Доктор Нірав Патель - досвідчений стоматолог, що спеціалізується на сімейній та косметичній стоматології. Він має досвід видалення зубів мудрості, встановлення імплантатів і попередньої ортопедичної хірургії.
Читати даліДоктор Панкті Патель - висококваліфікований стоматолог, який здобув ступінь з мікробіології та стоматології в Університеті Джорджії та Стоматологічному коледжі Джорджії при Університеті Огасти. Вона сертифікована із закису азоту, Invisalign, серцево-легеневої реанімації та стоматології сну, а також є членом кількох професійних стоматологічних асоціацій.
Читати даліHe as a Maxillofacial & Dental Implant surgeon, is versatile in Advanced implantology procedures like the graft-less All-on-4 dental implant protocol, Zygomatic & Tubero- pterygoid implants, Maxillary sinus lift & other grafting procedures etc. His forte is Cosmetic smile and facial corrections with Dermal Fillers & Botox, Face-lift procedures etc.
Читати далі
Leading from the front, he takes his whole team to deliver the holistic dental care for the patients. He has undergone various trainings in the field of ceramics, CAD-CAM and other laboratory advanced procedures. His involvement in the lab and upgrading the materials and technology helps the organization in producing the best replacements for the patients.
He also has attended various cosmetic dentistry training courses including Nemotec & Digital Smile Designings etc. His vast experience in the field of cosmetic dentistry has changed thousands of people’s smiles and lifestyles. He has been attending the Dental Implantology courses from the year 1995. In the year 2000, he has undergone intensive training with Nobel Biocare & in 2006 had advanced training in all-on-4 protocol.
FMS Dental Hospitals, recognized all around Asia-Pacific as the largest Corporate Dental Health Care centre; is, without doubt, a case of success.
Under Dr. PP’s leadership, this hospital, exclusively dedicated to provide oral health treatments, is now an international reference, not only due to its recognition as a world class Dental Hospital, but also because of its role in Dental Education in the form of Sri Sai College of Dental Surgery. Today, FMS makes its presence in top 13 areas in the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad.
Driven by his ambition and entrepreneurial spirit, Dr. PP invested in numerous areas, such as dental laboratory practice, dental education and, soon, in the area of esthetics and Cosmetology.
His interests towards the holistic dentistry made him participate in numerous national & international conferences, workshops in the last 2 decades in the fields of Dental Implants & Cosmetic Dentistry. This made him up to date with new trends in dentistry and upgrade himself and infrastructure that lead in strengthening his team of doctors. His clinical practice mainly focuses on cosmetic dentistry, full mouth rehabilitation and Implant Prosthetics.
His focus of practice is always in cosmetic dentistry with advance practice of DSD, Nemotec, 3D printing. His prowess in using DSD in smile designs had given an opportunity to his patients to assess their smiles even before the actual treatment itself. His enormous training in the field of laboratory, CAD-CAM Dentistry and further various advances in cosmetic dentistry has made more people to approach him for the peerless outcome of dental cosmetics including laminates.
Читати далі
Візит лікаря | ціна за запитом |
Встановлення вінірів | $255 - $350 |
Імплантація зубів за технологією All-on-4 ("все на чотирьох") | $6500 - $12200 |
Сінус-ліфтінг | $380 - $760 |
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Доктор закінчив стоматологічний факультет Університету Еге (2003-2009) і має досвід у сфері високотехнологічної імплантації зубів, естетиці зубів, голлівудській усмішці, дизайні посмішки, ламінатних вінірах, цирконієвих ділянках. коронки, хірургія, відбілювання зубів, пломбування зубів, кореневих каналів, відвідувала численні семінари, конгреси та курси.