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Найкращі хірурги – ТОП-633 лікарі

Контент відповідає редакційній політиці Bookimed і його якість перевірив
Фахад Мавлюд - Лікар загальної практики, лауреат 4 конкурсів наукових робіт молодих вчених. Працював на Середньому Сході. Колишній керівник команди англомовних та арабомовних лікарів-координаторів. Наразі займається аналізом даних та є медичним редактором сайту.
Rahul Chaudhary
12 років досвіду
ОАЕ, Шарджа
Спеціалізована лікарня Бурджил Шарджа (Burjeel Specialty Hospital Sharjah)

Rahul Chaudhary

12 років досвіду


Dr. Rahul Chaudhary is an Interventional Cardiologist at Burjeel Specialty Hospital, Sharjah. He has held positions at India’s most prestigious institutions, including AIIMS in New Delhi and PGI in Chandigarh. He was presented with the award by the President of India during his tenure as MD at AIIMS New Delhi. He has presented cardiac intervention cases at several international conferences, most recently at Euro PCR in Paris. His areas of expertise include,

  • Coronary angiography 
  • Coronary angioplasty (including bifurcation, LM, anterograde CTO) 
  • Complex coronary intervention 
  • Primary PCIPPI/AICD/CRTASD/PDA device closure 
  • Renal artery embolization 
  • PTRA/SMA intervention 
  • IVC filter / pericardiocentesis 
  • Coronary imaging FFR/IVUS/IVL /OCT 
  • Carotid artery stenting 
  • Perclose proglide 
  • Vertebral artery stenting 

Awards & Achievements

  • Awarded the Best House Physician at AIIMS, New Delhi, India by the President of India

Research & Publications

  • Risk factor profiling and study of atherosclerotic coronary plaque burden and morphology with coronary computed tomography angiography in coronary artery disease among young Indians. R. Chaudhary, A. Chauhan, M. Singhal, S. Bagga. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcard.2017.04.090.
  • The curious case of slow flow, adenosine, and respiratory failure. R. Chaudhary, R Gupta, S. Bagga. IHJ Cardiovascular Case Reports (CVCR) 4(1). DOI: 10.1016/j.ihjccr.2020.05.004.
Читати далі


Dr. Rahul Chaudhary is an Interventional Cardiologist at Burjeel Specialty Hospital, Sharjah. He has held positions at India’s most prestigious institutions, including AIIMS in New Delhi and PGI in Chandigarh. He was presented with the award by the President of India during his tenure as MD at AIIMS New Delhi. He has presented cardiac intervention cases at several international conferences, most recently at Euro PCR in Paris. His areas of expertise include,

  • Coronary angiography 
  • Coronary angioplasty (including bifurcation, LM, anterograde CTO) 
  • Complex coronary intervention 
  • Primary PCIPPI/AICD/CRTASD/PDA device closure 
  • Renal artery embolization 
  • PTRA/SMA intervention 
  • IVC filter / pericardiocentesis 
  • Coronary imaging FFR/IVUS/IVL /OCT 
  • Carotid artery stenting 
  • Perclose proglide 
  • Vertebral artery stenting 

Awards & Achievements

  • Awarded the Best House Physician at AIIMS, New Delhi, India by the President of India

Research & Publications

  • Risk factor profiling and study of atherosclerotic coronary plaque burden and morphology with coronary computed tomography angiography in coronary artery disease among young Indians. R. Chaudhary, A. Chauhan, M. Singhal, S. Bagga. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijcard.2017.04.090.
  • The curious case of slow flow, adenosine, and respiratory failure. R. Chaudhary, R Gupta, S. Bagga. IHJ Cardiovascular Case Reports (CVCR) 4(1). DOI: 10.1016/j.ihjccr.2020.05.004.
Читати далі
Португалія, Лісабон
Clínica LMR

Доктор Аліса Варанда Перейра є кваліфікованим пластичним, реконструктивним та естетичним хірургом з більш ніж десятирічним досвідом. Вона закінчила Лісабонський університет і має ступінь магістра людської сексуальності. Доктор Перейра є досвідченим науковцем, він працював викладачем в Інституті анатомії на факультеті університету. Її дослідницькі проекти в основному зосереджені на хірургічній анатомії, і вона керує магістерською дисертацією для студентів бакалаврату. Вона є членом Португальської медичної асоціації та зареєстрована під номером 47051. Доктор Перейра відома своїми успішними операціями зі зменшення грудей, які включають підтяжку та зменшення розміру грудей пацієнтки.

Читати далі

Доктор Аліса Варанда Перейра є кваліфікованим пластичним, реконструктивним та естетичним хірургом з більш ніж десятирічним досвідом. Вона закінчила Лісабонський університет і має ступінь магістра людської сексуальності. Доктор Перейра є досвідченим науковцем, він працював викладачем в Інституті анатомії на факультеті університету. Її дослідницькі проекти в основному зосереджені на хірургічній анатомії, і вона керує магістерською дисертацією для студентів бакалаврату. Вона є членом Португальської медичної асоціації та зареєстрована під номером 47051. Доктор Перейра відома своїми успішними операціями зі зменшення грудей, які включають підтяжку та зменшення розміру грудей пацієнтки.

