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Найкращі ортопеди з лікування артрозу – ТОП-161 лікар

Контент відповідає редакційній політиці Bookimed і його якість перевірив
Фахад Мавлюд - Лікар загальної практики, лауреат 4 конкурсів наукових робіт молодих вчених. Працював на Середньому Сході. Колишній керівник команди англомовних та арабомовних лікарів-координаторів. Наразі займається аналізом даних та є медичним редактором сайту.
Pedro Delgado
24 роки досвіду
Іспанія, Мадрид
Hospital HM Monteprincipe

Pedro Delgado

24 роки досвіду

Службу хірургії кисті Університетської лікарні HM Montepríncipe очолює доктор Педро Дж. Дельгадо за підтримки доктора Фернандо Поло та доктора Белен Гарсіа Медрано, які обидва мають великий досвід хірургії кисті.

Читати далі

Службу хірургії кисті Університетської лікарні HM Montepríncipe очолює доктор Педро Дж. Дельгадо за підтримки доктора Фернандо Поло та доктора Белен Гарсіа Медрано, які обидва мають великий досвід хірургії кисті.

Читати далі
Stefan Marlovits
25 років досвіду
18 відгуків
Австрія, Відень
Vienna General Hospital (AKH)

Stefan Marlovits

25 років досвіду

Доктор Марловітц є спеціалістом у галузі травматології, спортивної травматології та регенеративної медицини. Спеціалізується на обстеженні та лікуванні травм опорно-рухового апарату, наданні допомоги спортсменам, дитячій травматології. Він керівник Центру регенерації хряща та ортобіології, професор Віденського медичного університету, член правління Міжнародного товариства регенерації хряща та збереження суглобів.

Читати далі

Доктор Марловітц є спеціалістом у галузі травматології, спортивної травматології та регенеративної медицини. Спеціалізується на обстеженні та лікуванні травм опорно-рухового апарату, наданні допомоги спортсменам, дитячій травматології. Він керівник Центру регенерації хряща та ортобіології, професор Віденського медичного університету, член правління Міжнародного товариства регенерації хряща та збереження суглобів.

Читати далі
Josef Grohs
33 роки досвіду
18 відгуків
Австрія, Відень
Vienna General Hospital (AKH)

Josef Grohs

33 роки досвіду

Доктор Йозеф Георг Грос є видатним ортопедом, який народився у Відні 6 березня 1961 року. Він закінчив медичний ступінь у Віденському університеті в 1986 році і з тих пір отримав численні післядипломні кваліфікації, включаючи дипломи з клінічного обстеження, мануальної медицини та клінічного моніторингу. , а також університетський ступінь медичного лідера. Він був стипендіатом у багатьох престижних установах і обіймав численні посади в Австрійському товаристві хребта з 2002 року. Зараз він є головою AO-Spine Austria та членом Консультативної ради Австрійського товариства хребта.

Читати далі

Доктор Йозеф Георг Грос є видатним ортопедом, який народився у Відні 6 березня 1961 року. Він закінчив медичний ступінь у Віденському університеті в 1986 році і з тих пір отримав численні післядипломні кваліфікації, включаючи дипломи з клінічного обстеження, мануальної медицини та клінічного моніторингу. , а також університетський ступінь медичного лідера. Він був стипендіатом у багатьох престижних установах і обіймав численні посади в Австрійському товаристві хребта з 2002 року. Зараз він є головою AO-Spine Austria та членом Консультативної ради Австрійського товариства хребта.

Читати далі
Evgeniy Blum
51 рік досвіду
Іспанія, Марбелья
Dr. Blum’s Biomechanics Center

Evgeniy Blum

51 рік досвіду
Фахівець з біомеханіки та реабілітаціїЧитати далі
Фахівець з біомеханіки та реабілітації
Mehmet Taskoparan
32 роки досвіду
Туреччина, Ескішехір
Private Anadolu Hospital

Mehmet Taskoparan

32 роки досвіду

Доктор Мехмет Ташкопаран є кваліфікованим хірургом-ортопедом, який вільно володіє англійською мовою та спеціалізується на хірургії переломів хребта, хірургії кіфопластики, ендоскопічній та черезшкірній хірургії хребта, тривимірній хірургії колінного та тазостегнового суглобів, мінімально інвазивній хірургії травм, дитячій хірургії сколіозу та кіфозу, спінальному стенозі, загальні протези гомілковостопного, плечового та пальцевого суглобів, загальні протези кульшового та колінного суглобів, ревматичні захворювання колінного та кульшового суглобів, ESWT (екстракорпоральна ударно-хвильова терапія) для лікування п’яткової шпори та тенісного ліктя, інтервенційна артроскопія (спортивні травми та операції на менісках), лікування переломів та вивихи, артроскопічна хірургія передньої хрестоподібної зв’язки, артроскопія плеча, зап’ястний тунельний синдром, ліктьовий тунельний синдром і синдром передплюсневого каналу. Він співпрацює з Турецькою асоціацією ортопедії та травматології (TOTBİD), Турецькою медичною асоціацією (TMA), Турецьким товариством хребта, Турецькою асоціацією ортопедії та травматології та Товариством артропластики.

