Найкращі лікарі в Італії — отримати онлайн-консультацію

Контент відповідає редакційній політиці Bookimed і його якість перевірив
Фахад Мавлюд - Лікар загальної практики, лауреат 4 конкурсів наукових робіт молодих вчених. Працював на Середньому Сході. Колишній керівник команди англомовних та арабомовних лікарів-координаторів. Наразі займається аналізом даних та є медичним редактором сайту.
Alessandro Farnetti
8 відгуків
Maurizio Nava
8 відгуків
Італія, Мілан
La Madonnina Clinic
Ruberto Fausto De
8 відгуків
Італія, Мілан
La Madonnina Clinic
Доктор Фаусто Де є спеціалістом з гастроентерології та баріатричної хірургії клініки Мадонніна в Мілані, Італія, який спеціалізується на лікуванні гастриту, асциту, ожиріння, виразки шлунка та раку товстої кишки. Розмовляє італійською.Читати далі
Доктор Фаусто Де є спеціалістом з гастроентерології та баріатричної хірургії клініки Мадонніна в Мілані, Італія, який спеціалізується на лікуванні гастриту, асциту, ожиріння, виразки шлунка та раку товстої кишки. Розмовляє італійською.
Читати далі
Antonio Braun
14 років досвіду
Італія, Бари
Ospedale Santa Maria

Antonio Braun

14 років досвіду

Dr Braun's primary responsibilities include direct leadership and execution of complex surgeries, including gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and other advanced metabolic and bariatric procedures. He has developed solid experience in managing the different clinical challenges present in obese patients, providing them with personalized and optimized care to ensure positive long-term outcomes.

His surgical practice is based on an in-depth methodology and a careful look at the latest technological innovations in the field of bariatric surgery. He has actively worked to implement advanced protocols and continually improve operational techniques, while maintaining the highest standards of patient safety and care.

With over 2000 operations performed as a surgeon specializing in oncology, he has developed extensive experience and expertise in laparoscopic and robotic surgery applied to the care of cancer patients.

As a primary operator, he has successfully conducted a wide range of laparoscopic and robotic surgeries for the treatment of oncological conditions, including gastrointestinal, urological, gynecological and other solid tumors. His surgical practice has focused on the application of advanced techniques, using cutting-edge laparoscopic instruments and robotic systems

Читати далі

Dr Braun's primary responsibilities include direct leadership and execution of complex surgeries, including gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and other advanced metabolic and bariatric procedures. He has developed solid experience in managing the different clinical challenges present in obese patients, providing them with personalized and optimized care to ensure positive long-term outcomes.

His surgical practice is based on an in-depth methodology and a careful look at the latest technological innovations in the field of bariatric surgery. He has actively worked to implement advanced protocols and continually improve operational techniques, while maintaining the highest standards of patient safety and care.

With over 2000 operations performed as a surgeon specializing in oncology, he has developed extensive experience and expertise in laparoscopic and robotic surgery applied to the care of cancer patients.

As a primary operator, he has successfully conducted a wide range of laparoscopic and robotic surgeries for the treatment of oncological conditions, including gastrointestinal, urological, gynecological and other solid tumors. His surgical practice has focused on the application of advanced techniques, using cutting-edge laparoscopic instruments and robotic systems

Читати далі
Pasquale Totaro
31 рік досвіду
Італія, Бари
Ospedale Santa Maria

Pasquale Totaro

31 рік досвіду

Since January 1993, Dr. Totaro holds the role of the Coordinator of the MAP (Medically Assisted Procreation) Center and of the Obstetrics-Gynecological Ultrasound Center at the Ospedale Santa Maria at the Maternal and Child Department. Under his supervision the Center, one of the leading MAR centers in Italy, performs more than 1,000 procedures a year. Ospedale Santa Maria - is in first position, for number of cycles of IUI, intrauterine insemination (586) - level I technique, while for the number of oocyte thawing procedures - level II and III technique - the hospital of Santa Maria from Bari occupies the 4th place in the national ranking.

In 1986 Dr. Totaro graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Bari, Italy with full marks, where 4 years later he specialized in Gynecology and Obstetrics. He then completed his diploma with participation at numerous professional courses, such as "Biophysical and biochemical monitoring of the fetus" (one year course, 1991, Bari) and obtaining a diploma in Clinical Sexuology from the ELEUSIS – International Center for the study, research and therapy of female, male and couple sexual dysfunctions (two years course, 1996, Bari). 

In order to broaden his knowledge in the obstetrics-gynecological scientific field, Dr. Totaro participates, both as moderator and speaker and as organizer, in numerous conferences, symposiums, congresses and courses (over 40 national and international congresses) and is the author of more than 30 scientific publications. 


Dr. Totaro is an active member of the following organizations:

ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology)

SIRU (Italian Society of Human Reproduction)

SIGO (Italian Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics)

AOGOI (Italian Association of Hospital Obstetricians and Gynecologists)

SIMOP (Italian Society of Private Hospital Doctors)

ESG (European Society of Gynecology).

Читати далі

Since January 1993, Dr. Totaro holds the role of the Coordinator of the MAP (Medically Assisted Procreation) Center and of the Obstetrics-Gynecological Ultrasound Center at the Ospedale Santa Maria at the Maternal and Child Department. Under his supervision the Center, one of the leading MAR centers in Italy, performs more than 1,000 procedures a year. Ospedale Santa Maria - is in first position, for number of cycles of IUI, intrauterine insemination (586) - level I technique, while for the number of oocyte thawing procedures - level II and III technique - the hospital of Santa Maria from Bari occupies the 4th place in the national ranking.

In 1986 Dr. Totaro graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Bari, Italy with full marks, where 4 years later he specialized in Gynecology and Obstetrics. He then completed his diploma with participation at numerous professional courses, such as "Biophysical and biochemical monitoring of the fetus" (one year course, 1991, Bari) and obtaining a diploma in Clinical Sexuology from the ELEUSIS – International Center for the study, research and therapy of female, male and couple sexual dysfunctions (two years course, 1996, Bari). 

In order to broaden his knowledge in the obstetrics-gynecological scientific field, Dr. Totaro participates, both as moderator and speaker and as organizer, in numerous conferences, symposiums, congresses and courses (over 40 national and international congresses) and is the author of more than 30 scientific publications. 


Dr. Totaro is an active member of the following organizations:

ESHRE (European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology)

SIRU (Italian Society of Human Reproduction)

SIGO (Italian Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics)

AOGOI (Italian Association of Hospital Obstetricians and Gynecologists)

SIMOP (Italian Society of Private Hospital Doctors)

ESG (European Society of Gynecology).

Читати далі
Daniele Caviglia
8 років досвіду
Італія, Рим
Ортопедична клініка в Римі (Orthopedic in Rome)

Daniele Caviglia

8 років досвіду

Доктор Даніеле Кавілья - ортопед з восьмирічним досвідом роботи, відомий своїм комплексним підходом до лікування, включно з необхідною діагностикою, такою як рентген і МРТ. Він проводить очні та відео консультації.