Читати далі
Португалія, Лісабон
Clínica LMR

Доктор Луїза Магальянс Рамос — пластичний, реконструктивний та естетичний хірург, який спеціалізується на естетичній пластичній хірургії обличчя та грудей, а також інтимній жіночій хірургії. Вона закінчила спеціалізацію в Hospital de São José у Лісабоні та працювала у всесвітньо відомих клініках. Її практика пропонує широкий спектр процедур, включаючи збільшення грудей, підтяжку грудей за допомогою імплантів, зменшення грудей, підтяжку обличчя та шиї, ринопластику та багато іншого. Вона є зареєстрованим членом Португальської медичної асоціації.

Читати далі

Доктор Луїза Магальянс Рамос — пластичний, реконструктивний та естетичний хірург, який спеціалізується на естетичній пластичній хірургії обличчя та грудей, а також інтимній жіночій хірургії. Вона закінчила спеціалізацію в Hospital de São José у Лісабоні та працювала у всесвітньо відомих клініках. Її практика пропонує широкий спектр процедур, включаючи збільшення грудей, підтяжку грудей за допомогою імплантів, зменшення грудей, підтяжку обличчя та шиї, ринопластику та багато іншого. Вона є зареєстрованим членом Португальської медичної асоціації.

Читати далі
Колумбія, Картахена
Bonilla Plastic Surgery

Доктор Рікардо Бонілья – пластичний та реконструктивний хірург, який отримав медичний ступінь в Університеті Хаверіана в Боготі, Колумбія, у 1988 році. Пізніше він отримав ступінь з пластичної хірургії в Університеті Коста-Ріки та завершив навчання з пластичної та реконструктивної хірургії в UAB у Бірмінгемі. , Алабама, США. Працював пластичним хірургом у різних клініках і лікарнях Боготи, Перейри та США. Доктор Бонілла є дійсним членом кількох медичних товариств, у тому числі Колумбійського товариства естетичної пластичної та реконструктивної хірургії та Міжнародного товариства естетичної пластичної хірургії.

Читати далі

Доктор Рікардо Бонілья – пластичний та реконструктивний хірург, який отримав медичний ступінь в Університеті Хаверіана в Боготі, Колумбія, у 1988 році. Пізніше він отримав ступінь з пластичної хірургії в Університеті Коста-Ріки та завершив навчання з пластичної та реконструктивної хірургії в UAB у Бірмінгемі. , Алабама, США. Працював пластичним хірургом у різних клініках і лікарнях Боготи, Перейри та США. Доктор Бонілла є дійсним членом кількох медичних товариств, у тому числі Колумбійського товариства естетичної пластичної та реконструктивної хірургії та Міжнародного товариства естетичної пластичної хірургії.

Читати далі
Mehdi Afrit
13 років досвіду
ОАЕ, Шарджа
Спеціалізована лікарня Бурджил Шарджа (Burjeel Specialty Hospital Sharjah)

Mehdi Afrit

13 років досвіду


Dr. Mehdi Afrit is a Medical Oncologist who practices at Burjeel Specialty Hospital in Sharjah. He has over 11 years of experience caring for and managing cancer patients. He has extensive experience providing chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy to patients. He earned a Certificate of Medical Oncology from the Gustave Roussy Institute in Paris, France, where he received training in antitumor chemotherapy and cancer medical treatment. Additionally, he holds an international certificate in breast diseases. He also has a certificate in Good Clinical Practice from Trans Celerate Biopharma Inc. and a certificate in Clinical Trial Management: Good Clinical Practice from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians. He previously worked for over five years as an Assistant Professor of Medical Oncology at Tunis’s Faculty of Medicine. He later practiced as a Consultant, Medical Oncologist for six years at Arianna’s hospital in Tunisia. He later worked for two years as a Specialist Medical Oncologist at Zulekha Hospital. He was also an investigator in three international clinical trials and holds clinical trial auditing and CRO certifications and a GCP Training Certificate from 2016. He is a member in good standing of the Emirates Oncology Society (EOS), the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO), and the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). His clinical expertise includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Oncology care and treatment for chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, immune therapy, and target therapy
  • Breast cancer
  • Solid tumor diagnosis
  • Digestive cancer
  • Gynecological cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Genitourinary cancer
  • Sarcoma

