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Найкращі хірурги – ТОП-628 лікарів

Контент відповідає редакційній політиці Bookimed і його якість перевірив
Фахад Мавлюд - Лікар загальної практики, лауреат 4 конкурсів наукових робіт молодих вчених. Працював на Середньому Сході. Колишній керівник команди англомовних та арабомовних лікарів-координаторів. Наразі займається аналізом даних та є медичним редактором сайту.
Tulay Arici
Фахівець з очної хірургії
19 років досвіду
1 відгук

Tulay Arici

Фахівець з очної хірургії
19 років досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Офтальмологічна клініка Dunyagoz Istanbul Atakoy
Mustafa Tukenmez
Фахівець із загальної хірургії
22 роки досвіду
4 відгуки

Mustafa Tukenmez

Фахівець із загальної хірургії
22 роки досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Liv Hospital Vadistanbul
Ekrem Ferlengez
19 років досвіду
3 відгуки
Туреччина, Стамбул
Стамбульський онкологічний госпіталь (Istanbul Oncology Hospital)

Ekrem Ferlengez

19 років досвіду

Доктор X є висококваліфікованим фахівцем із загальної хірургії та захворювань молочної залози. Він отримав початкову, середню та середню освіту в Стамбулі, перш ніж закінчити медичний факультет Хаджеттепе в 2005 році. Відтоді він отримав спеціальність із загальної хірургії та став членом Європейської ради. доктора хірургії молочної залози та працював у різних лікарнях і клініках. Він також є членом Турецької асоціації хірургів і володіє англійською мовою.

Читати далі

Доктор X є висококваліфікованим фахівцем із загальної хірургії та захворювань молочної залози. Він отримав початкову, середню та середню освіту в Стамбулі, перш ніж закінчити медичний факультет Хаджеттепе в 2005 році. Відтоді він отримав спеціальність із загальної хірургії та став членом Європейської ради. доктора хірургії молочної залози та працював у різних лікарнях і клініках. Він також є членом Турецької асоціації хірургів і володіє англійською мовою.

Читати далі
3 відгуки
Візит лікаря ціна за запитом
Операція при раку молочної залози $6000 - $20000
Більше процедур
Gurkan Metin
26 років досвіду
Туреччина, Ізмір
Dent Glow Clinic

Gurkan Metin

26 років досвіду

Лікар пройшов різноманітні курси та семінари з стоматології, ортодонтії, естетики обличчя та імплантології та отримав сертифікати про відвідування та проходження.

Читати далі

Лікар пройшов різноманітні курси та семінари з стоматології, ортодонтії, естетики обличчя та імплантології та отримав сертифікати про відвідування та проходження.

Читати далі
Peter Schenker
Фахівець з хірургії ШКТ
17 років досвіду
55 відгуків

Peter Schenker

Фахівець з хірургії ШКТ
17 років досвіду
Німеччина, Золінген
Medical Center in Solingen
55 відгуків
Візит лікаря ціна за запитом
Операція при пупковій грижі $5011.22
Резекція жовчного міхура $7795.23
Операція Уіппла $23385.69 - $35635.34
Більше процедур
Op Dr Numan Dogu Guner
32 роки досвіду
3 відгуки

Op Dr Numan Dogu Guner

32 роки досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Стамбульський онкологічний госпіталь (Istanbul Oncology Hospital)
3 відгуки
Візит лікаря ціна за запитом
Операція при раку молочної залози $6000 - $20000
Більше процедур
Hakan Ozalp
32 роки досвіду
2 відгуки
Туреччина, Стамбул
Госпіталь Medipol Bahçelievler

Hakan Ozalp

32 роки досвіду


2019 – 2019

  • University of Insubria, Varese, Italy, 

Insubria University Faculty of Medicine



2013 – 2015


2010 – 2012


2002 – 2003






Читати далі


2019 – 2019

  • University of Insubria, Varese, Italy, 

Insubria University Faculty of Medicine



2013 – 2015


2010 – 2012


2002 – 2003






Читати далі
2 відгуки
Візит лікаря ціна за запитом
Гемороїдектомія $2500
Операція при раку молочної залози $5000 - $8000
Операція Уіппла $18000 - $25000
Більше процедур
Volkan Matben
Фахівець з очної хірургії
18 років досвіду

Volkan Matben

Фахівець з очної хірургії
18 років досвіду
Туреччина, Анкара
Офтальмологічна клініка Dunyagoz Ankara Tunus
Mario Tartarone
22 роки досвіду
1 відгук

Mario Tartarone

22 роки досвіду
Італія, Рим
Лікарня Сан-Карло-ді-Нансі (Ospedale San Carlo di Nancy)
1 відгук
Візит лікаря ціна за запитом
Міомектомія (видалення міоми матки) $12249.65 - $14476.86
Операція при пупковій грижі $4454.42 - $5011.22
Видалення нирки $22272.09 - $31180.92
Більше процедур
Abuzer Dirican
Фахівець із загальної хірургії
29 років досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Клініка VM Medical Park Florya

Abuzer Dirican

Фахівець із загальної хірургії
29 років досвіду

General Surgery Department 

Liver Transplantation 

Kidney Transplantation


Education status: 

Master's degree Medical Faculty Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi 1995 

Ph.D./S. Qualification/Specializationin Medicine General Surgery SSK Ankara Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi 2000 

License Faculty of Economics Anadolu Üniversitesi 2005- 2012



Res.Assist.Dr. Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi KBB AD 1995-1996 

Res.Assist.Dr. SSK Ankara Eğitim Hastanesi Genel Cerrahi Kliniği 1996-2000

Specialist. Dr. Malatya Beydağı Devlet Hastanesi. 2001-2007 

lecturer İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi AD 2007-2009 

Asst. Prof. İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi AD/Karaciğer Nakil Enstitüsü 2009-2012 

Assoc. Prof. İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi AD/Karaciğer Nakil Enstitüsü 2012-2017 

Prof. İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi AD/Karaciğer Nakil Enstitüsü 2017-…


Education Abroad: 

1- In the United States, as a National Cancer Institute Short-Term Scientist for 10 months, sentinel node applications and ductoscopy training in breast cancer, with the National Cancer Institute's Research Scholarship Scholarship at Surgical Oncology Clinic, MageeWomens Hospital of University of Pittsburgh Medical Center . 2009-2010 (10 months) 

Managed Master's Theses: 

Onur, A., “Life-threatening Complications Related to Living Donors in Liver Transplantation”, Malatya İnönü University Faculty of Medicine, 2015. 

