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Тетрада Фалло
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Найкращі дитячі кардіохірурги з лікування тетради Фалло – ТОП-57 лікарів

Контент відповідає редакційній політиці Bookimed і його якість перевірив
Фахад Мавлюд - Лікар загальної практики, лауреат 4 конкурсів наукових робіт молодих вчених. Працював на Середньому Сході. Колишній керівник команди англомовних та арабомовних лікарів-координаторів. Наразі займається аналізом даних та є медичним редактором сайту.
Cenap Zeybek
74 роки досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Клініка Uniqacare

Cenap Zeybek

74 роки досвіду
Professor M.D. Cenap Zeybek is a renowned Pediatric Cardiologist with extensive experience in the field. Having performed a wide range of operations, he has advanced from an Associate Professor of Pediatric Cardiology in 2011 to a Professor in 2017, and has authored numerous publications and given many presentations.Читати далі
Professor M.D. Cenap Zeybek is a renowned Pediatric Cardiologist with extensive experience in the field. Having performed a wide range of operations, he has advanced from an Associate Professor of Pediatric Cardiology in 2011 to a Professor in 2017, and has authored numerous publications and given many presentations.
Читати далі
Murat Ugurlucan
17 років досвіду

Murat Ugurlucan

17 років досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Університетська клініка Біруні (Biruni University Hospital)
Juan Hombres
34 роки досвіду

Juan Hombres

34 роки досвіду
Іспанія, Валенсія
Vithas Hospital Valencia
Ali Gozukucuk
17 років досвіду
115 відгуків
Туреччина, Стамбул
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Ali Gozukucuk

17 років досвіду
Алі Гозукучук, доктор медичних наук, є дитячим хірургом, який народився в 1969 році. Він отримав ступінь бакалавра на медичному факультеті Університету Чукурова, а ступінь магістра наук. та спеціалізацію на медичному факультеті дитячої хірургії Університету Erciyes. Він опублікував 3 статті в міжнародних рецензованих журналах, а також представив 13 статей на міжнародних наукових зустрічах. Працював у багатьох медичних установах.Читати далі
Алі Гозукучук, доктор медичних наук, є дитячим хірургом, який народився в 1969 році. Він отримав ступінь бакалавра на медичному факультеті Університету Чукурова, а ступінь магістра наук. та спеціалізацію на медичному факультеті дитячої хірургії Університету Erciyes. Він опублікував 3 статті в міжнародних рецензованих журналах, а також представив 13 статей на міжнародних наукових зустрічах. Працював у багатьох медичних установах.
Читати далі
Gulden Kafali
40 років досвіду
115 відгуків
Туреччина, Стамбул
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Gulden Kafali

40 років досвіду
Професор Гюльден Кафалі, доктор медичних наук, є дитячим кардіологом, яка отримала медичну освіту в Університеті Еге в 1978-1984 роках, ординатуру в Університеті Кумхурієт в 1988-1992 роках і стипендію в Університеті Хаджеттепе в 1999-2002 роках. Вона має досвід роботи в різних галузях медицини, включаючи педіатричну кардіологію, кардіологічне обстеження для спорту, серцеві аритмії, вроджені вади серця, гостру ревматичну лихоманку, міокардит і кардіоміопатії. Вона працювала в таких закладах, як Високоспеціалізована навчальна та дослідницька лікарня Картала Косуйолу, медичний факультет Стамбульського університету Білім, медичний факультет Тракійського університету, лікарня Атасехір Флоренс Найтінгейл.Читати далі
Професор Гюльден Кафалі, доктор медичних наук, є дитячим кардіологом, яка отримала медичну освіту в Університеті Еге в 1978-1984 роках, ординатуру в Університеті Кумхурієт в 1988-1992 роках і стипендію в Університеті Хаджеттепе в 1999-2002 роках. Вона має досвід роботи в різних галузях медицини, включаючи педіатричну кардіологію, кардіологічне обстеження для спорту, серцеві аритмії, вроджені вади серця, гостру ревматичну лихоманку, міокардит і кардіоміопатії. Вона працювала в таких закладах, як Високоспеціалізована навчальна та дослідницька лікарня Картала Косуйолу, медичний факультет Стамбульського університету Білім, медичний факультет Тракійського університету, лікарня Атасехір Флоренс Найтінгейл.
Читати далі
Raul Felipe Abella
33 роки досвіду
391 відгук
Іспанія, Барселона
Centro Médico Teknon

Raul Felipe Abella

33 роки досвіду
  • Доктор Рауль Феліпе Абелла спеціалізується на лікуванні тетралогією Фалло.
  • Методи лікування включають хірургічне втручання, інтервенційні процедури та подальше спостереження.
  • Міжнародна практика в Італії, Франції, Швейцарії, США, Іспанії.
  • Очолює Міжнародний центр Кор Барселони в лікарні Universitario Dexeus.
  • Має понад 5000 успішних кардіохірургічних операцій із виживаністю 98,2%.
  • Консультує пацієнтів онлайн, вирішуючи питання Тетралогії Фалло.
  • Вільно володіє іспанською мовою, завдяки міжнародним стажуванням покращує свій досвід.
Читати далі
  • Доктор Рауль Феліпе Абелла спеціалізується на лікуванні тетралогією Фалло.
  • Методи лікування включають хірургічне втручання, інтервенційні процедури та подальше спостереження.
  • Міжнародна практика в Італії, Франції, Швейцарії, США, Іспанії.
  • Очолює Міжнародний центр Кор Барселони в лікарні Universitario Dexeus.
  • Має понад 5000 успішних кардіохірургічних операцій із виживаністю 98,2%.
  • Консультує пацієнтів онлайн, вирішуючи питання Тетралогії Фалло.
  • Вільно володіє іспанською мовою, завдяки міжнародним стажуванням покращує свій досвід.
Читати далі
Livia Kapusta
Дитячий кардіолог
37 років досвіду
136 відгуки
Ізраїль, Тель Авів
Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov)