Awards & Achievements

  • Award from Himaya Foundations and University of Sharjah

Research & Publications

  • Clinicopathological Features of Gastric Cancer in a Cohort of Gulf Council Countries' Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study of 96 Cases. Journal of Oncology Research Reviews & Reports Volume 2(2): 1-3.
  • The Burden of Gynecologic Cancers in the UAE. Journal of Oncology Research Reviews & Reports Volume 2(4): 1-6.
  • The Emirates Oncology Task Force Clinical Practice Guideline on Screening for SARS-CoV-2 in Asymptomatic Adult Cancer Patients Before Anti-Cancer Therapy. Journal of Oncology Research Reviews & Reports Volume 2(4): 1-6.
  • The State of Cancer Care in the United Arab Emirates in 2020: Challenges and Recommendations, A report by the United Arab Emirates Oncology Task Force. Humaid Al-Shamsi, Humaa Darr, Ibrahim Abu-Gheida , Jawaher Ansari, Martine, Mehdi Afrit, Mohamad H Masri, Mohamed Abuhaleeqa. Gulf J Oncology 2020 Jan;1(32):71-87.
  • Primary Bone Lymphoma: Tunisian Multicentric Retrospective Study About 32 Cases. Ben Ayed C, Laabidi S, Said N, Afrit M, Ben Ahmed S, Boussen H. Tunis Med. 2018 May;96(5):269-272.
  • First Site of Recurrence After Breast Cancer Adjuvant Treatment in the Era of Multimodality Therapy: Which Imaging for Which Patient During Follow-up? Nesrine M, Mehdi B, Houda EB, Soumaya L, Mehdi A, Bechir Z, Hamouda B. Breast Dis. 2017 Nov 21
Читати далі


Dr. Mehdi Afrit is a Medical Oncologist who practices at Burjeel Specialty Hospital in Sharjah. He has over 11 years of experience caring for and managing cancer patients. He has extensive experience providing chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy to patients. He earned a Certificate of Medical Oncology from the Gustave Roussy Institute in Paris, France, where he received training in antitumor chemotherapy and cancer medical treatment. Additionally, he holds an international certificate in breast diseases. He also has a certificate in Good Clinical Practice from Trans Celerate Biopharma Inc. and a certificate in Clinical Trial Management: Good Clinical Practice from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians. He previously worked for over five years as an Assistant Professor of Medical Oncology at Tunis’s Faculty of Medicine. He later practiced as a Consultant, Medical Oncologist for six years at Arianna’s hospital in Tunisia. He later worked for two years as a Specialist Medical Oncologist at Zulekha Hospital. He was also an investigator in three international clinical trials and holds clinical trial auditing and CRO certifications and a GCP Training Certificate from 2016. He is a member in good standing of the Emirates Oncology Society (EOS), the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO), and the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). His clinical expertise includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Oncology care and treatment for chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, immune therapy, and target therapy
  • Breast cancer
  • Solid tumor diagnosis
  • Digestive cancer
  • Gynecological cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Genitourinary cancer
  • Sarcoma

Awards & Achievements

  • Award from Himaya Foundations and University of Sharjah

Research & Publications

  • Clinicopathological Features of Gastric Cancer in a Cohort of Gulf Council Countries' Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study of 96 Cases. Journal of Oncology Research Reviews & Reports Volume 2(2): 1-3.
  • The Burden of Gynecologic Cancers in the UAE. Journal of Oncology Research Reviews & Reports Volume 2(4): 1-6.
  • The Emirates Oncology Task Force Clinical Practice Guideline on Screening for SARS-CoV-2 in Asymptomatic Adult Cancer Patients Before Anti-Cancer Therapy. Journal of Oncology Research Reviews & Reports Volume 2(4): 1-6.
  • The State of Cancer Care in the United Arab Emirates in 2020: Challenges and Recommendations, A report by the United Arab Emirates Oncology Task Force. Humaid Al-Shamsi, Humaa Darr, Ibrahim Abu-Gheida , Jawaher Ansari, Martine, Mehdi Afrit, Mohamad H Masri, Mohamed Abuhaleeqa. Gulf J Oncology 2020 Jan;1(32):71-87.
  • Primary Bone Lymphoma: Tunisian Multicentric Retrospective Study About 32 Cases. Ben Ayed C, Laabidi S, Said N, Afrit M, Ben Ahmed S, Boussen H. Tunis Med. 2018 May;96(5):269-272.
  • First Site of Recurrence After Breast Cancer Adjuvant Treatment in the Era of Multimodality Therapy: Which Imaging for Which Patient During Follow-up? Nesrine M, Mehdi B, Houda EB, Soumaya L, Mehdi A, Bechir Z, Hamouda B. Breast Dis. 2017 Nov 21
Читати далі
Tasneem Abu El Fuol
Фахівець із загальної хірургії
9 років досвіду

Tasneem Abu El Fuol

Фахівець із загальної хірургії
9 років досвіду
ОАЕ, Шарджа
Спеціалізована лікарня Бурджил Шарджа (Burjeel Specialty Hospital Sharjah)
M Murat Naki
20 років досвіду

M Murat Naki

20 років досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Dr. Murat Naki Clinic
Namik Yilmaz
Фахівець із загальної хірургії
18 років досвіду

Namik Yilmaz

Фахівець із загальної хірургії
18 років досвіду
Туреччина, Анталія
Medworld Health & Rehabilitation Center
Enrico Arnaldi
46 років досвіду
Італія, Мілан

Enrico Arnaldi

46 років досвіду

Prof. Enrico Arnaldi is the Arthroscopic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Knee Unit Director in Humanitas Research Hospital. 
He was the medical apprentice of Dr. Lorenzo Spotorno (a master and pioneer in prosthetic surgery). Since 1984, he has dedicated himself to arthroscopic knee surgery and later on shoulder surgery.