Thesis in medicine: 

Correlation of serum CEA, AFP, CA19-9 level with histopathological factors in gastric adenocarcinomas; 2000.



Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals 

A1. Kirimlioglu, H., İ. Çetinkaya, N. Bassullu, A. Dirican, N. Karadağ, V. Kirimlioglu, “ The expression of matrix metalloproteinases in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, hilar(Klatzkin Tumor), milde and distal extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, gall bladder cancer, ampullary carcinoma; role of matrixmetalloproteinasesin tumor progression and prognosis”, The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology, 20, 41-47 (2009). 

A2. Dirican, A., B. Unal, F. Tatl, G. Sogotlu, D. Ozgor, T. Piksin, C. Kayaalp, V. Kirimlioglu, “Surgical treatment of phytobezoars causes acute small intestinal obstruction”, Bratislava Medical Journal, 110, 158-61 (2009). 

A3. Dirican, A., B.Unal, D. Ozgur, F. Tatlı, C. Kayaalp, V. Kırımlıoglu, “Proximal jejenojejunal intusseption secondary to submucosal lipoma in an adul”, The American Journal of case Reports, 9, 295-297 (2008). 

A4. Dirican, A., B. Unal, C. Aydin, D. Unal, V. Kirimlioglu, “A Giant Retroperitoneal Lipoma Case With Recurrent Course”, The American Journal of Case Reports, 9, 89-92 (2008). 

A5. Dirican, A., B. Unal, D. Ozgor, T. Piskin, C. Aydin, F. Sumer, C. Kayaalp, “Perforated hepatic hydatid cyst into the peritoneum with mild symptoms”, Case Reports in Gastroenterology, 2, 439-443 (2008). 

A6. Karabeyoglu, M., B. Unal, A. Dirican, B. Kocer, S. Gur, B. Bozkurt, O. Cengiz, A. Soran. “The relation between preoperative ultrasonographic thyroid volume analysis and thyroidectomy complications”, Endocrine Regulation, 42, 83-87 (2008). 

A7. Dirican, A., B. Unal, C. Kayaalp, V. Kirimlioglu, “Subcutaneous hydatid cyst occuring in the palm and thigh: two case report”, Journal of Medical Case Reports, 2, 273 (2008). 

A8. Dirican, A., B. Isik, C. Ara, B. Unal, D. Ozgor, M. Meydanlı, “Tortion of Wandering Spleen: Report of Two cases”, Bratislava Medical Journal, 110, 723-725 (2009). 

A9. Ara, C., A. Dirican, D. Ozgor, T. Piskin, “A case of acute small bowel obstruction owing to metastasis of undiagnosed primary carcinoma of the lung”, The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology. 20, 302-303 (2009). 

A10. Dirican, A., B. Unal, N. Bassulu, C. Aydin, F. Tatli, C. Kayaalp, “Isolated Cecal Necrosis mimicking Acute Appendicitis: A Case Series”, Journal of Medical Case Report, 3, 1-4 (2009). 

A11. Dirican, A., B. Una, N. Bassulu, D. Ozgo, C. Kayaalp, S. Yılmaz, “Screening of gastric cancer in liver transplantation patients: a case report and review of literature”, Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciance, 26, 733-735 (2010). 

A12. Dirican, A., O. Andacoglu, R. Johnson, K. McGuire, L. Mager, A. Soran, “The short term effects of low-level laser therapy in the management of breast-cancer related lymphedema”. Support Care Cancer, 19, 685–690 (2011) 

A13. Soran, A., WC.Wu, A. Dirican, R. Johnson, O. Andacoğlu, J. Wilson, “Estimating the probability of lymphedema following breast cancer surgery”, American Journal of Clinical Oncology, 34, 506-10 (2011) 

A14. Dirican, A., M. Yilmaz, B. Unal, F. Tatli, T. Piskin, C. Kayaalp, “Ruptured hydatid cyst into the peritoneum: a case series”, Europian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 36, 375-379 (2010). 

A15. Dirican, A., M. Yilmaz, B. Unal, V. Ersan, T. Piskin, S. Yilmaz, “Acute traumatic diaphragmatic ruptures: a retrospective study of 48 cases”, Surgery Today, 41, 1352-1356 (2011). 

A16. Ara, C., A. Dirican, S. Erdoğan, B. Ates, D. Ozgor D, F. Tatli, MS. Tekerekoglu, V. Kirimlioglu, “The effect of caffeic acid phenethyl ester on bacterial translocation and intestinal damage after intestinal obstruction”, Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 40, 897-903 (2010). 

A17. Ara, C., A. Dirican, B.Unal, AB Karabulut, T. Piskin, “The effect of melatonin against FK506-induced renal oxidative stress in rats”, Surgical Innovation. 18, 34- 38 (2011). 

A18. Kayaalp, C., A. Dirican, C. Aydın, “Primary Subcutaneous Hydatid Cysts: A Review of 22 Cases", International Journal of Surgery. 9, 117-21 (2011). 

