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Найкращі діагности з коронарографії в Туреччині – ТОП-56 лікарів

Контент відповідає редакційній політиці Bookimed і його якість перевірив
Фахад Мавлюд - Лікар загальної практики, лауреат 4 конкурсів наукових робіт молодих вчених. Працював на Середньому Сході. Колишній керівник команди англомовних та арабомовних лікарів-координаторів. Наразі займається аналізом даних та є медичним редактором сайту.
Ali Fedakar
Інтервенційний кардіолог
26 років досвіду
119 відгуків
Туреччина, Стамбул
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Ali Fedakar

Інтервенційний кардіолог
26 років досвіду

Доктор є серцево-судинним хірургом із досвідом проведення коронарного шунтування, мінімально інвазивної хірургії серця, хірургії серцевого шунтування, хірургії повторного клапана, хірургії аорти, хірургії аневризми, хірургії розшарування аорти, техніки периферичної хірургії та трансплантації серця. Вони мають кваліфікацію бакалавра та експертну кваліфікацію на медичному факультеті Університету Ерджієс та медичному факультеті Університету Чукурова відповідно, а також працювали доцентами у навчальній та дослідницькій лікарні високої спеціалізації Картала Кошуйолу. Вони пройшли підготовку та працювали в таких установах, як державна лікарня Біледжик, медичний факультет клініки торакальної та серцево-судинної хірургії університету Чукурова, клініка серцево-судинної хірургії лікарні Коджаелі SSK, клініка серцево-судинної хірургії лікарні SSK Süreyyapaşa в Стамбулі, клініка серцево-судинної хірургії лікарні Istanbul Paşabahçe SSK і клініка серцево-судинної хірургії імені Картала Косуйолу. Спеціалізована навчально-наукова лікарня.

Читати далі

Доктор є серцево-судинним хірургом із досвідом проведення коронарного шунтування, мінімально інвазивної хірургії серця, хірургії серцевого шунтування, хірургії повторного клапана, хірургії аорти, хірургії аневризми, хірургії розшарування аорти, техніки периферичної хірургії та трансплантації серця. Вони мають кваліфікацію бакалавра та експертну кваліфікацію на медичному факультеті Університету Ерджієс та медичному факультеті Університету Чукурова відповідно, а також працювали доцентами у навчальній та дослідницькій лікарні високої спеціалізації Картала Кошуйолу. Вони пройшли підготовку та працювали в таких установах, як державна лікарня Біледжик, медичний факультет клініки торакальної та серцево-судинної хірургії університету Чукурова, клініка серцево-судинної хірургії лікарні Коджаелі SSK, клініка серцево-судинної хірургії лікарні SSK Süreyyapaşa в Стамбулі, клініка серцево-судинної хірургії лікарні Istanbul Paşabahçe SSK і клініка серцево-судинної хірургії імені Картала Косуйолу. Спеціалізована навчально-наукова лікарня.

Читати далі
119 відгуків
Візит лікаря ціна за запитом
Хіміотерапія $1500 - $2500
Резекція щитовидної залози $5000 - $7500
Заміна серцевого клапана $12000
Більше процедур
Ibrahim Halil Tanboga
20 років досвіду
119 відгуків
Туреччина, Стамбул
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Ibrahim Halil Tanboga

20 років досвіду

Професор, доктор Ібрагім Халіл ТАНБОЙА – кардіолог із великим досвідом і знаннями в галузі ішемічної хвороби серця, захворювань клапанів, аритмій, кардіостимуляторів, захворювань периферичних артерій, вроджених структурних захворювань серця та черезстравохідної ехокардіографії. Він є членом Турецької медичної асоціації, Турецького товариства кардіологів та Європейського товариства кардіологів.

Читати далі

Професор, доктор Ібрагім Халіл ТАНБОЙА – кардіолог із великим досвідом і знаннями в галузі ішемічної хвороби серця, захворювань клапанів, аритмій, кардіостимуляторів, захворювань периферичних артерій, вроджених структурних захворювань серця та черезстравохідної ехокардіографії. Він є членом Турецької медичної асоціації, Турецького товариства кардіологів та Європейського товариства кардіологів.

Читати далі
119 відгуків
Візит лікаря ціна за запитом
Хіміотерапія $1500 - $2500
Резекція щитовидної залози $5000 - $7500
Заміна серцевого клапана $12000
Більше процедур
Mustafa Saglam
30 років досвіду
119 відгуків
Туреччина, Стамбул
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Mustafa Saglam

30 років досвіду

Професор Мустафа Саглам, доктор медичних наук, закінчив медичну школу Університету Мармара в 1994 році та спеціалізувався на ендоваскулярній корекції аневризми черевної аорти, стрес-тесті для візуалізації захворювань коронарних артерій, амбулаторному серцевому моніторингу, тесті Холтера, балонній вальвулопластикі та тимчасовому кардіостимуляторі. Зараз він очолює кардіологічне відділення в Intercontinental Hospital Hisar.

Читати далі

Професор Мустафа Саглам, доктор медичних наук, закінчив медичну школу Університету Мармара в 1994 році та спеціалізувався на ендоваскулярній корекції аневризми черевної аорти, стрес-тесті для візуалізації захворювань коронарних артерій, амбулаторному серцевому моніторингу, тесті Холтера, балонній вальвулопластикі та тимчасовому кардіостимуляторі. Зараз він очолює кардіологічне відділення в Intercontinental Hospital Hisar.

Читати далі
119 відгуків
Візит лікаря ціна за запитом
Хіміотерапія $1500 - $2500
Резекція щитовидної залози $5000 - $7500
Заміна серцевого клапана $12000
Більше процедур
Suleyman Hilmi Aksoy
22 роки досвіду
119 відгуків
Туреччина, Стамбул
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Suleyman Hilmi Aksoy

22 роки досвіду
Доктор Хілмі Аксой народився в 1974 році та закінчив Школу медицини Чапа при Стамбульському університеті в 1998 році. У 2002 році він закінчив ординатуру з радіодіагностики та інтервенційної радіології в Школі медицини Серрахпаша. Він брав участь у 13 місцевих і міжнародних конгресах з усними та письмовими доповідями. презентації. Сфери його медичних інтересів включають діагностичну радіологію, телерадіологію та інтервенційну радіологію. Він працював у міжконтинентальній лікарні Хісар, авіалікарні Мерзіфон, Стамбульському центрі Емар та навчально-дослідній лікарні Хасекі.Читати далі
Доктор Хілмі Аксой народився в 1974 році та закінчив Школу медицини Чапа при Стамбульському університеті в 1998 році. У 2002 році він закінчив ординатуру з радіодіагностики та інтервенційної радіології в Школі медицини Серрахпаша. Він брав участь у 13 місцевих і міжнародних конгресах з усними та письмовими доповідями. презентації. Сфери його медичних інтересів включають діагностичну радіологію, телерадіологію та інтервенційну радіологію. Він працював у міжконтинентальній лікарні Хісар, авіалікарні Мерзіфон, Стамбульському центрі Емар та навчально-дослідній лікарні Хасекі.
Читати далі
119 відгуків
Візит лікаря ціна за запитом
Хіміотерапія $1500 - $2500
Резекція щитовидної залози $5000 - $7500
Заміна серцевого клапана $12000
Більше процедур
Kazim Besirli
37 років досвіду
21 відгук
Туреччина, Стамбул
Клініка Valued Med Hub Hospitals

Kazim Besirli

37 років досвіду

He was born in Giresun-Espiye in 1961. He received his primary and secondary education in Espiye and Trabzon. He started his medical education at Hacettepe University, Trabzon Faculty of Medicine in 1978 and graduated from Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine in 1985. He did his 2-year compulsory state service as an Emergency Physician in the Emergency Service of Çanakkale State Hospital. In 1987, he started his specialization training at Istanbul University, Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. He completed my specialization training in 1993 and started to work as a specialist in the same department. Continuing his professional and academic life at Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, he became a professor and chaired the chair.


During and after his specialization training, he was found in various hospitals in many different countries for vocational training and development purposes. In addition to various fields of Cardiovascular Surgery, he has worked for many years in the fields of cardiovascular traumatology, multi- and interdisciplinary cardiovascular surgery, video-thoracoscopic endoscopic surgery and thoracic surgery.


In addition to his academic and surgical professional studies, he has a master's degree in the field of "Health Institutions Management" and has also held managerial positions such as Head of Cardiovascular Surgery Department at Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, Deputy Chief Physician, Istanbul University, Revolving Fund Management.


He is amateurishly interested in social sciences in medicine and in this sentence "Medical Humanities" and "Medical illustration".


He has more than 200 articles published in national and international journals, over 200 international scientific citations, various book chapters on different topics, over 150 scientific studies and speeches presented at various national and international meetings.

Читати далі

He was born in Giresun-Espiye in 1961. He received his primary and secondary education in Espiye and Trabzon. He started his medical education at Hacettepe University, Trabzon Faculty of Medicine in 1978 and graduated from Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine in 1985. He did his 2-year compulsory state service as an Emergency Physician in the Emergency Service of Çanakkale State Hospital. In 1987, he started his specialization training at Istanbul University, Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. He completed my specialization training in 1993 and started to work as a specialist in the same department. Continuing his professional and academic life at Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, he became a professor and chaired the chair.


During and after his specialization training, he was found in various hospitals in many different countries for vocational training and development purposes. In addition to various fields of Cardiovascular Surgery, he has worked for many years in the fields of cardiovascular traumatology, multi- and interdisciplinary cardiovascular surgery, video-thoracoscopic endoscopic surgery and thoracic surgery.


In addition to his academic and surgical professional studies, he has a master's degree in the field of "Health Institutions Management" and has also held managerial positions such as Head of Cardiovascular Surgery Department at Cerrahpaşa Medical Faculty, Deputy Chief Physician, Istanbul University, Revolving Fund Management.


He is amateurishly interested in social sciences in medicine and in this sentence "Medical Humanities" and "Medical illustration".


He has more than 200 articles published in national and international journals, over 200 international scientific citations, various book chapters on different topics, over 150 scientific studies and speeches presented at various national and international meetings.

Читати далі
Enis Oguz
27 років досвіду
214 відгуків
Туреччина, Стамбул
Liv Hospital Ulus

Enis Oguz

27 років досвіду

Medical Interests and Activities 

Cardiac Rhythm Disorders 

Pacemaker Implantations 

Electrophsiology and Catheter Ablation 

Atrial Fibrilation Atration 

Resynchronisation Therapy (Pacemaker) for Heart Failure 

Coronary Artery Interventional Therapies (Angiography, Balon – Stent Procedures)

Education and Experience 

Department of Cardiology, Liv Hospital, Ulus 

Department of Cardiology, Anadolu Health Center 

Department of Electrophysiology, University of Leipzig – Heart Center, Germany • Siyami Ersek Cardiovascular Surgery Center 

Faculty of Medicine, İstanbul University Memberships • Turkish Society of Cardiology 

European Society of Cardiology

Читати далі

Medical Interests and Activities 

Cardiac Rhythm Disorders 

Pacemaker Implantations 

Electrophsiology and Catheter Ablation 

Atrial Fibrilation Atration 

Resynchronisation Therapy (Pacemaker) for Heart Failure 

Coronary Artery Interventional Therapies (Angiography, Balon – Stent Procedures)

Education and Experience 

Department of Cardiology, Liv Hospital, Ulus 

Department of Cardiology, Anadolu Health Center 

Department of Electrophysiology, University of Leipzig – Heart Center, Germany • Siyami Ersek Cardiovascular Surgery Center 

Faculty of Medicine, İstanbul University Memberships • Turkish Society of Cardiology 

European Society of Cardiology

Читати далі
Kadriye Kilickesmez
28 років досвіду
214 відгуків
Туреччина, Стамбул
Liv Hospital Ulus

Kadriye Kilickesmez

28 років досвіду


Radial Angiography

Complex coronary interventions 

Intracoronary examinations (FFR, IVUS, OCT) 

Calcific lesion treatments (Rotablator, shockwave balloon ) 

Chronic total occlusion attempts 

Transcatheter Aortic valve implantations (TAVI) 

Aortic interventions 

Mitral valve attempts 

Peripheral arterial interventions 

ASD/PFO/VSD closure 

LAA closure 

Paravalvuler closure 

Carotid arterial interventions 

Septal ablation 

Pulmonary embolism interventions


Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine 

Istanbul University Institute of Cardiology 

Royal Brompton Hospital (London) 


Istanbul University Institute of Cardiology 

Turkish Kidney Foundation Service Hospital 

Istanbul University Institute of Cardiology 

Royal Brompton Hospital

University of Health Sciences Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Hospital (founding chief)

University of Health Sciences Prof. Dr. Cemil Taşçıoğlu city hospital (founding chief) 

LIV Hospital Ulus


Turkish Society of Cardiology 

European Society of Cardiolog

Читати далі


Radial Angiography

Complex coronary interventions 

Intracoronary examinations (FFR, IVUS, OCT) 

Calcific lesion treatments (Rotablator, shockwave balloon ) 

Chronic total occlusion attempts 

Transcatheter Aortic valve implantations (TAVI) 

Aortic interventions 

Mitral valve attempts 

Peripheral arterial interventions 

ASD/PFO/VSD closure 

LAA closure 

Paravalvuler closure 

Carotid arterial interventions 

Septal ablation 

Pulmonary embolism interventions


Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine 

Istanbul University Institute of Cardiology 

Royal Brompton Hospital (London) 


Istanbul University Institute of Cardiology 

Turkish Kidney Foundation Service Hospital 

Istanbul University Institute of Cardiology 

Royal Brompton Hospital

University of Health Sciences Şişli Hamidiye Etfal Hospital (founding chief)

University of Health Sciences Prof. Dr. Cemil Taşçıoğlu city hospital (founding chief) 

LIV Hospital Ulus


Turkish Society of Cardiology 

European Society of Cardiolog

Читати далі
Cenap Zeybek
74 роки досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Клініка Uniqacare

Cenap Zeybek

74 роки досвіду

Професор доктор медичних наук Сенап Зейбек - відомий дитячий кардіолог з великим досвідом роботи в цій галузі. Він виконав безліч операцій і просунувся від посади доцента дитячої кардіології в 2011 році до професора в 2017 році, є автором багатьох публікацій і виступає з доповідями.