Medical areas of interest: He is specialized in degenerative and post-traumatic shoulder diseases (rotator cuff tendon injuries, glenomeral arthrosis, shoulder instability) and related surgical treatments, arthroscopic (tendon repairs, capsuloplasty, etc.) and open (latarjet stabilization, orthoprosthesis, etc.). 
He also deals with degenerative and post traumatic knee pathologies, with particular attention to the osteoarthritis of the knee (primitive or secondary), the post-traumatic complex capsule-ligamentous instabilities, the lesions of the cruciate ligaments, meniscus and cartilage, and open-air surgical treatments (such as corrective osteotomies, first implant orthoprosthesis and revisions) and arthroscopic (meniscectomies and meniscal sutures, meniscal transplants, ACL reconstruction, treatment of focal cartilage lesions). 

Research areas of interest:
There are many research interests, ranging from biotechnology to meniscal transplants and osteochondral grafts, from allogeneic grafts for reviews from failures of ligamentous reconstruction to patella stabilization.

He practiced his specialty in the US in some of the world-renowned medical institutions along with internationally famous doctors: the University of Pittsburgh (Dr. Freddie Fu, Dr. Harner, Dr. Savio Lee Wo), the Intermountain Hospital in Salt Lake City (Dr. Rosemberg, Dr. Paulos), Dr. E. Wolf (San Francisco), Dr. Helman and Dr. Morrison (Los Angeles), Dr. Nottage, Dr. Esch (San Diego), Dr. Steadman and Dr. Hawkins (Vail), Dr. P. Fowler (London Ontario Canada), and J. P. Warner in Boston University.

He has performed more than 10,000 arthroscopic knee surgeries and approximately 1,200 prosthetic reconstruction of the knee. He has always been very involved in the research works in the area of new biotechnologies, meniscal and osteochondral transplantation, allogeneic grafts for revisions by failures of ligament reconstructions, stabilization of the patella.

Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=arnaldi+enrico

Читати далі

Prof. Enrico Arnaldi is the Arthroscopic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Knee Unit Director in Humanitas Research Hospital. 
He was the medical apprentice of Dr. Lorenzo Spotorno (a master and pioneer in prosthetic surgery). Since 1984, he has dedicated himself to arthroscopic knee surgery and later on shoulder surgery.

Medical areas of interest: He is specialized in degenerative and post-traumatic shoulder diseases (rotator cuff tendon injuries, glenomeral arthrosis, shoulder instability) and related surgical treatments, arthroscopic (tendon repairs, capsuloplasty, etc.) and open (latarjet stabilization, orthoprosthesis, etc.). 
He also deals with degenerative and post traumatic knee pathologies, with particular attention to the osteoarthritis of the knee (primitive or secondary), the post-traumatic complex capsule-ligamentous instabilities, the lesions of the cruciate ligaments, meniscus and cartilage, and open-air surgical treatments (such as corrective osteotomies, first implant orthoprosthesis and revisions) and arthroscopic (meniscectomies and meniscal sutures, meniscal transplants, ACL reconstruction, treatment of focal cartilage lesions). 

Research areas of interest:
There are many research interests, ranging from biotechnology to meniscal transplants and osteochondral grafts, from allogeneic grafts for reviews from failures of ligamentous reconstruction to patella stabilization.

He practiced his specialty in the US in some of the world-renowned medical institutions along with internationally famous doctors: the University of Pittsburgh (Dr. Freddie Fu, Dr. Harner, Dr. Savio Lee Wo), the Intermountain Hospital in Salt Lake City (Dr. Rosemberg, Dr. Paulos), Dr. E. Wolf (San Francisco), Dr. Helman and Dr. Morrison (Los Angeles), Dr. Nottage, Dr. Esch (San Diego), Dr. Steadman and Dr. Hawkins (Vail), Dr. P. Fowler (London Ontario Canada), and J. P. Warner in Boston University.

He has performed more than 10,000 arthroscopic knee surgeries and approximately 1,200 prosthetic reconstruction of the knee. He has always been very involved in the research works in the area of new biotechnologies, meniscal and osteochondral transplantation, allogeneic grafts for revisions by failures of ligament reconstructions, stabilization of the patella.

Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=arnaldi+enrico

Читати далі
Efrem Civilini
Судинний хірург
27 років досвіду
Італія, Мілан

Efrem Civilini

Судинний хірург
27 років досвіду

Prof. Efrem Civilini  is chairman at Humanitas University and Vascular Surgery Unit Director at Humanitas Research Hospital.

He received his medical degree from the University of Milan, Italy and board-certified in Vascular Surgery at the University of Siena, Italy. He took his internship and residency in vascular surgery at San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan (Italy) where he completed his training with clinical and research fellowships under the guidance of his mentor Prof. Roberto Chiesa.

