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Yu Ho Doh
9 років досвіду
Південна Корея, Струсити
Сеульска стоматологічна клініка Today

Yu Ho Doh

9 років досвіду

Dr. Yuho Doh earned double Bachelor's degrees in Neuroscience and Applied Math and Statistics from Johns Hopkins University before completing his studies in dentistry at Seoul National University, College of Dentistry. He also holds a specialty degree in General Dentistry, which has enabled him to provide comprehensive dental care to patients. Dr. Doh's dedication to excellence is evident in his ongoing efforts to expand his knowledge and skills in his field. Through his academic and professional pursuits, Dr. Doh has established himself as a trusted and highly qualified dental practitioner.

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Dr. Yuho Doh earned double Bachelor's degrees in Neuroscience and Applied Math and Statistics from Johns Hopkins University before completing his studies in dentistry at Seoul National University, College of Dentistry. He also holds a specialty degree in General Dentistry, which has enabled him to provide comprehensive dental care to patients. Dr. Doh's dedication to excellence is evident in his ongoing efforts to expand his knowledge and skills in his field. Through his academic and professional pursuits, Dr. Doh has established himself as a trusted and highly qualified dental practitioner.

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