діагностика | |
Трепан-біопсія | Ціна за запитом |
лікування | |
Хіміотерапія | $8000 - $12000 |
Пересадка кісткового мозку | Ціна за запитом |
German teaching institution consists of 14 specialized departments, 5 institutions, 5 centers. Doctors of the Center provide procedures not accessible in other centers as implantation of artificial heart Jarvik 2000, thermoablation of liver metastasis, radionuclide therapy. According to the statistics, 91.7 % patients are ready to recommend Uniklinik Freiburg.
діагностика | |
Трепан-біопсія | Ціна за запитом |
лікування | |
Хіміотерапія | $8000 - $12000 |
Пересадка кісткового мозку | Ціна за запитом |
діагностика | |
Комплексна діагностика епілепсії | $8669.23 - $10836.54 |
лікування | |
Глибока стимуляція мозку (DBS) | $70437.49 |
лікування | |
Видалення пухлини головного мозку | $30000 - $38000 |
лікування | |
Пересадка печінки | Ціна за запитом |
лікування | |
Операція при раку легень | Ціна за запитом |
Резекція прямої кишки | Ціна за запитом |
Операція при раку молочної залози | $28175 |
Лапароскопічна простатектомія | $24924.04 |
діагностика | |
Комплексна діагностика раку грудей | $5960.1 - $7585.58 |
лікування | |
Лобектомія (видалення частки легені) | Ціна за запитом |
Колектомія (резекція товстої кишки) | Ціна за запитом |
Імунотерапія | Ціна за запитом |
Променева терапія при раку простати | $21673.07 - $43346.15 |
Променева терапія при раку молочної залози | $18800 - $30500 |
діагностика | |
MIBG-сцинтиграфія | Ціна за запитом |
Консультація онколога | Ціна за запитом |
діагностика | |
Аналіз крові на онкомаркери | Ціна за запитом |
діагностика | |
МРТ грудної клітки | Ціна за запитом |
діагностика | |
Комплексна діагностика раку передміхурової залози | $6501.92 - $14087.5 |
Uniklinik Freiburg is one of the leading medical institutions in Germany according to the version of Focus magazine - the authoritative German edition. The Medical Center - University of Freiburg has the best Urological, Cardiology Departments, Orthopedic Clinic. Treatment of Alzheimer's disease, obsessive-compulsive disorder, stroke are in top-5 specialties. Uniklinik Freiburg team includes the best German andrologist and oncologist and 5 Nobel laureates in Medicine.
The treatment success rate of brain tumor reaches 83%, 1 and 2 stage breast cancer - 95%, bowel cancer - 81%, lung cancer - 85%. These indicators are among the highest in the Germany and world.
The Department has the best in Germany indicators for lung cancer treatment (according to the Focus rating). Annually team of the doctors headed by Prof. Justus Duyster perform approx. 25,000 chemos and 200 bone marrow transplants.
The Department is a leading Cardiology Unit Center in Germany.
22,000 inpatients and 44,000 outpatients are treated here per year. Approx. 20-25 heart transplants Freiburg surgeons are performed here annually.
4,400 surgeries were performed here, including 150 in children in 2016. The same year the Department was named 1st by Focus rating.
The specialists of the Clinic treat over 5,000 patients per year. Among others, unique techniques of tissue engineering, Metha hip system are applied. Uniklinik Freiburg is one of a few centers in the world where dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) for bone density diagnostics is provided. After a surgery a patient can have a rehabilitation therapy in the Clinic as well.
Neurocenter at Medical Center - University of Freiburg includes the following departments:
In 2016, Neurocenter specialists provided 3,600 surgeries. The European Association of Neurosurgical Societies recognized the Neurocenter at Uniklinik Freiburg as training Center of Excellence.
Annually the Department receives 150,000 patients for diagnostics. It is certified by KTQ for the quality of medical services, the German Society for Interventional Radiology and Minimally Invasive Therapy as a training center.
In 2016, the Department received EARL FDG PET/CT accreditation meeting the standard requirements of the PET/CT guidelines.
Focus magazine named the Department of Urology at Uniklinik Freiburg the best in Germany in 2016.
Over 4,000 surgeries with success rate 95% are performed here.
The Head of the Department Prof. Ulrich Vetteraurer is considered as the best German andrologist.
Uniklinik Freiburg is one of the strongest research institutions in Europe. It’s funded by the German Research Foundation. The program BrainLinks-BrainTools is one of the most promising programs. Its aim is detecting and treating brain dysfunction in patients with Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, and other neurological disorders.
Also there is the Clinical Trials Unit where people in case of full requirement meeting can take part in clinical trials and research. The Unit operates since 2005 and is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Patients are supported by Bookimed Doctors-Coordinators during all the diagnostic and treatment procedures. At Uniklinik Freiburg patients are assisted by the International Department representative, solving all the organizational questions, treatment program etc.