As an attending surgeon and later as chief of Thoracic Aortic Surgery at the Cardiovascular Department of San Raffaele he practiced his surgical skills in an internationally recognized team treating thoraco-abdominal aneurysms and then studied minimally invasive aortic surgery at the Cleveland Clinic (OH). After an experience of about 15.000 vascular surgerie, in 2015 was appointed to Humanitas at the head of a relatively young team: the department of Vascular Surgery I. This department provides comprehensive treatments for all types of vascular disorders including the new technology of catheter-based intervention as well as traditional surgical treatment all geared toward maximizing safety and optimizing outcomes.

Prof. Civilini’s research has been focused on aortic surgery and minimally invasive vascular therapies. He co-authored practice guidelines for the treatment of patients with cardiovascular diseases and has played a role in industry-sponsored clinical trials assessing the performance of new expandable stents used to treat thoracic aorta disease. He has been invited to present his clinical experience at international and national medical conferences and symposia.

He has authored or co-authored several peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on his clinical experience and research. He serves as a reviewer for the Annals of Vascular Surgery and is member of the European Society of Vascular Surgery and the Società Italiana di Chirurgia Vascolare ed Endovascolare.

Previous experience:

Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan. Italy
Staff surgeon and Director of the Thoracic Aortic Surgery

“Vita – Salute” University, Milan. Italy
Fellow and Contract Professor of Surgery

Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (OH)
Additional training in catheter-based interventions and endovascular surgery of thoraco-abdominal aneurysms.



Читати далі

Prof. Efrem Civilini  is chairman at Humanitas University and Vascular Surgery Unit Director at Humanitas Research Hospital.

He received his medical degree from the University of Milan, Italy and board-certified in Vascular Surgery at the University of Siena, Italy. He took his internship and residency in vascular surgery at San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan (Italy) where he completed his training with clinical and research fellowships under the guidance of his mentor Prof. Roberto Chiesa.

As an attending surgeon and later as chief of Thoracic Aortic Surgery at the Cardiovascular Department of San Raffaele he practiced his surgical skills in an internationally recognized team treating thoraco-abdominal aneurysms and then studied minimally invasive aortic surgery at the Cleveland Clinic (OH). After an experience of about 15.000 vascular surgerie, in 2015 was appointed to Humanitas at the head of a relatively young team: the department of Vascular Surgery I. This department provides comprehensive treatments for all types of vascular disorders including the new technology of catheter-based intervention as well as traditional surgical treatment all geared toward maximizing safety and optimizing outcomes.

Prof. Civilini’s research has been focused on aortic surgery and minimally invasive vascular therapies. He co-authored practice guidelines for the treatment of patients with cardiovascular diseases and has played a role in industry-sponsored clinical trials assessing the performance of new expandable stents used to treat thoracic aorta disease. He has been invited to present his clinical experience at international and national medical conferences and symposia.

He has authored or co-authored several peer-reviewed articles and book chapters on his clinical experience and research. He serves as a reviewer for the Annals of Vascular Surgery and is member of the European Society of Vascular Surgery and the Società Italiana di Chirurgia Vascolare ed Endovascolare.

Previous experience:

Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan. Italy
Staff surgeon and Director of the Thoracic Aortic Surgery

“Vita – Salute” University, Milan. Italy
Fellow and Contract Professor of Surgery

Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland (OH)
Additional training in catheter-based interventions and endovascular surgery of thoraco-abdominal aneurysms.



Читати далі
Maria Grazia Bordoni
Судинний хірург
39 років досвіду
Італія, Мілан

Maria Grazia Bordoni

Судинний хірург
39 років досвіду

Prof. Dr. Maria Grazia Bordoni is the Vascular Surgery Unit Director in Humanitas Research Hospital. She has graduated at Università degli Studi of Milan and specialised as a vascular surgeon and since then she has been interested in vascular surgery in all its aspects.

Medical areas of interest:

Her main specialties are endovascular surgery and treatment of the large vessels of the abdomen and thorax (aorta, thoracic cavity), carotid surgery, endovascular and surgical treatments for arteries of the lower limbs, preparation of complex vascular access in hemodialysis, phlebology, diagnosis and treatment of vascular malformations. 

Research areas of interest: 

When it comes to the research activity, Dr. Bordoni is mainly dealing with early treatment of acute ischemic strokes and stimulation of the carotid baroreceptors in patients with heart failure. Prof. Bordoni has performed more than 2000 surgeries as first surgeon in her Humanitas career. 

Since 2005, she is also Milan University professor: she teaches General Surgery and focuses on the topic of vascular and surgical emergencies.

Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=bordoni+mg

Читати далі

Prof. Dr. Maria Grazia Bordoni is the Vascular Surgery Unit Director in Humanitas Research Hospital. She has graduated at Università degli Studi of Milan and specialised as a vascular surgeon and since then she has been interested in vascular surgery in all its aspects.

Medical areas of interest:

Her main specialties are endovascular surgery and treatment of the large vessels of the abdomen and thorax (aorta, thoracic cavity), carotid surgery, endovascular and surgical treatments for arteries of the lower limbs, preparation of complex vascular access in hemodialysis, phlebology, diagnosis and treatment of vascular malformations. 

