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Найкращі стоматологи з лазерного відбілювання зубів в Бангкоку – ТОП-6 лікарів

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Praewa Vanijwongse
8 років досвіду
Таїланд, Бангкок
Стоматологічна клініка SmileBox Dental - Thonglor, Sukhumvit Branch

Praewa Vanijwongse

8 років досвіду

Dr. Praewa is a highly competent dental professional with a robust educational background and extensive practical experience in general dentistry. She earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from Thammasat University in Bangkok, Thailand, a prestigious institution known for its rigorous dental programs and commitment to excellence. This comprehensive training provided Dr. Praewa with a solid foundation in dental sciences and clinical skills, enabling her to deliver high-quality care across various aspects of general dentistry.

As a licensed dentist from the Thai Dental Council, Dr. Praewa adheres to the highest standards of professional practice and ethical conduct. Her license affirms her qualification to provide top-tier dental care in Thailand, reflecting her commitment to maintaining the rigorous standards required for effective and safe dental practice. This credential ensures that her patients receive care that meets both national and international standards of dental excellence.

Dr. Praewa specializes in several key areas of general dentistry, including teeth whitening, fillings, and dental cleaning. Her expertise in teeth whitening allows her to offer effective solutions for patients seeking to enhance the brightness and aesthetics of their smiles. Utilizing advanced whitening techniques and state-of-the-art materials, Dr. Praewa customizes treatments to achieve optimal results while ensuring patient comfort and safety. Her ability to deliver natural-looking, long-lasting whitening outcomes highlights her proficiency in cosmetic dental care.

In addition to cosmetic procedures, Dr. Praewa excels in restorative dentistry, particularly in the area of dental fillings. She is adept at diagnosing and treating cavities, using the latest materials and techniques to restore the function and appearance of damaged teeth. Her approach to fillings is meticulous, ensuring that each restoration is durable, aesthetically pleasing, and well-integrated with the surrounding tooth structure. This expertise is crucial for maintaining overall dental health and preventing further complications.

Dr. Praewa also provides comprehensive dental cleaning services, an essential component of preventive care. Her thorough cleaning procedures involve the removal of plaque and tartar buildup, which helps in preventing gum disease and other oral health issues. By employing effective cleaning techniques and emphasizing the importance of regular maintenance, Dr. Praewa contributes to her patients' long-term oral health and well-being. Her dedication to preventive care underscores her holistic approach to dentistry, aiming to both treat and prevent dental problems.

Dr. Praewa’s patient-centered approach is a cornerstone of her practice. She prioritizes effective communication and personalized care, ensuring that each patient feels informed and comfortable throughout their treatment journey. Her commitment to creating a positive and supportive environment reflects her dedication to enhancing the overall patient experience.

Overall, Dr. Praewa [Last Name] combines her extensive education, professional licensure, and specialized skills to provide exceptional general dental care. Her expertise in teeth whitening, fillings, and dental cleaning, paired with her adherence to the highest standards of dental practice, positions her as a leading practitioner in the field. Her commitment to delivering high-quality, patient-focused care highlights her role as a trusted and skilled dentist dedicated to improving her patients' oral health and enhancing their smiles.

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Dr. Praewa is a highly competent dental professional with a robust educational background and extensive practical experience in general dentistry. She earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from Thammasat University in Bangkok, Thailand, a prestigious institution known for its rigorous dental programs and commitment to excellence. This comprehensive training provided Dr. Praewa with a solid foundation in dental sciences and clinical skills, enabling her to deliver high-quality care across various aspects of general dentistry.

As a licensed dentist from the Thai Dental Council, Dr. Praewa adheres to the highest standards of professional practice and ethical conduct. Her license affirms her qualification to provide top-tier dental care in Thailand, reflecting her commitment to maintaining the rigorous standards required for effective and safe dental practice. This credential ensures that her patients receive care that meets both national and international standards of dental excellence.

Dr. Praewa specializes in several key areas of general dentistry, including teeth whitening, fillings, and dental cleaning. Her expertise in teeth whitening allows her to offer effective solutions for patients seeking to enhance the brightness and aesthetics of their smiles. Utilizing advanced whitening techniques and state-of-the-art materials, Dr. Praewa customizes treatments to achieve optimal results while ensuring patient comfort and safety. Her ability to deliver natural-looking, long-lasting whitening outcomes highlights her proficiency in cosmetic dental care.

In addition to cosmetic procedures, Dr. Praewa excels in restorative dentistry, particularly in the area of dental fillings. She is adept at diagnosing and treating cavities, using the latest materials and techniques to restore the function and appearance of damaged teeth. Her approach to fillings is meticulous, ensuring that each restoration is durable, aesthetically pleasing, and well-integrated with the surrounding tooth structure. This expertise is crucial for maintaining overall dental health and preventing further complications.

Dr. Praewa also provides comprehensive dental cleaning services, an essential component of preventive care. Her thorough cleaning procedures involve the removal of plaque and tartar buildup, which helps in preventing gum disease and other oral health issues. By employing effective cleaning techniques and emphasizing the importance of regular maintenance, Dr. Praewa contributes to her patients' long-term oral health and well-being. Her dedication to preventive care underscores her holistic approach to dentistry, aiming to both treat and prevent dental problems.

Dr. Praewa’s patient-centered approach is a cornerstone of her practice. She prioritizes effective communication and personalized care, ensuring that each patient feels informed and comfortable throughout their treatment journey. Her commitment to creating a positive and supportive environment reflects her dedication to enhancing the overall patient experience.

Overall, Dr. Praewa [Last Name] combines her extensive education, professional licensure, and specialized skills to provide exceptional general dental care. Her expertise in teeth whitening, fillings, and dental cleaning, paired with her adherence to the highest standards of dental practice, positions her as a leading practitioner in the field. Her commitment to delivering high-quality, patient-focused care highlights her role as a trusted and skilled dentist dedicated to improving her patients' oral health and enhancing their smiles.

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Медичний консультант Bookimed з лазерного відбілювання зубів

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