A19. Piskin, T., C.Aydin, B. Barut, A. Dirican, C. Kayaalp. Preoperative progressive pneumoperitoneum for giant inguinal hernias. Annals of Saudi Medicine. 30, 317- 320; 2010 

A20. Ates, M., A. Dirican, B.Isik, S. Yılmaz. Laparoscopic management of an isolated primary omental hydatid cyst: A case report and literature review. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports. 2, 58–60; 2011 

A21. Ates, M., A. Dirican, M. Sarac, A. Aslan, C. Colak. Short and Long-term Results of the Karydakis Flap versus the Limberg Flap for Treating Pilonidal Sinus Disease: A Prospective Randomized Study. American journal of Surgery. 202, 568- 73 (2011) 

A22. Dirican, A., M. Yılmaz, B. Ünal, M. Ates, H. Kırımlıoğlu, S.Yılmaz. Diffuse Cecal Ganglioneuromatosis in a Patient with von Reklinghausen's Disease. Türkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 32, 1105-8 (2012) 

A23. Ates, M., A. Dirican, D. Ozgor, C. Aydin, B. Isik, C. Ara, M .Yilmaz, MA. Selimoglu, C. Kayaalp, S. Yilmaz. Living donor liver transplantation for acute liver failure in pediatric patients caused by the ingestion of fireworks containing yellow phosphorus. Liver Transplantation, 17, 1286-91 (2011) 

A24. Yilmaz, M., A. Dirican, S. Usta, A. Baskiran, B, Isik. A gallstone impacting to stomach wall imitating a gastric tumour. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 27, 935 (2011) 

A25. Ates, M., A. Dirican. The simple suture laparoscopic repair of peptic ulcer perforation without an omental patch. Surg Endosc. 26, 289 (2012 Haziran) 

A26. Ates M., A. Dirican, E. Kose, B. Isik, S. Yilmaz. First laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal repair of Laugier's hernia: a case report, Hernia,17,121-3 (2013) 

A27. Andacoglu O., A. Kanbour-Shakir, YC. Teh, M. Bonaventura, U. Ozbek, M. Anello, M. Ganott, J. Kelley, A. Dirican, A. Soran. Rationale of Excisional Biopsy after the Diagnosis of Benign Radial Scar on Core Biopsy: A Single Institutional Outcome Analysis. American Journal of Clinical Oncology, 36, 7-11 (2013) 

A28. Yilmaz S, Kayaalp C, Ara C, Yilmaz M, Isik I, Aydin C, Ozgor O, Dirican A, Barut B, Unal B,Piskin T, Ates M, Kutlu R, Toprak HI, Bayindir Y, Kirimlioglu H, Aladag M, Harputluoglu M, Selimoglu A, Karabiber H, Yalcin K, KirimliogluV. Single-Center Analysis of the First 304 Living-Donor Liver Transplantations in 3 Years. Hepatogastroenterology, 60, 1105-9 (2013). 

A29. Ates, M., A Dirican , Ince V., Ara C., Isik B., Yilmaz S. Comparison of Intracorporeal Knot-tying Suture (Polyglactin) and Titanium Endoclips in Laparoscopic Appendiceal Stump Closure: A Prospective Randomized Study Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques, 22, 226-231 (2012 Haziran) 

A30. Kutluturk K., V.Soyer V., A. Dirican, Unal B, Aydin C., Kayaalp C., Yilmaz S. Emergency Liver Resection with Staplers for Spontaneus Liver Haemorrhage in a Patient Receiving Anticogulant Therapy. Hindawi Case Rep in Medicine Case Rep Med. 2013;2013:204046. doi: 10.1155/2013/204046. Epub 2013 Jul 14. ( volum 2013). 

A31. Yılmaz M, Olmez A, Piskin T, Unal B, Ersan V, Sarisi KB, A Dirican, Yılmaz S. Incidental appendectomy in donors undergoing hepatectomy for living donor liver transplantation.Transplantation Proc,44, 1630-1634 (2012). 

A32. Ertugrul I, Kayaalp C, Dirican A, Tardu A, Karagul S, Kirmizi S. Laparoscopic Treatment of Primary Hydatid Cyst of Omentum Case Report Int Surg 2017;101:000–000 DOI: 10.9738/INTSURG-D-15-00287.1 

A33. A. Dirican, Soyer V, Koc S, Yagci MA, Sarici B, Onur A, Unal B., Yilmaz S. Liver Transplantation with Livers from Octogenarian and Nanogenarian. Transpantation Proceeding 47, 1323-5 ( 2015 Haziran) 

A34. A. Dirican, Ara C, Kutluturk K, Ozsoy M, Ates M, Baskiran A, Isik B, Yilmaz S. Donor Postoperative Biliary Complications After Living-Donor Liver Transplant. Exp Clin Transplant, 13, 516-23 (2015) 

A35. A. Dirican, Ozsoy M, Ates M, Ersan V, Gonultas F, Isik B, Yilmaz S. Consequences of the use of extended criteria donors in living donor liver transplantation. Ann Transplant, 20, 211-7 (2015) 

A36. Ozgor D, A. Dirican, Ates M, Yilmaz M, Isik B, Yilmaz S. Incisional hernia in recipients of adult to adult living donor liver transplantation. World J Surg. 38, 2122-5 (2014) 

A37. Ates M, Kinaci E, Dirican A, Sarici B, Soyer V, Koc S, Yilmaz S. Pulmonary Complications After 1,150 Living Donor Hepatectomies. Transplant Proc. 2015 Jun;47(5):1319-22. 

A38. Karakas S, Dirican A, Soyer V, Koç S, Ersan V, Ates M. A pancreatic pseudopapillary tumor enucleated curatively. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2015;10:118-20. 

A39. Yilmaz S, Kayaalp C, Isik B, Ersan V, Otan E, Akbulut S, Dirican A, Kutlu R, Sagir Kahraman A, Ara C, Yilmaz M, Unal B, Aydin C, Piskin T, Ozgor D, Ates M, Ozdemir F, Ince V, Koc C, Baskiran A, Dogan SM, Barut B, Sumer F, Karakas S, Kutluturk K, Yologlu S, Gozukara H. Reconstruction of Anomalous Portal Venous Branching in Right Lobe Living Donor Liver Transplantation: Malatya Approach. Liver Transpl. 2017 Feb 27. 