Research areas of interest: 

When it comes to the research activity, Dr. Bordoni is mainly dealing with early treatment of acute ischemic strokes and stimulation of the carotid baroreceptors in patients with heart failure. Prof. Bordoni has performed more than 2000 surgeries as first surgeon in her Humanitas career. 

Since 2005, she is also Milan University professor: she teaches General Surgery and focuses on the topic of vascular and surgical emergencies.

Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=bordoni+mg

Читати далі
Marco Alloisio
Торакальний хірург
48 років досвіду
Італія, Мілан

Marco Alloisio

Торакальний хірург
48 років досвіду

Prof. Marco Alloisio is the thoracic surgery Unit Director at Humanitas Research Hospital. He graduated in Medicine in 1976 at Università Statale of Milan, specialized in General Surgery, Oncological and Thoracic Surgery. 

Under the guidance of Professor Umberto Veronesi, from 1977 to 1997 he was an assistant in the divisions of general oncological, otolaryngology and thoracic surgery at the National Cancer Institute of Milan (INT). During this period, he also worked with general surgery, breast surgery, oncological otorhinolaryngology and had several periods spent studying abroad (Paris and New York at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center).

In 1997 he started his activity at Humanitas Research Hospital and in 1998 he was appointed Chief of Mini-Invasive Thoracic Surgery. From 2006 he was designated Chief of Thoracic Surgery at the same Institution. Main clinical activity has been focused on Thoracic Surgical Oncology, and in particular all kinds of surgical management of primary and secondary lung cancer, lung metastases, mediastinal tumors and thoracic wall tumors. Prof. Marco Alloisio is president of the Italian League for the fight against cancer (LILT) in Milan, and member of many national and international societies (SIC, SICO, ESSO, ISDE, ACOI, SICT, ESTS).

Author of over 200 publications, including articles and presentations to national and internationals scientific meetings. His engagement in clinical research involves early detection and management of primary lung cancer and his treatment also with video-assisted techniques, successful treatment of lung metastases with new techniques for salvage surgery (multiple sub lobar resections and laser resections) but also aggressive surgery for advanced lung cancers after induction chemotherapy and treatment of the thoracic wall and vertebral bodies. 
In the latter field, he is engaged in the surgical treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma (extra pleural pneumonectomy) with multimodality approaches in a multicentric Italian cooperative group.

Currently engaged in genetic research studies such as "ERCC1 and B-Tubulin exspression in locally advanced NSCLC treated with platinum/vinorelbin neodjuvant chemotherapy" and in external collaborations with universities and hospitals around the world.

Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=alloisio+marco

Читати далі

Prof. Marco Alloisio is the thoracic surgery Unit Director at Humanitas Research Hospital. He graduated in Medicine in 1976 at Università Statale of Milan, specialized in General Surgery, Oncological and Thoracic Surgery. 

Under the guidance of Professor Umberto Veronesi, from 1977 to 1997 he was an assistant in the divisions of general oncological, otolaryngology and thoracic surgery at the National Cancer Institute of Milan (INT). During this period, he also worked with general surgery, breast surgery, oncological otorhinolaryngology and had several periods spent studying abroad (Paris and New York at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center).

In 1997 he started his activity at Humanitas Research Hospital and in 1998 he was appointed Chief of Mini-Invasive Thoracic Surgery. From 2006 he was designated Chief of Thoracic Surgery at the same Institution. Main clinical activity has been focused on Thoracic Surgical Oncology, and in particular all kinds of surgical management of primary and secondary lung cancer, lung metastases, mediastinal tumors and thoracic wall tumors. Prof. Marco Alloisio is president of the Italian League for the fight against cancer (LILT) in Milan, and member of many national and international societies (SIC, SICO, ESSO, ISDE, ACOI, SICT, ESTS).

Author of over 200 publications, including articles and presentations to national and internationals scientific meetings. His engagement in clinical research involves early detection and management of primary lung cancer and his treatment also with video-assisted techniques, successful treatment of lung metastases with new techniques for salvage surgery (multiple sub lobar resections and laser resections) but also aggressive surgery for advanced lung cancers after induction chemotherapy and treatment of the thoracic wall and vertebral bodies. 
In the latter field, he is engaged in the surgical treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma (extra pleural pneumonectomy) with multimodality approaches in a multicentric Italian cooperative group.

Currently engaged in genetic research studies such as "ERCC1 and B-Tubulin exspression in locally advanced NSCLC treated with platinum/vinorelbin neodjuvant chemotherapy" and in external collaborations with universities and hospitals around the world.

Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=alloisio+marco

Читати далі
Guido Grappiolo
39 років досвіду
Італія, Мілан

Guido Grappiolo

39 років досвіду

Prof. Guido Grappiolo is Orthopedics Hip and Prosthesis Unit Director in Humanitas Research Hospital. Since 1991, Prof. Guido Grappiolo began working as a researcher dedicated mainly to hip surgery in cooperation with internationally renowned authors such as: Prof. Ganz Prof. T. Gruen, Prof. D. Blaha (U.S.A.), Prof. H. Wagner (Germany), Prof. E. Morscher (Switzerland).

