діагностика | |
ПЕТ-КТ | $600 |
КТ всього тіла | $700 |
Тест на мутацію генів KRAS, NRAS, BRAF | $5000 - $15000 |
Біопсія молочної залози | $1500 |
Печена біопсія | $1500 |
лікування | |
Трансназальне видалення пухлини | $10000 - $15000 |
Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Istanbul, Turkey. The team is dedicated to cardiology, oncology, heart surgery and surgery. Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital, part of the esteemed Medipol Health Group, is a leader in healthcare with 441 beds and JCI accreditation. Our focus on advanced technologies, such as TrueBeam STx and Halcyon in Radiation Oncology, sets us apart. Renowned for comprehensive cancer care, integrating PET-CT and SPECT-CT imaging, we prioritize patient comfort with modern maternity units. Positioned in Istanbul's Bahçelievler district, we cater to global patients, contributing to health tourism. Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital serves both adults and children. 600000 patients choose Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital to get medical care every year. Patients from Europe & Commonwealth, Arab League States, and Russian-Speaking Countries visit the clinic most often.
діагностика | |
ПЕТ-КТ | $600 |
КТ всього тіла | $700 |
Тест на мутацію генів KRAS, NRAS, BRAF | $5000 - $15000 |
Біопсія молочної залози | $1500 |
Печена біопсія | $1500 |
лікування | |
Трансназальне видалення пухлини | $10000 - $15000 |
діагностика | |
МРТ одного відділу | $300 - $350 |
Колоноскопія | $650 |
Гастроскопія з біопсією | $650 |
УЗД | $200 - $300 |
Біопсія | $1500 |
діагностика | |
КТ коронарних артерій | $700 |
УЗД сонних артерій | $150 |
діагностика | |
Ангіографія | $550 - $650 |
Мамографія | $200 - $350 |
Цистоскопія | $1500 |
Кольпоскопія | $1250 |
Артроскопія | $3000 - $4500 |
діагностика | |
КТ (комп'ютерна томографія) | $200 - $350 |
Коронарографія | $600 |
КТ грудної, черевної порожнин та органів малого тазу | $500 - $650 |
Check-up для дітей | $300 - $600 |
Check-up для жінок | $750 - $850 |
діагностика | |
ЕЕГ (електроенцефалографія) | $200 - $400 |
діагностика | |
ПЕТ-КТ з Галлієм 68 (ПСМА) | $1500 - $2000 |
Check-up для чоловіків | $850 |
Базовий Check-up | $400 - $500 |
Check-up программа Премиум | $1700 - $2500 |
Біопсія яєчка | $2000 |
діагностика | |
Біопсія головного мозку | $5000 - $9000 |
МРТ головного мозку з контрастом (режим FLAIR) | $350 - $400 |
Онлайн консультація нейрохірурга | $100 |
діагностика | |
Кардіо-перевірка | $400 - $550 |
Онкологічний Check-up | $1900 - $2500 |
Онкологічний Check-up для жінок | $1900 - $2500 |
Онкологічний Check-up для чоловіків | $1900 - $2500 |
діагностика | |
Комплексна діагностика щитовидної залози | $700 - $1000 |
Аналіз на гормони щитовидної залози (включаючи Т3, Т4, ТТГ) | $200 |
діагностика | |
Біопсія нирки | $1500 |
діагностика | |
Розширена лабораторна діагностика ВІЛ | $500 - $1000 |
Тест на вірус папіломи людини (ВПЛ-тест) | $250 |
діагностика | |
Відео-ЕЕГ моніторинг | $350 - $450 |
діагностика | |
Комплексна діагностика гепатиту С+ препарати на 3 місяці лікування | Ціна за запитом |
діагностика | |
Комплексна діагностика лімфом | $2500 |
Онлайн консультація онколога | $100 |
діагностика | |
Рентгенографія грудної клітки | $600 |
діагностика | |
Біопсія яєчника | $2000 |
КТ органів малого тазу | $250 - $300 |
діагностика | |
Тредміл-тест | $150 |
діагностика | |
Онлайн-консультація хірурга | $100 |
Онлайн-консультація торакального хірурга | $100 |
Онлайн-консультація спинального хірурга | $100 |
Онлайн-консультація судинного хірурга | $100 |
діагностика | |
Онлайн-консультація дерматолога-онколога | $100 |
діагностика | |
Онлайн-консультація кардіохірурга | $100 |
діагностика | |
Онлайн-консультація офтальмолога | $100 |
Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital, which started its services in May 2022, has a capacity of 441 beds and is the second-largest hospital within the Medipol Health Group. Equipped with the most advanced technologies, our hospital has incorporated nationally and internationally renowned physicians and embraces the principle that there is no end to progress. With a total closed area of 60,000 square meters, the hospital has 15 floors, including the ground floor, and currently employs 700 staff members.
Our hospital offers services in all specialties through 137 outpatient clinic rooms. There are 14 operating rooms, each equipped with the technological infrastructure to perform all surgeries. In addition to the main branches such as pediatrics and internal medicine, our hospital provides services in the sub-branches of these fields, including nephrology, hematology, gastroenterology, endocrinology, neurology, rheumatology, infection, allergy-immunology, with an academic-level doctor staff.
Providing uninterrupted service for all prominent branches and the emergency department 24/7, the hospital offers after-hours outpatient clinics and operation services in surgical branches such as orthopedics, ophthalmology, and ear, nose, and throat. In Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital, advanced cardiovascular surgery, invasive cardiological procedures, interventional radiology, and medical and radiation oncology units are also available, besides general hospital services. The hospital, where maternity and surgery services are commonly provided, has a neonatal intensive care unit with a capacity of 52 incubators. Additionally, adult and pediatric intensive care units and a cardiovascular surgery intensive care unit provide services at a 3-tier level.