Читати далі

Доктор Даніеле Кавілья - ортопед з восьмирічним досвідом роботи, відомий своїм комплексним підходом до лікування, включно з необхідною діагностикою, такою як рентген і МРТ. Він проводить очні та відео консультації.

Читати далі
Augusto Consoli
39 років досвіду
Італія, Турін
Santa Caterina da Siena

Augusto Consoli

39 років досвіду

Доктор Аугусто Консолі спеціалізується на психотерапії та зробив значний внесок у лікування опіоїдної залежності завдяки своїм науковим дослідженням, включно з вивченням безпеки та ефективності левометадону.

Читати далі

Доктор Аугусто Консолі спеціалізується на психотерапії та зробив значний внесок у лікування опіоїдної залежності завдяки своїм науковим дослідженням, включно з вивченням безпеки та ефективності левометадону.

Читати далі
Nicola Vione
27 років досвіду
Італія, Турін
Santa Caterina da Siena

Nicola Vione

27 років досвіду

Dr. Nicola Vione specializes in Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Pathology.

He began his training at the University of Turin where, in 1996 he obtained a degree in Medicine and Surgery, and in 1997 the qualification to practice. Subsequently, in 2001 he obtained the specialist diploma in Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Pathology. 

Over the years of his career he has attended various prestigious hospitals, perfecting himself in Functional and Aesthetic Surgery of the nose, performing thousands of operations and obtaining excellent results. He regularly attends specialization courses and national and international congresses, learning the most avant-garde techniques of the moment such as preservation rhinoplasty which allows primary rhinoplasty operations to be performed, guaranteeing respect for the anatomy of the nose and obtaining extremely natural and a shorter post-operative period.

Since 2015, he has been collaborating with the "Micheli-Pellegrini" Study Center, one of the most prestigious schools in Italy of rhino-cervical-facial reconstructive surgery, as a member of the scientific committee and as a Professor of Functional and Aesthetic Surgery of the Nose. He currently works at the San Luigi Gonzaga public hospital in Orbassano (Turin), as Medical Director of the Otolaryngology Operative Unit. He also works in some private clinics, such as Santa Caterina da Siena GVM and the Fornaca Clinic in Sessant.

Dr Vione is a member of numerous national scientific societies such as AICEFF (Italian Association of Aesthetic and Functional Surgery of the Face), AOOI (Association of Italian Hospital Otorhinolaryngologists), AIOCC (Italian Association of Head and Neck Oncology) and SIOeChCF ( Italian Society of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery). Registered, since 1997, in the Provincial Order of Surgeons of Asti

Dr. Nicola Vione is an established professional in the field of Otolaryngology and particularly expert in Functional and Aesthetic Surgery of the nose.

Читати далі

Dr. Nicola Vione specializes in Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Pathology.

He began his training at the University of Turin where, in 1996 he obtained a degree in Medicine and Surgery, and in 1997 the qualification to practice. Subsequently, in 2001 he obtained the specialist diploma in Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Pathology. 

Over the years of his career he has attended various prestigious hospitals, perfecting himself in Functional and Aesthetic Surgery of the nose, performing thousands of operations and obtaining excellent results. He regularly attends specialization courses and national and international congresses, learning the most avant-garde techniques of the moment such as preservation rhinoplasty which allows primary rhinoplasty operations to be performed, guaranteeing respect for the anatomy of the nose and obtaining extremely natural and a shorter post-operative period.

Since 2015, he has been collaborating with the "Micheli-Pellegrini" Study Center, one of the most prestigious schools in Italy of rhino-cervical-facial reconstructive surgery, as a member of the scientific committee and as a Professor of Functional and Aesthetic Surgery of the Nose. He currently works at the San Luigi Gonzaga public hospital in Orbassano (Turin), as Medical Director of the Otolaryngology Operative Unit. He also works in some private clinics, such as Santa Caterina da Siena GVM and the Fornaca Clinic in Sessant.

Dr Vione is a member of numerous national scientific societies such as AICEFF (Italian Association of Aesthetic and Functional Surgery of the Face), AOOI (Association of Italian Hospital Otorhinolaryngologists), AIOCC (Italian Association of Head and Neck Oncology) and SIOeChCF ( Italian Society of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery). Registered, since 1997, in the Provincial Order of Surgeons of Asti

Dr. Nicola Vione is an established professional in the field of Otolaryngology and particularly expert in Functional and Aesthetic Surgery of the nose.

Читати далі
Egle Muti
36 років досвіду
Італія, Турін
Santa Caterina da Siena

Egle Muti

36 років досвіду

Having graduated in Medicine and Surgery at a very young age, Prof. Egle Muti then specialized in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Clinical Oncology and Clinical Psychotherapy.

Invited as a speaker at numerous conferences around the world, she is a professor of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the San Luigi Gonzaga Medical University based in Orbassano.

Her scientific production has focused above all on breast surgery, particularly on post-mastectomy breast reconstruction and the treatment of tuberous breasts, and on nose surgery.

She is part of the FONCAM (National Operational Forces Group on Breast Cancer) and is a member of the study group for General Aesthetic Surgery and Breast Surgery of SICPRE.

For several years she was a teacher of the Facial Anatomical Dissection course at the Free University of Brussels.

Читати далі

Having graduated in Medicine and Surgery at a very young age, Prof. Egle Muti then specialized in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Clinical Oncology and Clinical Psychotherapy.

Invited as a speaker at numerous conferences around the world, she is a professor of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the San Luigi Gonzaga Medical University based in Orbassano.

Her scientific production has focused above all on breast surgery, particularly on post-mastectomy breast reconstruction and the treatment of tuberous breasts, and on nose surgery.

She is part of the FONCAM (National Operational Forces Group on Breast Cancer) and is a member of the study group for General Aesthetic Surgery and Breast Surgery of SICPRE.

For several years she was a teacher of the Facial Anatomical Dissection course at the Free University of Brussels.

Читати далі
Federico Pessina
17 років досвіду
Італія, Мілан

Federico Pessina

17 років досвіду

Dr. Federico Pessina is the Cranial Neurosurgey Unit Director.

Medical areas of interest: Brain tumors, glioblastomas, low grade gliomas, brain metastases, meningiomas, neuromas, cavernous angiomas, brain aneurysms

Surgical treatment with brain mapping techniques, awake and minimally invasive surgery of all central nervous system tumors.

Surgical treatment of highly complex tumors of the skull base and cranio-cervical hinge: meningiomas, neuromas, craniopharyngiomas, brain stem tumors.

All the tumor pathologies described above are addressed after multidisciplinary multi-specialist evaluation.

The surgical approach is customized to the patient and to the type of lesion, making use of the most advanced intraoperative techniques for malignant brain tumors (neuronavigation, intraoperative neurophysiology, intraoperative CT) and more complex approaches (anterior, posterior and combined petroosectomies, minimally invasive accesses) for benign diseases of the skull base such as meningiomas and neuromas.