He collaborates with major international schools in the research of new and modern strategies in the field of minimally invasive prosthetics, computer-assisted surgery and conservative surgery. To encourage research in orthopedics is the main scientific goal of the establishment and organization of the "Foundation Livio Sciutto – NPO", an organization of which Prof. Grappiolo is the scientific director. Playing this role, Prof. Grappiolo has been creating and maintaining contacts with other national and international research institutes, which trained thousands of surgeons coming from every country of the world.

The organization has one of the largest hip replacement database of the world: more than 45.000. Dr. Grappiolo is mentored by Dr. Spotorno (a master and pioneer in prosthetic surgery), and their group studied and developed some of the bestselling prosthesis in the world. His research led him to contact the major international schools with which he collaborates in the search for new strategies of improvement in prosthetic minimally invasive and computer-assisted conservative surgery with the development of new prosthetic models and exploration of new materials.

To date, he has attended over 170 meetings, both national and international, almost every time in the role of speaker or chairman. His name appears as author, in more than 60 publications and articles. He has performed more than 2600 prosthetic surgery (hip, knee and ankle).

Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=grappiolo


Читати далі

Prof. Guido Grappiolo is Orthopedics Hip and Prosthesis Unit Director in Humanitas Research Hospital. Since 1991, Prof. Guido Grappiolo began working as a researcher dedicated mainly to hip surgery in cooperation with internationally renowned authors such as: Prof. Ganz Prof. T. Gruen, Prof. D. Blaha (U.S.A.), Prof. H. Wagner (Germany), Prof. E. Morscher (Switzerland).

He collaborates with major international schools in the research of new and modern strategies in the field of minimally invasive prosthetics, computer-assisted surgery and conservative surgery. To encourage research in orthopedics is the main scientific goal of the establishment and organization of the "Foundation Livio Sciutto – NPO", an organization of which Prof. Grappiolo is the scientific director. Playing this role, Prof. Grappiolo has been creating and maintaining contacts with other national and international research institutes, which trained thousands of surgeons coming from every country of the world.

The organization has one of the largest hip replacement database of the world: more than 45.000. Dr. Grappiolo is mentored by Dr. Spotorno (a master and pioneer in prosthetic surgery), and their group studied and developed some of the bestselling prosthesis in the world. His research led him to contact the major international schools with which he collaborates in the search for new strategies of improvement in prosthetic minimally invasive and computer-assisted conservative surgery with the development of new prosthetic models and exploration of new materials.

To date, he has attended over 170 meetings, both national and international, almost every time in the role of speaker or chairman. His name appears as author, in more than 60 publications and articles. He has performed more than 2600 prosthetic surgery (hip, knee and ankle).

Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=grappiolo


Читати далі
Federico Della Rocca
23 роки досвіду
Італія, Мілан

Federico Della Rocca

23 роки досвіду

Dott. Federico Della Rocca is the Prosthetic and Minimally Invasive Hip and Knee Orthopaedics. 

Medical areas of interest: 
Pathology of the hip and knee, with particular interest in prosthetic and arthroscopic hip surgery. He performs about 700 surgeries every year. He has numerous participations as speaker at national and international conferences.

Previous experience:
He was an attending physician at Steadman Hawkins Clinic Hospital, Vail Colorado, USA. 

He gave a great contribution to the development of the GTS (Global Tissue Sparing) hip prosthetic stem and biomechanical rotational stability tests with Prof Thomsen, Heidelberg (Germany) 12/2012.

Research areas of interest: 
Arthroscopic techniques on the hip

Teaching experience: 
Theory and practical courses in arthroscopic and prosthetic hip surgery at Medical Education

Читати далі

Dott. Federico Della Rocca is the Prosthetic and Minimally Invasive Hip and Knee Orthopaedics. 

Medical areas of interest: 
Pathology of the hip and knee, with particular interest in prosthetic and arthroscopic hip surgery. He performs about 700 surgeries every year. He has numerous participations as speaker at national and international conferences.

Previous experience:
He was an attending physician at Steadman Hawkins Clinic Hospital, Vail Colorado, USA. 

He gave a great contribution to the development of the GTS (Global Tissue Sparing) hip prosthetic stem and biomechanical rotational stability tests with Prof Thomsen, Heidelberg (Germany) 12/2012.

Research areas of interest: 
Arthroscopic techniques on the hip

Teaching experience: 
Theory and practical courses in arthroscopic and prosthetic hip surgery at Medical Education

Читати далі
Esma Boysan
21 рік досвіду

Esma Boysan

21 рік досвіду
Туреччина, Анталія
Exclusive Health Clinic Turkey
Yasar Pala
32 роки досвіду

Yasar Pala

32 роки досвіду
Туреччина, Текірдаг
Banu Kor
25 років досвіду

Banu Kor

25 років досвіду
Туреччина, Анталія
Медичний центр Corpusrenew
Marco Montorsi
Торакальний хірург
46 років досвіду
Італія, Мілан

Marco Montorsi

Торакальний хірург
46 років досвіду

Prof. Marco Montorsi is the Director of the Department of General and digestive surgery unit in Humanitas Research Hospital and he is Professor of General Surgery at the Humanitas University. His academic career started in the the Humanitas University of Milan, where he entered in 1980 as Assistant Professor and was appointed as Professor of Surgery in 2001.