Читати далі

Доктор Мехмет Ташкопаран є кваліфікованим хірургом-ортопедом, який вільно володіє англійською мовою та спеціалізується на хірургії переломів хребта, хірургії кіфопластики, ендоскопічній та черезшкірній хірургії хребта, тривимірній хірургії колінного та тазостегнового суглобів, мінімально інвазивній хірургії травм, дитячій хірургії сколіозу та кіфозу, спінальному стенозі, загальні протези гомілковостопного, плечового та пальцевого суглобів, загальні протези кульшового та колінного суглобів, ревматичні захворювання колінного та кульшового суглобів, ESWT (екстракорпоральна ударно-хвильова терапія) для лікування п’яткової шпори та тенісного ліктя, інтервенційна артроскопія (спортивні травми та операції на менісках), лікування переломів та вивихи, артроскопічна хірургія передньої хрестоподібної зв’язки, артроскопія плеча, зап’ястний тунельний синдром, ліктьовий тунельний синдром і синдром передплюсневого каналу. Він співпрацює з Турецькою асоціацією ортопедії та травматології (TOTBİD), Турецькою медичною асоціацією (TMA), Турецьким товариством хребта, Турецькою асоціацією ортопедії та травматології та Товариством артропластики.

Читати далі
Ahmet Kurtulmus
32 роки досвіду
Туреччина, Ізмір
Dr.Ahmet Kurtulmus Orthopedics Clinic

Ahmet Kurtulmus

32 роки досвіду

Op. Dr. Ahmet Kurtulmuş graduated from İzmir Private Turkish College in 1986. He completed his medical education at Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine. Between 1992 and 1996, he specialized in Orthopedics and Traumatology at İzmir Atatürk Hospital. Between 2000 and 2006, Dr. Ahmet Kurtulmuş operated his own private clinic at the same time, where he managed his patients and performed surgeries at an affiliated private hospital with which he had an agreement. Due to unchanged regulations during that period, he was also able to work at a state hospital in addition to managing his private clinic and conducting surgeries at the affiliated private hospital. From 1997 to 2012, he continued his career as a chief resident at the same hospital. Between 2012 and 2021, he worked at Bozyaka Training and Research Hospital. After retiring from public service in 2021, he worked at Özel Ege Yaşam Hospital and Özel Ege İnci Surgical Medical Center. Since 2023, he has been practicing medicine in his private clinic. He is proficient in English. Married and a father of two, he is a member of the Turkish Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology and the Turkey Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association.

Читати далі

Op. Dr. Ahmet Kurtulmuş graduated from İzmir Private Turkish College in 1986. He completed his medical education at Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine. Between 1992 and 1996, he specialized in Orthopedics and Traumatology at İzmir Atatürk Hospital. Between 2000 and 2006, Dr. Ahmet Kurtulmuş operated his own private clinic at the same time, where he managed his patients and performed surgeries at an affiliated private hospital with which he had an agreement. Due to unchanged regulations during that period, he was also able to work at a state hospital in addition to managing his private clinic and conducting surgeries at the affiliated private hospital. From 1997 to 2012, he continued his career as a chief resident at the same hospital. Between 2012 and 2021, he worked at Bozyaka Training and Research Hospital. After retiring from public service in 2021, he worked at Özel Ege Yaşam Hospital and Özel Ege İnci Surgical Medical Center. Since 2023, he has been practicing medicine in his private clinic. He is proficient in English. Married and a father of two, he is a member of the Turkish Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology and the Turkey Sports Injuries Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Association.

Читати далі
Мехмет Нуруллах Ерміш
16 років досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Лікарня Ерен (Eren Hospital)

Мехмет Нуруллах Ерміш

16 років досвіду

Досвідчений хірург-ортопед з підготовкою в галузі медицини в Hacetepe, медичний факультет, Анкара, Туреччина, і захворювань і хірургії хребта в Baltalimanı Orthopedics Diseases Hospital, Стамбул, Туреччина, і Університеті Каліфорнії, Сан-Франциско, США. За останній рік виконав понад 730 ортопедичних випадків, включаючи операції спондилодезу, переломи хребців і пухлини хребців. Член багатьох міжнародних організацій. Нині професор факультету медицини Мальтійського університету.

Читати далі

Досвідчений хірург-ортопед з підготовкою в галузі медицини в Hacetepe, медичний факультет, Анкара, Туреччина, і захворювань і хірургії хребта в Baltalimanı Orthopedics Diseases Hospital, Стамбул, Туреччина, і Університеті Каліфорнії, Сан-Франциско, США. За останній рік виконав понад 730 ортопедичних випадків, включаючи операції спондилодезу, переломи хребців і пухлини хребців. Член багатьох міжнародних організацій. Нині професор факультету медицини Мальтійського університету.