Livia Kapusta

Дитячий кардіолог
37 років досвіду
Доктор Лівія Капуста — дитячий кардіолог, який спеціалізується на захворюваннях серця у дітей, проводить різні процедури та лікування для лікування таких захворювань. Вона отримала кваліфікацію Тель-Авівського університету, Ізраїль, та Університету Радбауд Неймеген, Нідерланди, і працює з 9 ранку до 6 вечора з понеділка по суботу.Читати далі
Доктор Лівія Капуста — дитячий кардіолог, який спеціалізується на захворюваннях серця у дітей, проводить різні процедури та лікування для лікування таких захворювань. Вона отримала кваліфікацію Тель-Авівського університету, Ізраїль, та Університету Радбауд Неймеген, Нідерланди, і працює з 9 ранку до 6 вечора з понеділка по суботу.
Читати далі
Miklos Pinter
35 років досвіду
132 відгуки
Австрія, Відень
Wiener Privatklinik

Miklos Pinter

35 років досвіду
Доктор Міклош Пінтер є педіатром із великим досвідом та фахівцем з ультразвукової діагностики дітей та кардіології. Понад 30 років надає швидку та ефективну допомогу батькам і пацієнтам. Його кабінет у Віденській приватній клініці пропонує широкий спектр медичних послуг, включаючи діагностику та лікування загальних та спеціалізованих педіатричних захворювань, а також кардіологічну діагностику, ультразвукове дослідження, аналізи крові, експрес-тести, шкірні алергічні проби та перевірки малих дихальних шляхів. . Подальші необхідні обстеження доступні в цьому ж будинку.Читати далі
Доктор Міклош Пінтер є педіатром із великим досвідом та фахівцем з ультразвукової діагностики дітей та кардіології. Понад 30 років надає швидку та ефективну допомогу батькам і пацієнтам. Його кабінет у Віденській приватній клініці пропонує широкий спектр медичних послуг, включаючи діагностику та лікування загальних та спеціалізованих педіатричних захворювань, а також кардіологічну діагностику, ультразвукове дослідження, аналізи крові, експрес-тести, шкірні алергічні проби та перевірки малих дихальних шляхів. . Подальші необхідні обстеження доступні в цьому ж будинку.
Читати далі
Bulent Polat
Дитячий кардіолог
38 років досвіду
16 відгуків

Bulent Polat

Дитячий кардіолог
38 років досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Лікарня Флоренс Найтінгейл (Florence Nightingale)
Mert Yilmaz
Фахівець із серцевих вад
34 роки досвіду
18 відгуків
Туреччина, Стамбул
Клініка Valued Med Hub Hospitals

Mert Yilmaz

Фахівець із серцевих вад
34 роки досвіду

Prof. Mert Yılmaz, MD. MS

Adult and Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgeon

International member of Society of Thoracic Surgeons USA



Prof. Mert YILMAZ was graduated from Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty in 1988. He started his residency program at the Uludag University, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery in 1990. During his residency training in the Uludag University, he also spent a year as a visiting resident in Royal South Hants Hospital in England. Afterword, he started to work as a chief resident in the Uludag University until the end of his specialty program. He became board certified Cardiovascular surgeon in 1995. He started to work in Florence Nightingale Hospital in Istanbul as a staff Cardiovascular surgeon in 1996. In year 2000, He actively particapated in the Cardiac Surgery program and performed multiple interventions including cardiac transplantation, minimal invasive cardiac surgery and endovascular surgery in OLV Aalst Hospital in Belgium. In 2001, He came back to Florence Nightingale Hospital, He was one of the pioneers in endovascular repairement of abdominal aneurysm surgeries as he performed the second case in Turkey in the Gayrettepe Florence Nightingale Hospital in 2003.


In 2004, he returned to academia as an assistant professor in the Uludag University and he worked on both Adult and Pediatric Cardiac Surgeries between, 2004 and 2008. He also took part in establishment of Medicana International Hospital in Istanbul in 2009 and. He worked as a associate Director of the department more than one year in this hospital. Between 2010-2014, he was the Director of the Deparment of Cardiovascular Surgery in Medicalpark Hospital Bursa and Turkish Private Hospital in Erbil. Since 2014, he is the Director of the Deparment of Cardiovascular Surgery in Kadıköy Florence Nightingale Hospital in Istanbul.  His special interests are minimal invasive Cardiac surgery (small insicion) and Pediatric Cardiac surgery.  As an academician, Professor Yilmaz published over than 50 international and national manuscripts and 7 of them were tittiled as the first report in the world medical literature. He speaks and writes English fluently.


2014- present: Head of the Dept of Cardiovascular Surgery Kadıköy Florence Nightingale Hospital/Istanbul

2020- present Full Professor at Halic University Istanbul


1982-1988: Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Istanbul, Turkey, (MD) 

1990-1994:Uludağ University, Faculty of Medicine, Bursa Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery (Resident)

1994: Royal South Hants Hospital, NHS, Southampton UK, (Registrar)

1995-1996: Uludağ University, Faculty of Medicine, Bursa Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery (Chief Resident)





Medical Doctor, MD Istanbul  University


Cardiovascular Surgeon, MS Uludag  University


Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgeon Uludag  University


Assoc. Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery Uludag  University


Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery Halic University




1996-2000: Cardiovascular Surgeon, Florence Nightingale Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey 


2000: Visiting Clinical Fellow, OLV Hospital Aalst, Brussels, Belgium


2001-2004: Cardiovascular Surgeon, Florence Nightingale Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey


2004-2007: Clinical Fellow/Research Associate, Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey, 


2007- 2008: Assoc. Professor  Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey


2008-2009: Consultant Cardiovascular Surgeon, Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery Medicana International Istanbul, Turkey 


2009-2010: Head of the Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery Universal Hospital Çamlıca, Istanbul, Turkey,

2010-2012 : Head of the Dept of Cardiovascular Surgery Medicalpark Bursa Hospital, Bursa

2012-2014 : Head of the Dept of Cardiovascular Surgery Turkish Private Hospital, Erbil




Society of  Thoracic Surgeons (USA)


European Society for Vascular Surgery 

Turkish society of Cardiovascular Surgery

European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery


CTS net




European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery

Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 




A1. Ener, S., Yılmaz, M., Atasoy, S., Ozkan, H., Cengiz, M. “Superior-septal Approach for Mitral Valve Surgery’’ Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology 23: 267-270 (1995)


A2. Senkaya, I, Yilmaz, M., Güven H, Ozer HZ, Özkan, H.