Читати далі

Професор доктор медичних наук Сенап Зейбек - відомий дитячий кардіолог з великим досвідом роботи в цій галузі. Він виконав безліч операцій і просунувся від посади доцента дитячої кардіології в 2011 році до професора в 2017 році, є автором багатьох публікацій і виступає з доповідями.

Читати далі
Isil Yurdaisik
34 роки досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Клініка Menfis Health Novimaj

Isil Yurdaisik

34 роки досвіду
<Доктор Исиль Юрдайсик - специалист по радиологии, внесший значительный вклад в исследование воздействия ионизирующего излучения на пациентов с COVID-19. Она также провела процедуру желудочного баллона.>Читати далі
<Доктор Исиль Юрдайсик - специалист по радиологии, внесший значительный вклад в исследование воздействия ионизирующего излучения на пациентов с COVID-19. Она также провела процедуру желудочного баллона.>
Читати далі
Murat Ugurlucan
17 років досвіду

Murat Ugurlucan

17 років досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Університетська клініка Біруні (Biruni University Hospital)
Asim Enhos
22 роки досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Медиполь Аджибадем Районна Лікарня (Medipol Acibadem District Hospital)

Asim Enhos

22 роки досвіду


  • 2002 - 2008, Ege University, Bachelor's Degree, Medical Doctor
  • 2009 - 2013, Istanbul Bagcilar Training and Research Hospital, Specialization in Cardiology
  • 2013 - 2018, Bezm-i Âlem Vakif University, Assistant Professor
  • 2018 – 2021, Bezm-i Âlem Vakif University, Associate Professor


  • 2009 - 2013, Istanbul Bagcilar Training and Research Hospital
  • 2013, Istanbul Esenler Basaksehir State Hospital
  • 2014, Bursa Mustafakemalpasa State Hospital
  • 2013 – 2014, Ministry of Health Mehmet Akif Ersoy Hospital
  • 2014 – 2016, Mustafakemalpasa State Hospital, Bursa
  • 2016 – 2024, Bezm-i Âlem Vakif University
  • 2024 – Present, Medipol Acibadem Hospital
Читати далі


  • 2002 - 2008, Ege University, Bachelor's Degree, Medical Doctor
  • 2009 - 2013, Istanbul Bagcilar Training and Research Hospital, Specialization in Cardiology
  • 2013 - 2018, Bezm-i Âlem Vakif University, Assistant Professor
  • 2018 – 2021, Bezm-i Âlem Vakif University, Associate Professor


  • 2009 - 2013, Istanbul Bagcilar Training and Research Hospital
  • 2013, Istanbul Esenler Basaksehir State Hospital
  • 2014, Bursa Mustafakemalpasa State Hospital
  • 2013 – 2014, Ministry of Health Mehmet Akif Ersoy Hospital
  • 2014 – 2016, Mustafakemalpasa State Hospital, Bursa
  • 2016 – 2024, Bezm-i Âlem Vakif University
  • 2024 – Present, Medipol Acibadem Hospital
Читати далі
Mehmet Saygi
10 років досвіду
119 відгуків
Туреччина, Стамбул
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Mehmet Saygi

10 років досвіду
Доктор Мехмет Сайгі є кардіологом з досвідом діагностики та лікування ішемічної хвороби серця, діагностики та лікування серцевої недостатності, захворювань серцевих клапанів, гіпертонії, черезстравохідної ехокардіографії та діагностики та лікування аритмій. У 2013 році він отримав медичну освіту на медичному факультеті Університету Анкари, а в 2019 році отримав спеціалізацію з кардіології в лікарні Siyami Ersek Thoracic, Cardiovascular Surgery Training and Research Hospital. Він також мав досвід роботи в Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Dr.Siyami Ersek Kalp Damar. Ve Göğüs Cerrahisi EAH і Düzce Atatürk Devlet Hastanesi.Читати далі
Доктор Мехмет Сайгі є кардіологом з досвідом діагностики та лікування ішемічної хвороби серця, діагностики та лікування серцевої недостатності, захворювань серцевих клапанів, гіпертонії, черезстравохідної ехокардіографії та діагностики та лікування аритмій. У 2013 році він отримав медичну освіту на медичному факультеті Університету Анкари, а в 2019 році отримав спеціалізацію з кардіології в лікарні Siyami Ersek Thoracic, Cardiovascular Surgery Training and Research Hospital. Він також мав досвід роботи в Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Dr.Siyami Ersek Kalp Damar. Ve Göğüs Cerrahisi EAH і Düzce Atatürk Devlet Hastanesi.
Читати далі
119 відгуків
Візит лікаря ціна за запитом
Хіміотерапія $1500 - $2500
Резекція щитовидної залози $5000 - $7500
Заміна серцевого клапана $12000
Більше процедур
Ali Gozukucuk
17 років досвіду
119 відгуків
Туреччина, Стамбул
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Ali Gozukucuk

17 років досвіду
Алі Гозукучук, доктор медичних наук, є дитячим хірургом, який народився в 1969 році. Він отримав ступінь бакалавра на медичному факультеті Університету Чукурова, а ступінь магістра наук. та спеціалізацію на медичному факультеті дитячої хірургії Університету Erciyes. Він опублікував 3 статті в міжнародних рецензованих журналах, а також представив 13 статей на міжнародних наукових зустрічах. Працював у багатьох медичних установах.Читати далі
Алі Гозукучук, доктор медичних наук, є дитячим хірургом, який народився в 1969 році. Він отримав ступінь бакалавра на медичному факультеті Університету Чукурова, а ступінь магістра наук. та спеціалізацію на медичному факультеті дитячої хірургії Університету Erciyes. Він опублікував 3 статті в міжнародних рецензованих журналах, а також представив 13 статей на міжнародних наукових зустрічах. Працював у багатьох медичних установах.
Читати далі
119 відгуків
Візит лікаря ціна за запитом
Хіміотерапія $1500 - $2500
Резекція щитовидної залози $5000 - $7500
Заміна серцевого клапана $12000
Більше процедур
Gulden Kafali
40 років досвіду
119 відгуків
Туреччина, Стамбул
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Gulden Kafali

40 років досвіду
Професор Гюльден Кафалі, доктор медичних наук, є дитячим кардіологом, яка отримала медичну освіту в Університеті Еге в 1978-1984 роках, ординатуру в Університеті Кумхурієт в 1988-1992 роках і стипендію в Університеті Хаджеттепе в 1999-2002 роках. Вона має досвід роботи в різних галузях медицини, включаючи педіатричну кардіологію, кардіологічне обстеження для спорту, серцеві аритмії, вроджені вади серця, гостру ревматичну лихоманку, міокардит і кардіоміопатії. Вона працювала в таких закладах, як Високоспеціалізована навчальна та дослідницька лікарня Картала Косуйолу, медичний факультет Стамбульського університету Білім, медичний факультет Тракійського університету, лікарня Атасехір Флоренс Найтінгейл.Читати далі
Професор Гюльден Кафалі, доктор медичних наук, є дитячим кардіологом, яка отримала медичну освіту в Університеті Еге в 1978-1984 роках, ординатуру в Університеті Кумхурієт в 1988-1992 роках і стипендію в Університеті Хаджеттепе в 1999-2002 роках. Вона має досвід роботи в різних галузях медицини, включаючи педіатричну кардіологію, кардіологічне обстеження для спорту, серцеві аритмії, вроджені вади серця, гостру ревматичну лихоманку, міокардит і кардіоміопатії. Вона працювала в таких закладах, як Високоспеціалізована навчальна та дослідницька лікарня Картала Косуйолу, медичний факультет Стамбульського університету Білім, медичний факультет Тракійського університету, лікарня Атасехір Флоренс Найтінгейл.
Читати далі
119 відгуків
Візит лікаря ціна за запитом
Хіміотерапія $1500 - $2500
Резекція щитовидної залози $5000 - $7500
Заміна серцевого клапана $12000
Більше процедур
Sahin Kaplan
26 років досвіду
21 відгук
Туреччина, Стамбул
Клініка Valued Med Hub Hospitals

Sahin Kaplan

26 років досвіду

Educations and Experiance 

1999-2005: Exp. Dr. Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon

2005-2007: Overseas Posting Department of Cardiology, Royal Brompton Hospital, Imperial College, London, UK.

2007-2009: Dr. Instructor Member of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon

2009-2014: Assoc. Dr. Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon

2014-2017: Prof. Dr. Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon

2018-: Prof. Dr. Medicine Hospital, Bagcilar, Istanbul



Turkish Society of Cardiology

European Society of Cardiology

European Society of Invasive Cardiology

A.    Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :
A1. Kaplan ST, Hemsinli D, Kaplan S, Arslan A. Amputation predictors in diabetic foot ulcers treated with hyperbaric oxygen.J Wound Care. 2017 Jul 2;26(7):361-366. doi: 10.12968/jowc.2017.26.7.361.
A2. Hemsinli D, Kaplan ST, Kaplan S, Yildirim F. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the Treatment of Fontaine Stage IV Thromboangiitis Obliterans. Int J Low Extrem Wounds. 2016 Dec;15(4):366-370. doi: 10.1177/1534734616666866. Epub 2016 Sep 21.
A3. Kaplan S, Öztürk M, Kırış G, Kaplan ST. ‘’ Evaluation of therelationship between epicardial adipose tissue and myocardial performance (Tei) index’’ Int J Clin Exp Med 2014; Received April 8, 2014; Accepted April 23, 2014; Epub June 15, 2014; Published June 30, 2014.
A4. Kaplan S, Kaplan ST, Kiris A, Gedikli O. ‘’Impact of initial platelet count on baseline angiographic finding and end-points in ST-elevation myocardial infarction referred for primary percutaneous coronary intervention’’ Int J Clin Exp Med 2014;7(4):1064-1070 
A5. Kırış A, Karaman K, Kırış G, Şahin M, Durmuş I, Kaplan Ş, Örem A, Kutlu M, Ayar A. ‘’ Left ventricular dyssynchrony and its effects on cardiac function in patients with newly diagnosed hypertension.’’ Echocardiography. 2012 Sep;29(8):914-22
A6. Kırış A, Bostan M, Korkmaz L, Ağaç MT, Acar Z, Kaplan S, Celik S. ‘’ Carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity in patients with isolated coronary artery ectasia: an observational study’’Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2012 Jun;12(4):313-9.
A7. Kaplan S, Kaplan ST, Kutlu M. An unusual case of guide wire fractured during primary percutaneous coronary intervention, and two year follow-up. Kardiol Pol. 2010;68(11):1291-3.
A8. Kaplan S, Kırış A, Erem C, Kaplan T, Kırış G, Gedikli O, Koçak M, Baykan M, Celik S, ‘’Assessment of Left Ventricular Systolic Asynchrony in Patients with Clinical Hypothyroidism’’ Echocardiography. 2010;27(2):117-22.
A9. Kaplan S, Baykan E, Oztürk S, Kiris A, Koçsucu P. Anomalous origin of right coronary artery originating from the proximal part of the left anterior descending artery via a collateral. South Med J. 2009;102(10):1075. 
A10. Baykan M, Baykan EC, Turan S, Gedikli O, Kaplan S, Kiriş A, Durmuş I, Celik S. Assessment of left ventricular function and Tei index by tissue Doppler imaging in patients with slow coronary flow. Echocardiography. 2009; 26(10):1167-72.
A11. Gedikli O, Baykan M, Kaynar K, Ozkan G, Korkmaz L, Ozturk S, Durmus I, Kaplan S, Celik S. Assessment of left ventricular systolic synchronization in patients with chronic kidney disease and narrow QRS complexes. Echocardiography. 2009; 26(5):528-33.
A12. Baykan M, Erem C, Gedikli O, Hacihasanoglu A, Erdogan T, Kocak M, Kaplan S, Korkmaz L, Celik S. Impairment in flow-mediated vasodilatation of the brachial artery in acromegaly. Med Princ Pract. 2009;18(3):228-32.
A13. Kaplan S, Barlis P, Kiris A, Dimopoulos K, Celik S, Di Mario C. Immediate procedural and long-term clinical outcomes following drug-eluting stent implantation to ostial saphenous vein graft lesions. Acute Card Care. 2008;10(2):88-92.
A14. Barlis P, Kaplan S, Dimopoulos K, Ferrante G, Di Mario C. Comparison of bare-metal and sirolimus- or paclitaxel-eluting stents for aorto-ostial coronary disease. Cardiology. 2008;111(4):270-6 (first 2 author worked equaly).
A15. Kaplan S, Barlis P, Tanigawa J, Goktekin O, Di Mario C. Unconventional treatment of aorto-ostial instent restenosis with marked protrusion into the aorta. J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown). 2008;9(2):184-6.
A16. Barlis P, Kaplan S, Dimopoulos K, Tanigawa J, Schultz C, Di Mario C. An indeterminate occlusion duration predicts procedural failure in the recanalization of coronary chronic total occlusions. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2008;71(5):621-8.
A17. Celik S, Kaplan S, Yilmaz R, Erdogan T, Kiris A. Relationship between aortic stiffness and the development of coronary collateral in patients with coronary artery disease. Angiology. 2008; 58(6):671-6.
A18. Kaplan S, Barlis P, Dimopoulos K, La Manna A, Goktekin O, Galassi A, Tanigawa J, Di Mario C. Culotte versus T-stenting in bifurcation lesions: immediate clinical and angiographic results and midterm clinical follow-up. Am Heart J. 2007;154(2):336-43.
A19. Celik S, Durmuş I, Korkmaz L, Gedikli O, Kaplan S, Orem C, Baykan M. Aortic pulse wave velocity in subjects with aortic valve sclerosis. Echocardiography. 2008; 25(10):1112-6.
A20. Baykan M, Erem C, Gedikli O, Hacihasanoglu A, Erdogan T, Kocak M, Kaplan S, Kiriş A, Orem C, Celik S. Assessment of left ventricular diastolic function and Tei index by tissue Doppler imaging in patients with Cushing's Syndrome. Echocardiography. 2008;25(2):182-90.
A21. Baykan M, Erem C, Gedikli O, Hacihasanoğlu A, Erdoğan T, Koçak M, Kaplan S, Kiriş A, Celik S. Assessment of the Tei index by tissue Doppler imaging in patients with acromegaly: serum growth hormone level is associated with the Tei index. Echocardiography. 2008;25(4):374-80.
A22. Di Mario C, Barlis P, Tanigawa J, Locca D, Bucciarelli-Ducci C, Kaplan S, Katoh O. Retrograde approach to coronary chronic total occlusions: preliminary single European centre experience. EuroIntervention. 2007;3(2):181-7.
A23. Baykan M, Erem C, Erdogan T, Ersöz HO, Gedikli O, Korkmaz L, Kücükosmanoglu M, Haclhasanoglu A, Kaplan S, Celik S. Assessment of left ventricular diastolic function and the Tei index by tissue Doppler imaging in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2007; 66(4):483-8.
A24. Goktekin O, Kaplan S, Dimopoulos K, Barlis P, Tanigawa J, Vatankulu MA, Koning G, Tuinenburg JC, Mario CD. A new quantitative analysis system for the evaluation of coronary bifurcation lesions: comparison with current conventional methods. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2007 Feb 1;69(2):172-80.
A25. Barlis P, Tanigawa J, Kaplan S, di Mario C. Complex coronary interventions: unprotected left main and bifurcation lesions. J Interv Cardiol. 2006 Dec;19(6):510-24. Review.
A26. Celik S, Erdoğan T, Kasap H, Kaplan S, Durmuş I, Gedik O, Kiriş A. Carotid intima-media thickness in patients with isolated coronary artery ectasia. Atherosclerosis. 2007 Feb;190(2):385-7. 
A27. Yilmaz R, Celik S, Baykan M, Kasap H, Kaplan S, Kucukosmanoglu M, Erdol C. Assessment of mitral annular velocities by Doppler tissue imaging in predicting left ventricular thrombus formation after first anterior acute myocardial infarction. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2005 Jun;18(6):632-7.
A28. Yilmaz R, Kasap H, Baykan M, Durmus I, Kaplan S, Celik S, Erdol C. Assessment of left ventricular function by Doppler tissue imaging in patients with atrial fibrillation following acute myocardial infarction. Int J Cardiol. 2005 Jun 22;102(1):79-85.
A29. Gökçe M, Kaplan S, Tekelioğlu Y, Erdoğan T, Küçükosmanoğlu M. Platelet function disorder in patients with coronary slow flow. Clin Cardiol. 2005 Mar;28(3):145-8.
A30. Orem C, Küçükosmanoğlu M, Hacihasanoğlu A, Yilmaz R, Kasap H, Erdoğan T, Kaplan S, Celik S. Association of Doppler-derived myocardial performance index with albuminuria in patients with diabetes. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2004 Nov;17(11):1185-90.
A31. Erdöl H, Erdöl C, Baykan M, Kola M, Akyol N, Kaplan S. The effect of the aspiration of pericardial effusion on intraocular pressure. Acta Cardiol. 2003 Oct;58(5):385-8.
A32. Baykan M, Yilmaz R, Celik S, Orem C, Kaplan S, Erdol C. Assessment of left ventricular systolic and diastolic function by Doppler tissue imaging in patients with preinfarction angina. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2003 Oct;16(10):1024-30.
A33. Gökçe M, Uçar F, Küçükosmanoglu M, Erdoğan T, Kaplan S. Factor V Leiden mutation and its relation to left atrial thrombus in chronic nonrheumatic atrial fibrillation. Jpn Heart J. 2003 Jul;44(4):481-91.
A34. Erdöl C, Çelik Ş, Baykan M, Örem C, Kaplan S, “Patent Ductus Arteriozus Associated with Anomalous Origin of the Right coronary artery: A Case Report,” International Journal of Cardiology, 81, 99-101 (2001).
A35.  Celik S,  Ovalı E, Baykan M, Uçar F, Erdöl C, Durmus I, Kaplan S, “Factor V Leiden and Its Relation to Left Ventricular Trombus in Acute Myocardial Infarction,” Acta Cardiologica, 56, 1-6 (2001).
A36. Celik S, Erdöl C, Baykan M, Kaplan S, Kasap H, “Relation Between Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation and Left Ventricular Diastolic Function in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction, The American Journal of Cardiology,” 88, 160-162 (2001).
A37. Celik S, Baykan M, Orem C, Kilinç K, Orem A, Erdöl C, Kaplan S, “Serum Lipoprotein(a) and Its Relation to Left Ventricular Trombus in patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction,” Japanese Heart Journal, 42, 5-14 (2001).
A38. Celik S, Baykan M, Erdöl C, Gökce M, Durmus I, Orem C, Kaplan S, “Doppler-derived Mitral Deceleration Time as an Early Predictor of Left Ventricular Thrombus after first Anterior Acute Myocardial Infarction,” American Heart Journal, 140, 772-776 (2000).

B. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :
B1. Kaplan S, Çelik Ş. ‘’Koroner kollateral gelişimi ile endotel fonksiyonları arasındaki ilişki’’ Selçuk Tıp Dergisi,.2014; 30(4) kabul edildi gelecek sayıda yayınlanacak.
B2. Kırış A, Kırış G, Karaman K, Şahin M, Gedikli Ö, Kaplan Ş, örem A, Kutlu M, Kazaz Z. ‘’ Factors affecting left ventricular synchronicity in hypertensive patients: are arterial stiffness and central blood pressure influential?’’ Arc. Turk Sos. Cardiol 2012;40 (7):581-588.     
 B3. Orem C, Kiriş G, Durmuş I, Kaplan S, Gedikli O, Baykan M, Gökçe M, Celik S. An unusual Brugada syndrome case. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2008 Oct;8(5):383-4.
B4. Orem C, Küçükosmanoğlu M, Kaplan S, Kasap H, Durmuş I, Eminağaoğlu S, Baykan M, Gökçe M, “Evaluation of Left Ventricular Function Using Tei Index in Patients with preinfarction Angina,” Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi, 6, 3-8 (2006)
B5. Baykan M, Çelik Ş, Uçar F, Kaplan Ş, Ovalı E, Erdöl C, “Akut Myokard İnfarktüslü Hastalarda Faktör V Leiden Mutasyonunun Prognoz Üzerine Etkisi,” Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi, 1, 242-245 (2001) 
B6. Çelik Ş, Baykan M, Erdöl C, Durmuş İ, Kasap H, Kaplan Ş, Örem C, Akut Anterior myokart İnfarktüsünde Trombüs Gelişiminin Prediktörleri, MN Kardiyoloji Dergisi, 7/5 Ekim (2000).

C.    Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan bildiriler:
C1. Kırıs A, Turan OE, Kırış G, Ilter A, Ozturk M, Aydın M, Kaplan S, Kutlu M. ‘’Epicardial adipose tissue thickness is associated with frequent ventricular prematüre beats’’. International Journal of cardiology s1-79 (2013).
C2. Kırış A, Bostan M, Korkmaz L, Agaç MT, Acar Z, Kaplan S, Celik S. ‘’Carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity in patient with isolated coronary ectasia: an observational study.’’ International Journal of cardiology P99-127. (2012).
C3. Kaplan S, Kiris A, Karaman K, Karakoc G, Baykan M, Orem C, Gedikli O, Gokce M, Celik S, “The Impact of Baseline Platelet Count on Angiographic Finding and End-Points in St-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Managed with Percutaneous Coronary Intervention” 78th Congress of Atherosclerosis Society, Atherosclerosis, İstanbul (2008).
C4. Kaplan S, Barlis P, Kiris A, Dimopoulos K, Celik S, Di Mario C. ‘'Immediate Procedural And Long-term Clinical Outcomes After Drug Eluting Stent Implantation To Ostial Saphenous Vein Graft Lesions’’ The American Journal of Cardiology supplement  (2007).
C5. Kaplan S, Kırış A, Barlis P, Gedikli O, Di Mario C,“Management of Coronary Bifurcation Lesions with Drug-eluting Stents: Single versus Double Stent Techniques,” ESC Congress, Vol. 28, European Hearth Journal supplement 1, 326, Oxford Journals, Vienna, (2007)
C6. Barlis P, Kaplan S, Dimopoulos K, Goktekin O, La Mana A, Tanigawa J, Di Mario C, ‘’Culotte versus T-stenting in bifurcation lesions: immediate clinical and angiographic results and midterm clinical follow-up’’JACC supplement (2007).
C7. Goktekin O, Kaplan S, Tanıgawa J, Vatankulu M, Dımapoulos K, La Manna A, Konıng G, Tuınenburg J.C, Di Mario C, “A New Dedıcated Method For Quantıtatıve Assessment Of Bıfurcatıonal Lesıons: Intra And Interobserver Varıabılıty,” Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions Wiley InterScience Journals (2006).
C8. Tanigawa J, Barlis P, Kaplan S, Goktekin O, Di Mario C. Stent strut appozition in complex lesions using oprical coherencetomography. ‘’The American Journal of Cardiology supplement (2006).
C9. Goktekin O, Vatankulu M.A, Kaya M.G, Kaplan S, Dimopoulos K, Di Mario C, Gatzoulis M. ‘’Prevalence of coronary artery disease in the adult congenital heart disease population’’ European Hearth Journal supplement(2006).
C10. Celik S, Kaplan S, Yılmaz R, Baykan M, “Realtion Between Collateral Formation and Flow-mediated Vasodilation in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease” 74th Congress of Atherosclerosis Society, M 485, Atherosclerosis, Sevile (2004).

D. Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitaplarında basılan bildiriler:
D1. Kırıs A, Bektaş H, Acar Z, Adar A, Ağaç MT, Kurt D, Kırış G, Korkmaz L, Erkan H, Akyüz AR, Kaplan Ş, Çelik Ş. ‘’Relationship between angiographic finding and left ventricular thrombus formation in patient with first anterior myocardial infarction.’’ Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum, poster,  Antalya, (2012).  
D2. Kırış G, Karaman K, Kırış A, Durmuş İ, Acar Z, arslan B, Öztürk M, Kutlu M, Kaplan Ş. ‘’Epikardiyal yağ dokusu kalınlığının sol ventrikül fonksiyonlarıyla ilişkisi’’ Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum, poster, İstanbul, (2011).  
D3. Kırıs A, Kırış G, Karaman K, Şahin M, Gedikli Ö, Kaplan Ş, Örem A, Kutlu M. ‘’Yeni tanı konmuş hipertansif hastalarda sol ventriküler asenkroniyi etkileyen faktörler?’’ Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum, sözlü bildiri, İstanbul, (2011).  
D4. Kırıs A, Karaman K, Kırış G, Şahin M, Durmuş İ, Kaplan Ş, Örem A, Kutlu M. ‘’Yeni tanı hipertansif hastalarda sistolik asenkroninin sol ventrikül fonksiyonlarına etkisi’’ Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum, poster İstanbul, (2011).  
D5. Kaplan Ş, Barlis P, Göktekin Ö, Tanigawa J, Aydın Ü, Di Mario C, “Kronik Total Oklüzyonları Rekanalize Ederken Kullanılan ‘Guide-wire’ların Başarı Oranına Etkisi” 22. Ulusal kardiyoloji Kongresi, vol. 34 Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum 1, 50, Antalya (2006).
D6. Kaplan Ş, Barlis P, Göktekin Ö, La Manna A, Tanigawa J, Di Mario C, “Kronik Total Oklüzyonlara Perkütan Koroner Girişim Uygulanması: Başarılı Olanlarla Olmayanların Uzun Dönem Klinik Takibi” 22. Ulusal kardiyoloji Kongresi, vol. 34 Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum 1, 52, Antalya (2006). 
D7. Kaplan Ş, Barlis P, Kırış A, Göktekin Ö, Tanigawa J, Di Mario C, “Culotte Tekniğinin İlaç Salınımlı Stentler ile Bifurkasyon Lezyonlarına Uygulanması ve Orta Dönem Sonuçları”, 22. Ulusal kardiyoloji Kongresi, vol. 34 Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum 1, 57, Antalya (2006).
D8. Kaplan Ş, Kırış A, Barlis P, Göktekin Ö, Tanigawa J, Di Mario C, “Bifurkasyon Lezyonlarında Culotte Tekniği ile T-stent Tekniğinin Karşılaştırılması ve Orta Dönem Sonuçları” 22. Ulusal kardiyoloji Kongresi, vol. 34 Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum 1, 57, Antalya (2006).
D9. Kaplan Ş, Barlis P, Aydın Ü, Göktekin Ö, La Manna A, Di Mario C, “Bifurkasyon Lezyonlarında Provizyonal T-stent Tekniğinin İlaç Salınımlı Stentlerle Güvenilirliği ve Orta-dönem Sonuçları” 22. Ulusal kardiyoloji Kongresi, vol. 34 Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum 1, 57, Antalya (2006).
D10. Goktekin O, Kaplan Ş, Sangiorgi G, Tamburino C, Grube E, Antoniucci D, Colombo A, “Küçük damarlara paklitaksel ilaç salınımlı Taxus stent uygulama sonuçları” 22. Ulusal kardiyoloji Kongresi, vol. 34 Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum 1, 57, Antalya (2006). 
D11. Kaplan Ş, Kırış A, Barlis P, Korkmaz L, Kazaz Z, Dimopoulos K, Karaman K, Öztürk S, Durmuş İ, Örem C, Çelik Ş, Di Mario C, “Koroner Bifurkasyon Lezyonlarının İlaç Salınımlı Stentlerle Tedavisi: Sirolimus Salınımlı Stentlere karşılık Paklitaksel Salınımlı Stentler” 23. Ulusal kardiyoloji Kongresi, vol. 35 Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum 2, 24, Antalya (2007).
D12. Kaplan Ş, Kırış A, Barlis P, Karakoç G, Dimopoulos K, Kahraman N, Gedikli Ö, Baykan M, Schultz C, Örem C, Çelik Ş, Di Mario C, “Koroner Bifurkasyon Lezyonlarına Yaklaşım: Basit Stent Tekniği ile Kompleks Stent Tekniğinin Karşılaştırılması” 23. Ulusal kardiyoloji Kongresi, vol. 35 Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum 2, 24, Antalya (2007).
D13. Kaplan Ş, Barlis P, Kırış A, Dimopoulos K, Karakoç G, Kahraman N, Kazaz Z, Gedikli Ö, Baykan M, Gökçe M, Çelik Ş, Di Mario C, “Koroner Bifurkasyon Lezyonlarında İlaç Salınımlı Stentlerle Culotte Tekniği Kullanımı ve Uzun Dönem Takipleri” 23. Ulusal kardiyoloji Kongresi, vol. 35 Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum 2, 24, Antalya (2007).

Читати далі

Educations and Experiance 

1999-2005: Exp. Dr. Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon

2005-2007: Overseas Posting Department of Cardiology, Royal Brompton Hospital, Imperial College, London, UK.

2007-2009: Dr. Instructor Member of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon

2009-2014: Assoc. Dr. Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon

2014-2017: Prof. Dr. Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon

2018-: Prof. Dr. Medicine Hospital, Bagcilar, Istanbul



Turkish Society of Cardiology

European Society of Cardiology

European Society of Invasive Cardiology

A.    Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :
A1. Kaplan ST, Hemsinli D, Kaplan S, Arslan A. Amputation predictors in diabetic foot ulcers treated with hyperbaric oxygen.J Wound Care. 2017 Jul 2;26(7):361-366. doi: 10.12968/jowc.2017.26.7.361.
A2. Hemsinli D, Kaplan ST, Kaplan S, Yildirim F. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the Treatment of Fontaine Stage IV Thromboangiitis Obliterans. Int J Low Extrem Wounds. 2016 Dec;15(4):366-370. doi: 10.1177/1534734616666866. Epub 2016 Sep 21.
A3. Kaplan S, Öztürk M, Kırış G, Kaplan ST. ‘’ Evaluation of therelationship between epicardial adipose tissue and myocardial performance (Tei) index’’ Int J Clin Exp Med 2014; Received April 8, 2014; Accepted April 23, 2014; Epub June 15, 2014; Published June 30, 2014.
A4. Kaplan S, Kaplan ST, Kiris A, Gedikli O. ‘’Impact of initial platelet count on baseline angiographic finding and end-points in ST-elevation myocardial infarction referred for primary percutaneous coronary intervention’’ Int J Clin Exp Med 2014;7(4):1064-1070 
A5. Kırış A, Karaman K, Kırış G, Şahin M, Durmuş I, Kaplan Ş, Örem A, Kutlu M, Ayar A. ‘’ Left ventricular dyssynchrony and its effects on cardiac function in patients with newly diagnosed hypertension.’’ Echocardiography. 2012 Sep;29(8):914-22
A6. Kırış A, Bostan M, Korkmaz L, Ağaç MT, Acar Z, Kaplan S, Celik S. ‘’ Carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity in patients with isolated coronary artery ectasia: an observational study’’Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2012 Jun;12(4):313-9.
A7. Kaplan S, Kaplan ST, Kutlu M. An unusual case of guide wire fractured during primary percutaneous coronary intervention, and two year follow-up. Kardiol Pol. 2010;68(11):1291-3.
A8. Kaplan S, Kırış A, Erem C, Kaplan T, Kırış G, Gedikli O, Koçak M, Baykan M, Celik S, ‘’Assessment of Left Ventricular Systolic Asynchrony in Patients with Clinical Hypothyroidism’’ Echocardiography. 2010;27(2):117-22.
A9. Kaplan S, Baykan E, Oztürk S, Kiris A, Koçsucu P. Anomalous origin of right coronary artery originating from the proximal part of the left anterior descending artery via a collateral. South Med J. 2009;102(10):1075. 
A10. Baykan M, Baykan EC, Turan S, Gedikli O, Kaplan S, Kiriş A, Durmuş I, Celik S. Assessment of left ventricular function and Tei index by tissue Doppler imaging in patients with slow coronary flow. Echocardiography. 2009; 26(10):1167-72.
A11. Gedikli O, Baykan M, Kaynar K, Ozkan G, Korkmaz L, Ozturk S, Durmus I, Kaplan S, Celik S. Assessment of left ventricular systolic synchronization in patients with chronic kidney disease and narrow QRS complexes. Echocardiography. 2009; 26(5):528-33.
A12. Baykan M, Erem C, Gedikli O, Hacihasanoglu A, Erdogan T, Kocak M, Kaplan S, Korkmaz L, Celik S. Impairment in flow-mediated vasodilatation of the brachial artery in acromegaly. Med Princ Pract. 2009;18(3):228-32.
A13. Kaplan S, Barlis P, Kiris A, Dimopoulos K, Celik S, Di Mario C. Immediate procedural and long-term clinical outcomes following drug-eluting stent implantation to ostial saphenous vein graft lesions. Acute Card Care. 2008;10(2):88-92.
A14. Barlis P, Kaplan S, Dimopoulos K, Ferrante G, Di Mario C. Comparison of bare-metal and sirolimus- or paclitaxel-eluting stents for aorto-ostial coronary disease. Cardiology. 2008;111(4):270-6 (first 2 author worked equaly).
A15. Kaplan S, Barlis P, Tanigawa J, Goktekin O, Di Mario C. Unconventional treatment of aorto-ostial instent restenosis with marked protrusion into the aorta. J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown). 2008;9(2):184-6.
A16. Barlis P, Kaplan S, Dimopoulos K, Tanigawa J, Schultz C, Di Mario C. An indeterminate occlusion duration predicts procedural failure in the recanalization of coronary chronic total occlusions. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2008;71(5):621-8.
A17. Celik S, Kaplan S, Yilmaz R, Erdogan T, Kiris A. Relationship between aortic stiffness and the development of coronary collateral in patients with coronary artery disease. Angiology. 2008; 58(6):671-6.
A18. Kaplan S, Barlis P, Dimopoulos K, La Manna A, Goktekin O, Galassi A, Tanigawa J, Di Mario C. Culotte versus T-stenting in bifurcation lesions: immediate clinical and angiographic results and midterm clinical follow-up. Am Heart J. 2007;154(2):336-43.
A19. Celik S, Durmuş I, Korkmaz L, Gedikli O, Kaplan S, Orem C, Baykan M. Aortic pulse wave velocity in subjects with aortic valve sclerosis. Echocardiography. 2008; 25(10):1112-6.
A20. Baykan M, Erem C, Gedikli O, Hacihasanoglu A, Erdogan T, Kocak M, Kaplan S, Kiriş A, Orem C, Celik S. Assessment of left ventricular diastolic function and Tei index by tissue Doppler imaging in patients with Cushing's Syndrome. Echocardiography. 2008;25(2):182-90.
A21. Baykan M, Erem C, Gedikli O, Hacihasanoğlu A, Erdoğan T, Koçak M, Kaplan S, Kiriş A, Celik S. Assessment of the Tei index by tissue Doppler imaging in patients with acromegaly: serum growth hormone level is associated with the Tei index. Echocardiography. 2008;25(4):374-80.
A22. Di Mario C, Barlis P, Tanigawa J, Locca D, Bucciarelli-Ducci C, Kaplan S, Katoh O. Retrograde approach to coronary chronic total occlusions: preliminary single European centre experience. EuroIntervention. 2007;3(2):181-7.
A23. Baykan M, Erem C, Erdogan T, Ersöz HO, Gedikli O, Korkmaz L, Kücükosmanoglu M, Haclhasanoglu A, Kaplan S, Celik S. Assessment of left ventricular diastolic function and the Tei index by tissue Doppler imaging in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2007; 66(4):483-8.
A24. Goktekin O, Kaplan S, Dimopoulos K, Barlis P, Tanigawa J, Vatankulu MA, Koning G, Tuinenburg JC, Mario CD. A new quantitative analysis system for the evaluation of coronary bifurcation lesions: comparison with current conventional methods. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2007 Feb 1;69(2):172-80.
A25. Barlis P, Tanigawa J, Kaplan S, di Mario C. Complex coronary interventions: unprotected left main and bifurcation lesions. J Interv Cardiol. 2006 Dec;19(6):510-24. Review.
A26. Celik S, Erdoğan T, Kasap H, Kaplan S, Durmuş I, Gedik O, Kiriş A. Carotid intima-media thickness in patients with isolated coronary artery ectasia. Atherosclerosis. 2007 Feb;190(2):385-7. 
A27. Yilmaz R, Celik S, Baykan M, Kasap H, Kaplan S, Kucukosmanoglu M, Erdol C. Assessment of mitral annular velocities by Doppler tissue imaging in predicting left ventricular thrombus formation after first anterior acute myocardial infarction. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2005 Jun;18(6):632-7.
A28. Yilmaz R, Kasap H, Baykan M, Durmus I, Kaplan S, Celik S, Erdol C. Assessment of left ventricular function by Doppler tissue imaging in patients with atrial fibrillation following acute myocardial infarction. Int J Cardiol. 2005 Jun 22;102(1):79-85.
A29. Gökçe M, Kaplan S, Tekelioğlu Y, Erdoğan T, Küçükosmanoğlu M. Platelet function disorder in patients with coronary slow flow. Clin Cardiol. 2005 Mar;28(3):145-8.
A30. Orem C, Küçükosmanoğlu M, Hacihasanoğlu A, Yilmaz R, Kasap H, Erdoğan T, Kaplan S, Celik S. Association of Doppler-derived myocardial performance index with albuminuria in patients with diabetes. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2004 Nov;17(11):1185-90.
A31. Erdöl H, Erdöl C, Baykan M, Kola M, Akyol N, Kaplan S. The effect of the aspiration of pericardial effusion on intraocular pressure. Acta Cardiol. 2003 Oct;58(5):385-8.
A32. Baykan M, Yilmaz R, Celik S, Orem C, Kaplan S, Erdol C. Assessment of left ventricular systolic and diastolic function by Doppler tissue imaging in patients with preinfarction angina. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2003 Oct;16(10):1024-30.
A33. Gökçe M, Uçar F, Küçükosmanoglu M, Erdoğan T, Kaplan S. Factor V Leiden mutation and its relation to left atrial thrombus in chronic nonrheumatic atrial fibrillation. Jpn Heart J. 2003 Jul;44(4):481-91.
A34. Erdöl C, Çelik Ş, Baykan M, Örem C, Kaplan S, “Patent Ductus Arteriozus Associated with Anomalous Origin of the Right coronary artery: A Case Report,” International Journal of Cardiology, 81, 99-101 (2001).
A35.  Celik S,  Ovalı E, Baykan M, Uçar F, Erdöl C, Durmus I, Kaplan S, “Factor V Leiden and Its Relation to Left Ventricular Trombus in Acute Myocardial Infarction,” Acta Cardiologica, 56, 1-6 (2001).
A36. Celik S, Erdöl C, Baykan M, Kaplan S, Kasap H, “Relation Between Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation and Left Ventricular Diastolic Function in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction, The American Journal of Cardiology,” 88, 160-162 (2001).
A37. Celik S, Baykan M, Orem C, Kilinç K, Orem A, Erdöl C, Kaplan S, “Serum Lipoprotein(a) and Its Relation to Left Ventricular Trombus in patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction,” Japanese Heart Journal, 42, 5-14 (2001).
A38. Celik S, Baykan M, Erdöl C, Gökce M, Durmus I, Orem C, Kaplan S, “Doppler-derived Mitral Deceleration Time as an Early Predictor of Left Ventricular Thrombus after first Anterior Acute Myocardial Infarction,” American Heart Journal, 140, 772-776 (2000).

B. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :
B1. Kaplan S, Çelik Ş. ‘’Koroner kollateral gelişimi ile endotel fonksiyonları arasındaki ilişki’’ Selçuk Tıp Dergisi,.2014; 30(4) kabul edildi gelecek sayıda yayınlanacak.
B2. Kırış A, Kırış G, Karaman K, Şahin M, Gedikli Ö, Kaplan Ş, örem A, Kutlu M, Kazaz Z. ‘’ Factors affecting left ventricular synchronicity in hypertensive patients: are arterial stiffness and central blood pressure influential?’’ Arc. Turk Sos. Cardiol 2012;40 (7):581-588.     
 B3. Orem C, Kiriş G, Durmuş I, Kaplan S, Gedikli O, Baykan M, Gökçe M, Celik S. An unusual Brugada syndrome case. Anadolu Kardiyol Derg. 2008 Oct;8(5):383-4.
B4. Orem C, Küçükosmanoğlu M, Kaplan S, Kasap H, Durmuş I, Eminağaoğlu S, Baykan M, Gökçe M, “Evaluation of Left Ventricular Function Using Tei Index in Patients with preinfarction Angina,” Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi, 6, 3-8 (2006)
B5. Baykan M, Çelik Ş, Uçar F, Kaplan Ş, Ovalı E, Erdöl C, “Akut Myokard İnfarktüslü Hastalarda Faktör V Leiden Mutasyonunun Prognoz Üzerine Etkisi,” Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi, 1, 242-245 (2001) 
B6. Çelik Ş, Baykan M, Erdöl C, Durmuş İ, Kasap H, Kaplan Ş, Örem C, Akut Anterior myokart İnfarktüsünde Trombüs Gelişiminin Prediktörleri, MN Kardiyoloji Dergisi, 7/5 Ekim (2000).

C.    Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan bildiriler:
C1. Kırıs A, Turan OE, Kırış G, Ilter A, Ozturk M, Aydın M, Kaplan S, Kutlu M. ‘’Epicardial adipose tissue thickness is associated with frequent ventricular prematüre beats’’. International Journal of cardiology s1-79 (2013).
C2. Kırış A, Bostan M, Korkmaz L, Agaç MT, Acar Z, Kaplan S, Celik S. ‘’Carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity in patient with isolated coronary ectasia: an observational study.’’ International Journal of cardiology P99-127. (2012).
C3. Kaplan S, Kiris A, Karaman K, Karakoc G, Baykan M, Orem C, Gedikli O, Gokce M, Celik S, “The Impact of Baseline Platelet Count on Angiographic Finding and End-Points in St-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Managed with Percutaneous Coronary Intervention” 78th Congress of Atherosclerosis Society, Atherosclerosis, İstanbul (2008).
C4. Kaplan S, Barlis P, Kiris A, Dimopoulos K, Celik S, Di Mario C. ‘'Immediate Procedural And Long-term Clinical Outcomes After Drug Eluting Stent Implantation To Ostial Saphenous Vein Graft Lesions’’ The American Journal of Cardiology supplement  (2007).
C5. Kaplan S, Kırış A, Barlis P, Gedikli O, Di Mario C,“Management of Coronary Bifurcation Lesions with Drug-eluting Stents: Single versus Double Stent Techniques,” ESC Congress, Vol. 28, European Hearth Journal supplement 1, 326, Oxford Journals, Vienna, (2007)
C6. Barlis P, Kaplan S, Dimopoulos K, Goktekin O, La Mana A, Tanigawa J, Di Mario C, ‘’Culotte versus T-stenting in bifurcation lesions: immediate clinical and angiographic results and midterm clinical follow-up’’JACC supplement (2007).
C7. Goktekin O, Kaplan S, Tanıgawa J, Vatankulu M, Dımapoulos K, La Manna A, Konıng G, Tuınenburg J.C, Di Mario C, “A New Dedıcated Method For Quantıtatıve Assessment Of Bıfurcatıonal Lesıons: Intra And Interobserver Varıabılıty,” Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions Wiley InterScience Journals (2006).
C8. Tanigawa J, Barlis P, Kaplan S, Goktekin O, Di Mario C. Stent strut appozition in complex lesions using oprical coherencetomography. ‘’The American Journal of Cardiology supplement (2006).
C9. Goktekin O, Vatankulu M.A, Kaya M.G, Kaplan S, Dimopoulos K, Di Mario C, Gatzoulis M. ‘’Prevalence of coronary artery disease in the adult congenital heart disease population’’ European Hearth Journal supplement(2006).
C10. Celik S, Kaplan S, Yılmaz R, Baykan M, “Realtion Between Collateral Formation and Flow-mediated Vasodilation in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease” 74th Congress of Atherosclerosis Society, M 485, Atherosclerosis, Sevile (2004).

D. Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitaplarında basılan bildiriler:
D1. Kırıs A, Bektaş H, Acar Z, Adar A, Ağaç MT, Kurt D, Kırış G, Korkmaz L, Erkan H, Akyüz AR, Kaplan Ş, Çelik Ş. ‘’Relationship between angiographic finding and left ventricular thrombus formation in patient with first anterior myocardial infarction.’’ Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum, poster,  Antalya, (2012).  
D2. Kırış G, Karaman K, Kırış A, Durmuş İ, Acar Z, arslan B, Öztürk M, Kutlu M, Kaplan Ş. ‘’Epikardiyal yağ dokusu kalınlığının sol ventrikül fonksiyonlarıyla ilişkisi’’ Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum, poster, İstanbul, (2011).  
D3. Kırıs A, Kırış G, Karaman K, Şahin M, Gedikli Ö, Kaplan Ş, Örem A, Kutlu M. ‘’Yeni tanı konmuş hipertansif hastalarda sol ventriküler asenkroniyi etkileyen faktörler?’’ Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum, sözlü bildiri, İstanbul, (2011).  
D4. Kırıs A, Karaman K, Kırış G, Şahin M, Durmuş İ, Kaplan Ş, Örem A, Kutlu M. ‘’Yeni tanı hipertansif hastalarda sistolik asenkroninin sol ventrikül fonksiyonlarına etkisi’’ Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum, poster İstanbul, (2011).  
D5. Kaplan Ş, Barlis P, Göktekin Ö, Tanigawa J, Aydın Ü, Di Mario C, “Kronik Total Oklüzyonları Rekanalize Ederken Kullanılan ‘Guide-wire’ların Başarı Oranına Etkisi” 22. Ulusal kardiyoloji Kongresi, vol. 34 Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum 1, 50, Antalya (2006).
D6. Kaplan Ş, Barlis P, Göktekin Ö, La Manna A, Tanigawa J, Di Mario C, “Kronik Total Oklüzyonlara Perkütan Koroner Girişim Uygulanması: Başarılı Olanlarla Olmayanların Uzun Dönem Klinik Takibi” 22. Ulusal kardiyoloji Kongresi, vol. 34 Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum 1, 52, Antalya (2006). 
D7. Kaplan Ş, Barlis P, Kırış A, Göktekin Ö, Tanigawa J, Di Mario C, “Culotte Tekniğinin İlaç Salınımlı Stentler ile Bifurkasyon Lezyonlarına Uygulanması ve Orta Dönem Sonuçları”, 22. Ulusal kardiyoloji Kongresi, vol. 34 Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum 1, 57, Antalya (2006).
D8. Kaplan Ş, Kırış A, Barlis P, Göktekin Ö, Tanigawa J, Di Mario C, “Bifurkasyon Lezyonlarında Culotte Tekniği ile T-stent Tekniğinin Karşılaştırılması ve Orta Dönem Sonuçları” 22. Ulusal kardiyoloji Kongresi, vol. 34 Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum 1, 57, Antalya (2006).
D9. Kaplan Ş, Barlis P, Aydın Ü, Göktekin Ö, La Manna A, Di Mario C, “Bifurkasyon Lezyonlarında Provizyonal T-stent Tekniğinin İlaç Salınımlı Stentlerle Güvenilirliği ve Orta-dönem Sonuçları” 22. Ulusal kardiyoloji Kongresi, vol. 34 Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum 1, 57, Antalya (2006).
D10. Goktekin O, Kaplan Ş, Sangiorgi G, Tamburino C, Grube E, Antoniucci D, Colombo A, “Küçük damarlara paklitaksel ilaç salınımlı Taxus stent uygulama sonuçları” 22. Ulusal kardiyoloji Kongresi, vol. 34 Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum 1, 57, Antalya (2006). 
D11. Kaplan Ş, Kırış A, Barlis P, Korkmaz L, Kazaz Z, Dimopoulos K, Karaman K, Öztürk S, Durmuş İ, Örem C, Çelik Ş, Di Mario C, “Koroner Bifurkasyon Lezyonlarının İlaç Salınımlı Stentlerle Tedavisi: Sirolimus Salınımlı Stentlere karşılık Paklitaksel Salınımlı Stentler” 23. Ulusal kardiyoloji Kongresi, vol. 35 Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum 2, 24, Antalya (2007).
D12. Kaplan Ş, Kırış A, Barlis P, Karakoç G, Dimopoulos K, Kahraman N, Gedikli Ö, Baykan M, Schultz C, Örem C, Çelik Ş, Di Mario C, “Koroner Bifurkasyon Lezyonlarına Yaklaşım: Basit Stent Tekniği ile Kompleks Stent Tekniğinin Karşılaştırılması” 23. Ulusal kardiyoloji Kongresi, vol. 35 Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum 2, 24, Antalya (2007).
D13. Kaplan Ş, Barlis P, Kırış A, Dimopoulos K, Karakoç G, Kahraman N, Kazaz Z, Gedikli Ö, Baykan M, Gökçe M, Çelik Ş, Di Mario C, “Koroner Bifurkasyon Lezyonlarında İlaç Salınımlı Stentlerle Culotte Tekniği Kullanımı ve Uzun Dönem Takipleri” 23. Ulusal kardiyoloji Kongresi, vol. 35 Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Dergisi supplementum 2, 24, Antalya (2007).