Located in the Bahçelievler district of our beautiful Istanbul, the hospital has completed its preparations to serve international patients and contribute to health tourism. The hospital earned the JCI Accreditation in June 2023 with sufficient translator and staff support.
Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital provides 24/7 healthcare services with its preventive and therapeutic approaches, pioneering practices in health, multidisciplinary perspective, technological infrastructure, advanced diagnostic and treatment methods at world standards, and experienced expert staff.
MEDICAL EQUIPMENT Fully Equipped Superior Infrastructure According to International Standards
EMERGENCY SERVICES Designed for prompt intervention in sudden onset and life-threatening emergencies, the Emergency Services department, which includes intensive care units, is staffed by an experienced team of experts. Equipped with state-of-the-art CPR, observation, and intervention rooms, as well as smart technological imaging capabilities, the 24/7 ready ambulance team provides services in all emergency interventions.
OPERATING ROOMS With advanced medical equipment, high-quality sterilization, and compliance with infection control conditions, 14 operating rooms in ideal conditions ensure patient and staff safety. Endoscopic, arthroscopic, laparoscopic, and hysteroscopic operations are successfully performed by a strong and expert healthcare team in operating rooms equipped with the latest technology.
Equipped with advanced technological infrastructure, an experienced expert staff, and a multidisciplinary approach, the Intensive Care Units provide continuous, 24-hour vital support.
The Radiology Unit, staffed by experienced experts performing interventional procedures for diagnosis and treatment, provides higher resolution, high-quality, and rapid imaging with its advanced technology. It offers 24/7 service for all types of radiology procedures, both with and without contrast.
Nutrition and Diet Unit at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Brain and Nervous System Surgery Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Pediatric Surgery Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Pediatric Infectious Diseases Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Pediatric Immunology and Allergy Diseases Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Pediatric Cardiology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Pediatric Nephrology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Pediatric Neurology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Dermatology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Endocrinology and Metabolism Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Adult Intensive Care Unit at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Gastroenterology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
General Surgery Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Thoracic Surgery Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Pulmonology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Ophthalmology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Internal Medicine Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital offers modern, fully equipped maternity units that adhere to international standards. A dedicated team of expert doctors, nurses, and midwives provides 24/7 services. The maternity units are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including birthing and pain rooms, Doppler and cardiotocography, and ultrasound technologies. The experienced team successfully performs painless childbirth (such as epidural anesthesia), cesarean sections, and all other surgeries.
NST (Non-Stress Test) is a simple and practical application to obtain information about the baby in the womb. It provides detailed information about whether labor has started and the condition of the baby in the amniotic sac. NST, which has become an indispensable method for monitoring the health of both the mother and the baby during pregnancy, is carried out in specially designed comfortable rooms for expectant mothers.
Creating a comfortable and stress-free environment is crucial for expectant mothers. LDRP (Labor Delivery Recovery Postpartum) is a unit specially designed for expectant mothers, allowing labor pains, childbirth, and the postpartum recovery process to occur in the same room.
In LDRP rooms, childbirth takes place with the support of a dedicated doctor, nurse, and midwife. LDRP rooms, where the mother and baby stay in the same place after childbirth, make the entire process as comfortable, relaxed, and seamless as possible. The first examination of the newborn is conducted by a neonatal specialist in the LDRP room right next to the mother. LDRP rooms are designed to prioritize privacy, allowing expectant mothers to feel at home. These rooms, meeting international quality standards, are equipped with smart technology to fulfill all the needs of the mother and baby.
Cardiovascular Surgery at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Cardiology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Ear, Nose, and Throat Diseases Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Nephrology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Neurology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Nuclear Medicine Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
The Nuclear Medicine Department at Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital
It is equipped with state-of-the-art PET-CT imaging technology, crucial in diagnosing heart, neurology, and oncology diseases. This low-radiation, high-speed scanning device is successfully used to analyze, plan, and evaluate cancer diseases post-treatment. The PET-CT device completes a full-body tumor scan in just 5 minutes, providing the most detailed anatomical images in each scan. The ultra HD-PET technology surpasses traditional PET-CT scanners, offering images with 4 times higher contrast. With ultra-low-dose capabilities and super-fast imaging, the PET-CT device makes tumor scans less stressful and more comfortable for patients and their families.
SPECT-CT The Nuclear Medicine Department at Medipol Bahçelievler Hospital
Also houses state-of-the-art SPECT-CT imaging technology. This system provides high-resolution, detailed imaging for diagnosing heart, kidney, and bone diseases, allowing for accurate evaluation of treatment options. The unique diagnostic features of the system accurately measure even minor differences, enabling the early planning of treatments. The SPECT-CT system adheres to gold standards:
Obesity Surgery Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Orthopedics and Traumatology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Perinatology Unit at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Podology Department at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Department of Radiation Oncology at Medipol Bahçelievler:
Equipped with intelligent technological devices that can be integrated with artificial intelligence, radiation therapy machines such as TrueBeam STx and Halcyon provide effective, fast, and reliable treatment options for cancer patients. With the advanced technologies of TrueBeam STx and Halcyon, precise irradiation can be delivered to the treated area with complete accuracy.
The Department of Mental Health Disorders at Medipol Bahçelievler provides services in the following areas:
This department offers diagnostic, therapeutic, and supportive services for these mental health issues.