Читати далі
Herve Ouanezar
17 років досвіду
ОАЕ, Дубай
Клініка передової хірургії Burjeel

Herve Ouanezar

17 років досвіду

Доктор Ерве Ванезар - досвідчений хірург-ортопед-консультант, що спеціалізується на операціях колінного і тазостегнового суглобів, а також у галузі спортивної медицини.

Читати далі

Доктор Ерве Ванезар - досвідчений хірург-ортопед-консультант, що спеціалізується на операціях колінного і тазостегнового суглобів, а також у галузі спортивної медицини.

Читати далі
Oguzhan Chimen
18 років досвіду

Oguzhan Chimen

18 років досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Medistanbul Hospital
Візит лікаря ціна за запитом
Заміна колінного суглоба $4900 - $7000
Заміна кульшового суглоба $5500 - $9500
Артроскопія колінного суглоба $1100 - $1900
Більше процедур
Dr Hilmi Karadeniz
20 років досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
International ReGen

Dr Hilmi Karadeniz

20 років досвіду


1987-1988 100th year Mehmetçik Primary School, Denizli

1988-1990 İcadiye Primary School, Istanbul

1990-1991 Mustafa Aykın Primary School, Istanbul

1991-1994 Kadıköy Mehmed Bayazid High School, Istanbul (first place: 4.98/5.00 GPA)

1994-1998 Tarabya Private Yeni Yıldız College English (full scholarship), Istanbul (first place: 5.00/5.00 GPA)

1998-2004 Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine

2005-2010 Ministry of Health Istanbul Training and Research Hospital 2nd Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic


Profession Experience

January 2004 - May 2005 Private Health Insurance Officer, Başak Insurance Provision Center (KUNART Medical Assistance), Istanbul Headquarters

November 2005- May 2011 Ministry of Health Istanbul Training and Research Hospital 2nd Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic, Assistant Training

May 2011- May 2012 Ministry of Health Khorasan State Hospital, Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic, Specialist Doctor, Hospital Quality Director, Operating Room Specialist, Blood Unit Responsible Specialist

June 2012-November 2012 Medibaşarı Medical Center, Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist

November 2012 - August 2016 Bahçelievler Medical Park Hospital (Old Kemerburgaz University - new Altınbaş University) Assistant Professor - Faculty Member

August 2016-April 2018 Şişli Kolan International Hospital Orthopedics and Traumatology

April 2018 - Practice (Founder of Sportoteam Athlete and Spine Health Center)


Articles Published in National Refereed Journals

01 Lenke type 3 adolescent idiopathic with segmental posterior instrumentation

Coronal and sagittal evaluation in scoliosis

Tahir Mutlu Duymuş, Onat Üzümcügil, Merter Yalçınkaya, Yusuf Öztürkmen, Hilmi Karadeniz, Mustafa Caniklioğlu

The Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery, 2011; 22(4): 233–244


Oral Papers Presented at International Congresses

01 Stability results of hamstring anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with Endobutton femoral fixation

Yusuf Öztürkmen, Mahmut Karamehmetoğlu, AliVolkan Özlük, Yener İnce, İbrahim Azboy, Hilmi Karadeniz

9th Turkish sports traumatology arthroscopy and knee surgery congress 2008, Istanbul, Turkey

02 Evaluation of intraoperative complications during arthroscopic ACL reconstruction

Murat Mert, Ali Volkan Özlük, İlhan Açıkgöz, Hilmi Karadeniz, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Yunus Atıcı, Yener İnce, Erhan Şükür

9th Turkish sports traumatology arthroscopy and knee surgery congress 2008, Istanbul, Turkey

03 Posterior thoracic selective fusion in Lenke type 1 adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

Yunus Atıcı, Onat Üzümcügil, Özgür Çetinkaya, Merter Yalçınkaya, Gaddafi Duymuş, Hilmi Karadeniz, Murat Mert, Mustafa Caniklioğlu

9th International Turkish Spine Congress, April 27–30, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey


Oral Papers Presented at National Congresses

01. Total knee arthroplasty in gonarthroses with advanced varus and valgus deformities

Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Mahmut Karamehmetoğlu, Yusuf Öztürkmen, İbrahim Azboy, Hilmi Karadeniz

XX. National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress 2007, Ankara

02. Treatment of acromiocalvicular dislocations with open reduction and K-wire fixation

Murat Mert, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, İlhan Açıkgöz, Hilmi Karadeniz, Yunus Atıcı, Gürdal Nursan

5th Turkish Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Congress, March 2008, Adana

03. Treatment of proximal humerus fractures with percutaneous nailing

Murat Mert, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Ali Volkan Özlük, Yunus Atıcı, Hilmi Karadeniz, Yener İnce

5th Turkish Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Congress, March 2008, Adana

04. Calcium phosphate bone cement applications to subchondral bone defects occurring in the surgical treatment of tibial plateau fractures

Yusuf Öztürkmen, Mahmut Karamehmetoğlu, Erhan Şükür, Hilmi Karadeniz, Gaddafi Duymuş, Mustafa Caniklioğlu

XXI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 3–8 November, 2009, Çeşme, İzmir.

