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Найкращі стоматологи з лікування чистки зубів – ТОП-313 лікарів

Контент відповідає редакційній політиці Bookimed і його якість перевірив
Фахад Мавлюд - Лікар загальної практики, лауреат 4 конкурсів наукових робіт молодих вчених. Працював на Середньому Сході. Колишній керівник команди англомовних та арабомовних лікарів-координаторів. Наразі займається аналізом даних та є медичним редактором сайту.
Viktotiya Kapmyrenko
3 роки досвіду
2 відгуки

Viktotiya Kapmyrenko

3 роки досвіду
Україна, Київ
VerMax Dental Clinic
Esteban Barragan
20 років досвіду
Мексика, Плайя-дель-Кармен
Bokanova Riviera Maya

Esteban Barragan

20 років досвіду
Доктор Естебан Барраган — лікар-ортодонт у стоматологічному центрі Bokanova, який спеціалізується на консервативній стоматології, стоматологічних оглядах, загальній стоматології, Invisalign, лазерній стоматології, ортодонтії та дитячій стоматології (педодонтії), володіє англійською та іспанською мовами та має 28-річний досвід роботи в ортодонтії та ортопедії та 41 рік у загальній стоматології, закінчивши UNAM Mexico City та Latinoamericana University Mexico City.Читати далі
Доктор Естебан Барраган — лікар-ортодонт у стоматологічному центрі Bokanova, який спеціалізується на консервативній стоматології, стоматологічних оглядах, загальній стоматології, Invisalign, лазерній стоматології, ортодонтії та дитячій стоматології (педодонтії), володіє англійською та іспанською мовами та має 28-річний досвід роботи в ортодонтії та ортопедії та 41 рік у загальній стоматології, закінчивши UNAM Mexico City та Latinoamericana University Mexico City.
Читати далі
Isabel Simon
26 років досвіду
Португалія, Лісабон
Стоматологічна клініка CPRO

Isabel Simon

26 років досвіду

Dr. Isabel Simão | General Dentist | OMD (Ordem dos Médicos Dentistas de Portugal - 2189)

- Dentist at the Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Sul in 1998.

- Degree in Nursing from Artur Ravara 1988.

- Higher Course in Chinese Medicine at the University of Chinese Medicine in 2010.

- Training in Endodontics by the Health and Training Center in 2001.

- Orthodontics course at Gnatus in 2001.

- Continuing education in orthodontics at Construímos Sorrisos in 2011.

- Damon Orthodontics Course in 2015.

Читати далі

Dr. Isabel Simão | General Dentist | OMD (Ordem dos Médicos Dentistas de Portugal - 2189)

- Dentist at the Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Sul in 1998.

- Degree in Nursing from Artur Ravara 1988.

- Higher Course in Chinese Medicine at the University of Chinese Medicine in 2010.

- Training in Endodontics by the Health and Training Center in 2001.

- Orthodontics course at Gnatus in 2001.

- Continuing education in orthodontics at Construímos Sorrisos in 2011.

- Damon Orthodontics Course in 2015.

Читати далі
Ozge Akay
10 років досвіду
3 відгуки

Ozge Akay

10 років досвіду
Туреччина, Мармарис
Стоматологічна поліклініка Dent48
3 відгуки
Візит лікаря ціна за запитом
Чистка зубів $64.85 - $202.32
Більше процедур
Delfin Ates Doruk
10 років досвіду
3 відгуки

Delfin Ates Doruk

10 років досвіду
Туреччина, Мармарис
Стоматологічна поліклініка Dent48
3 відгуки
Візит лікаря ціна за запитом
Чистка зубів $64.85 - $202.32
Більше процедур
Ozge Kocak
7 років досвіду
3 відгуки

Ozge Kocak

7 років досвіду
Туреччина, Анталія
Стоматологічна клініка Інтер Дентал Туреччина (Inter Dental Turkey)
Diler Ozkan
12 років досвіду
1 відгук
Туреччина, Стамбул
Стоматологічна клініка Дентаві Стамбул (Dentavie Istanbul Dental Clinic)