A40. Kinaci E, Ates M, Dirican A, Ozgor D. Low Pressure is Necessary to View and to Protect Corona Mortis During Totally Extraperitoneal Hernia Repair. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 26,978-984 ( 2016 Ekim) 

A41. Tatli F, Ekici U, Kanlioz M, Gozeneli O, Uzunkoy A, Yucel Y, Dirican A. Ultrasonography in diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Ann Ital Chir. 87,152-4 (2016) 

A42. Ates M, Kinaci E, Kose E, Soyer V, Sarici B, Cuglan S, Korkmaz F, Dirican A.Corona mortis: in vivo anatomical knowledge and the risk of injury in totally extraperitoneal inguinal hernia repair. Hernia, 20,659-65 (2016 Ekim) 

A43. Dirican A, Baskiran A, Dogan M, Ates M, Soyer V, Sarici B, Ozdemir F, Polat Y, Yilmaz S. Evaluation of Potential Donors in Living Donor Liver Transplantation. Transplant Proc, 47, 1315-8 (2015 Haziran) 

A44. Ates M, Hatipoglu S, Dirican A, Isik B, Ince V, Yilmaz M, Aydin C, Ara C, Kayaalp C, Yilmaz S. Right-lobe living-donor liver transplantation in adult patients with acute liver failure. Transplant Proc. 45, 1948-52 (2013 Haziran) 

A45. Usta S, Ates M, Dirican A, Isik B, Yilmaz S. Outcomes of left-lobe donor hepatectomy for living-donor liver transplantation: a single-center experience. Transplant Proc. 45, 961-5 (2013 Nisan) 

A46. Ates M, Dirican A, Ozgor D, Gonultas F, Isik B. Conversion to Stoppa procedure in laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal inguinal hernia repair. JSLS. 16, 250-4 (2012 NisanHaziran) 

A47. Ince V, Dirican A, Yilmaz M, Barut B, Ersan V, Yilmaz S. Peritoneal encapsulation in a patient with incomplete situs inversus. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 22, 659-60 (2012 Ekim) 

A48. Ozgor D, Dirican A, Ates M, Gönültas F, Ara C, Yilmaz S. Donor complications among 500 living donor liver transplantations at a single center. Transplant Proc. 44,1604-7 (2012 Temmuz-Ağustos)

Читати далі

General Surgery Department 

Liver Transplantation 

Kidney Transplantation


Education status: 

Master's degree Medical Faculty Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi 1995 

Ph.D./S. Qualification/Specializationin Medicine General Surgery SSK Ankara Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi 2000 

License Faculty of Economics Anadolu Üniversitesi 2005- 2012



Res.Assist.Dr. Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi KBB AD 1995-1996 

Res.Assist.Dr. SSK Ankara Eğitim Hastanesi Genel Cerrahi Kliniği 1996-2000

Specialist. Dr. Malatya Beydağı Devlet Hastanesi. 2001-2007 

lecturer İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi AD 2007-2009 

Asst. Prof. İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi AD/Karaciğer Nakil Enstitüsü 2009-2012 

Assoc. Prof. İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi AD/Karaciğer Nakil Enstitüsü 2012-2017 

Prof. İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi AD/Karaciğer Nakil Enstitüsü 2017-…


Education Abroad: 

1- In the United States, as a National Cancer Institute Short-Term Scientist for 10 months, sentinel node applications and ductoscopy training in breast cancer, with the National Cancer Institute's Research Scholarship Scholarship at Surgical Oncology Clinic, MageeWomens Hospital of University of Pittsburgh Medical Center . 2009-2010 (10 months) 

Managed Master's Theses: 

Onur, A., “Life-threatening Complications Related to Living Donors in Liver Transplantation”, Malatya İnönü University Faculty of Medicine, 2015. 

Thesis in medicine: 

Correlation of serum CEA, AFP, CA19-9 level with histopathological factors in gastric adenocarcinomas; 2000.



Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals 

A1. Kirimlioglu, H., İ. Çetinkaya, N. Bassullu, A. Dirican, N. Karadağ, V. Kirimlioglu, “ The expression of matrix metalloproteinases in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, hilar(Klatzkin Tumor), milde and distal extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, gall bladder cancer, ampullary carcinoma; role of matrixmetalloproteinasesin tumor progression and prognosis”, The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology, 20, 41-47 (2009). 

A2. Dirican, A., B. Unal, F. Tatl, G. Sogotlu, D. Ozgor, T. Piksin, C. Kayaalp, V. Kirimlioglu, “Surgical treatment of phytobezoars causes acute small intestinal obstruction”, Bratislava Medical Journal, 110, 158-61 (2009). 

A3. Dirican, A., B.Unal, D. Ozgur, F. Tatlı, C. Kayaalp, V. Kırımlıoglu, “Proximal jejenojejunal intusseption secondary to submucosal lipoma in an adul”, The American Journal of case Reports, 9, 295-297 (2008). 

A4. Dirican, A., B. Unal, C. Aydin, D. Unal, V. Kirimlioglu, “A Giant Retroperitoneal Lipoma Case With Recurrent Course”, The American Journal of Case Reports, 9, 89-92 (2008). 

A5. Dirican, A., B. Unal, D. Ozgor, T. Piskin, C. Aydin, F. Sumer, C. Kayaalp, “Perforated hepatic hydatid cyst into the peritoneum with mild symptoms”, Case Reports in Gastroenterology, 2, 439-443 (2008). 

A6. Karabeyoglu, M., B. Unal, A. Dirican, B. Kocer, S. Gur, B. Bozkurt, O. Cengiz, A. Soran. “The relation between preoperative ultrasonographic thyroid volume analysis and thyroidectomy complications”, Endocrine Regulation, 42, 83-87 (2008). 

A7. Dirican, A., B. Unal, C. Kayaalp, V. Kirimlioglu, “Subcutaneous hydatid cyst occuring in the palm and thigh: two case report”, Journal of Medical Case Reports, 2, 273 (2008). 