05. Comparison of the clinical results of the Bosworth technique and the bracing method after open reduction in the surgical treatment of type III acromioclavicular dislocations

Onat Üzümcügil, Murat Mert, Erhan Dalyaman, Merter Yalçınkaya, Hilmi Karadeniz, İ.Erhan Mumcuoğlu, Mustafa Caniklioğlu

XXI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 3–8 November, 2009, Çeşme, İzmir.

06. The relationship between aseptic pseudoarthrosis developing after posterior thoracolumbar instrumentation in scoliosis and the number of vertebrae participating in fusion

Hilmi Karadeniz, Onat Üzümcügil, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Tahir Mutlu Duymuş, Yunus Atıcı, Yener İnce

Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting 2011, 4-7 May 2011, Istanbul

07. The effect of brace use on clinical results after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

Onat Üzümcügil, Engin Çarkçı, Hilmi Karadeniz, Merter Yalçınkaya, Yusuf Öztürkmen

11th Turkish Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, 2-6 October 2012, Ankara


Posters Presented at International Congresses

01 Surgical treatment and results of acetabulum fracture dislocations

Murat Mert, Ali Volkan Özlük, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Yunus Atıcı, Hilmi Karadeniz, Yener İnce, Gaddafi Duymuş, Gürdal Nursan

9th Turkish sports traumatology arthroscopy and knee surgery congress 2008, Istanbul, Turkey


02 Coronal and sagittal balance in Lenke type 3 adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with posterior fusion

Gaddafi Duymuş, Merter Yalçınkaya, Onat Üzümcügil, Yunus Atıcı, Özgür Çetinkaya, Hilmi Karadeniz, Mustafa Caniklioğlu

9th International Turkish Spine Congress, April 27–30, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey


Posters Presented at National Congresses

01 Plate application in the treatment of combined fractures of collum femoris and greater trochanter

Murat Mert, Ali Volkan Özlük, Hilmi Karadeniz, İlhan Açıkgöz, Yunus Atıcı, Mustafa Caniklioğlu

XXI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 3–8 November, 2009, Çeşme, İzmir.

02 Treatment of periprosthetic supracondular femur fractures occurring after total knee prostheses

Yusuf Öztürkmen, Mahmut Karamehmetoğlu, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Erhan Şükür, Gürdal Nursan, Hilmi Karadeniz

XXI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 3–8 November, 2009, Çeşme, İzmir.

03 Evaluation of feet undergoing triple arthrodesis

Yusuf Öztürkmen, Mahmut Karamehmetoğlu, Erhan Şükür, Ali Volkan Özlük, Hilmi Karadeniz, Mustafa Caniklioğlu

XXI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 3–8 November, 2009, Çeşme, İzmir.


International Courses

01. XIII. Ilizarov Course “basic”, 2009, Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Adana

02. Scientific Study Planning and Presentation Techniques Course, 13-15 March, 2009

Читати далі


1987-1988 100th year Mehmetçik Primary School, Denizli

1988-1990 İcadiye Primary School, Istanbul

1990-1991 Mustafa Aykın Primary School, Istanbul

1991-1994 Kadıköy Mehmed Bayazid High School, Istanbul (first place: 4.98/5.00 GPA)

1994-1998 Tarabya Private Yeni Yıldız College English (full scholarship), Istanbul (first place: 5.00/5.00 GPA)

1998-2004 Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine

2005-2010 Ministry of Health Istanbul Training and Research Hospital 2nd Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic


Profession Experience

January 2004 - May 2005 Private Health Insurance Officer, Başak Insurance Provision Center (KUNART Medical Assistance), Istanbul Headquarters

November 2005- May 2011 Ministry of Health Istanbul Training and Research Hospital 2nd Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic, Assistant Training

May 2011- May 2012 Ministry of Health Khorasan State Hospital, Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic, Specialist Doctor, Hospital Quality Director, Operating Room Specialist, Blood Unit Responsible Specialist

June 2012-November 2012 Medibaşarı Medical Center, Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist

November 2012 - August 2016 Bahçelievler Medical Park Hospital (Old Kemerburgaz University - new Altınbaş University) Assistant Professor - Faculty Member

August 2016-April 2018 Şişli Kolan International Hospital Orthopedics and Traumatology

April 2018 - Practice (Founder of Sportoteam Athlete and Spine Health Center)


Articles Published in National Refereed Journals

01 Lenke type 3 adolescent idiopathic with segmental posterior instrumentation

Coronal and sagittal evaluation in scoliosis

Tahir Mutlu Duymuş, Onat Üzümcügil, Merter Yalçınkaya, Yusuf Öztürkmen, Hilmi Karadeniz, Mustafa Caniklioğlu

