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Найкращі нейрохірурги з передньої шийної дискектомії в Равенна – ТОП-1 лікар

Контент відповідає редакційній політиці Bookimed і його якість перевірив
Фахад Мавлюд - Лікар загальної практики, лауреат 4 конкурсів наукових робіт молодих вчених. Працював на Середньому Сході. Колишній керівник команди англомовних та арабомовних лікарів-координаторів. Наразі займається аналізом даних та є медичним редактором сайту.
François Lechanoine
12 років досвіду
Італія, Болонья
Госпіталь Марії Чечилії (Maria Cecilia Hospital)

François Lechanoine

12 років досвіду

Dr. Lechanoine is a highly accomplished neurosurgeon with extensive international experience, currently serving as a senior consultant at Maria Cecilia Hospital in Italy. With over 2,500 surgeries performed, including 1,600 as the lead surgeon, Dr. Lechanoine has built a distinguished career specializing in complex brain and spine surgeries. His areas of expertise include brainstem conditions, intraventricular neuroendoscopy for hydrocephalus and tumors, transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary adenomas, and minimally invasive spine procedures such as UBE (Unilateral Biportal Endoscopy).

His medical journey has taken him across Europe and beyond, with positions at prestigious institutions such as CHU de Grenoble Alpes and CHRU de Tours in France, and Ospedale Santobono in Naples, Italy. In addition, his dedication to pediatric neurosurgery has led to international collaborations, including at the General Peltier Hospital in Djibouti and the Meyer Children’s Hospital in Florence.

Dr. Lechanoine’s education is equally impressive. He graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Caen, France, in 2012 and specialized in neurosurgery at the University of Tours under the guidance of renowned professors Stéphane Velut and Patrick François. His specialization focused on innovative endoscopic treatments for intracranial arachnoid cysts in children. Throughout his career, Dr. Lechanoine has pursued numerous advanced training courses, earning prestigious certifications, including the Diploma of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS) and the European Diploma of Spine Surgery (Eurospine).

In addition to his clinical work, Dr. Lechanoine has contributed significantly to the field of neurosurgery through research and education. He has authored numerous scientific publications in leading international journals, with a total impact factor of 71.46. He is also a dedicated educator, serving as a tutor at international workshops on brain and spine endoscopy, and he recently founded a UBE surgical training center at Maria Cecilia Hospital.


Читати далі

Dr. Lechanoine is a highly accomplished neurosurgeon with extensive international experience, currently serving as a senior consultant at Maria Cecilia Hospital in Italy. With over 2,500 surgeries performed, including 1,600 as the lead surgeon, Dr. Lechanoine has built a distinguished career specializing in complex brain and spine surgeries. His areas of expertise include brainstem conditions, intraventricular neuroendoscopy for hydrocephalus and tumors, transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary adenomas, and minimally invasive spine procedures such as UBE (Unilateral Biportal Endoscopy).

His medical journey has taken him across Europe and beyond, with positions at prestigious institutions such as CHU de Grenoble Alpes and CHRU de Tours in France, and Ospedale Santobono in Naples, Italy. In addition, his dedication to pediatric neurosurgery has led to international collaborations, including at the General Peltier Hospital in Djibouti and the Meyer Children’s Hospital in Florence.

Dr. Lechanoine’s education is equally impressive. He graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Caen, France, in 2012 and specialized in neurosurgery at the University of Tours under the guidance of renowned professors Stéphane Velut and Patrick François. His specialization focused on innovative endoscopic treatments for intracranial arachnoid cysts in children. Throughout his career, Dr. Lechanoine has pursued numerous advanced training courses, earning prestigious certifications, including the Diploma of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS) and the European Diploma of Spine Surgery (Eurospine).

In addition to his clinical work, Dr. Lechanoine has contributed significantly to the field of neurosurgery through research and education. He has authored numerous scientific publications in leading international journals, with a total impact factor of 71.46. He is also a dedicated educator, serving as a tutor at international workshops on brain and spine endoscopy, and he recently founded a UBE surgical training center at Maria Cecilia Hospital.


Читати далі

Редакційна політика Bookimed

Bookimed, провідна глобальна платформа медичного туризму, прагне допомогти клієнтам, які шукають передню дискектомію шийки матки, пропонуючи експертну допомогу та надійні медичні рішення для будь-якої ситуації. Інтелектуальна автоматична система рейтингу використовується для створення прозорих списків клінік, які ретельно ведуться фахівцем із обробки даних за допомогою ШІ для точності. Платформа гарантує достовірність, публікуючи відгуки реальних пацієнтів після лікування. Bookimed пропонує комплексні медичні рішення з оновленнями від клінік для забезпечення надійності. Вміст про передню цервікальну дискектомію, створений досвідченими медичними авторами та перевірений фахівцями, відповідає редакційним рекомендаціям Bookimed , що відображає прагнення платформи надавати високоякісну та чітку інформацію про здоров’я. Щоб отримати докладніші відомості чи запити, зв’яжіться з нами за адресою marketing@bookimed.com або дізнайтеся більше про нас і нашу місію тут .

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