A8. Dirican, A., B. Isik, C. Ara, B. Unal, D. Ozgor, M. Meydanlı, “Tortion of Wandering Spleen: Report of Two cases”, Bratislava Medical Journal, 110, 723-725 (2009). 

A9. Ara, C., A. Dirican, D. Ozgor, T. Piskin, “A case of acute small bowel obstruction owing to metastasis of undiagnosed primary carcinoma of the lung”, The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology. 20, 302-303 (2009). 

A10. Dirican, A., B. Unal, N. Bassulu, C. Aydin, F. Tatli, C. Kayaalp, “Isolated Cecal Necrosis mimicking Acute Appendicitis: A Case Series”, Journal of Medical Case Report, 3, 1-4 (2009). 

A11. Dirican, A., B. Una, N. Bassulu, D. Ozgo, C. Kayaalp, S. Yılmaz, “Screening of gastric cancer in liver transplantation patients: a case report and review of literature”, Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciance, 26, 733-735 (2010). 

A12. Dirican, A., O. Andacoglu, R. Johnson, K. McGuire, L. Mager, A. Soran, “The short term effects of low-level laser therapy in the management of breast-cancer related lymphedema”. Support Care Cancer, 19, 685–690 (2011) 

A13. Soran, A., WC.Wu, A. Dirican, R. Johnson, O. Andacoğlu, J. Wilson, “Estimating the probability of lymphedema following breast cancer surgery”, American Journal of Clinical Oncology, 34, 506-10 (2011) 

A14. Dirican, A., M. Yilmaz, B. Unal, F. Tatli, T. Piskin, C. Kayaalp, “Ruptured hydatid cyst into the peritoneum: a case series”, Europian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 36, 375-379 (2010). 

A15. Dirican, A., M. Yilmaz, B. Unal, V. Ersan, T. Piskin, S. Yilmaz, “Acute traumatic diaphragmatic ruptures: a retrospective study of 48 cases”, Surgery Today, 41, 1352-1356 (2011). 

A16. Ara, C., A. Dirican, S. Erdoğan, B. Ates, D. Ozgor D, F. Tatli, MS. Tekerekoglu, V. Kirimlioglu, “The effect of caffeic acid phenethyl ester on bacterial translocation and intestinal damage after intestinal obstruction”, Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 40, 897-903 (2010). 

A17. Ara, C., A. Dirican, B.Unal, AB Karabulut, T. Piskin, “The effect of melatonin against FK506-induced renal oxidative stress in rats”, Surgical Innovation. 18, 34- 38 (2011). 

A18. Kayaalp, C., A. Dirican, C. Aydın, “Primary Subcutaneous Hydatid Cysts: A Review of 22 Cases", International Journal of Surgery. 9, 117-21 (2011). 

A19. Piskin, T., C.Aydin, B. Barut, A. Dirican, C. Kayaalp. Preoperative progressive pneumoperitoneum for giant inguinal hernias. Annals of Saudi Medicine. 30, 317- 320; 2010 

A20. Ates, M., A. Dirican, B.Isik, S. Yılmaz. Laparoscopic management of an isolated primary omental hydatid cyst: A case report and literature review. International Journal of Surgery Case Reports. 2, 58–60; 2011 

A21. Ates, M., A. Dirican, M. Sarac, A. Aslan, C. Colak. Short and Long-term Results of the Karydakis Flap versus the Limberg Flap for Treating Pilonidal Sinus Disease: A Prospective Randomized Study. American journal of Surgery. 202, 568- 73 (2011) 

A22. Dirican, A., M. Yılmaz, B. Ünal, M. Ates, H. Kırımlıoğlu, S.Yılmaz. Diffuse Cecal Ganglioneuromatosis in a Patient with von Reklinghausen's Disease. Türkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 32, 1105-8 (2012) 

A23. Ates, M., A. Dirican, D. Ozgor, C. Aydin, B. Isik, C. Ara, M .Yilmaz, MA. Selimoglu, C. Kayaalp, S. Yilmaz. Living donor liver transplantation for acute liver failure in pediatric patients caused by the ingestion of fireworks containing yellow phosphorus. Liver Transplantation, 17, 1286-91 (2011) 

A24. Yilmaz, M., A. Dirican, S. Usta, A. Baskiran, B, Isik. A gallstone impacting to stomach wall imitating a gastric tumour. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 27, 935 (2011) 

A25. Ates, M., A. Dirican. The simple suture laparoscopic repair of peptic ulcer perforation without an omental patch. Surg Endosc. 26, 289 (2012 Haziran) 

A26. Ates M., A. Dirican, E. Kose, B. Isik, S. Yilmaz. First laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal repair of Laugier's hernia: a case report, Hernia,17,121-3 (2013) 

A27. Andacoglu O., A. Kanbour-Shakir, YC. Teh, M. Bonaventura, U. Ozbek, M. Anello, M. Ganott, J. Kelley, A. Dirican, A. Soran. Rationale of Excisional Biopsy after the Diagnosis of Benign Radial Scar on Core Biopsy: A Single Institutional Outcome Analysis. American Journal of Clinical Oncology, 36, 7-11 (2013) 

A28. Yilmaz S, Kayaalp C, Ara C, Yilmaz M, Isik I, Aydin C, Ozgor O, Dirican A, Barut B, Unal B,Piskin T, Ates M, Kutlu R, Toprak HI, Bayindir Y, Kirimlioglu H, Aladag M, Harputluoglu M, Selimoglu A, Karabiber H, Yalcin K, KirimliogluV. Single-Center Analysis of the First 304 Living-Donor Liver Transplantations in 3 Years. Hepatogastroenterology, 60, 1105-9 (2013). 