The Journal of Turkish Spinal Surgery, 2011; 22(4): 233–244


Oral Papers Presented at International Congresses

01 Stability results of hamstring anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with Endobutton femoral fixation

Yusuf Öztürkmen, Mahmut Karamehmetoğlu, AliVolkan Özlük, Yener İnce, İbrahim Azboy, Hilmi Karadeniz

9th Turkish sports traumatology arthroscopy and knee surgery congress 2008, Istanbul, Turkey

02 Evaluation of intraoperative complications during arthroscopic ACL reconstruction

Murat Mert, Ali Volkan Özlük, İlhan Açıkgöz, Hilmi Karadeniz, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Yunus Atıcı, Yener İnce, Erhan Şükür

9th Turkish sports traumatology arthroscopy and knee surgery congress 2008, Istanbul, Turkey

03 Posterior thoracic selective fusion in Lenke type 1 adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

Yunus Atıcı, Onat Üzümcügil, Özgür Çetinkaya, Merter Yalçınkaya, Gaddafi Duymuş, Hilmi Karadeniz, Murat Mert, Mustafa Caniklioğlu

9th International Turkish Spine Congress, April 27–30, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey


Oral Papers Presented at National Congresses

01. Total knee arthroplasty in gonarthroses with advanced varus and valgus deformities

Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Mahmut Karamehmetoğlu, Yusuf Öztürkmen, İbrahim Azboy, Hilmi Karadeniz

XX. National Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress 2007, Ankara

02. Treatment of acromiocalvicular dislocations with open reduction and K-wire fixation

Murat Mert, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, İlhan Açıkgöz, Hilmi Karadeniz, Yunus Atıcı, Gürdal Nursan

5th Turkish Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Congress, March 2008, Adana

03. Treatment of proximal humerus fractures with percutaneous nailing

Murat Mert, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Ali Volkan Özlük, Yunus Atıcı, Hilmi Karadeniz, Yener İnce

5th Turkish Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Congress, March 2008, Adana

04. Calcium phosphate bone cement applications to subchondral bone defects occurring in the surgical treatment of tibial plateau fractures

Yusuf Öztürkmen, Mahmut Karamehmetoğlu, Erhan Şükür, Hilmi Karadeniz, Gaddafi Duymuş, Mustafa Caniklioğlu

XXI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 3–8 November, 2009, Çeşme, İzmir.

05. Comparison of the clinical results of the Bosworth technique and the bracing method after open reduction in the surgical treatment of type III acromioclavicular dislocations

Onat Üzümcügil, Murat Mert, Erhan Dalyaman, Merter Yalçınkaya, Hilmi Karadeniz, İ.Erhan Mumcuoğlu, Mustafa Caniklioğlu

XXI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 3–8 November, 2009, Çeşme, İzmir.

06. The relationship between aseptic pseudoarthrosis developing after posterior thoracolumbar instrumentation in scoliosis and the number of vertebrae participating in fusion

Hilmi Karadeniz, Onat Üzümcügil, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Tahir Mutlu Duymuş, Yunus Atıcı, Yener İnce

Orthopedics and Traumatology Istanbul Meeting 2011, 4-7 May 2011, Istanbul

07. The effect of brace use on clinical results after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

Onat Üzümcügil, Engin Çarkçı, Hilmi Karadeniz, Merter Yalçınkaya, Yusuf Öztürkmen

11th Turkish Sports Injuries, Arthroscopy and Knee Surgery Congress, 2-6 October 2012, Ankara


Posters Presented at International Congresses

01 Surgical treatment and results of acetabulum fracture dislocations

Murat Mert, Ali Volkan Özlük, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Yunus Atıcı, Hilmi Karadeniz, Yener İnce, Gaddafi Duymuş, Gürdal Nursan

9th Turkish sports traumatology arthroscopy and knee surgery congress 2008, Istanbul, Turkey


02 Coronal and sagittal balance in Lenke type 3 adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with posterior fusion

Gaddafi Duymuş, Merter Yalçınkaya, Onat Üzümcügil, Yunus Atıcı, Özgür Çetinkaya, Hilmi Karadeniz, Mustafa Caniklioğlu

9th International Turkish Spine Congress, April 27–30, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey


Posters Presented at National Congresses

01 Plate application in the treatment of combined fractures of collum femoris and greater trochanter

Murat Mert, Ali Volkan Özlük, Hilmi Karadeniz, İlhan Açıkgöz, Yunus Atıcı, Mustafa Caniklioğlu

XXI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 3–8 November, 2009, Çeşme, İzmir.

02 Treatment of periprosthetic supracondular femur fractures occurring after total knee prostheses

Yusuf Öztürkmen, Mahmut Karamehmetoğlu, Mustafa Caniklioğlu, Erhan Şükür, Gürdal Nursan, Hilmi Karadeniz

XXI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 3–8 November, 2009, Çeşme, İzmir.

