Туреччина, Стамбул

Клініка Menfis Health Novimaj

1 акредитація якості клініки

Про клініку

рік заснування

Menfis Health Novimaj is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Istanbul, Turkey. The team is dedicated to medical check-ups, diagnostics, gastroenterology, endocrinology, and bariatric surgery. 320 patients choose Menfis Health Novimaj to get medical care every year. Patients from Europe, the Commonwealth, Arab League States, and Russian-speaking countries visit the clinic most often.


Ціни на лікування в клініці

Дата останнього оновлення цін – 29.04.2024. Ціни можуть змінюватись в залежності від медичного випадку та рекомендації лікарів.
Колоноскопія $600 - $700
КТ (комп'ютерна томографія) $300 - $400
Check-up для чоловіків $1250 - $1500
Біопсія нирки $700 - $1000
ПЕТ-КТ з Галлієм 68 (DOTA) $2000
Ангіографія $400 - $500
Цистоскопія $700
Комплексна діагностика щитовидної залози $300
Чек-ап обстеження
Онкологічний Check-up для чоловіків $1250 - $1500
Онкологічний Check-up $1250 - $1500
Онкологічний Check-up для жінок $1250 - $1500
Аналіз складу тіла $100
Кардіо-перевірка $1250 - $1500
Базовий Check-up $500
Check-up программа Премиум $5000
Check-up для жінок $1250 - $1500
Check-up для дітей $1250 - $1500
Хірургія серця
Коронарографія $700

Лікарі клініки

акредитація якості клініки

Turkish Medical Association
TR, Сертифікат Turkish Medical Association для медичної установи Клініка Menfis Health Novimaj

Клініка Menfis Health Novimaj: детальніше про клініку

Туреччина, Стамбул

Resonance Imaging (MRI) in conjunction with Ultrasound and CT

MRI generates detailed images of your organs without irradiation but with powerful magnets, radio waves, and computer technology. MRI uses proprietary software to produce contrast-quality imaging. This software assists in the early detection of cancer, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disease, and neurodegenerative disease.

MRI and CT scanning detects:

  • Body tumors (changes in lungs, chest, abdomen, pelvis, etc.)
  • Brain tumors
  • Vessels abnormalities
  • Aneurysms
  • Neurodegeneration in the case of Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease.

Coronary Calcium Score* (CT)

Non-Contrast Cardiac CT evaluates coronary artery health by detecting the location and extent of calcified plaque in the arteries' walls. It is a crucial factor in assessing current and future cardiovascular risk.

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

The pattern and wave of electrical energy travel through the heart's conduction system, indicating the heartbeat frequency. For clinical management, it can also reveal heart muscle thickening or fatigue.

Insulin Sensitivity Testing

Insulin aids in the regulation of blood sugar (glucose). Insulin resistance impairs cellular glucose absorption, causing blood sugar levels to rise. The treatment is then tailored to prevent the progression of Type 2 diabetes.

Comprehensive Labs and Metabolic Analysis

Analysis and reporting of over 70 blood biomarkers testing for anemia and iron status, liver and kidney function, insulin and glucose markers, cholesterol panel with particle size, inflammatory markers, hormones, heavy metals, and certain vitamin nutrient levels.

Dexa* (Dual X-ray absorptiometry) (Dual X-ray absorptiometry)

Bone mineral density and bone strength are measured. Assessment enables osteoporosis treatment to prevent fractures.

Body Composition

Assessment precisely quantifies visceral fat (fat stored within the abdominal cavity) and thigh muscle composition. The fat-to-muscle ratio may indicate a risk of metabolic syndrome, which can result in heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, breast and colon cancer, and Alzheimer's disease.

Menfis Health Novimaj Clinic can arrange your tickets, accommodation, and transfers if you are willing to have the services. Before you come, let's arrange an online meeting or phone call. Your full body scanning and examination process also can be completed on the weekend. We will be more than happy to help you with any questions.

Додаткові послуги
Готель (апартаменти) поруч з клінікою, оплата щоденно