Research areas of interest: Experimental protocols in the treatment of glioblastomas

- Prospective protocols in the treatment of brain metastases

- Role of surgical removal and integrated treatments in glioblastomas and malignant brain tumors

- Intracranial meningiomas

- Cadaver lab dissection

Author of more than 60 scientific publications and 5 book chapters, he is member of Italian Society of Neurosurgery (SINCH).

In 2018 he joined the Scientific Committee of European Society of Neuroncology (EANO) and the Skull Base Surgery Committee of World Federation of Neurosurgical Society (WFNS).

Specialized training: 

Prof. Pessina obtained his Degree in Medicine and Surgery in University of  Insubria,  Varese, where he also completed his Residency Program.

From 2007 to 2008 he covered the role of Clinical Fellow in Neurosurgery in Lausanne University Hospital, focusing on image-guided intrinsic brain tumors resection and vascular neurosurgery

In 2018 he covered the Skull Base fellow position in Lariboisiere Hospital, Paris, fully dedicating to skull base surgery and hands-on dissection practice and teaching.

Since 2022, he is Full Professor in Neurosurgery (MED/27) in Humanitas University

Additional information of interest:

Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Association of Neuroncology (EANO)

Publications:  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Pessina+Federico

Читати далі

Dr. Federico Pessina is the Cranial Neurosurgey Unit Director.

Medical areas of interest: Brain tumors, glioblastomas, low grade gliomas, brain metastases, meningiomas, neuromas, cavernous angiomas, brain aneurysms

Surgical treatment with brain mapping techniques, awake and minimally invasive surgery of all central nervous system tumors.

Surgical treatment of highly complex tumors of the skull base and cranio-cervical hinge: meningiomas, neuromas, craniopharyngiomas, brain stem tumors.

All the tumor pathologies described above are addressed after multidisciplinary multi-specialist evaluation.

The surgical approach is customized to the patient and to the type of lesion, making use of the most advanced intraoperative techniques for malignant brain tumors (neuronavigation, intraoperative neurophysiology, intraoperative CT) and more complex approaches (anterior, posterior and combined petroosectomies, minimally invasive accesses) for benign diseases of the skull base such as meningiomas and neuromas.

Research areas of interest: Experimental protocols in the treatment of glioblastomas

- Prospective protocols in the treatment of brain metastases

- Role of surgical removal and integrated treatments in glioblastomas and malignant brain tumors

- Intracranial meningiomas

- Cadaver lab dissection

Author of more than 60 scientific publications and 5 book chapters, he is member of Italian Society of Neurosurgery (SINCH).

In 2018 he joined the Scientific Committee of European Society of Neuroncology (EANO) and the Skull Base Surgery Committee of World Federation of Neurosurgical Society (WFNS).

Specialized training: 

Prof. Pessina obtained his Degree in Medicine and Surgery in University of  Insubria,  Varese, where he also completed his Residency Program.

From 2007 to 2008 he covered the role of Clinical Fellow in Neurosurgery in Lausanne University Hospital, focusing on image-guided intrinsic brain tumors resection and vascular neurosurgery

In 2018 he covered the Skull Base fellow position in Lariboisiere Hospital, Paris, fully dedicating to skull base surgery and hands-on dissection practice and teaching.

Since 2022, he is Full Professor in Neurosurgery (MED/27) in Humanitas University

Additional information of interest:

Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Association of Neuroncology (EANO)

Publications:  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Pessina+Federico

Читати далі
Andrea Lania
27 років досвіду
Італія, Мілан

Andrea Lania

27 років досвіду

Prof. Andrea Lania has graduated at the Università degli Studi of Milan and is specialized in endocrinology. He is the Unit Director of Endocrinology and Diabetology in Humanitas Research Hospital and his specialization is pituitary diseases, pituitary adenomas, thyroid cancer, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas.

Medical areas of interest:
Pituitary tumors, hypopituitarism, acromegaly, Cushing’s disease and syndrome, neuroendocrine tumors, thyroid and thyroid diseases, adrenal and adrenal diseases, hypogonadism.

Research areas of interest:
Study of the pathogenetic mechanisms of pituitary and neuroendocrine tumors, of the molecular mechanisms responsible for the different response of pituitary and neuroendocrine tumors to medical therapy.

Prof. Lania published 198 peer-reviewed papers (Google Scholar H-Index 47; Scopus H-Index 38, cit tot 4604)

Prof. Lania has a long standing expertise in the field of intra-cellular signaling in endocrine tumors. In particular, in the past ten years, he contributed to analyze the role of PKA regulatory subunits in the pathogenesis and control of cell proliferation of endocrine tumors. Moreover, he contributed to define the role of SSTR5 domains involved in the intracellular trafficking of this receptor in human pituitary cells and to analyze the impact of DR2R and SSTR2&5 polymorphic variants on both the clinical outcome and response to medical treatment in patients with pituitary tumors.

Recently, he contributed to identify the role of cytoskeleton protein FLNA in mediating both intracellular signaling and membrane targeting of somatostatin type 2 receptor and D2R in pituitary and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. Finally, he contributed to explore the intracellular mechanisms possibly involved in mediating the interplay between drugs commonly used in the treatment of neuroendocrine tumors.

Previous experience:
2005-2008 Fondazione Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico IRCCS, Milan, Italy
Director of Endocrinologic Day Hospital and surgery on pituitary disorders. 

Publications: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=lania%20A 

Читати далі

Prof. Andrea Lania has graduated at the Università degli Studi of Milan and is specialized in endocrinology. He is the Unit Director of Endocrinology and Diabetology in Humanitas Research Hospital and his specialization is pituitary diseases, pituitary adenomas, thyroid cancer, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas.

Medical areas of interest:
Pituitary tumors, hypopituitarism, acromegaly, Cushing’s disease and syndrome, neuroendocrine tumors, thyroid and thyroid diseases, adrenal and adrenal diseases, hypogonadism.

Research areas of interest:
Study of the pathogenetic mechanisms of pituitary and neuroendocrine tumors, of the molecular mechanisms responsible for the different response of pituitary and neuroendocrine tumors to medical therapy.

Prof. Lania published 198 peer-reviewed papers (Google Scholar H-Index 47; Scopus H-Index 38, cit tot 4604)

Prof. Lania has a long standing expertise in the field of intra-cellular signaling in endocrine tumors. In particular, in the past ten years, he contributed to analyze the role of PKA regulatory subunits in the pathogenesis and control of cell proliferation of endocrine tumors. Moreover, he contributed to define the role of SSTR5 domains involved in the intracellular trafficking of this receptor in human pituitary cells and to analyze the impact of DR2R and SSTR2&5 polymorphic variants on both the clinical outcome and response to medical treatment in patients with pituitary tumors.

Recently, he contributed to identify the role of cytoskeleton protein FLNA in mediating both intracellular signaling and membrane targeting of somatostatin type 2 receptor and D2R in pituitary and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. Finally, he contributed to explore the intracellular mechanisms possibly involved in mediating the interplay between drugs commonly used in the treatment of neuroendocrine tumors.