Chylothorax: After Blunt Chest Trauma Turk Gogus Kalp Dama 1995;3:194-196


A3. Ener,S., Yilmaz,M., Eken., Karadag, M., Cengiz, M. Sleeve Lobectomy and Bronchovascular Reconstruction for Lung Cancer. Turk Gogus Kalp Dama 1995;3:266-269


A4. Akpinar, B, Polat, B., Sanisoğlu, I., Yilmaz, M., Cakalı, E., Bayındır, O., Sonmez, B.

Pulmonary Valve Replacemet: Report of two cases. Turk Gogus Kalp Dama 1997;5:135-139


A5. Gebitekin, C., Yilmaz, M., Şenkaya, I., Sagdıc, K., Saba, D., Ozer, Z. G. “Fatal Haemoptysis due to Pulmonary artery aneurysm in Behçet’s Disease”  European Journal of  Vascular and  Endovascular Surgery 13(2): 233-6 (1997)


A6. Şenkaya, I., Sağdıç,  K., Gebitekin, C., Yilmaz, M., Özkan, H., Cengiz, M. “Management of foreign body aspiration in infancy and childhood. A life-threatening problem” Turkish Journal of  Pediatrics 39 (3): 353-62 (1997)


A7. Polat, B., Yılmaz, M., Akpinar, B., Aytekin, V., Bayındır, O., Sonmez, B. “Revascularization of the Circumflex Artery Using Pedicled Right Internal Mammary Artery Graft Via The Transverse Sinus” Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology 26: 275-78 (1998)


A8. Yilmaz, M., Ener, S., Akalın, H., Sagdıc, K., Serdar, A., Cengiz, M. “Effect of Low dose Methylprednisolone on serum Cytokine levels following Extracorporeal Circulation” Perfusion UK 14: 201-206 (1999)


A9. Us, M.H., İnan, K., Özkan, S.,Yılmaz, M., Çakır, O., Duran, E.,  Öztürk, Ö.Y. “Koroner baypass operasyonları sonrasında serum laktat düzeylerinin izlenmesinin mortaliteye etkisi”

Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology 4:110-113 (2001)


A10. Polat, B., Yalcin, Y., Korkut, K., Karaci, A., Korkmaz A.A., Yılmaz,  M., Sorgun, F., Bayindir, O. “Arterial Switch Operation in Transposition of the Great Arteries (Jatene prosedure)” Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology 29: 549-556 (2001)


A11. Us, M., Sungun, M., Cağli, K., Yilmaz, M., Pekediz, A., Oztürk, O.  “Single clamp technique in elderly patients undergoing coronary artery surgery”  Anadolu Kardiyol  Derg 4:291-295 (2003)


A12. Yilmaz, M. “Total aortic arch replacement” Annals of Thoracic Surgery 79:1092 (2005)


A13. Ener, S., Yilmaz, M. “The effect of single low-dose methylprednisolone on the cardiopulmonary bypass-induced inflammatory response” European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery 27: 729-730 (2005)


A14. Yilmaz, M., Gurbuz, O., Cengiz, M. “Multicentric cardiac myxoma treated with extended surgery” The Journal of International Medical Research 34: 331 – 334 (2006)


A15. Yilmaz, M., Şenkaya, I., Cengiz, M. “Direct Reimplantation  Technique via Right Minithoracotomy for   Scimitar Syndrome: A Case Report” The Heart Surgery Forum 9 (6):E843-E845 (2006)


A16. Yilmaz, M., Polat, B., Saba, D.Single-stage repair of adult aortic coarctation and concomitant cardiovascular pathologies: a new alternative surgical approach”
Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 1:18 (2006)


A17. Yilmaz, M., Şenkaya, I., Saba, D., Biçer, M. “Long-term outcomes of basilic vein transposition fistula for hemodialysis” VASA 36:26-32 (2007)


A18. Yilmaz, M., Şenkaya, I., Kaderli, A., Ener, S. “Complete Atrioventricular Block due to a Hydatid Cyst located in the Interventricular Septum” The Heart Surgery Forum. 10 (1):E9-E11 (2007)


A19.  Saba, D., Yilmaz, M., Yavuz, H., Noyan, S., Avci, B., Ercan, A.K., Ozkan, H., Cengiz, M. “Sutureless vascular anastomoses by  N-butyl-2 Cyanoacrylate adhesive: an experimental animal study” European Surgical Research. 39:239-244  (2007)


A20. Yilmaz, M., Tok, M., Cengiz, M. “Asymptomatic Balanced-Type Double Aortic Arch in an Elderly Patient: A Case Report” The Heart Surgery Forum. 10 (4):E297-E298 (2007)


A21. Yilmaz, M., Saba, D., Karal, I., Ercan, I.,  Kumtepe, G., Gurbuz, O., Şenkaya, I., Cengiz, M. “Postoperative Outcomes after Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in EuroSCORE Low- and High-Risk Women” The Heart Surgery Forum. 10 (6):E482-E486 (2007)


A22. Basagan-Mogol, E., Turker, G., Yilmaz, M., Goren, S. “Combination of a Psoas Compartment, Sciatic Nerve, and T12-L1 Paravertebral Blocks for Femoropopliteal Bypass Surgery in a High-Risk Patient”Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia22 (2): 337-339 ( 2008)


A23. Yavascaoglu, I., Yilmaz, M., Kordan Y. “Cardiac and Caval Invasion of Left Adrenocortical Carcinoma: Report of a Case” Urologia Internationalis. 81(2): 244–246 (2008) 



B1. Ozer, Z.G., Şenkaya, I., Yilmaz, M. “Iatrogenic vascular injuries during lumbar disc surgery” The Romanian Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery Inaugural Meeting of the Balkan Society of Angiology Romania, 1992


 B2. Polat, B., Akpinar, B., Sonmez, B., Aytekin, V., Demiroglu, C., Yilmaz, M., Akar, H. “Revascularization of the circumflex artery using pedicled right internal mammary artery graft via the transverse sinus” First International Congress on Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, 1996.


