and Surgeon specializing in General and Bariatric Surgery, with extensive training and experience in minimally invasive surgery and obesity management.
Doctor earned his Master's Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Brescia in 2005. He then completed his specialization in General Surgery at the same university in 2016, with a thesis titled "Fast track in minimally invasive colon surgery. He has complete autonomy in the clinical management of complex patients and extensive experience in performing a variety of surgical procedures, including major surgeries. His expertise includes gastric and colorectal surgery, bariatric surgery, abdominal wall surgery, videolaparoscopic (VLC) and laparotomic (VLA) procedures, and proctology. He is particularly skilled in performing medium and major surgeries in emergency settings.
Currently, he practices at Maria Cecilia Hospital in Bologna, where he evaluates the degree of obesity and associated conditions. Based on these assessments, he determines the most suitable surgical intervention, such as sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, and mini laparoscopic bypass.
He has advanced training in colorectal and abdominal wall surgery from top institutions in Italy and Belgium.
He is an active member of the Italian Society of Obesity Surgery and Metabolic Disorders (S.I.C.OB.) and the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO), contributing to the advancement of bariatric surgery on an international level.
Dr. Ayman is distinguished by his dedication to patient care and his advanced skills in minimally invasive and bariatric surgery.
Читати даліПрофесор Ріккардо Розаті є керівником відділення шлунково-кишкової хірургії (ГІ) дослідницької лікарні Сан-Рафаеле в Мілані, Італія. Він є висококваліфікованим хірургом із понад 30-річним стажем, має повну медичну освіту в галузі загальної медицини та загальної хірургії, а також спеціалізацію з торакальної хірургії. Він є членом багатьох хірургічних асоціацій і написав понад 300 публікацій. У його відділенні лікується близько 2000 хірургічних випадків на рік.
Читати даліDr. Giuseppe Marinari is a specialist in general surgery (1991) and nutrition (1995). He started his career in Bariatric Surgery in 1987 and, since then, he has performed over 7000 bariatric procedures, mainly Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric Bypass, and Biliopancreatic Diversion. Dr. Giuseppe Marinari has international experience, and he is one of the leading Bariatric surgeons in Italy. Over the past 10 years, he has focused on the implementation of a high-volume centre (>1250 procedures in 2019). Since 2016, he adopted an Enhanced Recovery After Bariatric Surgery (ERABS) protocol, to improve benefits for the patient. In essence, this means a faster recovery and an early return to daily activities, with a very high patient approval rating.
Obesity is a complex condition that encompasses a variety of comorbidities. Therefore, the role of a bariatric surgeon is multidisciplinary, including the understanding (and sometimes treating) of comorbidities as well as performing surgery.
Bariatrics interested Dr. Giuseppe Marinari at first because it was a new and growing field. He then developed an appreciation for the multidisciplinary aspect. Now Dr. Giuseppe Marinari is eager to help people transform their lives.
Dr. Giuseppe Marinari was mentored by Prof. N. Scopinaro at the University Hospital in Genoa, Italy. He invented the biliopancreatic diversion (with or without duodenal switch), a malabsorptive bariatric operation. Dr. Marinari is now Director of the Bariatric Center. He has international experience and is one of the leading surgeons in his field. He performs both restrictive and malabsorbative bariatric procedures, mainly using the laparoscopic approach. In Humanitas Reasearch Hospital patients are treated by a multi-disciplinary team. The patients are given full attention and support throughout all the steps along the treatment.
Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=marinari+giuseppe
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