Previous experience:
2005-2008 Fondazione Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico IRCCS, Milan, Italy
Director of Endocrinologic Day Hospital and surgery on pituitary disorders. 

Publications: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=lania%20A 

Читати далі
Corrado Lodigiani
30 років досвіду
Італія, Мілан

Corrado Lodigiani

30 років досвіду

Dr. Corrado Lodigiani has been assistant at the Thrombosis Centre of Humanitas research Hospital from 1998 to 2013 and he became Unit Director in 2013. 

Humanitas Thrombosis Center is a state-of-the-art service for the proper management of the diagnosis and therapy of venous thromboembolic pathology (deep and superficial venous thrombosis, pulmonary thromboembolism, visceral venous thrombosis) and arterial (myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke, peripheral arterial disease). 
Other also rare diseases treated are atypical thrombosis, such as the vascular circulation of the retina, the hearing system and the placental circulation during pregnancy. 

Dr. Lodigiani adopts the multidisciplinary approach and works in collaboration with all medical and surgical specialties. In particular, he carries out clinical and instrumental diagnostics (vascular ecocolordoppler) and research on the causes, diagnosis and therapy of thrombotic and bleeding disorders, congenital and acquired. His clinical activity also involves the diagnosis and management of patients suffering from bleeding diseases, such as haemophilia, von Willebrand’s disease and platelet diseases.

Medical areas of interest:  

In recent years, he has devoted himself with particular interest to the testing, in the role of Principal Investigator in International Clinical Studies, of new antithrombotic drugs and, above all, anticoagulants, which are about to be marketed and will constitute a valid and safe alternative to traditional oral anticoagulant therapy (DOACs). He is also working, with great interest, on researching the causes of idiopathic infertility and the usefulness and effectiveness of some therapeutic strategies, such as the use of anticoagulant drugs, improving the results of artificial insemination procedures. He is the author of numerous articles in international scientific journals and speaker at numerous national and international conferences.

Читати далі

Dr. Corrado Lodigiani has been assistant at the Thrombosis Centre of Humanitas research Hospital from 1998 to 2013 and he became Unit Director in 2013. 

Humanitas Thrombosis Center is a state-of-the-art service for the proper management of the diagnosis and therapy of venous thromboembolic pathology (deep and superficial venous thrombosis, pulmonary thromboembolism, visceral venous thrombosis) and arterial (myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke, peripheral arterial disease). 
Other also rare diseases treated are atypical thrombosis, such as the vascular circulation of the retina, the hearing system and the placental circulation during pregnancy. 

Dr. Lodigiani adopts the multidisciplinary approach and works in collaboration with all medical and surgical specialties. In particular, he carries out clinical and instrumental diagnostics (vascular ecocolordoppler) and research on the causes, diagnosis and therapy of thrombotic and bleeding disorders, congenital and acquired. His clinical activity also involves the diagnosis and management of patients suffering from bleeding diseases, such as haemophilia, von Willebrand’s disease and platelet diseases.

Medical areas of interest:  

In recent years, he has devoted himself with particular interest to the testing, in the role of Principal Investigator in International Clinical Studies, of new antithrombotic drugs and, above all, anticoagulants, which are about to be marketed and will constitute a valid and safe alternative to traditional oral anticoagulant therapy (DOACs). He is also working, with great interest, on researching the causes of idiopathic infertility and the usefulness and effectiveness of some therapeutic strategies, such as the use of anticoagulant drugs, improving the results of artificial insemination procedures. He is the author of numerous articles in international scientific journals and speaker at numerous national and international conferences.

Читати далі
Daniela Pini
30 років досвіду
Італія, Мілан

Daniela Pini

30 років досвіду

Dr. Daniela Pini is the Head of the Cardio-respiratory rehabilitation Unit.

Medical areas of interest: Dr. Daniela Pini has been working and researching heart failure and has gained considerable experience in the management of advanced forms of this pathology. She is also very interested in the evaluation and "overall" management of patients suffering from this disease, which mainly affects elderly people and who already have other chronic diseases, which, if neglected, can easily impair the effectiveness of treatment for heart failure itself.

Research areas of interest: new therapies for advanced heart failure: replacement therapy of the heart with mechanical assistance devices to the circulation or heart transplant. New drugs and devices. Multidisciplinary patient management programs.

Further information of interest: thanks to the high competence of cardiosurgeons, electrophysiologists and hemodynamists, Humanitas can count, as a clinical cardiologist, on a team that allows it to offer the patient all the range of therapeutic options for heart failure.

From June 2000 to October 2001 she was Visiting Assistant Professor at the Cardiovascular Division Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. During this period, she worked in the Heart Failure/Heart Transplantation Program, where she participated in the management of patients with advanced heart failure waiting for transplantation, dealing in particular with medical complications in patients with mechanical assistance devices. She has also worked with kidney, kidney-pancreas, pancreas-insulae, lung, liver and heart transplant teams, dealing with the multiple aspects of managing solid organ transplant recipients.

She worked in the Niguarda Ca' Granda Hospital, at the Cardiomyopathy and Heart Transplantation Service, dealing mainly with patients with advanced heart failure and undergoing a cardiac transplant.

Dr. Pini is a member of the coordination committee of the Decompensation Area of the National Association of Medical Hospital Cardiologists – ANMCO. In the last two years she has been mainly concerned on building a network of “heart failure clinics” on the national territory.

Читати далі

Dr. Daniela Pini is the Head of the Cardio-respiratory rehabilitation Unit.

Medical areas of interest: Dr. Daniela Pini has been working and researching heart failure and has gained considerable experience in the management of advanced forms of this pathology. She is also very interested in the evaluation and "overall" management of patients suffering from this disease, which mainly affects elderly people and who already have other chronic diseases, which, if neglected, can easily impair the effectiveness of treatment for heart failure itself.

Research areas of interest: new therapies for advanced heart failure: replacement therapy of the heart with mechanical assistance devices to the circulation or heart transplant. New drugs and devices. Multidisciplinary patient management programs.

Further information of interest: thanks to the high competence of cardiosurgeons, electrophysiologists and hemodynamists, Humanitas can count, as a clinical cardiologist, on a team that allows it to offer the patient all the range of therapeutic options for heart failure.

From June 2000 to October 2001 she was Visiting Assistant Professor at the Cardiovascular Division Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. During this period, she worked in the Heart Failure/Heart Transplantation Program, where she participated in the management of patients with advanced heart failure waiting for transplantation, dealing in particular with medical complications in patients with mechanical assistance devices. She has also worked with kidney, kidney-pancreas, pancreas-insulae, lung, liver and heart transplant teams, dealing with the multiple aspects of managing solid organ transplant recipients.

She worked in the Niguarda Ca' Granda Hospital, at the Cardiomyopathy and Heart Transplantation Service, dealing mainly with patients with advanced heart failure and undergoing a cardiac transplant.