B3. Yilmaz, M., Ener, S., Akalın, H., Sagdıc, K., Serdar, A., Cengiz, M. “Low dose Methylprednisolone reduces serum cytokine elevation induced by extracorporeal circulation”

XVI th Annual San Diego Cardiothoracic Surgery Symposium San Diego, USA, 1996


B4. Polat, B., Yalcin, Y., Karaci, A., Yilmaz, M., Sorgun, F., Bayindir, O. “Arterial Switch operation ( Jatene precedure) for Transposition of  the Great Arteries: Experience at Florence Nightingale Hospital” VI. BALKAN Pediatric cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Congress

Antalya, Turkey, 1998


B5. Yalcin, Y., Polat, B., Karaci, A., Yilmaz,  M., Sorgun, F., Bayindir, O. “Partial Biventricular Repair: An alternative option to Total Cavopulmonary Anastomosis for Functionally Borderline Right Ventricules in Complex Congenital Heart Defects” VI. BALKAN Pediatric cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Congress Antalya, Turkey, 1998


B6. Duran, E., Us, M., Sungun, M., Inan, K., Tarhan, A., Yilmaz, M., Baltalarli, A., Sunar, H., Ege, T., Cebeci, B,S., Ozturk, O. “ Mitral valve operations by right minithoracotomy”  Mediterranean Association of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery 11th Annual Meeting, Montpellier, France, 1998


B7. Us, M.H., Yilmaz, M., Ozturk, O.Y. “Early and mid term results of the aortic annular enlargement with modified manouguian procedure” 52. International Congress of the European Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Istanbul, Turkey, 2003 


B8. Us, M.H., Sungun, M., Cagli, K., Yilmaz, M., Pakediz, A., Ozturk, O.Y. “The advantages of single clamp techniques in patients over 70 years old”  52. International Congress of the European Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Istanbul, Turkey, 2003

B9. Yilmaz, M., Saba, D., Karal, I., Ercan, I., Kumtepe, G., Gurbuz, O., Şenkaya, I., Cengiz, M. “Postoperative Outcomes after Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in EuroSCORE Low- and High-Risk Women” Third Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Antalya Turkey, 2007 The Heart Surgery Forum. 10, Supp 1 (2007)

B10.Yilmaz, M., Şenkaya, I., Tok, M., Saba, D., Cengiz, M. “Direct Reimplantation  Technique via Right Minithoracotomy for   Scimitar Syndrome: A Case Report” Third Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Antalya Turkey, 2007 The Heart Surgery Forum. 10, Supp 1 (2007)

B11. Yilmaz, M., Polat, B., Saba, D. Single-stage repair of adult aortic coarctation and concomitant cardiovascular pathologies: a new alternative surgical approach”
Third Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Antalya Turkey, 2007 The Heart Surgery Forum. 10, Supp 1 (2007)

B12.Yilmaz, M., Şenkaya, I., Tok, M., Saba, D., Cengiz, M. “Complete Atrioventricular Block due to a Hydatid Cyst located in the Interventricular Septum” Third Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Antalya Turkey, 2007 The Heart Surgery Forum. 10, Supp 1 (2007)

B13. Yilmaz, M., Tok, M., Cengiz, M. “Asymptomatic Balanced-Type Double Aortic Arch in an Elderly Patient: A Case Report” Third Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Antalya Turkey, 2007 The Heart Surgery Forum. 10, Supp 1 (2007)

B14. Tok, M., Erdoğan, C., Yilmaz, M., Bicer, M.,Kumtepe, G., Ozkan, H., Cengiz, M. “ Endovascular approach for Kommerell Diverticule. Hybrid Teqhnique” Third Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Antalya Turkey, 2007 The Heart Surgery Forum. 10, Supp 1 (2007)

B15. Mogol, E.B., Turker , G., Yilmaz, M., Goren, S. “Combination of a Psoas Compartment, Sciatic Nerve, and T12-L1 Paravertebral Blocks for Femoropopliteal Bypass Surgery in a High-Risk Patient” 22nd Annual meeting European Association of  Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologist Krakow, Poland, 2007 European Journal of Anesthesiology. 24, Supp 41 (2007) 


B16. Yaman R, Es MU, Karaci AR, Ozkara C, Yilmaz M.  “Jackson Pratt Drain Decreases the Risk of Pericardial Effusion and Atrial Fibrilattion in Patients With Scheduled Coronary Bypass Operations “7th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in association with TCT Mediterranean - March 2011  Antalya Turkey, 2011 The Heart Surgery Forum. 14, Supp 1 (2011)


B17. Yaman R, Uyanik, Eyuboglu N, Es MU, Alpsoy S , Yilmaz M. “Routine Preoperative Use Of Enoxaparin Does Not Increase Bleeding Nor Transfusion In Scheduled Coronary Bypass Surgery”  7th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in association with TCT Mediterranean - March 2011  Antalya Turkey, 2011 The Heart Surgery Forum. 14, Supp 1 (2011)


B18. Yaman R, Uyanik, Eyuboglu N, Es MU, Alpsoy S , Yilmaz M. “Bilateral Carotid Endarterectomy and Coronary Bypass: Staged Approach”  7th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in association with TCT Mediterranean - March 2011  Antalya Turkey, 2011 The Heart Surgery Forum. 14, Supp 1 (2011)


B19. Yaman R, Uyanik, Eyuboglu N, Es MU, Alpsoy S , Yilmaz M. “Thoracic Hernia Mimicking Acute Coronary Syndrome” 7th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in association with TCT Mediterranean - March 2011  Antalya Turkey, 2011 The Heart Surgery Forum. 14, Supp 1 (2011)


B20. Yaman R, Uyanik, Eyuboglu N, Es MU, Alpsoy S , Yilmaz M. “The Determination of Operative Strategy in Reconstructive Surgery of  Failed Fistulas by Usage of Multidetector Row Computed Tomography Venography” 7th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in association with TCT Mediterranean - March 2011  Antalya Turkey, 2011 The Heart Surgery Forum. 14, Supp 1 (2011)


B21. Yaman R, Uyanik, Eyuboglu N, Es MU, Alpsoy S , Yilmaz M. “The Use Of Linezolid in Mediastinitis Therapy” 7th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in association with TCT Mediterranean - March 2011  Antalya Turkey, 2011 The Heart Surgery Forum. 14, Supp 1 (2011)







Читати далі

Prof. Mert Yılmaz, MD. MS

Adult and Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgeon

International member of Society of Thoracic Surgeons USA



Prof. Mert YILMAZ was graduated from Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty in 1988. He started his residency program at the Uludag University, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery in 1990. During his residency training in the Uludag University, he also spent a year as a visiting resident in Royal South Hants Hospital in England. Afterword, he started to work as a chief resident in the Uludag University until the end of his specialty program. He became board certified Cardiovascular surgeon in 1995. He started to work in Florence Nightingale Hospital in Istanbul as a staff Cardiovascular surgeon in 1996. In year 2000, He actively particapated in the Cardiac Surgery program and performed multiple interventions including cardiac transplantation, minimal invasive cardiac surgery and endovascular surgery in OLV Aalst Hospital in Belgium. In 2001, He came back to Florence Nightingale Hospital, He was one of the pioneers in endovascular repairement of abdominal aneurysm surgeries as he performed the second case in Turkey in the Gayrettepe Florence Nightingale Hospital in 2003.