Diler Ozkan

12 років досвіду

Доктор Дилер Озкан - досвідчений стоматолог, що спеціалізується на незнімному протезуванні зубів, зубній естетиці та протезуванні на імплантатах. Вона має понад десять років досвіду роботи, включно з роботою з іноземними пацієнтами, і володіє широким спектром процедур, як-от встановлення повних зубних протезів, макіяж посмішки і встановлення коронок з діоксиду цирконію.

Читати далі

Доктор Дилер Озкан - досвідчений стоматолог, що спеціалізується на незнімному протезуванні зубів, зубній естетиці та протезуванні на імплантатах. Вона має понад десять років досвіду роботи, включно з роботою з іноземними пацієнтами, і володіє широким спектром процедур, як-от встановлення повних зубних протезів, макіяж посмішки і встановлення коронок з діоксиду цирконію.

Читати далі
Apichart Veerawattanatigul
19 років досвіду
Таїланд, Бангкок
Міжнародний стоматологічний центр Bangkok Emquartier

Apichart Veerawattanatigul

19 років досвіду
  • Doctor of dental surgery, Srinakarinwirot university
  • Master of Orthodontics, Hong Kong University
  • Diploma of Thai board of Orthodontics
  • Membership in Orthodontics (MOrth) Royal College Surgeon Of Edinburgh
  • Certificate of completion, Invisalign, Align Technology, Inc.
  • Full time lecturer in Faculty of Dental Medicine, Rangsit University
Читати далі
  • Doctor of dental surgery, Srinakarinwirot university
  • Master of Orthodontics, Hong Kong University
  • Diploma of Thai board of Orthodontics
  • Membership in Orthodontics (MOrth) Royal College Surgeon Of Edinburgh
  • Certificate of completion, Invisalign, Align Technology, Inc.
  • Full time lecturer in Faculty of Dental Medicine, Rangsit University
Читати далі
Візит лікаря ціна за запитом
Чистка зубів $1500 - $2500
Більше процедур
Thanyalak Pansotthee
24 роки досвіду

Thanyalak Pansotthee

24 роки досвіду
Таїланд, Чіангмай
Міжнародна стоматологічна клініка Чангмай (CIDC)
Візит лікаря ціна за запитом
Чистка зубів $35.56 - $59.26
Більше процедур
Yasin Er
Щелепно-лицевий хірург
18 років досвіду
Туреччина, Ізмір
Стоматологічна клініка ДентАгора (DentAgora Dental)

Yasin Er

Щелепно-лицевий хірург
18 років досвіду

Maxillofacial Surgery Specialist Yasin Er was born in Eskişehir. He completed his high school education in Eskişehir and his undergraduate education at Ege University Faculty of Dentistry. After her undergraduate education, he completed his doctorate education in Ege University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in 2013. In 2015, he started to serve as the founding partner of Private Bornova Dent Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic. Private DentAgora Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic, which is our new corporate brand with his expanding staff in 2021, continues to serve his patients in Bayraklı and Bornova branches.

Читати далі

Maxillofacial Surgery Specialist Yasin Er was born in Eskişehir. He completed his high school education in Eskişehir and his undergraduate education at Ege University Faculty of Dentistry. After her undergraduate education, he completed his doctorate education in Ege University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in 2013. In 2015, he started to serve as the founding partner of Private Bornova Dent Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic. Private DentAgora Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic, which is our new corporate brand with his expanding staff in 2021, continues to serve his patients in Bayraklı and Bornova branches.

Читати далі
Yavuz Sahin
14 років досвіду
Туреччина, Ізмір
Стоматологічна клініка ДентАгора (DentAgora Dental)

Yavuz Sahin

14 років досвіду

Dentist Yavuz Şahin was born in Ağrı. He completed his high school education at Denizli Anatolian High School and his undergraduate education at Ege University Faculty of Dentistry. After starting to serve in his own practice since 2015, he continues to serve his patients as the founding partner of the newly opened DentAgora Bornova branch in 2021.