A29. Ates, M., A Dirican , Ince V., Ara C., Isik B., Yilmaz S. Comparison of Intracorporeal Knot-tying Suture (Polyglactin) and Titanium Endoclips in Laparoscopic Appendiceal Stump Closure: A Prospective Randomized Study Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques, 22, 226-231 (2012 Haziran) 

A30. Kutluturk K., V.Soyer V., A. Dirican, Unal B, Aydin C., Kayaalp C., Yilmaz S. Emergency Liver Resection with Staplers for Spontaneus Liver Haemorrhage in a Patient Receiving Anticogulant Therapy. Hindawi Case Rep in Medicine Case Rep Med. 2013;2013:204046. doi: 10.1155/2013/204046. Epub 2013 Jul 14. ( volum 2013). 

A31. Yılmaz M, Olmez A, Piskin T, Unal B, Ersan V, Sarisi KB, A Dirican, Yılmaz S. Incidental appendectomy in donors undergoing hepatectomy for living donor liver transplantation.Transplantation Proc,44, 1630-1634 (2012). 

A32. Ertugrul I, Kayaalp C, Dirican A, Tardu A, Karagul S, Kirmizi S. Laparoscopic Treatment of Primary Hydatid Cyst of Omentum Case Report Int Surg 2017;101:000–000 DOI: 10.9738/INTSURG-D-15-00287.1 

A33. A. Dirican, Soyer V, Koc S, Yagci MA, Sarici B, Onur A, Unal B., Yilmaz S. Liver Transplantation with Livers from Octogenarian and Nanogenarian. Transpantation Proceeding 47, 1323-5 ( 2015 Haziran) 

A34. A. Dirican, Ara C, Kutluturk K, Ozsoy M, Ates M, Baskiran A, Isik B, Yilmaz S. Donor Postoperative Biliary Complications After Living-Donor Liver Transplant. Exp Clin Transplant, 13, 516-23 (2015) 

A35. A. Dirican, Ozsoy M, Ates M, Ersan V, Gonultas F, Isik B, Yilmaz S. Consequences of the use of extended criteria donors in living donor liver transplantation. Ann Transplant, 20, 211-7 (2015) 

A36. Ozgor D, A. Dirican, Ates M, Yilmaz M, Isik B, Yilmaz S. Incisional hernia in recipients of adult to adult living donor liver transplantation. World J Surg. 38, 2122-5 (2014) 

A37. Ates M, Kinaci E, Dirican A, Sarici B, Soyer V, Koc S, Yilmaz S. Pulmonary Complications After 1,150 Living Donor Hepatectomies. Transplant Proc. 2015 Jun;47(5):1319-22. 

A38. Karakas S, Dirican A, Soyer V, Koç S, Ersan V, Ates M. A pancreatic pseudopapillary tumor enucleated curatively. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2015;10:118-20. 

A39. Yilmaz S, Kayaalp C, Isik B, Ersan V, Otan E, Akbulut S, Dirican A, Kutlu R, Sagir Kahraman A, Ara C, Yilmaz M, Unal B, Aydin C, Piskin T, Ozgor D, Ates M, Ozdemir F, Ince V, Koc C, Baskiran A, Dogan SM, Barut B, Sumer F, Karakas S, Kutluturk K, Yologlu S, Gozukara H. Reconstruction of Anomalous Portal Venous Branching in Right Lobe Living Donor Liver Transplantation: Malatya Approach. Liver Transpl. 2017 Feb 27. 

A40. Kinaci E, Ates M, Dirican A, Ozgor D. Low Pressure is Necessary to View and to Protect Corona Mortis During Totally Extraperitoneal Hernia Repair. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 26,978-984 ( 2016 Ekim) 

A41. Tatli F, Ekici U, Kanlioz M, Gozeneli O, Uzunkoy A, Yucel Y, Dirican A. Ultrasonography in diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Ann Ital Chir. 87,152-4 (2016) 

A42. Ates M, Kinaci E, Kose E, Soyer V, Sarici B, Cuglan S, Korkmaz F, Dirican A.Corona mortis: in vivo anatomical knowledge and the risk of injury in totally extraperitoneal inguinal hernia repair. Hernia, 20,659-65 (2016 Ekim) 

A43. Dirican A, Baskiran A, Dogan M, Ates M, Soyer V, Sarici B, Ozdemir F, Polat Y, Yilmaz S. Evaluation of Potential Donors in Living Donor Liver Transplantation. Transplant Proc, 47, 1315-8 (2015 Haziran) 

A44. Ates M, Hatipoglu S, Dirican A, Isik B, Ince V, Yilmaz M, Aydin C, Ara C, Kayaalp C, Yilmaz S. Right-lobe living-donor liver transplantation in adult patients with acute liver failure. Transplant Proc. 45, 1948-52 (2013 Haziran) 

A45. Usta S, Ates M, Dirican A, Isik B, Yilmaz S. Outcomes of left-lobe donor hepatectomy for living-donor liver transplantation: a single-center experience. Transplant Proc. 45, 961-5 (2013 Nisan) 

A46. Ates M, Dirican A, Ozgor D, Gonultas F, Isik B. Conversion to Stoppa procedure in laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal inguinal hernia repair. JSLS. 16, 250-4 (2012 NisanHaziran) 

A47. Ince V, Dirican A, Yilmaz M, Barut B, Ersan V, Yilmaz S. Peritoneal encapsulation in a patient with incomplete situs inversus. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 22, 659-60 (2012 Ekim) 

A48. Ozgor D, Dirican A, Ates M, Gönültas F, Ara C, Yilmaz S. Donor complications among 500 living donor liver transplantations at a single center. Transplant Proc. 44,1604-7 (2012 Temmuz-Ağustos)

Читати далі
Levent Akcay
Фахівець з очної хірургії
24 роки досвіду

Levent Akcay

Фахівець з очної хірургії
24 роки досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Офтальмологічна клініка Dunyagoz Istanbul Altunizade
Jakrapong Detsomboonrat
15 років досвіду
Таїланд, Бангкок
Клініка Asia Cosmetic (Asia Cosmetic Hospital)

Jakrapong Detsomboonrat

15 років досвіду

Dr. Jakrapong Detsomboonrat: Redefining Silhouettes with Precision

Dr. Jakrapong Detsomboonrat, a skilled Plastic Surgeon based at Asia Cosmetic Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand, specializes in Liposuction and Body Contouring. His expertise lies in sculpting bodies with precision, offering patients transformative experiences through targeted procedures.