03 Evaluation of feet undergoing triple arthrodesis

Yusuf Öztürkmen, Mahmut Karamehmetoğlu, Erhan Şükür, Ali Volkan Özlük, Hilmi Karadeniz, Mustafa Caniklioğlu

XXI. National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress, 3–8 November, 2009, Çeşme, İzmir.


International Courses

01. XIII. Ilizarov Course “basic”, 2009, Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Adana

02. Scientific Study Planning and Presentation Techniques Course, 13-15 March, 2009

Читати далі
Dr Szabolcs Gaspar
23 роки досвіду
Угорщина, Будапешт
Клініка Stepsbudapest

Dr Szabolcs Gaspar

23 роки досвіду

Доктор Гаспар Саболч спеціалізується на ендопротезуванні кульшових і колінних суглобів, успішно виконавши тисячі операцій з використанням сучасних мінімально інвазивних методик. Він відомий своїми ретельними консультаціями з пацієнтами і точною діагностикою.

Читати далі

Доктор Гаспар Саболч спеціалізується на ендопротезуванні кульшових і колінних суглобів, успішно виконавши тисячі операцій з використанням сучасних мінімально інвазивних методик. Він відомий своїми ретельними консультаціями з пацієнтами і точною діагностикою.

Читати далі
Dr Andrzej Suwara
34 роки досвіду
Польща, Варшава

Dr Andrzej Suwara

34 роки досвіду

Ph.D. Andrzej Suwara / Orthopedist 

Doctor Andrzej Suwara began his medical studies at the Medical University of Białystok. He obtained the title of Doctor of Medical Sciences after defending his PhD thesis in Neuropharmacology at the Medical University of Białystok.

Dr. Andrzej Suwara obtained specialization in Orthopedics and Traumatology of the Musculoskeletal System and thanks to this he started working at the Orthopedics Department of the district hospital in Starachowice. Then he started working in the Department of Traumatic Surgery of the Musculoskeletal System and Adult Orthopedics of the Independent Public Clinical Hospital. Prof. Adam Gruca in Otwock. Thanks to his knowledge and experience, he became the Head of the Traumatology and Orthopedics Department of the Praski Hospital in Warsaw and the Medical Director of this hospital.

His skills were appreciated thanks to international cooperation with prof. Derek McMinn, the creator and popularizer of hip joint capoplasty, and prof. Siegfried Hofmann, former head of the Orthopedics Clinic in Stolzalpe Austria.

Doctor Andrzej Suwara constantly improves his qualifications and participates in many training courses both in Poland and around the world. He completed specialized international training, including: at the University Hospital of Martin in Slovakia, BMI Edgbaston Hospital Birmingham in the UK, Keble College Oxford in the UK, Zimmer Institute in Denmark, Corin Academy in Germany, DePuy Synthes Instytute in Germany, American Academy of Orhopaedic Surgeons in Las Vegas, Tygerberg Department of Anatomy Stellenbosch University in South Africa and many others.

Читати далі

Ph.D. Andrzej Suwara / Orthopedist 

Doctor Andrzej Suwara began his medical studies at the Medical University of Białystok. He obtained the title of Doctor of Medical Sciences after defending his PhD thesis in Neuropharmacology at the Medical University of Białystok.

Dr. Andrzej Suwara obtained specialization in Orthopedics and Traumatology of the Musculoskeletal System and thanks to this he started working at the Orthopedics Department of the district hospital in Starachowice. Then he started working in the Department of Traumatic Surgery of the Musculoskeletal System and Adult Orthopedics of the Independent Public Clinical Hospital. Prof. Adam Gruca in Otwock. Thanks to his knowledge and experience, he became the Head of the Traumatology and Orthopedics Department of the Praski Hospital in Warsaw and the Medical Director of this hospital.

His skills were appreciated thanks to international cooperation with prof. Derek McMinn, the creator and popularizer of hip joint capoplasty, and prof. Siegfried Hofmann, former head of the Orthopedics Clinic in Stolzalpe Austria.

Doctor Andrzej Suwara constantly improves his qualifications and participates in many training courses both in Poland and around the world. He completed specialized international training, including: at the University Hospital of Martin in Slovakia, BMI Edgbaston Hospital Birmingham in the UK, Keble College Oxford in the UK, Zimmer Institute in Denmark, Corin Academy in Germany, DePuy Synthes Instytute in Germany, American Academy of Orhopaedic Surgeons in Las Vegas, Tygerberg Department of Anatomy Stellenbosch University in South Africa and many others.