Читати далі

Dentist Yavuz Şahin was born in Ağrı. He completed his high school education at Denizli Anatolian High School and his undergraduate education at Ege University Faculty of Dentistry. After starting to serve in his own practice since 2015, he continues to serve his patients as the founding partner of the newly opened DentAgora Bornova branch in 2021.

Читати далі
Reha Can Soysal
7 років досвіду

Reha Can Soysal

7 років досвіду
Туреччина, Анталія
Клініка Віп Дентал (Vip Dental Clinic)
Sezin Simge Torak
3 роки досвіду
Туреччина, Ізмір
Dent Glow Clinic

Sezin Simge Torak

3 роки досвіду
  • Certificate of Attendance, An Introduction to the Basic Implantology, TEOS Dental, 2022
  • Certificate of Attendance, Surgical Approach in the Aesthetic Zone: Three-Dimensional Planning Strategies and Occlusal Material Selection (Monolithic or Conventional) and Occlusion in Implant Supported Prosthesis, BEGO Implant Systems, 2021
  • Certificate of Attendance, Composite Laminate Veneers in Anterior Aesthetics, Dr. Bora Korkut, 2021
Читати далі
  • Certificate of Attendance, An Introduction to the Basic Implantology, TEOS Dental, 2022
  • Certificate of Attendance, Surgical Approach in the Aesthetic Zone: Three-Dimensional Planning Strategies and Occlusal Material Selection (Monolithic or Conventional) and Occlusion in Implant Supported Prosthesis, BEGO Implant Systems, 2021
  • Certificate of Attendance, Composite Laminate Veneers in Anterior Aesthetics, Dr. Bora Korkut, 2021
Читати далі
Візит лікаря ціна за запитом
Чистка зубів $81.75
Більше процедур
Yusuf Yancar
13 років досвіду

Yusuf Yancar

13 років досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Клініка Рісус (Risus Clinic)
Dra Gloria Read
Дитячий стоматолог
28 років досвіду
Домініканська республіка, Санто-Домінго
Приватна практика лікарки Зойли Фернандес

Dra Gloria Read

Дитячий стоматолог
28 років досвіду

Doctora en Odontología, Universidad Central del Este, San Pedro de Macorís,
República Dominicana 1996
Posgrado en Odontología Pediátrica, Universidad Católica Santo Domingo, Santo
Domingo, República Dominicana 2002
Maestría en Gerencia y Educación Superior, Universidad Católica Santo Domingo,
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana 2016
Pasantía “Clínica de Bebes”, Universidad Inca Garcilazo de la Vega, Lima-Perú, 2005.



Odontopediatra por el Servicio Nacional de Salud, Hospital Municipal Sabana
Grande de Boya , Monte Plata, Rep. Dom. desde el 1997 hasta 2018.
Asimilada militar Odontopediatra, Hospital Militar Dr. Ramon de Lara, Fuerza  Aérea Dominicana, desde 2002 hasta el 2021.
Docente de la Especialidad de Odontopediatría, Escuela de Graduados en
Odontología, Universidad Católica Santo Domingo, 2006 hasta la actualidad.
Coordinadora de la Especialidad de Odontopediatría, Escuela de Graduados en
Odontología, Universidad Católica Santo Domingo, 2013 hasta la actualidad.
Docente Invitada de la Residencia de Pediatría del Hospital Militar Dr. Ramon de
Lara, FARD 2006-2009
Odontopediatra por el Servicio Nacional de Salud, Hospital Materno Dr. Reynaldo
Almanzar, 2018 hasta la actualidad.
"Fundación Fernández para la Salud Comunitaria", Santo Domingo, desde 2003
hasta  2018.