Dr. Pini is a member of the coordination committee of the Decompensation Area of the National Association of Medical Hospital Cardiologists – ANMCO. In the last two years she has been mainly concerned on building a network of “heart failure clinics” on the national territory.

Читати далі
Giuseppe Maria Marinari
33 роки досвіду
Італія, Мілан

Giuseppe Maria Marinari

33 роки досвіду

Dr. Giuseppe Marinari is a specialist in general surgery (1991) and nutrition (1995). He started his career in Bariatric Surgery in 1987 and, since then, he has performed over 7000 bariatric procedures, mainly Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric Bypass, and Biliopancreatic Diversion. Dr. Giuseppe Marinari has international experience, and he is one of the leading Bariatric surgeons in Italy. Over the past 10 years, he has focused on the implementation of a high-volume centre (>1250 procedures in 2019). Since 2016, he adopted an Enhanced Recovery After Bariatric Surgery (ERABS) protocol, to improve benefits for the patient. In essence, this means a faster recovery and an early return to daily activities, with a very high patient approval rating.

Obesity is a complex condition that encompasses a variety of comorbidities. Therefore, the role of a bariatric surgeon is multidisciplinary, including the understanding (and sometimes treating) of comorbidities as well as performing surgery.

Bariatrics interested Dr. Giuseppe Marinari at first because it was a new and growing field. He then developed an appreciation for the multidisciplinary aspect. Now Dr. Giuseppe Marinari is eager to help people transform their lives.

Dr. Giuseppe Marinari  was mentored by Prof. N. Scopinaro at the University Hospital in Genoa, Italy. He invented the biliopancreatic diversion (with or without duodenal switch), a malabsorptive bariatric operation. Dr. Marinari is now Director of the Bariatric Center. He has international experience and is one of the leading surgeons in his field. He performs both restrictive and malabsorbative bariatric procedures, mainly using the laparoscopic approach. In Humanitas Reasearch Hospital patients are treated by a multi-disciplinary team. The patients are given full attention and support throughout all the steps along the treatment.

Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=marinari+giuseppe

Читати далі

Dr. Giuseppe Marinari is a specialist in general surgery (1991) and nutrition (1995). He started his career in Bariatric Surgery in 1987 and, since then, he has performed over 7000 bariatric procedures, mainly Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric Bypass, and Biliopancreatic Diversion. Dr. Giuseppe Marinari has international experience, and he is one of the leading Bariatric surgeons in Italy. Over the past 10 years, he has focused on the implementation of a high-volume centre (>1250 procedures in 2019). Since 2016, he adopted an Enhanced Recovery After Bariatric Surgery (ERABS) protocol, to improve benefits for the patient. In essence, this means a faster recovery and an early return to daily activities, with a very high patient approval rating.

Obesity is a complex condition that encompasses a variety of comorbidities. Therefore, the role of a bariatric surgeon is multidisciplinary, including the understanding (and sometimes treating) of comorbidities as well as performing surgery.

Bariatrics interested Dr. Giuseppe Marinari at first because it was a new and growing field. He then developed an appreciation for the multidisciplinary aspect. Now Dr. Giuseppe Marinari is eager to help people transform their lives.

Dr. Giuseppe Marinari  was mentored by Prof. N. Scopinaro at the University Hospital in Genoa, Italy. He invented the biliopancreatic diversion (with or without duodenal switch), a malabsorptive bariatric operation. Dr. Marinari is now Director of the Bariatric Center. He has international experience and is one of the leading surgeons in his field. He performs both restrictive and malabsorbative bariatric procedures, mainly using the laparoscopic approach. In Humanitas Reasearch Hospital patients are treated by a multi-disciplinary team. The patients are given full attention and support throughout all the steps along the treatment.

Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=marinari+giuseppe

Читати далі
Alessandro Repici
33 роки досвіду
Італія, Мілан

Alessandro Repici

33 роки досвіду

Prof. Alessandro Repici is the Director of the Gastroenterology and Digestive endoscopy Unit in Humanitas Research Hospital. Graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1990 and the following year he won a scholarship at the Department of Gastroenterology Molinette hospital in Turin, where he began his practice in digestive endoscopy. In 1992, he worked with Prof. Claude Liguory as a fellow at the American Hospital in Paris.

In 1994 he became a specialist in Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy at the University of Messina and worked in the Department of Gastroenterology, Ospedale Maggiore Molinette of Turin.

In the following years, he has been working at the Service of Digestive Endoscopy of Altona Hospital in Hamburg, directed by prof. Hagenmuller, and in the Department of Gastroenterology Molinette Hospital in Turin, directed by prof. Rizzetto. In 1999, he was a Research Fellow at the Center for Oncological and Operative Endoscopy of Wellsley Hospital in Toronto.

He teaches Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy at the School of Specialization in Oncology since 2000, at the University of Turin since 2004 and Endoscopy Diagnostic Techniques and Operations at the School of Specialization in General Surgery I and II of the University of Turin.

The clinical activity and research of Prof. Repici mainly focuses on the development of new endoscopic techniques in the field of diagnosis and therapy, with particular attention to new methods of endoscopic removal of cancerous lesions and early in the palliation of advanced gastrointestinal malignancies.

Prof. Repici is coordinator, principal investigator and co-investigator in more than 50 studies, including phase II and III for FDA and EMA approval of new molecules and new instruments for diagnostic and operational endoscopy. 

Prof. Repici collaborates on research projects in the field of endoscopy with the University of Rotterdam, in Haifa, in New York and with several Italian centers. He is a member of various national and international scientific society of Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy.

Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=repici+alessandro

Читати далі

Prof. Alessandro Repici is the Director of the Gastroenterology and Digestive endoscopy Unit in Humanitas Research Hospital. Graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1990 and the following year he won a scholarship at the Department of Gastroenterology Molinette hospital in Turin, where he began his practice in digestive endoscopy. In 1992, he worked with Prof. Claude Liguory as a fellow at the American Hospital in Paris.

In 1994 he became a specialist in Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy at the University of Messina and worked in the Department of Gastroenterology, Ospedale Maggiore Molinette of Turin.

In the following years, he has been working at the Service of Digestive Endoscopy of Altona Hospital in Hamburg, directed by prof. Hagenmuller, and in the Department of Gastroenterology Molinette Hospital in Turin, directed by prof. Rizzetto. In 1999, he was a Research Fellow at the Center for Oncological and Operative Endoscopy of Wellsley Hospital in Toronto.

He teaches Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy at the School of Specialization in Oncology since 2000, at the University of Turin since 2004 and Endoscopy Diagnostic Techniques and Operations at the School of Specialization in General Surgery I and II of the University of Turin.

The clinical activity and research of Prof. Repici mainly focuses on the development of new endoscopic techniques in the field of diagnosis and therapy, with particular attention to new methods of endoscopic removal of cancerous lesions and early in the palliation of advanced gastrointestinal malignancies.