His main interests are in the field of digestive diseases and in the surgical treatment of the related pathologies, mainly hepatico-pancreatico-biliary (HPB) and colorectal pathologies. He is indeed the Director of the Department of Surgery in Humanitas Research Hospital where a great volume of major abdominal surgeries is routinely performed. Around 250 -300 hepatic and pancreatic resections and 350 colorectal resections.
He began performing laparoscopic colorectal surgery in the early 90s and gained a lot of experience in this field. The vast majority of colorectal tumours diagnosed in the department of Surgery is submitted to laparoscopic resection thus allowing a smooth and safe disease course. A robotic approach with the new Da Vinci equipment is now available for patients with rectal tumours.

Transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) with dedicated instruments is also offered to selected patient with low-sited rectal tumours so sparing major abdominal approach.

A routine policy of strict interaction with the Dept. of Oncology is active for patients needing a perioperative chemo- and radiotherapy with the aim of full integration for a better care and results.

Prof. Marco Montorsi is also Humanitas University President with over 10 years of experience in didactic and clinic teaching to medical students.

Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=montorsi+marco

Читати далі

Prof. Marco Montorsi is the Director of the Department of General and digestive surgery unit in Humanitas Research Hospital and he is Professor of General Surgery at the Humanitas University. His academic career started in the the Humanitas University of Milan, where he entered in 1980 as Assistant Professor and was appointed as Professor of Surgery in 2001.

His main interests are in the field of digestive diseases and in the surgical treatment of the related pathologies, mainly hepatico-pancreatico-biliary (HPB) and colorectal pathologies. He is indeed the Director of the Department of Surgery in Humanitas Research Hospital where a great volume of major abdominal surgeries is routinely performed. Around 250 -300 hepatic and pancreatic resections and 350 colorectal resections.
He began performing laparoscopic colorectal surgery in the early 90s and gained a lot of experience in this field. The vast majority of colorectal tumours diagnosed in the department of Surgery is submitted to laparoscopic resection thus allowing a smooth and safe disease course. A robotic approach with the new Da Vinci equipment is now available for patients with rectal tumours.

Transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) with dedicated instruments is also offered to selected patient with low-sited rectal tumours so sparing major abdominal approach.

A routine policy of strict interaction with the Dept. of Oncology is active for patients needing a perioperative chemo- and radiotherapy with the aim of full integration for a better care and results.

Prof. Marco Montorsi is also Humanitas University President with over 10 years of experience in didactic and clinic teaching to medical students.

Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=montorsi+marco

Читати далі
Leonardo Maradei
Хірургія ноги
29 років досвіду
Італія, Мілан

Leonardo Maradei

Хірургія ноги
29 років досвіду

Prof. Leonardo Maradei is specialised in orthopaedics and traumatology and is the Director of the Foot Surgery and Minimally Invasive Operations Unit in Humanitas Research Hospital. 

Prof. Leonardo Maradei performs surgery on the foot with minimally invasive techniques and arthroscopic surgery. After his specialization he deepened his studies in arthroscopic surgery of the shoulder and the knee at the Mississippi Sports Medicine & Orthopaedic Center (USA), under the guidance of prof. F. H. Savoie. He has developed considerable experience in shoulder prosthetic surgery as a pupil of prof. Mario Randelli. 
His research is focused on the development of new prosthetic materials for the shoulder. During his years in Humanitas he has performed more than 2000 surgeries on the foot, more than 1000 on the knee and more than a 1000 on the shoulder. 

Dr. Maradei is a professor at Università Statale of Milan where he teaches Medicine and Surgery - Lessons on minimally invasive surgery of the shoulder and knee.

Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=maradei+leonardo


Читати далі

Prof. Leonardo Maradei is specialised in orthopaedics and traumatology and is the Director of the Foot Surgery and Minimally Invasive Operations Unit in Humanitas Research Hospital. 

Prof. Leonardo Maradei performs surgery on the foot with minimally invasive techniques and arthroscopic surgery. After his specialization he deepened his studies in arthroscopic surgery of the shoulder and the knee at the Mississippi Sports Medicine & Orthopaedic Center (USA), under the guidance of prof. F. H. Savoie. He has developed considerable experience in shoulder prosthetic surgery as a pupil of prof. Mario Randelli. 
His research is focused on the development of new prosthetic materials for the shoulder. During his years in Humanitas he has performed more than 2000 surgeries on the foot, more than 1000 on the knee and more than a 1000 on the shoulder. 

Dr. Maradei is a professor at Università Statale of Milan where he teaches Medicine and Surgery - Lessons on minimally invasive surgery of the shoulder and knee.

Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=maradei+leonardo


Читати далі