Nivel Educación Odontológica en Escuelas Públicas de República Dominicana"
1ras Jornadas Estudiantiles Escuela de Graduados en Odontología, Universidad
Católica Santo Domingo, 2000.
“Pulpectomía con VITAPEX" Noche de conferencias del Círculo de Estudios
Odontológico Militar, 2003
“Atención Odontológica al Recién Nacido" Congreso Nacional de Odontólogos,
“Clínicas de Bebés en República Dominicana, primeros pasos” 1er Encuentro
Internacional de Odontología para Bebes, Perú , 2007
“Clínicas de Bebés en República Dominicana, primeros pasos” Congreso FOLA
“Manejo de Traumatismos de Odontopediatría” Circulo de Estudios
Odontológica Militar, 2008.
“Importancia Odontológica de la Lactancia Materna” Congreso FOLA, 2008
“Odontología para bebes”. Una noche de Odontopediatría. Asociación
Odontológica Dominicana. 2008
“Atención Odontológica Temprana” Desayuno con la Sociedad Dominicana de
Pediatría, 2009
“Importancia Odontológica de la Lactancia Materna” Curso Pre-Congreso
Sociedad Dominicana de Pediatría, 2009
Clínicas de Bebés” Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Departamento de
Odontología, UCE, 2010.



Colaboradora del Libro “Odontología para Bebés. Fundamentos teóricos y
prácticos para el clínico”. Dres. Mario Elías Podestá , Cesar Arellano y Gustavo
Tello. RIPANO. 2013
Posters científicos:
“Caries de infancia temprana antes del primer ano de edad. Caso clínico”.
“Hiperbilirrubinema neonatal. Efectos en la dentición. A propósito de un caso”
“Rehabilitación en dentición decidua con endopines y coronas este ticas”
“Amilogénesis imperfecta en bebes. Manejo clínico. A propósito de un caso”
Artículos científicos:
“Nivel de conocimiento sobre el cuidado de la salud bucodental en infantes de 0-5
anos que poseen los padres y/o tutores que asisten al Hospital Materno Infantil San
Lorenzo de Los mina”. Revista OdontoUCSD, vol. 10:18-24. 2015



Читати далі

Doctora en Odontología, Universidad Central del Este, San Pedro de Macorís,
República Dominicana 1996
Posgrado en Odontología Pediátrica, Universidad Católica Santo Domingo, Santo
Domingo, República Dominicana 2002
Maestría en Gerencia y Educación Superior, Universidad Católica Santo Domingo,
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana 2016
Pasantía “Clínica de Bebes”, Universidad Inca Garcilazo de la Vega, Lima-Perú, 2005.



Odontopediatra por el Servicio Nacional de Salud, Hospital Municipal Sabana
Grande de Boya , Monte Plata, Rep. Dom. desde el 1997 hasta 2018.
Asimilada militar Odontopediatra, Hospital Militar Dr. Ramon de Lara, Fuerza  Aérea Dominicana, desde 2002 hasta el 2021.
Docente de la Especialidad de Odontopediatría, Escuela de Graduados en
Odontología, Universidad Católica Santo Domingo, 2006 hasta la actualidad.
Coordinadora de la Especialidad de Odontopediatría, Escuela de Graduados en
Odontología, Universidad Católica Santo Domingo, 2013 hasta la actualidad.
Docente Invitada de la Residencia de Pediatría del Hospital Militar Dr. Ramon de
Lara, FARD 2006-2009
Odontopediatra por el Servicio Nacional de Salud, Hospital Materno Dr. Reynaldo
Almanzar, 2018 hasta la actualidad.
"Fundación Fernández para la Salud Comunitaria", Santo Domingo, desde 2003
hasta  2018.