A Bachelor of Medical Technology from Mahidol University

Dr. Jakrapong's academic journey began with a solid foundation, earning a Bachelor of Medical Technology from Mahidol University. This diverse educational background sets the stage for his unique approach to plastic surgery, incorporating a thorough understanding of medical technology into his practice.

Liposuction Maestro: Dr. Jakrapong's Signature Procedure

Renowned as a Liposuction Maestro, Dr. Jakrapong Detsomboonrat has perfected the art of removing excess fat and reshaping the body. Patients seeking a refined and sculpted silhouette entrust their aspirations to his skilled hands, confident in the expertise he brings to this specialized procedure.

Body Contouring Artistry: Crafting Harmonious Proportions

In the realm of Body Contouring, Dr. Jakrapong excels in crafting harmonious proportions. Whether it's enhancing natural curves or addressing areas of concern, his artistry in body sculpting reflects a commitment to helping individuals achieve their desired aesthetic outcomes.

Hands-On Experience: Navigating the Landscape of Aesthetic Surgery

Dr. Jakrapong's professional journey includes hands-on experience at Asia Cosmetic Hospital, where he has become a go-to specialist for Liposuction and Body Contouring. His dedication to staying current with advancements in the field ensures that patients receive cutting-edge care tailored to their unique needs.

Tailoring Solutions for Individual Goals

Understanding that every patient is unique, Dr. Jakrapong Detsomboonrat adopts a patient-centric approach. His consultations are thorough, ensuring a clear understanding of each individual's goals, allowing him to tailor Liposuction and Body Contouring procedures for optimal and personalized results.

Shaping Confidence and Empowering Lives

As a Plastic Surgeon at Asia Cosmetic Hospital, Dr. Jakrapong Detsomboonrat is dedicated to shaping confidence and empowering lives through his expertise in Liposuction and Body Contouring. His commitment to precision and patient satisfaction solidifies his role as a trusted authority in the art of body sculpting in the vibrant landscape of Bangkok, Thailand.

Читати далі

Dr. Jakrapong Detsomboonrat: Redefining Silhouettes with Precision

Dr. Jakrapong Detsomboonrat, a skilled Plastic Surgeon based at Asia Cosmetic Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand, specializes in Liposuction and Body Contouring. His expertise lies in sculpting bodies with precision, offering patients transformative experiences through targeted procedures.

A Bachelor of Medical Technology from Mahidol University

Dr. Jakrapong's academic journey began with a solid foundation, earning a Bachelor of Medical Technology from Mahidol University. This diverse educational background sets the stage for his unique approach to plastic surgery, incorporating a thorough understanding of medical technology into his practice.

Liposuction Maestro: Dr. Jakrapong's Signature Procedure

Renowned as a Liposuction Maestro, Dr. Jakrapong Detsomboonrat has perfected the art of removing excess fat and reshaping the body. Patients seeking a refined and sculpted silhouette entrust their aspirations to his skilled hands, confident in the expertise he brings to this specialized procedure.

Body Contouring Artistry: Crafting Harmonious Proportions

In the realm of Body Contouring, Dr. Jakrapong excels in crafting harmonious proportions. Whether it's enhancing natural curves or addressing areas of concern, his artistry in body sculpting reflects a commitment to helping individuals achieve their desired aesthetic outcomes.

Hands-On Experience: Navigating the Landscape of Aesthetic Surgery

Dr. Jakrapong's professional journey includes hands-on experience at Asia Cosmetic Hospital, where he has become a go-to specialist for Liposuction and Body Contouring. His dedication to staying current with advancements in the field ensures that patients receive cutting-edge care tailored to their unique needs.

Tailoring Solutions for Individual Goals

Understanding that every patient is unique, Dr. Jakrapong Detsomboonrat adopts a patient-centric approach. His consultations are thorough, ensuring a clear understanding of each individual's goals, allowing him to tailor Liposuction and Body Contouring procedures for optimal and personalized results.

Shaping Confidence and Empowering Lives

As a Plastic Surgeon at Asia Cosmetic Hospital, Dr. Jakrapong Detsomboonrat is dedicated to shaping confidence and empowering lives through his expertise in Liposuction and Body Contouring. His commitment to precision and patient satisfaction solidifies his role as a trusted authority in the art of body sculpting in the vibrant landscape of Bangkok, Thailand.

Читати далі
Trid Lansai
Фахівець з очної хірургії
17 років досвіду
Таїланд, Бангкок
Клініка Asia Cosmetic (Asia Cosmetic Hospital)

Trid Lansai

Фахівець з очної хірургії
17 років досвіду

Dr. Trid Lansai: Sculpting Beauty with Precision at Asia Cosmetic Hospital

Dr. Trid Lansai, a distinguished Plastic Surgeon based in Bangkok, Thailand, practices his artistry at Asia Cosmetic Hospital, specializing in Buttock Augmentation and Front Cheekbone Surgery. With a focus on enhancing both body and facial features, Dr. Trid is dedicated to helping patients achieve their aesthetic goals through precise and transformative procedures.

The Art of Curves: Dr. Trid's Expertise in Buttock Augmentation

Known for his expertise in Buttock Augmentation, Dr. Trid Lansai is a sculptor of curves, providing patients with natural and proportional enhancements. His mastery in this specialized procedure has earned him acclaim for delivering results that not only meet but exceed the expectations of those seeking a fuller and shapelier buttock profile.

Front Cheekbone Sculpting: Dr. Trid's Unique Approach to Facial Harmony

In the realm of facial aesthetics, Dr. Trid specializes in Front Cheekbone Surgery, offering patients the opportunity to redefine their facial contours. His unique approach combines surgical precision with an artistic eye, ensuring that each patient achieves a harmonious and balanced appearance while maintaining the natural essence of their facial features.