Читати далі
Mustafa Guden
28 років досвіду
457 відгуків
Туреччина, Стамбул
Medipol Mega University Hospital

Mustafa Guden

28 років досвіду

Професор Мустафа Ґюден — кардіохірург із 30-річним досвідом. Він спеціалізується на роботизованих та ендоскопічних операціях (через невеликі проколи) на серці.

Статистика лікаря:

  • 9500 операцій;
  • 50000 пацієнтів;
  • 16 сертифікатів.

Професійна біографія

В 1989 Мустафа Гюден закінчив медичний факультет Стамбульського університету.

Після отримання спеціальності “кардіохірург” доктор Гюден 10 років практикував у лікарні Florence Nightingale (Флоренс Найтінгейл) у Стамбулі. У цей період він підвищував кваліфікацію у госпіталі OLV Klinik у Бельгії.

З 2016 року практикує в Університетській клініці Медіпол.

Наукова діяльність

Професор Мустафа Гюден – автор 55 медичних публікацій.

Читати далі

Професор Мустафа Ґюден — кардіохірург із 30-річним досвідом. Він спеціалізується на роботизованих та ендоскопічних операціях (через невеликі проколи) на серці.

Статистика лікаря:

  • 9500 операцій;
  • 50000 пацієнтів;
  • 16 сертифікатів.

Професійна біографія

В 1989 Мустафа Гюден закінчив медичний факультет Стамбульського університету.

Після отримання спеціальності “кардіохірург” доктор Гюден 10 років практикував у лікарні Florence Nightingale (Флоренс Найтінгейл) у Стамбулі. У цей період він підвищував кваліфікацію у госпіталі OLV Klinik у Бельгії.

З 2016 року практикує в Університетській клініці Медіпол.

Наукова діяльність

Професор Мустафа Гюден – автор 55 медичних публікацій.

Читати далі
457 відгуків
Візит лікаря ціна за запитом
Резекція щитовидної залози $4500
Пересадка нирки $20000 - $25000
Пересадка печінки $62217.74 - $68922.24
Більше процедур
Mert Yilmaz
Фахівець із серцевих вад
34 роки досвіду
21 відгук
Туреччина, Стамбул
Клініка Valued Med Hub Hospitals

Mert Yilmaz

Фахівець із серцевих вад
34 роки досвіду

Prof. Mert Yılmaz, MD. MS

Adult and Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgeon

International member of Society of Thoracic Surgeons USA



Prof. Mert YILMAZ was graduated from Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty in 1988. He started his residency program at the Uludag University, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery in 1990. During his residency training in the Uludag University, he also spent a year as a visiting resident in Royal South Hants Hospital in England. Afterword, he started to work as a chief resident in the Uludag University until the end of his specialty program. He became board certified Cardiovascular surgeon in 1995. He started to work in Florence Nightingale Hospital in Istanbul as a staff Cardiovascular surgeon in 1996. In year 2000, He actively particapated in the Cardiac Surgery program and performed multiple interventions including cardiac transplantation, minimal invasive cardiac surgery and endovascular surgery in OLV Aalst Hospital in Belgium. In 2001, He came back to Florence Nightingale Hospital, He was one of the pioneers in endovascular repairement of abdominal aneurysm surgeries as he performed the second case in Turkey in the Gayrettepe Florence Nightingale Hospital in 2003.


In 2004, he returned to academia as an assistant professor in the Uludag University and he worked on both Adult and Pediatric Cardiac Surgeries between, 2004 and 2008. He also took part in establishment of Medicana International Hospital in Istanbul in 2009 and. He worked as a associate Director of the department more than one year in this hospital. Between 2010-2014, he was the Director of the Deparment of Cardiovascular Surgery in Medicalpark Hospital Bursa and Turkish Private Hospital in Erbil. Since 2014, he is the Director of the Deparment of Cardiovascular Surgery in Kadıköy Florence Nightingale Hospital in Istanbul.  His special interests are minimal invasive Cardiac surgery (small insicion) and Pediatric Cardiac surgery.  As an academician, Professor Yilmaz published over than 50 international and national manuscripts and 7 of them were tittiled as the first report in the world medical literature. He speaks and writes English fluently.


2014- present: Head of the Dept of Cardiovascular Surgery Kadıköy Florence Nightingale Hospital/Istanbul

2020- present Full Professor at Halic University Istanbul


1982-1988: Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Istanbul, Turkey, (MD) 

1990-1994:Uludağ University, Faculty of Medicine, Bursa Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery (Resident)

1994: Royal South Hants Hospital, NHS, Southampton UK, (Registrar)

1995-1996: Uludağ University, Faculty of Medicine, Bursa Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery (Chief Resident)





Medical Doctor, MD Istanbul  University


Cardiovascular Surgeon, MS Uludag  University


Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgeon Uludag  University


Assoc. Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery Uludag  University


Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery Halic University




1996-2000: Cardiovascular Surgeon, Florence Nightingale Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey 


2000: Visiting Clinical Fellow, OLV Hospital Aalst, Brussels, Belgium


2001-2004: Cardiovascular Surgeon, Florence Nightingale Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey


2004-2007: Clinical Fellow/Research Associate, Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey, 


2007- 2008: Assoc. Professor  Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey


2008-2009: Consultant Cardiovascular Surgeon, Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery Medicana International Istanbul, Turkey 


2009-2010: Head of the Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery Universal Hospital Çamlıca, Istanbul, Turkey,

2010-2012 : Head of the Dept of Cardiovascular Surgery Medicalpark Bursa Hospital, Bursa

2012-2014 : Head of the Dept of Cardiovascular Surgery Turkish Private Hospital, Erbil




Society of  Thoracic Surgeons (USA)


European Society for Vascular Surgery 

Turkish society of Cardiovascular Surgery

European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery


CTS net




European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery

Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 




A1. Ener, S., Yılmaz, M., Atasoy, S., Ozkan, H., Cengiz, M. “Superior-septal Approach for Mitral Valve Surgery’’ Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology 23: 267-270 (1995)


A2. Senkaya, I, Yilmaz, M., Güven H, Ozer HZ, Özkan, H.

Chylothorax: After Blunt Chest Trauma Turk Gogus Kalp Dama 1995;3:194-196


A3. Ener,S., Yilmaz,M., Eken., Karadag, M., Cengiz, M. Sleeve Lobectomy and Bronchovascular Reconstruction for Lung Cancer. Turk Gogus Kalp Dama 1995;3:266-269


A4. Akpinar, B, Polat, B., Sanisoğlu, I., Yilmaz, M., Cakalı, E., Bayındır, O., Sonmez, B.

Pulmonary Valve Replacemet: Report of two cases. Turk Gogus Kalp Dama 1997;5:135-139


A5. Gebitekin, C., Yilmaz, M., Şenkaya, I., Sagdıc, K., Saba, D., Ozer, Z. G. “Fatal Haemoptysis due to Pulmonary artery aneurysm in Behçet’s Disease”  European Journal of  Vascular and  Endovascular Surgery 13(2): 233-6 (1997)


A6. Şenkaya, I., Sağdıç,  K., Gebitekin, C., Yilmaz, M., Özkan, H., Cengiz, M. “Management of foreign body aspiration in infancy and childhood. A life-threatening problem” Turkish Journal of  Pediatrics 39 (3): 353-62 (1997)


A7. Polat, B., Yılmaz, M., Akpinar, B., Aytekin, V., Bayındır, O., Sonmez, B. “Revascularization of the Circumflex Artery Using Pedicled Right Internal Mammary Artery Graft Via The Transverse Sinus” Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology 26: 275-78 (1998)


A8. Yilmaz, M., Ener, S., Akalın, H., Sagdıc, K., Serdar, A., Cengiz, M. “Effect of Low dose Methylprednisolone on serum Cytokine levels following Extracorporeal Circulation” Perfusion UK 14: 201-206 (1999)


A9. Us, M.H., İnan, K., Özkan, S.,Yılmaz, M., Çakır, O., Duran, E.,  Öztürk, Ö.Y. “Koroner baypass operasyonları sonrasında serum laktat düzeylerinin izlenmesinin mortaliteye etkisi”

Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology 4:110-113 (2001)


A10. Polat, B., Yalcin, Y., Korkut, K., Karaci, A., Korkmaz A.A., Yılmaz,  M., Sorgun, F., Bayindir, O. “Arterial Switch Operation in Transposition of the Great Arteries (Jatene prosedure)” Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology 29: 549-556 (2001)


A11. Us, M., Sungun, M., Cağli, K., Yilmaz, M., Pekediz, A., Oztürk, O.  “Single clamp technique in elderly patients undergoing coronary artery surgery”  Anadolu Kardiyol  Derg 4:291-295 (2003)


A12. Yilmaz, M. “Total aortic arch replacement” Annals of Thoracic Surgery 79:1092 (2005)


A13. Ener, S., Yilmaz, M. “The effect of single low-dose methylprednisolone on the cardiopulmonary bypass-induced inflammatory response” European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery 27: 729-730 (2005)


A14. Yilmaz, M., Gurbuz, O., Cengiz, M. “Multicentric cardiac myxoma treated with extended surgery” The Journal of International Medical Research 34: 331 – 334 (2006)


A15. Yilmaz, M., Şenkaya, I., Cengiz, M. “Direct Reimplantation  Technique via Right Minithoracotomy for   Scimitar Syndrome: A Case Report” The Heart Surgery Forum 9 (6):E843-E845 (2006)


A16. Yilmaz, M., Polat, B., Saba, D.Single-stage repair of adult aortic coarctation and concomitant cardiovascular pathologies: a new alternative surgical approach”
Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 1:18 (2006)


A17. Yilmaz, M., Şenkaya, I., Saba, D., Biçer, M. “Long-term outcomes of basilic vein transposition fistula for hemodialysis” VASA 36:26-32 (2007)


A18. Yilmaz, M., Şenkaya, I., Kaderli, A., Ener, S. “Complete Atrioventricular Block due to a Hydatid Cyst located in the Interventricular Septum” The Heart Surgery Forum. 10 (1):E9-E11 (2007)


A19.  Saba, D., Yilmaz, M., Yavuz, H., Noyan, S., Avci, B., Ercan, A.K., Ozkan, H., Cengiz, M. “Sutureless vascular anastomoses by  N-butyl-2 Cyanoacrylate adhesive: an experimental animal study” European Surgical Research. 39:239-244  (2007)


A20. Yilmaz, M., Tok, M., Cengiz, M. “Asymptomatic Balanced-Type Double Aortic Arch in an Elderly Patient: A Case Report” The Heart Surgery Forum. 10 (4):E297-E298 (2007)


A21. Yilmaz, M., Saba, D., Karal, I., Ercan, I.,  Kumtepe, G., Gurbuz, O., Şenkaya, I., Cengiz, M. “Postoperative Outcomes after Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in EuroSCORE Low- and High-Risk Women” The Heart Surgery Forum. 10 (6):E482-E486 (2007)


A22. Basagan-Mogol, E., Turker, G., Yilmaz, M., Goren, S. “Combination of a Psoas Compartment, Sciatic Nerve, and T12-L1 Paravertebral Blocks for Femoropopliteal Bypass Surgery in a High-Risk Patient”Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia22 (2): 337-339 ( 2008)


A23. Yavascaoglu, I., Yilmaz, M., Kordan Y. “Cardiac and Caval Invasion of Left Adrenocortical Carcinoma: Report of a Case” Urologia Internationalis. 81(2): 244–246 (2008) 



B1. Ozer, Z.G., Şenkaya, I., Yilmaz, M. “Iatrogenic vascular injuries during lumbar disc surgery” The Romanian Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery Inaugural Meeting of the Balkan Society of Angiology Romania, 1992


 B2. Polat, B., Akpinar, B., Sonmez, B., Aytekin, V., Demiroglu, C., Yilmaz, M., Akar, H. “Revascularization of the circumflex artery using pedicled right internal mammary artery graft via the transverse sinus” First International Congress on Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, 1996.