Prof. Repici is coordinator, principal investigator and co-investigator in more than 50 studies, including phase II and III for FDA and EMA approval of new molecules and new instruments for diagnostic and operational endoscopy. 

Prof. Repici collaborates on research projects in the field of endoscopy with the University of Rotterdam, in Haifa, in New York and with several Italian centers. He is a member of various national and international scientific society of Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy.

Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=repici+alessandro

Читати далі
Raffaello Furlan
44 роки досвіду
Італія, Мілан

Raffaello Furlan

44 роки досвіду

Prof. Raffaello Furlan is the Unit Director of the Internal Medicine Center Unit.

Since 1990 he has been focusing his clinical interests on hypotensive phenomena and episodes of loss of consciousness, organizing and developing a functional multidisciplinary unit called "Syncope and Posture Disorders Unit", as part of the Internal Medicine Unit where he worked (currently Medical Clinic, Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Rozzano, and in the past L. Sacco Hospital, Milan, and Bolognini Hospital, Bergamo). 

This unit is composed of a neurologist, an endocrinologist, a cardiologist and a psychiatrist, in accordance with clinical-care facilitated protocols. Thanks to this organizational structure, and thanks to the use a special clinical laboratory, more than 1600 tilt tests have been carried out, together with intensive work with outpatients and inpatients, which led to the care of patients also from other regions in Italy and abroad (France, Switzerland, Australia, Comoros Islands and United States).

The Syncope and Posture Disorders Unit is currently part of a worldwide network of centres that refer to the National Dysautonomia Research Foundation, an American non-profit foundation providing advice and support to patients with different types of dysautonomia and financing international research protocols on the subject.  

Research areas of interest:

From 1977 to 1984, he took an active part in studies conducted on experimental models, to clarify the nervous mechanisms of cardiac, cardio-vascular and vascular reflexes involved in the regulation of blood pressure and in the genesis of cardiac pain. He also applied techniques of direct recording of sympathetic nerve activity and spectral analysis to the study of cardiovascular variability in the physiological, pathophysiologic and pathological  fields, studying the changes in the nervous control of the cardiovascular system during postural changes, physical training, neuromediated syncope in patients suffering from dysutopianism (Pure Autonomic Failure), and in subjects with Chronic Orthostatic Intolerance, Fibromyalgia, Esophageal Reflux Disease, Ulcerative Colitis and Parkinson’s disease. 

Since January 2004, the Syncope Unit directed by Prof. Furlan has conceived, realized and coordinated some observational multicentric studies aimed at studying the short-term prognosis of syncope, to evaluate the effectiveness of risk scales in the emergency room and the role of clinical judgement (steps studies, Short Term Prognosis of Syncope). The Syncope Unit was also an active part of EGSYS2 and other multicenter syncope studies. Currently, a study is underway to assess the effects of bilateral plantar stimulation on the path and neurovegetative profile of cardiovascular regulation in Parkinson’s disease. It involves 10 hospitals sponsored by the Lombardy region on syncope costs and a multicentric European study on the use of neuronal networks for syncope management in the emergency room.

Previous experience:

2007-2012 Hospital, Seriate, Italy
Director of Internal Medicine Unit, Outpatients and Day Hospital for medicine. 
1982-2007 Hospital, Milan, Italy
• Hospital assistant of Internal Medicine (Medicine II) until 1990. During this period, he was directly responsible for 8 beds in this Department and carried out regular call duties in the A&E Department. He was also involved in invasive measurements of blood pressure.

• Co-manager assistant in Internal Medicine (Medicine II; from February 1990). During this period, he was responsible for 12-18 beds of the Medicine Department, coordinating the work of two assistants. From January 2002 to January 2005 he had the title of "High Specialisation" in the field of disorders from orthostatic intolerance. From January 2005 he was responsible for the simple structure "Unit for Syncopes and Posture Disorders". 
• Following the incorporation process of Italian hospitals (as from 1996), he was involved in programmes for the ottimization of efficiency and cost reduction of the Medicine II Department and he had an active part in the discussion of the annual budget from 1998. He was responsible for the Day Hospital in Medicine II until January 2005. 

• He followed the course for Directors of Complex Operative Units, hospital area, edition UBMDSCO0201, held at the School of Management in Health of the Lombardy Region (I.Re.F.) in 2002, discussing the final project entitled "Evaluation of diagnostic performance and cost analysis of tilt test in the diagnosis of syncopal episodes", obtaining the resulting certification.

Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=furlan r

Читати далі

Prof. Raffaello Furlan is the Unit Director of the Internal Medicine Center Unit.

Since 1990 he has been focusing his clinical interests on hypotensive phenomena and episodes of loss of consciousness, organizing and developing a functional multidisciplinary unit called "Syncope and Posture Disorders Unit", as part of the Internal Medicine Unit where he worked (currently Medical Clinic, Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Rozzano, and in the past L. Sacco Hospital, Milan, and Bolognini Hospital, Bergamo). 

This unit is composed of a neurologist, an endocrinologist, a cardiologist and a psychiatrist, in accordance with clinical-care facilitated protocols. Thanks to this organizational structure, and thanks to the use a special clinical laboratory, more than 1600 tilt tests have been carried out, together with intensive work with outpatients and inpatients, which led to the care of patients also from other regions in Italy and abroad (France, Switzerland, Australia, Comoros Islands and United States).

The Syncope and Posture Disorders Unit is currently part of a worldwide network of centres that refer to the National Dysautonomia Research Foundation, an American non-profit foundation providing advice and support to patients with different types of dysautonomia and financing international research protocols on the subject.  

Research areas of interest:

From 1977 to 1984, he took an active part in studies conducted on experimental models, to clarify the nervous mechanisms of cardiac, cardio-vascular and vascular reflexes involved in the regulation of blood pressure and in the genesis of cardiac pain. He also applied techniques of direct recording of sympathetic nerve activity and spectral analysis to the study of cardiovascular variability in the physiological, pathophysiologic and pathological  fields, studying the changes in the nervous control of the cardiovascular system during postural changes, physical training, neuromediated syncope in patients suffering from dysutopianism (Pure Autonomic Failure), and in subjects with Chronic Orthostatic Intolerance, Fibromyalgia, Esophageal Reflux Disease, Ulcerative Colitis and Parkinson’s disease. 

Since January 2004, the Syncope Unit directed by Prof. Furlan has conceived, realized and coordinated some observational multicentric studies aimed at studying the short-term prognosis of syncope, to evaluate the effectiveness of risk scales in the emergency room and the role of clinical judgement (steps studies, Short Term Prognosis of Syncope). The Syncope Unit was also an active part of EGSYS2 and other multicenter syncope studies. Currently, a study is underway to assess the effects of bilateral plantar stimulation on the path and neurovegetative profile of cardiovascular regulation in Parkinson’s disease. It involves 10 hospitals sponsored by the Lombardy region on syncope costs and a multicentric European study on the use of neuronal networks for syncope management in the emergency room.