Nivel Educación Odontológica en Escuelas Públicas de República Dominicana"
1ras Jornadas Estudiantiles Escuela de Graduados en Odontología, Universidad
Católica Santo Domingo, 2000.
“Pulpectomía con VITAPEX" Noche de conferencias del Círculo de Estudios
Odontológico Militar, 2003
“Atención Odontológica al Recién Nacido" Congreso Nacional de Odontólogos,
“Clínicas de Bebés en República Dominicana, primeros pasos” 1er Encuentro
Internacional de Odontología para Bebes, Perú , 2007
“Clínicas de Bebés en República Dominicana, primeros pasos” Congreso FOLA
“Manejo de Traumatismos de Odontopediatría” Circulo de Estudios
Odontológica Militar, 2008.
“Importancia Odontológica de la Lactancia Materna” Congreso FOLA, 2008
“Odontología para bebes”. Una noche de Odontopediatría. Asociación
Odontológica Dominicana. 2008
“Atención Odontológica Temprana” Desayuno con la Sociedad Dominicana de
Pediatría, 2009
“Importancia Odontológica de la Lactancia Materna” Curso Pre-Congreso
Sociedad Dominicana de Pediatría, 2009
Clínicas de Bebés” Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Departamento de
Odontología, UCE, 2010.



Colaboradora del Libro “Odontología para Bebés. Fundamentos teóricos y
prácticos para el clínico”. Dres. Mario Elías Podestá , Cesar Arellano y Gustavo
Tello. RIPANO. 2013
Posters científicos:
“Caries de infancia temprana antes del primer ano de edad. Caso clínico”.
“Hiperbilirrubinema neonatal. Efectos en la dentición. A propósito de un caso”
“Rehabilitación en dentición decidua con endopines y coronas este ticas”
“Amilogénesis imperfecta en bebes. Manejo clínico. A propósito de un caso”
Artículos científicos:
“Nivel de conocimiento sobre el cuidado de la salud bucodental en infantes de 0-5
anos que poseen los padres y/o tutores que asisten al Hospital Materno Infantil San
Lorenzo de Los mina”. Revista OdontoUCSD, vol. 10:18-24. 2015



Читати далі
Візит лікаря ціна за запитом
Чистка зубів $55 - $70
Більше процедур
Talha Saniyer
8 років досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Клініка Фідель (FidelClinic)

Talha Saniyer

8 років досвіду


-Ege University Faculty of Dentistry

-Roma Guglielmo Marconi University Maxillofacial Surgery and Implantology Master Program

Places He Practiced Medicine

-Texas Houston University General Hospital

-Istanbul Universal Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic

-Şişli Dent B&B Dental Aesthetics and Implant Center (Present)

Certificates and Courses

-Occlusion and Clinical Protocols in Bego Implant Top Prostheses

-MIA New Age World Symposium in Implantology

-Dental Lamina Training

-Iclo (Arezzo/ Italy) Master Oral Surgery And Implantology

-AIM Academy First International Symposium

-Dentsem Basic Implantology, Porcelen Laminate Vener, Implant Top Prosthesis, Advanced Implant Training

-Tda 23 International Dental Congress

-MC Orthodontics Institute Temporomandibular Joint Problems Due to Occlusion Examination – Diagnosis – Treatment & Splint Making

Читати далі


-Ege University Faculty of Dentistry

-Roma Guglielmo Marconi University Maxillofacial Surgery and Implantology Master Program

Places He Practiced Medicine

-Texas Houston University General Hospital

-Istanbul Universal Oral and Dental Health Polyclinic

-Şişli Dent B&B Dental Aesthetics and Implant Center (Present)

Certificates and Courses

-Occlusion and Clinical Protocols in Bego Implant Top Prostheses

-MIA New Age World Symposium in Implantology

-Dental Lamina Training

-Iclo (Arezzo/ Italy) Master Oral Surgery And Implantology

-AIM Academy First International Symposium

-Dentsem Basic Implantology, Porcelen Laminate Vener, Implant Top Prosthesis, Advanced Implant Training