Читати далі
Baris Gorgun
15 років досвіду

Baris Gorgun

15 років досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Marouane Bouloudhnine
25 років досвіду
ОАЕ, Дубай
Клініка передової хірургії Burjeel

Marouane Bouloudhnine

25 років досвіду

Dr. Marouane is a Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon from France with over 30 years of European experience. He specializes in upper limb surgery for hand, elbow, shoulder, and nerve reconstruction using open, arthroscopic, and innovative techniques to ensure a faster recovery time for patients. He founded three centers for hand and upper limb surgery in France. He has performed over 8,000 surgeries, consistently meeting or exceeding patient expectations. In 2011, he was awarded the French Legion of Honour’s Knight of the Legion of Honour (Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur). He is the Founder of Tunisia’s Sports Medicine Center. His clinical expertise includes the following,


Endoscopic release of carpal tunnel syndrome bone and joint injuries of the hand, wrist, elbow, and shoulder

Microsurgery for tendons and nerve injuries

Late sequelae after nerve and tendon injuries, tendon, and nerve transfer

Fracture of the scaphoid and non-union reconstruction

Prosthesis – joint Replacement: shoulder, elbow, wrist, thumb, fingers

Injuries sustained during sports and arthroscopic management

Recurrent dislocations of the shoulder, rotator cuff issues, acromioclavicular disorder, impingement syndrome

Sequelae of dislocations of the elbow, instability, and ulnar nerve syndrome of the elbow

Dr. Marouane is passionate about sports and was a professional football player for several years as a goalkeeper.


Awards & Achievements

Performed over 8,000 surgeries, consistently meeting or exceeding patient expectations

French Knight of the Legion of Honor (Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur) in 2011

Gold Medal from Montpellier Medical School in 1997

Best Medical Thesis Sustained in France in 1997 About Brachial Plexus injury, "How to Restore Elbow Flexion with 3 Intercostal Nerve to the Motor Branch of the Biceps."

Research & Publications

Le Delai De Reinnervation Musculaire Post Operaoire : nouveau concept d’analyse des résultats de la chirurgie nerveuse périphérique; M. Boulouednine, y. Allieu- g.E.M. - Paris.

The post OP reinnervation delay (port); New concept on nerve repair analysis. M. Boulouednine, y. Allieu. 9th congress of the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH), Budapest, Le Snapping Triceps at the elbow. M. Boulouednine- Journees de traumatologie du sport st tropez.

Читати далі

Dr. Marouane is a Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon from France with over 30 years of European experience. He specializes in upper limb surgery for hand, elbow, shoulder, and nerve reconstruction using open, arthroscopic, and innovative techniques to ensure a faster recovery time for patients. He founded three centers for hand and upper limb surgery in France. He has performed over 8,000 surgeries, consistently meeting or exceeding patient expectations. In 2011, he was awarded the French Legion of Honour’s Knight of the Legion of Honour (Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur). He is the Founder of Tunisia’s Sports Medicine Center. His clinical expertise includes the following,


Endoscopic release of carpal tunnel syndrome bone and joint injuries of the hand, wrist, elbow, and shoulder

Microsurgery for tendons and nerve injuries

Late sequelae after nerve and tendon injuries, tendon, and nerve transfer

Fracture of the scaphoid and non-union reconstruction

Prosthesis – joint Replacement: shoulder, elbow, wrist, thumb, fingers

Injuries sustained during sports and arthroscopic management

Recurrent dislocations of the shoulder, rotator cuff issues, acromioclavicular disorder, impingement syndrome

Sequelae of dislocations of the elbow, instability, and ulnar nerve syndrome of the elbow

Dr. Marouane is passionate about sports and was a professional football player for several years as a goalkeeper.


Awards & Achievements

Performed over 8,000 surgeries, consistently meeting or exceeding patient expectations

French Knight of the Legion of Honor (Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur) in 2011

Gold Medal from Montpellier Medical School in 1997

Best Medical Thesis Sustained in France in 1997 About Brachial Plexus injury, "How to Restore Elbow Flexion with 3 Intercostal Nerve to the Motor Branch of the Biceps."

Research & Publications

Le Delai De Reinnervation Musculaire Post Operaoire : nouveau concept d’analyse des résultats de la chirurgie nerveuse périphérique; M. Boulouednine, y. Allieu- g.E.M. - Paris.

The post OP reinnervation delay (port); New concept on nerve repair analysis. M. Boulouednine, y. Allieu. 9th congress of the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH), Budapest, Le Snapping Triceps at the elbow. M. Boulouednine- Journees de traumatologie du sport st tropez.

Читати далі
Cem Yalin Kilinc
19 років досвіду

Cem Yalin Kilinc

19 років досвіду
Туреччина, Мармарис
CARIA Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation
Baktybek Djumagulov
4 роки досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Лікарня Ерен (Eren Hospital)

Baktybek Djumagulov

4 роки досвіду

I was born in Russia in 1984. I got into Erciyes University Medical Faculty after graduating from Cengiz Aytmatov High School. I continued my education at Maltepe University and obtained the title of Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist.
I can speak English and Russian at an advanced level. After working at a few institutions, I am working as an Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist at Eren Hospital since 2020.

Читати далі

I was born in Russia in 1984. I got into Erciyes University Medical Faculty after graduating from Cengiz Aytmatov High School. I continued my education at Maltepe University and obtained the title of Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist.
I can speak English and Russian at an advanced level. After working at a few institutions, I am working as an Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist at Eren Hospital since 2020.

