Dr. Damyan Karadzhov, a distinguished alumnus of MU-Varna, holds a Master’s degree in Dentistry and excels in prosthetic and aesthetic dentistry. His commitment to advancing his expertise is demonstrated through his completion of rigorous courses led by globally recognized figures. In 2021, he refined his skills under Prof. Giovanni Zucchelli, DDS, PhD, focusing on mucogingival aesthetic surgery, a soft tissue approach to periodontal regeneration, and innovative solutions for soft tissue dehiscence surrounding implants.
In 2020, Dr. Karadzhov pursued specialized training in “Aesthetic Rehabilitation with Ceramic Veneers” under the tutelage of Dr. Mauro Fradeani and Dr. Leonardo Baccherini, gaining in-depth knowledge of aesthetic principles and minimally invasive techniques. Additionally, his pursuit of excellence continued in 2019 with a course in Endodontics from Prof. Gianluca Plotino, PhD, where he concentrated on cutting-edge practices in root canal machining, 3D obturation, and the restoration of extensively decayed teeth.
Beyond his professional achievements, Dr. Karadzhov boasts a rich personal history and diverse interests. He completed his secondary education in Canada and is fluent in both French and English. His passion extends into the realms of Virtual Reality, exploring its potential in dentistry and education. Dr. Karadzhov is also actively involved in projects at the intersection of Fintech and Cryptocurrency technologies, applying innovative solutions to enhance dental practice efficiency. A seasoned tennis player, he has dedicated over a decade to training in the sport.
Dr. Karadzhov’s dynamic approach to dentistry and his commitment to continuous learning make him a prominent figure in his field.
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Доктор закінчив стоматологічний факультет Університету Еге (2003-2009) і має досвід у сфері високотехнологічної імплантації зубів, естетиці зубів, голлівудській усмішці, дизайні посмішки, ламінатних вінірах, цирконієвих ділянках. коронки, хірургія, відбілювання зубів, пломбування зубів, кореневих каналів, відвідувала численні семінари, конгреси та курси.