Dr. Trid's Academic and Professional Journey

Dr. Trid Lansai's academic journey is marked by excellence, including a degree in Plastic Surgery. His commitment to continuous learning and staying abreast of the latest advancements in his field positions him as a leader in the world of aesthetic surgery.

Dr. Trid's Approach to Individualized Transformations

Dr. Trid Lansai is known for his patient-centric approach, recognizing the individuality of each patient's desires and anatomy. His consultations are thorough, ensuring that the chosen procedures align with the unique goals and expectations of those seeking his expertise.

Dr. Trid's Contribution to Plastic Surgery in Bangkok, Thailand

Beyond his specialization in Buttock Augmentation and Front Cheekbone Surgery, Dr. Trid Lansai is recognized for his contributions to aesthetic innovation. His involvement in research and adoption of advanced techniques underscores his commitment to providing patients with cutting-edge and effective cosmetic solutions.

Crafting Timeless Beauty Through Surgical Mastery

As a Plastic Surgeon at Asia Cosmetic Hospital, Dr. Trid Lansai stands as a beacon of excellence in the art of sculpting beauty. Whether reshaping buttocks or refining facial contours, his surgical mastery and commitment to individualized care contribute to crafting timeless beauty for each patient under his expert hands.

Читати далі

Dr. Trid Lansai: Sculpting Beauty with Precision at Asia Cosmetic Hospital

Dr. Trid Lansai, a distinguished Plastic Surgeon based in Bangkok, Thailand, practices his artistry at Asia Cosmetic Hospital, specializing in Buttock Augmentation and Front Cheekbone Surgery. With a focus on enhancing both body and facial features, Dr. Trid is dedicated to helping patients achieve their aesthetic goals through precise and transformative procedures.

The Art of Curves: Dr. Trid's Expertise in Buttock Augmentation

Known for his expertise in Buttock Augmentation, Dr. Trid Lansai is a sculptor of curves, providing patients with natural and proportional enhancements. His mastery in this specialized procedure has earned him acclaim for delivering results that not only meet but exceed the expectations of those seeking a fuller and shapelier buttock profile.

Front Cheekbone Sculpting: Dr. Trid's Unique Approach to Facial Harmony

In the realm of facial aesthetics, Dr. Trid specializes in Front Cheekbone Surgery, offering patients the opportunity to redefine their facial contours. His unique approach combines surgical precision with an artistic eye, ensuring that each patient achieves a harmonious and balanced appearance while maintaining the natural essence of their facial features.

Dr. Trid's Academic and Professional Journey

Dr. Trid Lansai's academic journey is marked by excellence, including a degree in Plastic Surgery. His commitment to continuous learning and staying abreast of the latest advancements in his field positions him as a leader in the world of aesthetic surgery.

Dr. Trid's Approach to Individualized Transformations

Dr. Trid Lansai is known for his patient-centric approach, recognizing the individuality of each patient's desires and anatomy. His consultations are thorough, ensuring that the chosen procedures align with the unique goals and expectations of those seeking his expertise.

Dr. Trid's Contribution to Plastic Surgery in Bangkok, Thailand

Beyond his specialization in Buttock Augmentation and Front Cheekbone Surgery, Dr. Trid Lansai is recognized for his contributions to aesthetic innovation. His involvement in research and adoption of advanced techniques underscores his commitment to providing patients with cutting-edge and effective cosmetic solutions.

Crafting Timeless Beauty Through Surgical Mastery

As a Plastic Surgeon at Asia Cosmetic Hospital, Dr. Trid Lansai stands as a beacon of excellence in the art of sculpting beauty. Whether reshaping buttocks or refining facial contours, his surgical mastery and commitment to individualized care contribute to crafting timeless beauty for each patient under his expert hands.

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Ілхан Озтекін
31 рік досвіду
1 відгук

Ілхан Озтекін

31 рік досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Університетський госпіталь Йєдітепе (Yeditepe)
Francis Jeon
Торакальний хірург
25 років досвіду
1 відгук

Francis Jeon

Торакальний хірург
25 років досвіду
Південна Корея, Сеул
Клиника Евіта (Evita Clinic)
Andres Lopez Garcia
24 роки досвіду
Іспанія, Мадрид
Hospital HM Puerta del Sur

Andres Lopez Garcia

24 роки досвіду

Doctor Andrés López García is a specialist in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation who, during his extensive experience as a doctor, has worked in a wide range of hospitals. After proving his worth in all the positions he has held, he has been appointed as the head of the Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Service of various centers belonging to the HM Hospitales group

With the objective in mind of alleviating the fear of the little ones who need to undergo anesthesia, as well as providing the necessary advice to parents to reassure their children, he published the book Anesthesia and children . In said work, the different avant-garde forms in which this procedure is carried out are also collected. 

  • Head of the Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Service at HM Hospitales centers 
  • Anesthesiologist at HM Hospitales centers 
  • Author of the book Anesthesia and children 
Читати далі

Doctor Andrés López García is a specialist in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation who, during his extensive experience as a doctor, has worked in a wide range of hospitals. After proving his worth in all the positions he has held, he has been appointed as the head of the Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Service of various centers belonging to the HM Hospitales group

With the objective in mind of alleviating the fear of the little ones who need to undergo anesthesia, as well as providing the necessary advice to parents to reassure their children, he published the book Anesthesia and children . In said work, the different avant-garde forms in which this procedure is carried out are also collected. 

  • Head of the Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Service at HM Hospitales centers 
  • Anesthesiologist at HM Hospitales centers 
  • Author of the book Anesthesia and children 
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Туреччина, Стамбул
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Clinica Granado Tiagonce
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Туреччина, Анкара
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Ayse Cicek

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Туреччина, Анкара
Офтальмологічна клініка Dunyagoz Ankara Kecioren