In 2004, he returned to academia as an assistant professor in the Uludag University and he worked on both Adult and Pediatric Cardiac Surgeries between, 2004 and 2008. He also took part in establishment of Medicana International Hospital in Istanbul in 2009 and. He worked as a associate Director of the department more than one year in this hospital. Between 2010-2014, he was the Director of the Deparment of Cardiovascular Surgery in Medicalpark Hospital Bursa and Turkish Private Hospital in Erbil. Since 2014, he is the Director of the Deparment of Cardiovascular Surgery in Kadıköy Florence Nightingale Hospital in Istanbul.  His special interests are minimal invasive Cardiac surgery (small insicion) and Pediatric Cardiac surgery.  As an academician, Professor Yilmaz published over than 50 international and national manuscripts and 7 of them were tittiled as the first report in the world medical literature. He speaks and writes English fluently.


2014- present: Head of the Dept of Cardiovascular Surgery Kadıköy Florence Nightingale Hospital/Istanbul

2020- present Full Professor at Halic University Istanbul


1982-1988: Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Istanbul, Turkey, (MD) 

1990-1994:Uludağ University, Faculty of Medicine, Bursa Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery (Resident)

1994: Royal South Hants Hospital, NHS, Southampton UK, (Registrar)

1995-1996: Uludağ University, Faculty of Medicine, Bursa Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery (Chief Resident)





Medical Doctor, MD Istanbul  University


Cardiovascular Surgeon, MS Uludag  University


Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgeon Uludag  University


Assoc. Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery Uludag  University


Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery Halic University




1996-2000: Cardiovascular Surgeon, Florence Nightingale Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey 


2000: Visiting Clinical Fellow, OLV Hospital Aalst, Brussels, Belgium


2001-2004: Cardiovascular Surgeon, Florence Nightingale Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey


2004-2007: Clinical Fellow/Research Associate, Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey, 


2007- 2008: Assoc. Professor  Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey


2008-2009: Consultant Cardiovascular Surgeon, Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery Medicana International Istanbul, Turkey 


2009-2010: Head of the Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery Universal Hospital Çamlıca, Istanbul, Turkey,

2010-2012 : Head of the Dept of Cardiovascular Surgery Medicalpark Bursa Hospital, Bursa

2012-2014 : Head of the Dept of Cardiovascular Surgery Turkish Private Hospital, Erbil




Society of  Thoracic Surgeons (USA)


European Society for Vascular Surgery 

Turkish society of Cardiovascular Surgery

European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery


CTS net




European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery

Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 




A1. Ener, S., Yılmaz, M., Atasoy, S., Ozkan, H., Cengiz, M. “Superior-septal Approach for Mitral Valve Surgery’’ Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology 23: 267-270 (1995)


A2. Senkaya, I, Yilmaz, M., Güven H, Ozer HZ, Özkan, H.

Chylothorax: After Blunt Chest Trauma Turk Gogus Kalp Dama 1995;3:194-196


A3. Ener,S., Yilmaz,M., Eken., Karadag, M., Cengiz, M. Sleeve Lobectomy and Bronchovascular Reconstruction for Lung Cancer. Turk Gogus Kalp Dama 1995;3:266-269


A4. Akpinar, B, Polat, B., Sanisoğlu, I., Yilmaz, M., Cakalı, E., Bayındır, O., Sonmez, B.

Pulmonary Valve Replacemet: Report of two cases. Turk Gogus Kalp Dama 1997;5:135-139


A5. Gebitekin, C., Yilmaz, M., Şenkaya, I., Sagdıc, K., Saba, D., Ozer, Z. G. “Fatal Haemoptysis due to Pulmonary artery aneurysm in Behçet’s Disease”  European Journal of  Vascular and  Endovascular Surgery 13(2): 233-6 (1997)


A6. Şenkaya, I., Sağdıç,  K., Gebitekin, C., Yilmaz, M., Özkan, H., Cengiz, M. “Management of foreign body aspiration in infancy and childhood. A life-threatening problem” Turkish Journal of  Pediatrics 39 (3): 353-62 (1997)


A7. Polat, B., Yılmaz, M., Akpinar, B., Aytekin, V., Bayındır, O., Sonmez, B. “Revascularization of the Circumflex Artery Using Pedicled Right Internal Mammary Artery Graft Via The Transverse Sinus” Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology 26: 275-78 (1998)


A8. Yilmaz, M., Ener, S., Akalın, H., Sagdıc, K., Serdar, A., Cengiz, M. “Effect of Low dose Methylprednisolone on serum Cytokine levels following Extracorporeal Circulation” Perfusion UK 14: 201-206 (1999)


A9. Us, M.H., İnan, K., Özkan, S.,Yılmaz, M., Çakır, O., Duran, E.,  Öztürk, Ö.Y. “Koroner baypass operasyonları sonrasında serum laktat düzeylerinin izlenmesinin mortaliteye etkisi”

Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology 4:110-113 (2001)


A10. Polat, B., Yalcin, Y., Korkut, K., Karaci, A., Korkmaz A.A., Yılmaz,  M., Sorgun, F., Bayindir, O. “Arterial Switch Operation in Transposition of the Great Arteries (Jatene prosedure)” Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology 29: 549-556 (2001)