Previous experience:

2007-2012 Hospital, Seriate, Italy
Director of Internal Medicine Unit, Outpatients and Day Hospital for medicine. 
1982-2007 Hospital, Milan, Italy
• Hospital assistant of Internal Medicine (Medicine II) until 1990. During this period, he was directly responsible for 8 beds in this Department and carried out regular call duties in the A&E Department. He was also involved in invasive measurements of blood pressure.

• Co-manager assistant in Internal Medicine (Medicine II; from February 1990). During this period, he was responsible for 12-18 beds of the Medicine Department, coordinating the work of two assistants. From January 2002 to January 2005 he had the title of "High Specialisation" in the field of disorders from orthostatic intolerance. From January 2005 he was responsible for the simple structure "Unit for Syncopes and Posture Disorders". 
• Following the incorporation process of Italian hospitals (as from 1996), he was involved in programmes for the ottimization of efficiency and cost reduction of the Medicine II Department and he had an active part in the discussion of the annual budget from 1998. He was responsible for the Day Hospital in Medicine II until January 2005. 

• He followed the course for Directors of Complex Operative Units, hospital area, edition UBMDSCO0201, held at the School of Management in Health of the Lombardy Region (I.Re.F.) in 2002, discussing the final project entitled "Evaluation of diagnostic performance and cost analysis of tilt test in the diagnosis of syncopal episodes", obtaining the resulting certification.

Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=furlan r

Читати далі
Michele Ciccarelli
35 років досвіду
Італія, Мілан

Michele Ciccarelli

35 років досвіду

Prof. Michele Ciccarelli is the Pneumology Unit Director in Humanitas Research Hospital.

He has acquired significant experience in managing infectious pneumonias, treating about 300 cases annually. 

He has also acquired a wide experience in managing respiratory allergies of bronchial asthma and COPD with over 500 patients followed in these pathologies.

Previous experience:

1988-1995 Hospital of Niguarda, Milan, Italy
Visiting doctor at the Centre for High Specialisation in Allergology and Clinical Immunology with full-time specialisation in the Department of Pneumology Piazza.

Other medical areas of interest:

  • Obstructive pathology of the airways
  • Pulmonary infectivity
  • Bronchoscopy techniques
  • Pulmonary oncology
  • Interstitial pneumopathies
  • Non-invasive ventilator therapy
  • Sleep medicine
  • Pneumopathies in the course of systemic diseases

Research areas of interest:

  • Lung oncology
  • Community and hospital acquired pneumonia
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Teaching experience: Medicine and Surgery Professor at “Università degli Studi” of Milan.

Scientific activities: Medicine and Surgery Professor at “Associazione Italiana Pneumologi Ospedalieri” (AIPO).



Читати далі

Prof. Michele Ciccarelli is the Pneumology Unit Director in Humanitas Research Hospital.

He has acquired significant experience in managing infectious pneumonias, treating about 300 cases annually. 

He has also acquired a wide experience in managing respiratory allergies of bronchial asthma and COPD with over 500 patients followed in these pathologies.

Previous experience:

1988-1995 Hospital of Niguarda, Milan, Italy
Visiting doctor at the Centre for High Specialisation in Allergology and Clinical Immunology with full-time specialisation in the Department of Pneumology Piazza.

Other medical areas of interest:

  • Obstructive pathology of the airways
  • Pulmonary infectivity
  • Bronchoscopy techniques
  • Pulmonary oncology
  • Interstitial pneumopathies
  • Non-invasive ventilator therapy
  • Sleep medicine
  • Pneumopathies in the course of systemic diseases

Research areas of interest:

  • Lung oncology
  • Community and hospital acquired pneumonia
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Teaching experience: Medicine and Surgery Professor at “Università degli Studi” of Milan.

Scientific activities: Medicine and Surgery Professor at “Associazione Italiana Pneumologi Ospedalieri” (AIPO).



Читати далі
Enrico Arnaldi
46 років досвіду
Італія, Мілан

Enrico Arnaldi

46 років досвіду

Prof. Enrico Arnaldi is the Arthroscopic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Knee Unit Director in Humanitas Research Hospital. 
He was the medical apprentice of Dr. Lorenzo Spotorno (a master and pioneer in prosthetic surgery). Since 1984, he has dedicated himself to arthroscopic knee surgery and later on shoulder surgery.

Medical areas of interest: He is specialized in degenerative and post-traumatic shoulder diseases (rotator cuff tendon injuries, glenomeral arthrosis, shoulder instability) and related surgical treatments, arthroscopic (tendon repairs, capsuloplasty, etc.) and open (latarjet stabilization, orthoprosthesis, etc.). 
He also deals with degenerative and post traumatic knee pathologies, with particular attention to the osteoarthritis of the knee (primitive or secondary), the post-traumatic complex capsule-ligamentous instabilities, the lesions of the cruciate ligaments, meniscus and cartilage, and open-air surgical treatments (such as corrective osteotomies, first implant orthoprosthesis and revisions) and arthroscopic (meniscectomies and meniscal sutures, meniscal transplants, ACL reconstruction, treatment of focal cartilage lesions). 

Research areas of interest:
There are many research interests, ranging from biotechnology to meniscal transplants and osteochondral grafts, from allogeneic grafts for reviews from failures of ligamentous reconstruction to patella stabilization.

He practiced his specialty in the US in some of the world-renowned medical institutions along with internationally famous doctors: the University of Pittsburgh (Dr. Freddie Fu, Dr. Harner, Dr. Savio Lee Wo), the Intermountain Hospital in Salt Lake City (Dr. Rosemberg, Dr. Paulos), Dr. E. Wolf (San Francisco), Dr. Helman and Dr. Morrison (Los Angeles), Dr. Nottage, Dr. Esch (San Diego), Dr. Steadman and Dr. Hawkins (Vail), Dr. P. Fowler (London Ontario Canada), and J. P. Warner in Boston University.

He has performed more than 10,000 arthroscopic knee surgeries and approximately 1,200 prosthetic reconstruction of the knee. He has always been very involved in the research works in the area of new biotechnologies, meniscal and osteochondral transplantation, allogeneic grafts for revisions by failures of ligament reconstructions, stabilization of the patella.

Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=arnaldi+enrico

Читати далі

Prof. Enrico Arnaldi is the Arthroscopic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Knee Unit Director in Humanitas Research Hospital. 
He was the medical apprentice of Dr. Lorenzo Spotorno (a master and pioneer in prosthetic surgery). Since 1984, he has dedicated himself to arthroscopic knee surgery and later on shoulder surgery.

Medical areas of interest: He is specialized in degenerative and post-traumatic shoulder diseases (rotator cuff tendon injuries, glenomeral arthrosis, shoulder instability) and related surgical treatments, arthroscopic (tendon repairs, capsuloplasty, etc.) and open (latarjet stabilization, orthoprosthesis, etc.). 
He also deals with degenerative and post traumatic knee pathologies, with particular attention to the osteoarthritis of the knee (primitive or secondary), the post-traumatic complex capsule-ligamentous instabilities, the lesions of the cruciate ligaments, meniscus and cartilage, and open-air surgical treatments (such as corrective osteotomies, first implant orthoprosthesis and revisions) and arthroscopic (meniscectomies and meniscal sutures, meniscal transplants, ACL reconstruction, treatment of focal cartilage lesions). 

