Підтяжка шкіри обличчя (фейсліфт) в Госпіталь Aktif International Hospitals
Про клініку
Aktif International is a multi-specialty hospital group in the Marmara Region, Turkey. It has more than 20 years of expertise in exceptional healthcare services. The medical team possesses over five decades of collective experience in various fields. Since its foundation in 2000, Aktif International has conducted more than 50,000 successful operations. Patients from Europe, the Commonwealth, the UK, and the CIS countries visit Aktif International Hospitals most often.
Особливості клініки
Ціни на лікування в клініці
Лікарі клініки
Пластичний хірург
Фото до і після (2)
акредитацій якості клініки
Госпіталь Aktif International Hospitals: детальніше про клініку
Aktif International operates under the motto "If you're healthy, we're happy.'' It provides modern and scientifically advanced healthcare services at five hospitals in the Marmara Region. Aktif International's staff consists of 2,000 professionals specializing in various fields. The hospitals are equipped with modern technology and follow contemporary medical practices. Aktif International is actively involved in health tourism, representing Turkey globally.
Додаткові послуги
Умови роботи
Відгуки пацієнтів
Anne Parker
• Підтяжка шкіри обличчя (фейсліфт)
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