Sarassawadee Suwanjinda

  • Спеціалізація: Сімейний лікар
  • 9 років досвіду
  • Speaks:
  • Місце роботи: Таїланд, Бангкок, Healthi-Life Longevity Center
  • Dr. Sarassawadee is a highly skilled medical physician with extensive expertise in aesthetic medicine, regenerative therapies, and IV nutrition therapy. With a strong foundation in both general medicine and advanced anti-aging treatments, she is dedicated to providing cutting-edge, science-backed solutions for wellness, longevity, and skin rejuvenation.

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Dr. Sarassawadee is a highly skilled medical physician with extensive expertise in aesthetic medicine, regenerative therapies, and IV nutrition therapy. With a strong foundation in both general medicine and advanced anti-aging treatments, she is dedicated to providing cutting-edge, science-backed solutions for wellness, longevity, and skin rejuvenation.


Education & Medical Training:

✅Medical Physician – Sarassawadee

✅Internship Training at Police General Hospital

✅Internship Training at Ananda Mahidol Hospital



Professional Certifications & Specializations:

✅ Certificate in Aesthetic Medicine – American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (AAAM)

✅ Member of the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (AAAM)

✅ Certificate of Attendance: Sculptra Training

✅ Certificate in IV Nutrition Infusion Therapy – Canadian Board of Aesthetic Medicine (CBAM)

✅ Certificate in Allogeneic Cellular Therapy for Regenerative Medicine – International Society for Stem Cell Application (ISSCA)

✅ Certificate of Attendance – HEAT International Congress on Wellness Management

✅ Nutraceutical Certificate – Department of Thai Traditional and Complementary Medicine


With her extensive knowledge and international certifications, Dr. Sarassawadee is at the forefront of anti-aging medicine, regenerative therapies, and aesthetic procedures, offering personalized treatments that enhance health, beauty, and longevity.

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