-Tda 23 International Dental Congress

-MC Orthodontics Institute Temporomandibular Joint Problems Due to Occlusion Examination – Diagnosis – Treatment & Splint Making

Читати далі
Bertan Buyan
13 років досвіду

Bertan Buyan

13 років досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Стоматологічна клініка лікаря Буяна
Kateryna Stoicheva
5 років досвіду
Україна, Львів
Клініка Vidnova
Praewa Vanijwongse
8 років досвіду
Таїланд, Бангкок
Стоматологічна клініка SmileBox Dental - Thonglor, Sukhumvit Branch

Praewa Vanijwongse

8 років досвіду

Dr. Praewa is a highly competent dental professional with a robust educational background and extensive practical experience in general dentistry. She earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from Thammasat University in Bangkok, Thailand, a prestigious institution known for its rigorous dental programs and commitment to excellence. This comprehensive training provided Dr. Praewa with a solid foundation in dental sciences and clinical skills, enabling her to deliver high-quality care across various aspects of general dentistry.

As a licensed dentist from the Thai Dental Council, Dr. Praewa adheres to the highest standards of professional practice and ethical conduct. Her license affirms her qualification to provide top-tier dental care in Thailand, reflecting her commitment to maintaining the rigorous standards required for effective and safe dental practice. This credential ensures that her patients receive care that meets both national and international standards of dental excellence.

Dr. Praewa specializes in several key areas of general dentistry, including teeth whitening, fillings, and dental cleaning. Her expertise in teeth whitening allows her to offer effective solutions for patients seeking to enhance the brightness and aesthetics of their smiles. Utilizing advanced whitening techniques and state-of-the-art materials, Dr. Praewa customizes treatments to achieve optimal results while ensuring patient comfort and safety. Her ability to deliver natural-looking, long-lasting whitening outcomes highlights her proficiency in cosmetic dental care.

In addition to cosmetic procedures, Dr. Praewa excels in restorative dentistry, particularly in the area of dental fillings. She is adept at diagnosing and treating cavities, using the latest materials and techniques to restore the function and appearance of damaged teeth. Her approach to fillings is meticulous, ensuring that each restoration is durable, aesthetically pleasing, and well-integrated with the surrounding tooth structure. This expertise is crucial for maintaining overall dental health and preventing further complications.

Dr. Praewa also provides comprehensive dental cleaning services, an essential component of preventive care. Her thorough cleaning procedures involve the removal of plaque and tartar buildup, which helps in preventing gum disease and other oral health issues. By employing effective cleaning techniques and emphasizing the importance of regular maintenance, Dr. Praewa contributes to her patients' long-term oral health and well-being. Her dedication to preventive care underscores her holistic approach to dentistry, aiming to both treat and prevent dental problems.

Dr. Praewa’s patient-centered approach is a cornerstone of her practice. She prioritizes effective communication and personalized care, ensuring that each patient feels informed and comfortable throughout their treatment journey. Her commitment to creating a positive and supportive environment reflects her dedication to enhancing the overall patient experience.

Overall, Dr. Praewa [Last Name] combines her extensive education, professional licensure, and specialized skills to provide exceptional general dental care. Her expertise in teeth whitening, fillings, and dental cleaning, paired with her adherence to the highest standards of dental practice, positions her as a leading practitioner in the field. Her commitment to delivering high-quality, patient-focused care highlights her role as a trusted and skilled dentist dedicated to improving her patients' oral health and enhancing their smiles.

Читати далі

Dr. Praewa is a highly competent dental professional with a robust educational background and extensive practical experience in general dentistry. She earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from Thammasat University in Bangkok, Thailand, a prestigious institution known for its rigorous dental programs and commitment to excellence. This comprehensive training provided Dr. Praewa with a solid foundation in dental sciences and clinical skills, enabling her to deliver high-quality care across various aspects of general dentistry.

