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Платформа №1 для лікування за кордоном з 2014 року

Victor Diaconu

Колоректальний хірург, Онкохірург, Фахівець з хірургії ШКТ, Фахівець із загальної хірургії

20 років досвіду

Dr. Victor Diaconu is a highly regarded expert in bariatric surgery, performing a high volume of surgeries annually. He is particularly recognized for his expertise in using mechanical stapling technology in various procedures like Gastric bypass, Gastric sleeve surgery, Stomach stapling, Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, Gastric balloon, and Gastric band.

Сертифікати та акредитації

European Association for Endoscopic Surgery and other Interventional Techniques
European Hernia Society


Фото до і після

Known for his significant contributions to the field of bariatric surgery, Dr. Victor Diaconu performs approximately 1,000 surgeries each year. His proficiency in the application of mechanical stapling technology in surgical procedures has been spotlighted at various professional symposiums.