A11. Us, M., Sungun, M., Cağli, K., Yilmaz, M., Pekediz, A., Oztürk, O.  “Single clamp technique in elderly patients undergoing coronary artery surgery”  Anadolu Kardiyol  Derg 4:291-295 (2003)


A12. Yilmaz, M. “Total aortic arch replacement” Annals of Thoracic Surgery 79:1092 (2005)


A13. Ener, S., Yilmaz, M. “The effect of single low-dose methylprednisolone on the cardiopulmonary bypass-induced inflammatory response” European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery 27: 729-730 (2005)


A14. Yilmaz, M., Gurbuz, O., Cengiz, M. “Multicentric cardiac myxoma treated with extended surgery” The Journal of International Medical Research 34: 331 – 334 (2006)


A15. Yilmaz, M., Şenkaya, I., Cengiz, M. “Direct Reimplantation  Technique via Right Minithoracotomy for   Scimitar Syndrome: A Case Report” The Heart Surgery Forum 9 (6):E843-E845 (2006)


A16. Yilmaz, M., Polat, B., Saba, D.Single-stage repair of adult aortic coarctation and concomitant cardiovascular pathologies: a new alternative surgical approach”
Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 1:18 (2006)


A17. Yilmaz, M., Şenkaya, I., Saba, D., Biçer, M. “Long-term outcomes of basilic vein transposition fistula for hemodialysis” VASA 36:26-32 (2007)


A18. Yilmaz, M., Şenkaya, I., Kaderli, A., Ener, S. “Complete Atrioventricular Block due to a Hydatid Cyst located in the Interventricular Septum” The Heart Surgery Forum. 10 (1):E9-E11 (2007)


A19.  Saba, D., Yilmaz, M., Yavuz, H., Noyan, S., Avci, B., Ercan, A.K., Ozkan, H., Cengiz, M. “Sutureless vascular anastomoses by  N-butyl-2 Cyanoacrylate adhesive: an experimental animal study” European Surgical Research. 39:239-244  (2007)


A20. Yilmaz, M., Tok, M., Cengiz, M. “Asymptomatic Balanced-Type Double Aortic Arch in an Elderly Patient: A Case Report” The Heart Surgery Forum. 10 (4):E297-E298 (2007)


A21. Yilmaz, M., Saba, D., Karal, I., Ercan, I.,  Kumtepe, G., Gurbuz, O., Şenkaya, I., Cengiz, M. “Postoperative Outcomes after Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in EuroSCORE Low- and High-Risk Women” The Heart Surgery Forum. 10 (6):E482-E486 (2007)


A22. Basagan-Mogol, E., Turker, G., Yilmaz, M., Goren, S. “Combination of a Psoas Compartment, Sciatic Nerve, and T12-L1 Paravertebral Blocks for Femoropopliteal Bypass Surgery in a High-Risk Patient”Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia22 (2): 337-339 ( 2008)


A23. Yavascaoglu, I., Yilmaz, M., Kordan Y. “Cardiac and Caval Invasion of Left Adrenocortical Carcinoma: Report of a Case” Urologia Internationalis. 81(2): 244–246 (2008) 



B1. Ozer, Z.G., Şenkaya, I., Yilmaz, M. “Iatrogenic vascular injuries during lumbar disc surgery” The Romanian Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery Inaugural Meeting of the Balkan Society of Angiology Romania, 1992


 B2. Polat, B., Akpinar, B., Sonmez, B., Aytekin, V., Demiroglu, C., Yilmaz, M., Akar, H. “Revascularization of the circumflex artery using pedicled right internal mammary artery graft via the transverse sinus” First International Congress on Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, 1996.


B3. Yilmaz, M., Ener, S., Akalın, H., Sagdıc, K., Serdar, A., Cengiz, M. “Low dose Methylprednisolone reduces serum cytokine elevation induced by extracorporeal circulation”

XVI th Annual San Diego Cardiothoracic Surgery Symposium San Diego, USA, 1996


B4. Polat, B., Yalcin, Y., Karaci, A., Yilmaz, M., Sorgun, F., Bayindir, O. “Arterial Switch operation ( Jatene precedure) for Transposition of  the Great Arteries: Experience at Florence Nightingale Hospital” VI. BALKAN Pediatric cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Congress

Antalya, Turkey, 1998


B5. Yalcin, Y., Polat, B., Karaci, A., Yilmaz,  M., Sorgun, F., Bayindir, O. “Partial Biventricular Repair: An alternative option to Total Cavopulmonary Anastomosis for Functionally Borderline Right Ventricules in Complex Congenital Heart Defects” VI. BALKAN Pediatric cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Congress Antalya, Turkey, 1998


B6. Duran, E., Us, M., Sungun, M., Inan, K., Tarhan, A., Yilmaz, M., Baltalarli, A., Sunar, H., Ege, T., Cebeci, B,S., Ozturk, O. “ Mitral valve operations by right minithoracotomy”  Mediterranean Association of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery 11th Annual Meeting, Montpellier, France, 1998


B7. Us, M.H., Yilmaz, M., Ozturk, O.Y. “Early and mid term results of the aortic annular enlargement with modified manouguian procedure” 52. International Congress of the European Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Istanbul, Turkey, 2003 


B8. Us, M.H., Sungun, M., Cagli, K., Yilmaz, M., Pakediz, A., Ozturk, O.Y. “The advantages of single clamp techniques in patients over 70 years old”  52. International Congress of the European Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Istanbul, Turkey, 2003

B9. Yilmaz, M., Saba, D., Karal, I., Ercan, I., Kumtepe, G., Gurbuz, O., Şenkaya, I., Cengiz, M. “Postoperative Outcomes after Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in EuroSCORE Low- and High-Risk Women” Third Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Antalya Turkey, 2007 The Heart Surgery Forum. 10, Supp 1 (2007)

B10.Yilmaz, M., Şenkaya, I., Tok, M., Saba, D., Cengiz, M. “Direct Reimplantation  Technique via Right Minithoracotomy for   Scimitar Syndrome: A Case Report” Third Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Antalya Turkey, 2007 The Heart Surgery Forum. 10, Supp 1 (2007)

B11. Yilmaz, M., Polat, B., Saba, D. Single-stage repair of adult aortic coarctation and concomitant cardiovascular pathologies: a new alternative surgical approach”
Third Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Antalya Turkey, 2007 The Heart Surgery Forum. 10, Supp 1 (2007)