As a licensed dentist from the Thai Dental Council, Dr. Praewa adheres to the highest standards of professional practice and ethical conduct. Her license affirms her qualification to provide top-tier dental care in Thailand, reflecting her commitment to maintaining the rigorous standards required for effective and safe dental practice. This credential ensures that her patients receive care that meets both national and international standards of dental excellence.

Dr. Praewa specializes in several key areas of general dentistry, including teeth whitening, fillings, and dental cleaning. Her expertise in teeth whitening allows her to offer effective solutions for patients seeking to enhance the brightness and aesthetics of their smiles. Utilizing advanced whitening techniques and state-of-the-art materials, Dr. Praewa customizes treatments to achieve optimal results while ensuring patient comfort and safety. Her ability to deliver natural-looking, long-lasting whitening outcomes highlights her proficiency in cosmetic dental care.

In addition to cosmetic procedures, Dr. Praewa excels in restorative dentistry, particularly in the area of dental fillings. She is adept at diagnosing and treating cavities, using the latest materials and techniques to restore the function and appearance of damaged teeth. Her approach to fillings is meticulous, ensuring that each restoration is durable, aesthetically pleasing, and well-integrated with the surrounding tooth structure. This expertise is crucial for maintaining overall dental health and preventing further complications.

Dr. Praewa also provides comprehensive dental cleaning services, an essential component of preventive care. Her thorough cleaning procedures involve the removal of plaque and tartar buildup, which helps in preventing gum disease and other oral health issues. By employing effective cleaning techniques and emphasizing the importance of regular maintenance, Dr. Praewa contributes to her patients' long-term oral health and well-being. Her dedication to preventive care underscores her holistic approach to dentistry, aiming to both treat and prevent dental problems.

Dr. Praewa’s patient-centered approach is a cornerstone of her practice. She prioritizes effective communication and personalized care, ensuring that each patient feels informed and comfortable throughout their treatment journey. Her commitment to creating a positive and supportive environment reflects her dedication to enhancing the overall patient experience.

Overall, Dr. Praewa [Last Name] combines her extensive education, professional licensure, and specialized skills to provide exceptional general dental care. Her expertise in teeth whitening, fillings, and dental cleaning, paired with her adherence to the highest standards of dental practice, positions her as a leading practitioner in the field. Her commitment to delivering high-quality, patient-focused care highlights her role as a trusted and skilled dentist dedicated to improving her patients' oral health and enhancing their smiles.

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Чистка зубів $35 - $53
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Piyawut Thitisakyothin
7 років досвіду
Таїланд, Бангкок
Стоматологічна клініка SmileBox Dental - Thonglor, Sukhumvit Branch

Piyawut Thitisakyothin

7 років досвіду

Dr. Piyawut Thitisakyothin is a highly specialized pediatric dentist with a distinguished career dedicated to the dental care of children. He completed his Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S) degree at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Rangsit University, Thailand, where he received comprehensive training in general dentistry. This foundational education provided Dr. Piyawut with a solid base in dental science and patient care, preparing him for advanced specialization in pediatric dentistry.

Following his general dental training, Dr. Piyawut pursued a residency training program in Pediatric Dentistry at Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. This rigorous residency program equipped him with specialized skills and in-depth knowledge essential for managing the unique dental needs of children. His training encompassed a wide range of pediatric dental procedures, from preventive care to complex treatments, ensuring that he is well-versed in providing age-appropriate, effective, and compassionate dental care for young patients.

As a licensed dentist from the Thai Dental Council, Dr. Piyawut adheres to the highest standards of dental practice and ethics in Thailand. His license confirms his professional qualifications and commitment to maintaining the rigorous standards required for safe and effective dental care. This certification reflects his dedication to upholding the highest levels of patient care and professionalism in his practice.

Dr. Piyawut’s specialization in pediatric dentistry is characterized by his expertise in addressing the unique challenges associated with treating children. He has a deep understanding of the developmental and psychological aspects of pediatric dental care, allowing him to create a comfortable and supportive environment for young patients. His approach involves using gentle techniques and communication strategies tailored to each child’s needs, ensuring a positive dental experience and reducing any anxiety or fear associated with dental visits.

In addition to his clinical skills, Dr. Piyawut is committed to preventive care and education. He emphasizes the importance of early dental check-ups, proper oral hygiene, and preventive treatments to help children maintain optimal dental health and avoid future complications. His patient education efforts extend to parents and guardians, providing them with valuable information and guidance on maintaining their children’s oral health and addressing any concerns that may arise.

Dr. Piyawut’s dedication to pediatric dentistry is evident in his approach to creating a child-friendly and reassuring atmosphere in his practice. His ability to connect with young patients and provide care in a manner that is both effective and empathetic highlights his commitment to improving the dental health and overall well-being of children. His expertise in managing a wide range of pediatric dental issues, from routine cleanings and exams to more complex procedures, underscores his role as a leading specialist in the field.

Overall, Dr. Piyawut Thitisakyothin combines a robust educational background, specialized residency training, and a genuine passion for pediatric dentistry to offer exceptional care to his young patients. His comprehensive approach to managing the dental needs of children, coupled with his commitment to preventive care and patient education, positions him as a trusted and skilled pediatric dentist dedicated to enhancing the oral health and dental experiences of children in his care.

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Dr. Piyawut Thitisakyothin is a highly specialized pediatric dentist with a distinguished career dedicated to the dental care of children. He completed his Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S) degree at the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Rangsit University, Thailand, where he received comprehensive training in general dentistry. This foundational education provided Dr. Piyawut with a solid base in dental science and patient care, preparing him for advanced specialization in pediatric dentistry.

Following his general dental training, Dr. Piyawut pursued a residency training program in Pediatric Dentistry at Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand. This rigorous residency program equipped him with specialized skills and in-depth knowledge essential for managing the unique dental needs of children. His training encompassed a wide range of pediatric dental procedures, from preventive care to complex treatments, ensuring that he is well-versed in providing age-appropriate, effective, and compassionate dental care for young patients.

As a licensed dentist from the Thai Dental Council, Dr. Piyawut adheres to the highest standards of dental practice and ethics in Thailand. His license confirms his professional qualifications and commitment to maintaining the rigorous standards required for safe and effective dental care. This certification reflects his dedication to upholding the highest levels of patient care and professionalism in his practice.

Dr. Piyawut’s specialization in pediatric dentistry is characterized by his expertise in addressing the unique challenges associated with treating children. He has a deep understanding of the developmental and psychological aspects of pediatric dental care, allowing him to create a comfortable and supportive environment for young patients. His approach involves using gentle techniques and communication strategies tailored to each child’s needs, ensuring a positive dental experience and reducing any anxiety or fear associated with dental visits.

In addition to his clinical skills, Dr. Piyawut is committed to preventive care and education. He emphasizes the importance of early dental check-ups, proper oral hygiene, and preventive treatments to help children maintain optimal dental health and avoid future complications. His patient education efforts extend to parents and guardians, providing them with valuable information and guidance on maintaining their children’s oral health and addressing any concerns that may arise.

Dr. Piyawut’s dedication to pediatric dentistry is evident in his approach to creating a child-friendly and reassuring atmosphere in his practice. His ability to connect with young patients and provide care in a manner that is both effective and empathetic highlights his commitment to improving the dental health and overall well-being of children. His expertise in managing a wide range of pediatric dental issues, from routine cleanings and exams to more complex procedures, underscores his role as a leading specialist in the field.

Overall, Dr. Piyawut Thitisakyothin combines a robust educational background, specialized residency training, and a genuine passion for pediatric dentistry to offer exceptional care to his young patients. His comprehensive approach to managing the dental needs of children, coupled with his commitment to preventive care and patient education, positions him as a trusted and skilled pediatric dentist dedicated to enhancing the oral health and dental experiences of children in his care.

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Чистка зубів $35 - $53
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