Research areas of interest:
There are many research interests, ranging from biotechnology to meniscal transplants and osteochondral grafts, from allogeneic grafts for reviews from failures of ligamentous reconstruction to patella stabilization.

He practiced his specialty in the US in some of the world-renowned medical institutions along with internationally famous doctors: the University of Pittsburgh (Dr. Freddie Fu, Dr. Harner, Dr. Savio Lee Wo), the Intermountain Hospital in Salt Lake City (Dr. Rosemberg, Dr. Paulos), Dr. E. Wolf (San Francisco), Dr. Helman and Dr. Morrison (Los Angeles), Dr. Nottage, Dr. Esch (San Diego), Dr. Steadman and Dr. Hawkins (Vail), Dr. P. Fowler (London Ontario Canada), and J. P. Warner in Boston University.

He has performed more than 10,000 arthroscopic knee surgeries and approximately 1,200 prosthetic reconstruction of the knee. He has always been very involved in the research works in the area of new biotechnologies, meniscal and osteochondral transplantation, allogeneic grafts for revisions by failures of ligament reconstructions, stabilization of the patella.

Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=arnaldi+enrico

Читати далі
Maurizio Fornari
47 років досвіду
Італія, Мілан

Maurizio Fornari

47 років досвіду

Dr. Maurizio Fornari is the Head of the Neurosurgery Unit in Humanitas Research Hospital.

After his specialization in neurosurgery in 1979 at the University of Milan, Dr. Fornari has followed courses in neurosurgery at Mount Sinai Hospital, New York (USA) and advanced courses in Spinal Surgery and skull base at the Center St. Louis (USA) and the Center of Albuquerque (USA).

Dr. Fornari specializes in the treatment of all major diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, from the compression of the spinal nerves (lumbar and cervical disc hernias, stenosis of the cervical canal, instability of the spine, spinal cord tumors), primary and secondary brain tumors, to congenital malformations of the central nervous system. Dr. Fornari is a recognized leader in the development of computer assisted spine surgery.

Dr. Fornari is a recognized leader in the development of minimally invasive surgery, who among the first has adopted bloodless methods such as micro decompression with unilateral approach for the treatment of lumbar stenosis instead of the much more invasive laminectomy.

Another dreaded disease, sometimes associated with stenosis or lumbar spondylolisthesis, which Dr. Fornari is approaching for quite a long time with the help of spinal navigation systems and intraoperative CT scan, which helps the work of the surgeon during the intervention, reducing invasiveness and risks for the patient, represent lumbar instability.

He and his team perform more than 1.300 surgeries a year, and he has one of the most important case studies in the world (data from a few years ago published in the Journal of Neurosurgery: 

Since 2012, he teaches at the University of Milan. He is also Assistant Editor of "Advanced Technology in Neurosurgery" published by Sprinter Verlag Berlin Heldelberg (1988).

Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=fornari%m


Читати далі

Dr. Maurizio Fornari is the Head of the Neurosurgery Unit in Humanitas Research Hospital.

After his specialization in neurosurgery in 1979 at the University of Milan, Dr. Fornari has followed courses in neurosurgery at Mount Sinai Hospital, New York (USA) and advanced courses in Spinal Surgery and skull base at the Center St. Louis (USA) and the Center of Albuquerque (USA).

Dr. Fornari specializes in the treatment of all major diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, from the compression of the spinal nerves (lumbar and cervical disc hernias, stenosis of the cervical canal, instability of the spine, spinal cord tumors), primary and secondary brain tumors, to congenital malformations of the central nervous system. Dr. Fornari is a recognized leader in the development of computer assisted spine surgery.

Dr. Fornari is a recognized leader in the development of minimally invasive surgery, who among the first has adopted bloodless methods such as micro decompression with unilateral approach for the treatment of lumbar stenosis instead of the much more invasive laminectomy.

Another dreaded disease, sometimes associated with stenosis or lumbar spondylolisthesis, which Dr. Fornari is approaching for quite a long time with the help of spinal navigation systems and intraoperative CT scan, which helps the work of the surgeon during the intervention, reducing invasiveness and risks for the patient, represent lumbar instability.

He and his team perform more than 1.300 surgeries a year, and he has one of the most important case studies in the world (data from a few years ago published in the Journal of Neurosurgery: 

Since 2012, he teaches at the University of Milan. He is also Assistant Editor of "Advanced Technology in Neurosurgery" published by Sprinter Verlag Berlin Heldelberg (1988).

Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=fornari%m


Читати далі
Maria Grazia Bordoni
39 років досвіду
Італія, Мілан

Maria Grazia Bordoni

39 років досвіду

Prof. Dr. Maria Grazia Bordoni is the Vascular Surgery Unit Director in Humanitas Research Hospital. She has graduated at Università degli Studi of Milan and specialised as a vascular surgeon and since then she has been interested in vascular surgery in all its aspects.

Medical areas of interest:

Her main specialties are endovascular surgery and treatment of the large vessels of the abdomen and thorax (aorta, thoracic cavity), carotid surgery, endovascular and surgical treatments for arteries of the lower limbs, preparation of complex vascular access in hemodialysis, phlebology, diagnosis and treatment of vascular malformations. 

Research areas of interest: 

When it comes to the research activity, Dr. Bordoni is mainly dealing with early treatment of acute ischemic strokes and stimulation of the carotid baroreceptors in patients with heart failure. Prof. Bordoni has performed more than 2000 surgeries as first surgeon in her Humanitas career. 

Since 2005, she is also Milan University professor: she teaches General Surgery and focuses on the topic of vascular and surgical emergencies.

Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=bordoni+mg

Читати далі

Prof. Dr. Maria Grazia Bordoni is the Vascular Surgery Unit Director in Humanitas Research Hospital. She has graduated at Università degli Studi of Milan and specialised as a vascular surgeon and since then she has been interested in vascular surgery in all its aspects.

Medical areas of interest:

Her main specialties are endovascular surgery and treatment of the large vessels of the abdomen and thorax (aorta, thoracic cavity), carotid surgery, endovascular and surgical treatments for arteries of the lower limbs, preparation of complex vascular access in hemodialysis, phlebology, diagnosis and treatment of vascular malformations. 

Research areas of interest: 

When it comes to the research activity, Dr. Bordoni is mainly dealing with early treatment of acute ischemic strokes and stimulation of the carotid baroreceptors in patients with heart failure. Prof. Bordoni has performed more than 2000 surgeries as first surgeon in her Humanitas career. 

Since 2005, she is also Milan University professor: she teaches General Surgery and focuses on the topic of vascular and surgical emergencies.

Publications: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=bordoni+mg

Читати далі