B12.Yilmaz, M., Şenkaya, I., Tok, M., Saba, D., Cengiz, M. “Complete Atrioventricular Block due to a Hydatid Cyst located in the Interventricular Septum” Third Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Antalya Turkey, 2007 The Heart Surgery Forum. 10, Supp 1 (2007)

B13. Yilmaz, M., Tok, M., Cengiz, M. “Asymptomatic Balanced-Type Double Aortic Arch in an Elderly Patient: A Case Report” Third Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Antalya Turkey, 2007 The Heart Surgery Forum. 10, Supp 1 (2007)

B14. Tok, M., Erdoğan, C., Yilmaz, M., Bicer, M.,Kumtepe, G., Ozkan, H., Cengiz, M. “ Endovascular approach for Kommerell Diverticule. Hybrid Teqhnique” Third Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Antalya Turkey, 2007 The Heart Surgery Forum. 10, Supp 1 (2007)

B15. Mogol, E.B., Turker , G., Yilmaz, M., Goren, S. “Combination of a Psoas Compartment, Sciatic Nerve, and T12-L1 Paravertebral Blocks for Femoropopliteal Bypass Surgery in a High-Risk Patient” 22nd Annual meeting European Association of  Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologist Krakow, Poland, 2007 European Journal of Anesthesiology. 24, Supp 41 (2007) 


B16. Yaman R, Es MU, Karaci AR, Ozkara C, Yilmaz M.  “Jackson Pratt Drain Decreases the Risk of Pericardial Effusion and Atrial Fibrilattion in Patients With Scheduled Coronary Bypass Operations “7th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in association with TCT Mediterranean - March 2011  Antalya Turkey, 2011 The Heart Surgery Forum. 14, Supp 1 (2011)


B17. Yaman R, Uyanik, Eyuboglu N, Es MU, Alpsoy S , Yilmaz M. “Routine Preoperative Use Of Enoxaparin Does Not Increase Bleeding Nor Transfusion In Scheduled Coronary Bypass Surgery”  7th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in association with TCT Mediterranean - March 2011  Antalya Turkey, 2011 The Heart Surgery Forum. 14, Supp 1 (2011)


B18. Yaman R, Uyanik, Eyuboglu N, Es MU, Alpsoy S , Yilmaz M. “Bilateral Carotid Endarterectomy and Coronary Bypass: Staged Approach”  7th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in association with TCT Mediterranean - March 2011  Antalya Turkey, 2011 The Heart Surgery Forum. 14, Supp 1 (2011)


B19. Yaman R, Uyanik, Eyuboglu N, Es MU, Alpsoy S , Yilmaz M. “Thoracic Hernia Mimicking Acute Coronary Syndrome” 7th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in association with TCT Mediterranean - March 2011  Antalya Turkey, 2011 The Heart Surgery Forum. 14, Supp 1 (2011)


B20. Yaman R, Uyanik, Eyuboglu N, Es MU, Alpsoy S , Yilmaz M. “The Determination of Operative Strategy in Reconstructive Surgery of  Failed Fistulas by Usage of Multidetector Row Computed Tomography Venography” 7th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in association with TCT Mediterranean - March 2011  Antalya Turkey, 2011 The Heart Surgery Forum. 14, Supp 1 (2011)


B21. Yaman R, Uyanik, Eyuboglu N, Es MU, Alpsoy S , Yilmaz M. “The Use Of Linezolid in Mediastinitis Therapy” 7th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in association with TCT Mediterranean - March 2011  Antalya Turkey, 2011 The Heart Surgery Forum. 14, Supp 1 (2011)







Читати далі
Shiraslan Bakhshaliev
Фахівець із серцевих вад
14 років досвіду
7 відгуків

Shiraslan Bakhshaliev

Фахівець із серцевих вад
14 років досвіду
Азербайджан, Баку
Клініка Liv Bona Dea в Баку
Temucin Ogus
Судинний хірург
36 років досвіду
40 відгуки

Temucin Ogus

Судинний хірург
36 років досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Клініка Estophia (Estophia Hospital)
40 відгуки
Візит лікаря ціна за запитом
Відкрита операція на серці $8000 - $15000
Більше процедур
Murat Basaran
Фахівець із серцевих вад
25 років досвіду
40 відгуки

Murat Basaran

Фахівець із серцевих вад
25 років досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Клініка Estophia (Estophia Hospital)
40 відгуки
Візит лікаря ціна за запитом
Відкрита операція на серці $8000 - $15000
Більше процедур
Fatih Akbiyik
Дитячий хірург
35 років досвіду
Туреччина, Анкара
Guven Hospital

Fatih Akbiyik

Дитячий хірург
35 років досвіду


Minimally invasive surgery, microsurgery Experience: 2019-2021, Academician at Pediatric Surgery Division, 

Ankara City Hospital- Children's Hospital 2012-2019, Surgical Education Lecturer,Diskapi Children's Hospital 2004-2012, Physician, Diskapi Children's Hospital

 Education: 2001 Pediatric Surgery Clinic, Dr Sami Ulus Children's Hospital 1993-1994, Washington University Medical School, St. Louis, Mo, the U.S.A. 1989 School of Medicine, Ondokuz Mayıs University Scientific Studies: 49 articles published in international peer-review journals. 106 papers presented at international and national scientific meetings and published in proceedings 16 lectures in international and national congresses Reviewer in 11 international and national journals

Читати далі


Minimally invasive surgery, microsurgery Experience: 2019-2021, Academician at Pediatric Surgery Division, 

Ankara City Hospital- Children's Hospital 2012-2019, Surgical Education Lecturer,Diskapi Children's Hospital 2004-2012, Physician, Diskapi Children's Hospital

 Education: 2001 Pediatric Surgery Clinic, Dr Sami Ulus Children's Hospital 1993-1994, Washington University Medical School, St. Louis, Mo, the U.S.A. 1989 School of Medicine, Ondokuz Mayıs University Scientific Studies: 49 articles published in international peer-review journals. 106 papers presented at international and national scientific meetings and published in proceedings 16 lectures in international and national congresses Reviewer in 11 international and national journals

Читати далі
Krishna Subramony Iyer
Фахівець із серцевих вад
41 рік досвіду
Індія, Делі
Fortis Escorts Heart Institute