Читати далі
Gokhan Once
5 років досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Лікарня Ерен (Eren Hospital)

Gokhan Once

5 років досвіду

I was born in Elazığ in 1983. After finishing Elazığ Ahmet Kabaklı Anatolian Teacher High School, I got into the Faculty of Medicine of Istanbul University. I completed my specialty in the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology at the Faculty of Medicine of Fırat University in 2019, earning the title of Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist.

Until earning my specialty, I worked at Elazığ Maden Public Hospital, Elazığ 112 Emergency, Elazığ Arıcak Üçocak Family Medicine respectively. 


After earning my specialty, I proceeded to work at Bitlis Public Hospital as an Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist.

As of 2019, I’ve been working as an Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist at Private Eren Hospital.


I have advanced knowledge of the English language.


The symposiums and congresses I attended are as follows;


  • Comparison of Anterior and Medial Open Reduction in Tönnis Type 3 and 4 Developmental Hip Dysplasia between 12-24 months. 1st National Pediatric Orthopedics Congress 2016
  • Pediatric Acetabular Osteochondroma of Rare Location Causing Hip Subluxation 3rd National Pediatric Orthopedics Congress 2020
  • Combination of distraction osteogenesis and induced membrane technique in the treatment of open fracture of tibia with a large defect. 4th International Orthopedic Trauma Camp 2019
  • Rare Cause of a Frequently Encountered Disease: Ochronosis. 6th Fırat Rheumatology Symposium 2019
  • Rare Rice Body Located on or Around the Shoulder. 7th Fırat Rheumatology Symposium 2020 
Читати далі

I was born in Elazığ in 1983. After finishing Elazığ Ahmet Kabaklı Anatolian Teacher High School, I got into the Faculty of Medicine of Istanbul University. I completed my specialty in the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology at the Faculty of Medicine of Fırat University in 2019, earning the title of Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist.

Until earning my specialty, I worked at Elazığ Maden Public Hospital, Elazığ 112 Emergency, Elazığ Arıcak Üçocak Family Medicine respectively. 


After earning my specialty, I proceeded to work at Bitlis Public Hospital as an Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist.

As of 2019, I’ve been working as an Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist at Private Eren Hospital.


I have advanced knowledge of the English language.


The symposiums and congresses I attended are as follows;


  • Comparison of Anterior and Medial Open Reduction in Tönnis Type 3 and 4 Developmental Hip Dysplasia between 12-24 months. 1st National Pediatric Orthopedics Congress 2016
  • Pediatric Acetabular Osteochondroma of Rare Location Causing Hip Subluxation 3rd National Pediatric Orthopedics Congress 2020
  • Combination of distraction osteogenesis and induced membrane technique in the treatment of open fracture of tibia with a large defect. 4th International Orthopedic Trauma Camp 2019
  • Rare Cause of a Frequently Encountered Disease: Ochronosis. 6th Fırat Rheumatology Symposium 2019
  • Rare Rice Body Located on or Around the Shoulder. 7th Fırat Rheumatology Symposium 2020 
Читати далі
Motasim Khalid Bavaneh
12 років досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Лікарня Ерен (Eren Hospital)

Motasim Khalid Bavaneh

12 років досвіду

I was born in Irbid in 1979. I got into Istanbul University Medical Faculty after graduating from Bani Kananah-King Hüseyin High School. I continued my education at Marmara University Medical Faculty and obtained the title of Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist.
I worked at many private and state hospitals. I attended many courses and congresses.
I was awarded the grand prize in the branch of Sports injury and arthroscopic knee surgery of 2015 Ulusal Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi (National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress) with the study with the title of “Mozaikoplasti Yöntemi ile Patellar Osteoid Osteoma En-blok Eksizyonu ve Kıkırdak Rekonstrüksiyonu (Patellar Osteoid Osteoma En-bloc Excision with Mosaicplasty Procedure and Cartilage Reconstruction)”.
I have nearly 10 publications.

Читати далі

I was born in Irbid in 1979. I got into Istanbul University Medical Faculty after graduating from Bani Kananah-King Hüseyin High School. I continued my education at Marmara University Medical Faculty and obtained the title of Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialist.
I worked at many private and state hospitals. I attended many courses and congresses.
I was awarded the grand prize in the branch of Sports injury and arthroscopic knee surgery of 2015 Ulusal Türk Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Kongresi (National Turkish Orthopedics and Traumatology Congress) with the study with the title of “Mozaikoplasti Yöntemi ile Patellar Osteoid Osteoma En-blok Eksizyonu ve Kıkırdak Rekonstrüksiyonu (Patellar Osteoid Osteoma En-bloc Excision with Mosaicplasty Procedure and Cartilage Reconstruction)”.
I have nearly 10 publications.

Читати далі
Dr Rustu Nuran
22 роки досвіду
14 відгуків

Dr Rustu Nuran

22 роки досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Hermes Clinics