B3. Yilmaz, M., Ener, S., Akalın, H., Sagdıc, K., Serdar, A., Cengiz, M. “Low dose Methylprednisolone reduces serum cytokine elevation induced by extracorporeal circulation”

XVI th Annual San Diego Cardiothoracic Surgery Symposium San Diego, USA, 1996


B4. Polat, B., Yalcin, Y., Karaci, A., Yilmaz, M., Sorgun, F., Bayindir, O. “Arterial Switch operation ( Jatene precedure) for Transposition of  the Great Arteries: Experience at Florence Nightingale Hospital” VI. BALKAN Pediatric cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Congress

Antalya, Turkey, 1998


B5. Yalcin, Y., Polat, B., Karaci, A., Yilmaz,  M., Sorgun, F., Bayindir, O. “Partial Biventricular Repair: An alternative option to Total Cavopulmonary Anastomosis for Functionally Borderline Right Ventricules in Complex Congenital Heart Defects” VI. BALKAN Pediatric cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Congress Antalya, Turkey, 1998


B6. Duran, E., Us, M., Sungun, M., Inan, K., Tarhan, A., Yilmaz, M., Baltalarli, A., Sunar, H., Ege, T., Cebeci, B,S., Ozturk, O. “ Mitral valve operations by right minithoracotomy”  Mediterranean Association of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery 11th Annual Meeting, Montpellier, France, 1998


B7. Us, M.H., Yilmaz, M., Ozturk, O.Y. “Early and mid term results of the aortic annular enlargement with modified manouguian procedure” 52. International Congress of the European Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Istanbul, Turkey, 2003 


B8. Us, M.H., Sungun, M., Cagli, K., Yilmaz, M., Pakediz, A., Ozturk, O.Y. “The advantages of single clamp techniques in patients over 70 years old”  52. International Congress of the European Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Istanbul, Turkey, 2003

B9. Yilmaz, M., Saba, D., Karal, I., Ercan, I., Kumtepe, G., Gurbuz, O., Şenkaya, I., Cengiz, M. “Postoperative Outcomes after Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in EuroSCORE Low- and High-Risk Women” Third Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Antalya Turkey, 2007 The Heart Surgery Forum. 10, Supp 1 (2007)

B10.Yilmaz, M., Şenkaya, I., Tok, M., Saba, D., Cengiz, M. “Direct Reimplantation  Technique via Right Minithoracotomy for   Scimitar Syndrome: A Case Report” Third Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Antalya Turkey, 2007 The Heart Surgery Forum. 10, Supp 1 (2007)

B11. Yilmaz, M., Polat, B., Saba, D. Single-stage repair of adult aortic coarctation and concomitant cardiovascular pathologies: a new alternative surgical approach”
Third Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Antalya Turkey, 2007 The Heart Surgery Forum. 10, Supp 1 (2007)

B12.Yilmaz, M., Şenkaya, I., Tok, M., Saba, D., Cengiz, M. “Complete Atrioventricular Block due to a Hydatid Cyst located in the Interventricular Septum” Third Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Antalya Turkey, 2007 The Heart Surgery Forum. 10, Supp 1 (2007)

B13. Yilmaz, M., Tok, M., Cengiz, M. “Asymptomatic Balanced-Type Double Aortic Arch in an Elderly Patient: A Case Report” Third Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Antalya Turkey, 2007 The Heart Surgery Forum. 10, Supp 1 (2007)

B14. Tok, M., Erdoğan, C., Yilmaz, M., Bicer, M.,Kumtepe, G., Ozkan, H., Cengiz, M. “ Endovascular approach for Kommerell Diverticule. Hybrid Teqhnique” Third Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Antalya Turkey, 2007 The Heart Surgery Forum. 10, Supp 1 (2007)

B15. Mogol, E.B., Turker , G., Yilmaz, M., Goren, S. “Combination of a Psoas Compartment, Sciatic Nerve, and T12-L1 Paravertebral Blocks for Femoropopliteal Bypass Surgery in a High-Risk Patient” 22nd Annual meeting European Association of  Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologist Krakow, Poland, 2007 European Journal of Anesthesiology. 24, Supp 41 (2007) 


B16. Yaman R, Es MU, Karaci AR, Ozkara C, Yilmaz M.  “Jackson Pratt Drain Decreases the Risk of Pericardial Effusion and Atrial Fibrilattion in Patients With Scheduled Coronary Bypass Operations “7th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in association with TCT Mediterranean - March 2011  Antalya Turkey, 2011 The Heart Surgery Forum. 14, Supp 1 (2011)


B17. Yaman R, Uyanik, Eyuboglu N, Es MU, Alpsoy S , Yilmaz M. “Routine Preoperative Use Of Enoxaparin Does Not Increase Bleeding Nor Transfusion In Scheduled Coronary Bypass Surgery”  7th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in association with TCT Mediterranean - March 2011  Antalya Turkey, 2011 The Heart Surgery Forum. 14, Supp 1 (2011)


B18. Yaman R, Uyanik, Eyuboglu N, Es MU, Alpsoy S , Yilmaz M. “Bilateral Carotid Endarterectomy and Coronary Bypass: Staged Approach”  7th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in association with TCT Mediterranean - March 2011  Antalya Turkey, 2011 The Heart Surgery Forum. 14, Supp 1 (2011)


B19. Yaman R, Uyanik, Eyuboglu N, Es MU, Alpsoy S , Yilmaz M. “Thoracic Hernia Mimicking Acute Coronary Syndrome” 7th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in association with TCT Mediterranean - March 2011  Antalya Turkey, 2011 The Heart Surgery Forum. 14, Supp 1 (2011)


B20. Yaman R, Uyanik, Eyuboglu N, Es MU, Alpsoy S , Yilmaz M. “The Determination of Operative Strategy in Reconstructive Surgery of  Failed Fistulas by Usage of Multidetector Row Computed Tomography Venography” 7th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in association with TCT Mediterranean - March 2011  Antalya Turkey, 2011 The Heart Surgery Forum. 14, Supp 1 (2011)


B21. Yaman R, Uyanik, Eyuboglu N, Es MU, Alpsoy S , Yilmaz M. “The Use Of Linezolid in Mediastinitis Therapy” 7th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in association with TCT Mediterranean - March 2011  Antalya Turkey, 2011 The Heart Surgery Forum. 14, Supp 1 (2011)







Читати далі

Prof. Mert Yılmaz, MD. MS

Adult and Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgeon

International member of Society of Thoracic Surgeons USA



Prof. Mert YILMAZ was graduated from Istanbul University Istanbul Medical Faculty in 1988. He started his residency program at the Uludag University, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery in 1990. During his residency training in the Uludag University, he also spent a year as a visiting resident in Royal South Hants Hospital in England. Afterword, he started to work as a chief resident in the Uludag University until the end of his specialty program. He became board certified Cardiovascular surgeon in 1995. He started to work in Florence Nightingale Hospital in Istanbul as a staff Cardiovascular surgeon in 1996. In year 2000, He actively particapated in the Cardiac Surgery program and performed multiple interventions including cardiac transplantation, minimal invasive cardiac surgery and endovascular surgery in OLV Aalst Hospital in Belgium. In 2001, He came back to Florence Nightingale Hospital, He was one of the pioneers in endovascular repairement of abdominal aneurysm surgeries as he performed the second case in Turkey in the Gayrettepe Florence Nightingale Hospital in 2003.


In 2004, he returned to academia as an assistant professor in the Uludag University and he worked on both Adult and Pediatric Cardiac Surgeries between, 2004 and 2008. He also took part in establishment of Medicana International Hospital in Istanbul in 2009 and. He worked as a associate Director of the department more than one year in this hospital. Between 2010-2014, he was the Director of the Deparment of Cardiovascular Surgery in Medicalpark Hospital Bursa and Turkish Private Hospital in Erbil. Since 2014, he is the Director of the Deparment of Cardiovascular Surgery in Kadıköy Florence Nightingale Hospital in Istanbul.  His special interests are minimal invasive Cardiac surgery (small insicion) and Pediatric Cardiac surgery.  As an academician, Professor Yilmaz published over than 50 international and national manuscripts and 7 of them were tittiled as the first report in the world medical literature. He speaks and writes English fluently.


2014- present: Head of the Dept of Cardiovascular Surgery Kadıköy Florence Nightingale Hospital/Istanbul

2020- present Full Professor at Halic University Istanbul


1982-1988: Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Istanbul, Turkey, (MD) 

1990-1994:Uludağ University, Faculty of Medicine, Bursa Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery (Resident)

1994: Royal South Hants Hospital, NHS, Southampton UK, (Registrar)

1995-1996: Uludağ University, Faculty of Medicine, Bursa Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery (Chief Resident)





Medical Doctor, MD Istanbul  University


Cardiovascular Surgeon, MS Uludag  University


Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgeon Uludag  University


Assoc. Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery Uludag  University


Professor of Cardiovascular Surgery Halic University




1996-2000: Cardiovascular Surgeon, Florence Nightingale Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey 


2000: Visiting Clinical Fellow, OLV Hospital Aalst, Brussels, Belgium


2001-2004: Cardiovascular Surgeon, Florence Nightingale Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey


2004-2007: Clinical Fellow/Research Associate, Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey, 


2007- 2008: Assoc. Professor  Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey


2008-2009: Consultant Cardiovascular Surgeon, Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery Medicana International Istanbul, Turkey 


2009-2010: Head of the Dept. of Cardiovascular Surgery Universal Hospital Çamlıca, Istanbul, Turkey,

2010-2012 : Head of the Dept of Cardiovascular Surgery Medicalpark Bursa Hospital, Bursa

2012-2014 : Head of the Dept of Cardiovascular Surgery Turkish Private Hospital, Erbil




Society of  Thoracic Surgeons (USA)


European Society for Vascular Surgery 

Turkish society of Cardiovascular Surgery

European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery


CTS net




European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery

Turkish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 




A1. Ener, S., Yılmaz, M., Atasoy, S., Ozkan, H., Cengiz, M. “Superior-septal Approach for Mitral Valve Surgery’’ Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology 23: 267-270 (1995)


A2. Senkaya, I, Yilmaz, M., Güven H, Ozer HZ, Özkan, H.

Chylothorax: After Blunt Chest Trauma Turk Gogus Kalp Dama 1995;3:194-196


A3. Ener,S., Yilmaz,M., Eken., Karadag, M., Cengiz, M. Sleeve Lobectomy and Bronchovascular Reconstruction for Lung Cancer. Turk Gogus Kalp Dama 1995;3:266-269


A4. Akpinar, B, Polat, B., Sanisoğlu, I., Yilmaz, M., Cakalı, E., Bayındır, O., Sonmez, B.