Krishna Subramony Iyer

Фахівець із серцевих вад
41 рік досвіду

Dr. Krishna Iyer is one of India's front ranking paediatric cardiac surgeons, recognised for his clinical expertise and wide ranging involvement with cardiac care for children in India and other developing nations, Dr. Iyer initiated the first dedicated paediatric cardiac care program in Northern India , a pioneering initiative, at Escorts Heart Institute Research Centre( now Fortis-Escorts Heart Institute ) in 1995. Under his guidance this paediatric cardiac program has become the benchmark for cardiac care for children for India and its South East Asian neighbours. Dr. Iyer has operated on more than 10,000 babies, children and adults with congenital heart diseases comprising various procedures like arterial switch procedure, double switch operation TAPVC repairs, Fontan and Fontan type procedures, corrections for tetralogy of Fallot, DORV, Truncus etc. Senning operation, conduit repairs and wide range of one stage and multi-stage corrections for complex congenital heart diseases. He has done original work on rapid two-stage arterial switch procedure and performed the first successful rapid two stage arterial switch and double-switch operation in India. His current interests are perfecting complex neonatal cardiac surgery, cardiac surgery in malnourished infants and children, salvaging late presenters of congenital heart disease, and developing cost effective cardiac care for children in developing countries. After basic training, he joined the Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery at AIIMS and was Additional Professor at the time he moved to Escorts Heart Institute to set up its paediatric cardiac care division. He trained in paediatric and infant cardiac surgery under the guidance of the renowned paediatric cardiac surgeon Dr. R.B.B.Mee as Senior Fellow at the Department of Paediatric Cardiac Surgery at Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne in Australia in 1989. He is involved in many charities for underprivileged children, most notably the 'Gift of Life' program of Rotary International.

Читати далі

Dr. Krishna Iyer is one of India's front ranking paediatric cardiac surgeons, recognised for his clinical expertise and wide ranging involvement with cardiac care for children in India and other developing nations, Dr. Iyer initiated the first dedicated paediatric cardiac care program in Northern India , a pioneering initiative, at Escorts Heart Institute Research Centre( now Fortis-Escorts Heart Institute ) in 1995. Under his guidance this paediatric cardiac program has become the benchmark for cardiac care for children for India and its South East Asian neighbours. Dr. Iyer has operated on more than 10,000 babies, children and adults with congenital heart diseases comprising various procedures like arterial switch procedure, double switch operation TAPVC repairs, Fontan and Fontan type procedures, corrections for tetralogy of Fallot, DORV, Truncus etc. Senning operation, conduit repairs and wide range of one stage and multi-stage corrections for complex congenital heart diseases. He has done original work on rapid two-stage arterial switch procedure and performed the first successful rapid two stage arterial switch and double-switch operation in India. His current interests are perfecting complex neonatal cardiac surgery, cardiac surgery in malnourished infants and children, salvaging late presenters of congenital heart disease, and developing cost effective cardiac care for children in developing countries. After basic training, he joined the Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery at AIIMS and was Additional Professor at the time he moved to Escorts Heart Institute to set up its paediatric cardiac care division. He trained in paediatric and infant cardiac surgery under the guidance of the renowned paediatric cardiac surgeon Dr. R.B.B.Mee as Senior Fellow at the Department of Paediatric Cardiac Surgery at Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne in Australia in 1989. He is involved in many charities for underprivileged children, most notably the 'Gift of Life' program of Rotary International.

Читати далі
Kursat Fidanci
Дитячий кардіолог
25 років досвіду
0 відгуки
Туреччина, Анкара
Приватна клініка Кору Анкара (Private Koru Ankara Hospital)

Kursat Fidanci

Дитячий кардіолог
25 років досвіду

Kürşat Fidancı is a medical doctor who graduated from GATA Faculty of Medicine in 1999. Between 2000 and 2002, he served as the Chief Physician of the Şırnak Çakırsöğüt Commando Brigade. He completed his residency in Pediatrics from 2002 to 2006 at Istanbul GATA Haydarpaşa Training and Research Hospital. He worked as a Pediatrician at Ankara Beytepe Military Hospital between 2006 and 2009. He completed his subspecialty training in Paediatric Cardiology at GATA Faculty of Medicine Pediatric Cardiology Department from 2010 to 2013. He became an Assistant Professor in 2014 and obtained the title of Associate Professor in April 2016. He worked as a faculty member in the Department of Pediatric Cardiology at GATA Faculty of Medicine between September 2014 and December 2021. As a pediatric cardiologist, Dr. Kürşat Fidancı has seen numerous patients and his medical interests include Fetal Echocardiography, Congenital Heart Diseases, Rheumatic Heart Diseases, Rhythm Disorders, and Athlete's Heart Health and Follow-up.

Читати далі

Kürşat Fidancı is a medical doctor who graduated from GATA Faculty of Medicine in 1999. Between 2000 and 2002, he served as the Chief Physician of the Şırnak Çakırsöğüt Commando Brigade. He completed his residency in Pediatrics from 2002 to 2006 at Istanbul GATA Haydarpaşa Training and Research Hospital. He worked as a Pediatrician at Ankara Beytepe Military Hospital between 2006 and 2009. He completed his subspecialty training in Paediatric Cardiology at GATA Faculty of Medicine Pediatric Cardiology Department from 2010 to 2013. He became an Assistant Professor in 2014 and obtained the title of Associate Professor in April 2016. He worked as a faculty member in the Department of Pediatric Cardiology at GATA Faculty of Medicine between September 2014 and December 2021. As a pediatric cardiologist, Dr. Kürşat Fidancı has seen numerous patients and his medical interests include Fetal Echocardiography, Congenital Heart Diseases, Rheumatic Heart Diseases, Rhythm Disorders, and Athlete's Heart Health and Follow-up.

Читати далі
Emin Tireli
Фахівець із серцевих вад
34 роки досвіду
14 відгуків

Emin Tireli

Фахівець із серцевих вад
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Туреччина, Стамбул
Hermes Clinics
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14 років досвіду
16 відгуків

Dogukan Aktas

Дитячий кардіолог
14 років досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
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Ismail Oral Hastaoglu

26 років досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул