Встановлення цирконієвої коронки в Стоматологічна поліклініка Megadentist Oral and Dental Health
Про клініку
Megadentist Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic was founded in 2005 in Ankara, Turkey. In 2013, the clinic expanded to Istanbul, and in 2023, it opened a new premium branch, Megadentist Plus.
Megadentist offers a wide range of dental services, including dental examinations, crowns, fillings, root canal treatments, tooth extractions, impacted tooth extractions, wisdom tooth extractions, tooth fracture treatment, gum treatment, curettage treatment, flap treatment, gum inflammation treatment, and calculus cleaning.
Megadentist is committed to providing patients with the highest quality dental care and a pleasant patient experience. The clinic's team of experienced dentists and surgeons is dedicated to meeting each patient's individual needs.
Особливості клініки
Спеціальні пропозиції
Ціни на лікування в клініці
Фото до і після (4)
Стоматологічна поліклініка Megadentist Oral and Dental Health: детальніше про клініку
Megadentist Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic Benefits
- Modern technology. Megadentist benefit from all the possibilities of contemporary technology to provide their patients with the highest quality dental care.
- Patient satisfaction. Megadentist aims to satisfy its patients in all service processes to achieve health. According to Net Promoter Score data, the clinic's satisfaction rate of 98% is proof that it is moving towards this goal meticulously and successfully.
- Global reach. As a clinic that carries its experience beyond the borders with its success in health tourism, Megadentist is proud of its portfolio of patients from 3 continents.
- Ethical values. Megadentist is committed to moral values and a human-oriented, honest, and reliable service approach.
Megadentist's oral and dental health journey continues with all its knowledge and experience.
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- Встановлення цирконієвої коронки
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