Pulmonary Valve Replacemet: Report of two cases. Turk Gogus Kalp Dama 1997;5:135-139


A5. Gebitekin, C., Yilmaz, M., Şenkaya, I., Sagdıc, K., Saba, D., Ozer, Z. G. “Fatal Haemoptysis due to Pulmonary artery aneurysm in Behçet’s Disease”  European Journal of  Vascular and  Endovascular Surgery 13(2): 233-6 (1997)


A6. Şenkaya, I., Sağdıç,  K., Gebitekin, C., Yilmaz, M., Özkan, H., Cengiz, M. “Management of foreign body aspiration in infancy and childhood. A life-threatening problem” Turkish Journal of  Pediatrics 39 (3): 353-62 (1997)


A7. Polat, B., Yılmaz, M., Akpinar, B., Aytekin, V., Bayındır, O., Sonmez, B. “Revascularization of the Circumflex Artery Using Pedicled Right Internal Mammary Artery Graft Via The Transverse Sinus” Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology 26: 275-78 (1998)


A8. Yilmaz, M., Ener, S., Akalın, H., Sagdıc, K., Serdar, A., Cengiz, M. “Effect of Low dose Methylprednisolone on serum Cytokine levels following Extracorporeal Circulation” Perfusion UK 14: 201-206 (1999)


A9. Us, M.H., İnan, K., Özkan, S.,Yılmaz, M., Çakır, O., Duran, E.,  Öztürk, Ö.Y. “Koroner baypass operasyonları sonrasında serum laktat düzeylerinin izlenmesinin mortaliteye etkisi”

Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology 4:110-113 (2001)


A10. Polat, B., Yalcin, Y., Korkut, K., Karaci, A., Korkmaz A.A., Yılmaz,  M., Sorgun, F., Bayindir, O. “Arterial Switch Operation in Transposition of the Great Arteries (Jatene prosedure)” Archives of the Turkish Society of Cardiology 29: 549-556 (2001)


A11. Us, M., Sungun, M., Cağli, K., Yilmaz, M., Pekediz, A., Oztürk, O.  “Single clamp technique in elderly patients undergoing coronary artery surgery”  Anadolu Kardiyol  Derg 4:291-295 (2003)


A12. Yilmaz, M. “Total aortic arch replacement” Annals of Thoracic Surgery 79:1092 (2005)


A13. Ener, S., Yilmaz, M. “The effect of single low-dose methylprednisolone on the cardiopulmonary bypass-induced inflammatory response” European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery 27: 729-730 (2005)


A14. Yilmaz, M., Gurbuz, O., Cengiz, M. “Multicentric cardiac myxoma treated with extended surgery” The Journal of International Medical Research 34: 331 – 334 (2006)


A15. Yilmaz, M., Şenkaya, I., Cengiz, M. “Direct Reimplantation  Technique via Right Minithoracotomy for   Scimitar Syndrome: A Case Report” The Heart Surgery Forum 9 (6):E843-E845 (2006)


A16. Yilmaz, M., Polat, B., Saba, D.Single-stage repair of adult aortic coarctation and concomitant cardiovascular pathologies: a new alternative surgical approach”
Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 1:18 (2006)


A17. Yilmaz, M., Şenkaya, I., Saba, D., Biçer, M. “Long-term outcomes of basilic vein transposition fistula for hemodialysis” VASA 36:26-32 (2007)


A18. Yilmaz, M., Şenkaya, I., Kaderli, A., Ener, S. “Complete Atrioventricular Block due to a Hydatid Cyst located in the Interventricular Septum” The Heart Surgery Forum. 10 (1):E9-E11 (2007)


A19.  Saba, D., Yilmaz, M., Yavuz, H., Noyan, S., Avci, B., Ercan, A.K., Ozkan, H., Cengiz, M. “Sutureless vascular anastomoses by  N-butyl-2 Cyanoacrylate adhesive: an experimental animal study” European Surgical Research. 39:239-244  (2007)


A20. Yilmaz, M., Tok, M., Cengiz, M. “Asymptomatic Balanced-Type Double Aortic Arch in an Elderly Patient: A Case Report” The Heart Surgery Forum. 10 (4):E297-E298 (2007)


A21. Yilmaz, M., Saba, D., Karal, I., Ercan, I.,  Kumtepe, G., Gurbuz, O., Şenkaya, I., Cengiz, M. “Postoperative Outcomes after Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in EuroSCORE Low- and High-Risk Women” The Heart Surgery Forum. 10 (6):E482-E486 (2007)


A22. Basagan-Mogol, E., Turker, G., Yilmaz, M., Goren, S. “Combination of a Psoas Compartment, Sciatic Nerve, and T12-L1 Paravertebral Blocks for Femoropopliteal Bypass Surgery in a High-Risk Patient”Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia22 (2): 337-339 ( 2008)


A23. Yavascaoglu, I., Yilmaz, M., Kordan Y. “Cardiac and Caval Invasion of Left Adrenocortical Carcinoma: Report of a Case” Urologia Internationalis. 81(2): 244–246 (2008) 



B1. Ozer, Z.G., Şenkaya, I., Yilmaz, M. “Iatrogenic vascular injuries during lumbar disc surgery” The Romanian Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery Inaugural Meeting of the Balkan Society of Angiology Romania, 1992


 B2. Polat, B., Akpinar, B., Sonmez, B., Aytekin, V., Demiroglu, C., Yilmaz, M., Akar, H. “Revascularization of the circumflex artery using pedicled right internal mammary artery graft via the transverse sinus” First International Congress on Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, 1996.


B3. Yilmaz, M., Ener, S., Akalın, H., Sagdıc, K., Serdar, A., Cengiz, M. “Low dose Methylprednisolone reduces serum cytokine elevation induced by extracorporeal circulation”

XVI th Annual San Diego Cardiothoracic Surgery Symposium San Diego, USA, 1996


B4. Polat, B., Yalcin, Y., Karaci, A., Yilmaz, M., Sorgun, F., Bayindir, O. “Arterial Switch operation ( Jatene precedure) for Transposition of  the Great Arteries: Experience at Florence Nightingale Hospital” VI. BALKAN Pediatric cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Congress

Antalya, Turkey, 1998


B5. Yalcin, Y., Polat, B., Karaci, A., Yilmaz,  M., Sorgun, F., Bayindir, O. “Partial Biventricular Repair: An alternative option to Total Cavopulmonary Anastomosis for Functionally Borderline Right Ventricules in Complex Congenital Heart Defects” VI. BALKAN Pediatric cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Congress Antalya, Turkey, 1998


B6. Duran, E., Us, M., Sungun, M., Inan, K., Tarhan, A., Yilmaz, M., Baltalarli, A., Sunar, H., Ege, T., Cebeci, B,S., Ozturk, O. “ Mitral valve operations by right minithoracotomy”  Mediterranean Association of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery 11th Annual Meeting, Montpellier, France, 1998


B7. Us, M.H., Yilmaz, M., Ozturk, O.Y. “Early and mid term results of the aortic annular enlargement with modified manouguian procedure” 52. International Congress of the European Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Istanbul, Turkey, 2003 


B8. Us, M.H., Sungun, M., Cagli, K., Yilmaz, M., Pakediz, A., Ozturk, O.Y. “The advantages of single clamp techniques in patients over 70 years old”  52. International Congress of the European Society for Cardiovascular Surgery Istanbul, Turkey, 2003

B9. Yilmaz, M., Saba, D., Karal, I., Ercan, I., Kumtepe, G., Gurbuz, O., Şenkaya, I., Cengiz, M. “Postoperative Outcomes after Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in EuroSCORE Low- and High-Risk Women” Third Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Antalya Turkey, 2007 The Heart Surgery Forum. 10, Supp 1 (2007)

B10.Yilmaz, M., Şenkaya, I., Tok, M., Saba, D., Cengiz, M. “Direct Reimplantation  Technique via Right Minithoracotomy for   Scimitar Syndrome: A Case Report” Third Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Antalya Turkey, 2007 The Heart Surgery Forum. 10, Supp 1 (2007)

B11. Yilmaz, M., Polat, B., Saba, D. Single-stage repair of adult aortic coarctation and concomitant cardiovascular pathologies: a new alternative surgical approach”
Third Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Antalya Turkey, 2007 The Heart Surgery Forum. 10, Supp 1 (2007)

B12.Yilmaz, M., Şenkaya, I., Tok, M., Saba, D., Cengiz, M. “Complete Atrioventricular Block due to a Hydatid Cyst located in the Interventricular Septum” Third Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Antalya Turkey, 2007 The Heart Surgery Forum. 10, Supp 1 (2007)

B13. Yilmaz, M., Tok, M., Cengiz, M. “Asymptomatic Balanced-Type Double Aortic Arch in an Elderly Patient: A Case Report” Third Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Antalya Turkey, 2007 The Heart Surgery Forum. 10, Supp 1 (2007)

B14. Tok, M., Erdoğan, C., Yilmaz, M., Bicer, M.,Kumtepe, G., Ozkan, H., Cengiz, M. “ Endovascular approach for Kommerell Diverticule. Hybrid Teqhnique” Third Annual Congress on Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Antalya Turkey, 2007 The Heart Surgery Forum. 10, Supp 1 (2007)

B15. Mogol, E.B., Turker , G., Yilmaz, M., Goren, S. “Combination of a Psoas Compartment, Sciatic Nerve, and T12-L1 Paravertebral Blocks for Femoropopliteal Bypass Surgery in a High-Risk Patient” 22nd Annual meeting European Association of  Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiologist Krakow, Poland, 2007 European Journal of Anesthesiology. 24, Supp 41 (2007) 


B16. Yaman R, Es MU, Karaci AR, Ozkara C, Yilmaz M.  “Jackson Pratt Drain Decreases the Risk of Pericardial Effusion and Atrial Fibrilattion in Patients With Scheduled Coronary Bypass Operations “7th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in association with TCT Mediterranean - March 2011  Antalya Turkey, 2011 The Heart Surgery Forum. 14, Supp 1 (2011)


B17. Yaman R, Uyanik, Eyuboglu N, Es MU, Alpsoy S , Yilmaz M. “Routine Preoperative Use Of Enoxaparin Does Not Increase Bleeding Nor Transfusion In Scheduled Coronary Bypass Surgery”  7th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in association with TCT Mediterranean - March 2011  Antalya Turkey, 2011 The Heart Surgery Forum. 14, Supp 1 (2011)


B18. Yaman R, Uyanik, Eyuboglu N, Es MU, Alpsoy S , Yilmaz M. “Bilateral Carotid Endarterectomy and Coronary Bypass: Staged Approach”  7th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in association with TCT Mediterranean - March 2011  Antalya Turkey, 2011 The Heart Surgery Forum. 14, Supp 1 (2011)


B19. Yaman R, Uyanik, Eyuboglu N, Es MU, Alpsoy S , Yilmaz M. “Thoracic Hernia Mimicking Acute Coronary Syndrome” 7th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in association with TCT Mediterranean - March 2011  Antalya Turkey, 2011 The Heart Surgery Forum. 14, Supp 1 (2011)


B20. Yaman R, Uyanik, Eyuboglu N, Es MU, Alpsoy S , Yilmaz M. “The Determination of Operative Strategy in Reconstructive Surgery of  Failed Fistulas by Usage of Multidetector Row Computed Tomography Venography” 7th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in association with TCT Mediterranean - March 2011  Antalya Turkey, 2011 The Heart Surgery Forum. 14, Supp 1 (2011)


B21. Yaman R, Uyanik, Eyuboglu N, Es MU, Alpsoy S , Yilmaz M. “The Use Of Linezolid in Mediastinitis Therapy” 7th Congress of Update in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery in association with TCT Mediterranean - March 2011  Antalya Turkey, 2011 The Heart Surgery Forum. 14, Supp 1 (2011)







Читати далі
Fatih Mehmet Ucar
11 років досвіду
19 відгуків

Fatih Mehmet Ucar

11 років досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Лікарня Флоренс Найтінгейл (Florence Nightingale)
Ertan Sagbas
Серцево-судинний хірург
26 років досвіду
19 відгуків
Туреччина, Стамбул
Лікарня Флоренс Найтінгейл (Florence Nightingale)

Ertan Sagbas

Серцево-судинний хірург
26 років досвіду

Personal information

Title: Professor Doctor

Branch: Pulmonary Diseases

Work History:

1  Ilıca Health Center \ Health Center Physician (Compulsory Service)

2   Florence Nightingale Hospital

3   Onze Lieve Vrouw Clinic (OLV) Aalst Belgium

4   Istanbul Bilim University (Assistant Professor)

5   Florence Nightingale Hospital (Associate Professor)

6   Istanbul Bilim University (Professor)

Medical Specialties and Subspecialties:

1   Minimally invasive heart surgery

2   Aortic surgery

3   Cover Repairs

4   Arrhythmia Surgery

Special advanced health technologies:

1   Robotic heart surgery (Da Vinci Robotic System)

2   Port Access Surgery


1991 - Selçuk University Faculty of Medicine

1998 - Istanbul University Cardiology Institute (Specialization)

Читати далі

Personal information

Title: Professor Doctor

Branch: Pulmonary Diseases

Work History:

1  Ilıca Health Center \ Health Center Physician (Compulsory Service)

2   Florence Nightingale Hospital

3   Onze Lieve Vrouw Clinic (OLV) Aalst Belgium

4   Istanbul Bilim University (Assistant Professor)

5   Florence Nightingale Hospital (Associate Professor)

6   Istanbul Bilim University (Professor)

Medical Specialties and Subspecialties:

1   Minimally invasive heart surgery

2   Aortic surgery

3   Cover Repairs

4   Arrhythmia Surgery

Special advanced health technologies:

1   Robotic heart surgery (Da Vinci Robotic System)

2   Port Access Surgery


1991 - Selçuk University Faculty of Medicine

1998 - Istanbul University Cardiology Institute (Specialization)

Читати далі
Dogukan Aktas Md
Дитячий кардіолог
19 років досвіду
19 відгуків

Dogukan Aktas Md

Дитячий кардіолог
19 років досвіду
Туреччина, Стамбул
Лікарня Флоренс Найтінгейл (Florence Nightingale)