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Найкращі нейрохірурги з лікування краніостенозу в Равенна – ТОП-2 лікарі

Контент відповідає редакційній політиці Bookimed і його якість перевірив
Фахад Мавлюд - Лікар загальної практики, лауреат 4 конкурсів наукових робіт молодих вчених. Працював на Середньому Сході. Колишній керівник команди англомовних та арабомовних лікарів-координаторів. Наразі займається аналізом даних та є медичним редактором сайту.
Enrico Motti
46 років досвіду
Італія, Болонья
Госпіталь Марії Чечилії (Maria Cecilia Hospital)

Enrico Motti

46 років досвіду

Dr. Motti works at the Neurosurgery Department at Maria Cecilia Hospital, as the coordinator of the Gamma Knife Operating Unit, and neurosurgeon in charge of the Stereotaxic Neurosurgery Unit, one of the few centers in Italy, which specializes in the Gamma Knife treatments.  

He is an active member of several research companies focused on Gamma Knife: Italian Society of Neurosurgery, Rome; Gamma Knife Society, Stockholm; European Gamma Knife Society, Madrid. In 1982 he obtained the patent for interfacing the Talairach stereotaxic helmet with computerized axial tomography methods. In 1987 he made the first brain implantation of dopaminergic cells in Parkinson's disease in Italy. He is responsible for training courses at national and international levels, such as courses in Stereotaxic Techniques, Functional Neurosurgery, Radiosurgery at the School of Specialization in Neurosurgery, by the University of Milan; He was an Invited speaker at the "Compliance in radiosurgery" course at the GKSociety meeting in Seoul, South Korea; Organizer of the First European Meeting of Gamma Knife Users, in 1996 in Milan and its subsequent editions.

He is often invited as an instructor in the first weeks of the opening of the new Gamma Knife centers, such as from the Hospital of the University of California Davis, Sacramento, California; or the Arsenji Hospital in Bucharest, Romania etc.

Author and co-author of about 100 publications and contributors to national and international journals. In the seventies he contributed as Assistant Editor to the editorial board of the Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences. For twenty years he was a Consultant in medical libraries as an expert in research techniques and bibliographic archives.

Читати далі

Dr. Motti works at the Neurosurgery Department at Maria Cecilia Hospital, as the coordinator of the Gamma Knife Operating Unit, and neurosurgeon in charge of the Stereotaxic Neurosurgery Unit, one of the few centers in Italy, which specializes in the Gamma Knife treatments.  

He is an active member of several research companies focused on Gamma Knife: Italian Society of Neurosurgery, Rome; Gamma Knife Society, Stockholm; European Gamma Knife Society, Madrid. In 1982 he obtained the patent for interfacing the Talairach stereotaxic helmet with computerized axial tomography methods. In 1987 he made the first brain implantation of dopaminergic cells in Parkinson's disease in Italy. He is responsible for training courses at national and international levels, such as courses in Stereotaxic Techniques, Functional Neurosurgery, Radiosurgery at the School of Specialization in Neurosurgery, by the University of Milan; He was an Invited speaker at the "Compliance in radiosurgery" course at the GKSociety meeting in Seoul, South Korea; Organizer of the First European Meeting of Gamma Knife Users, in 1996 in Milan and its subsequent editions.

He is often invited as an instructor in the first weeks of the opening of the new Gamma Knife centers, such as from the Hospital of the University of California Davis, Sacramento, California; or the Arsenji Hospital in Bucharest, Romania etc.

Author and co-author of about 100 publications and contributors to national and international journals. In the seventies he contributed as Assistant Editor to the editorial board of the Journal of Neurosurgical Sciences. For twenty years he was a Consultant in medical libraries as an expert in research techniques and bibliographic archives.

Читати далі
Ignazio Borghesi
29 років досвіду
Італія, Болонья
Госпіталь Марії Чечилії (Maria Cecilia Hospital)

Ignazio Borghesi

29 років досвіду

During his career, he has performed around 4.500 surgeries, most of which of a very high cranial and vertebral complexity. He is part of the multidisciplinary team of Maria Cecilia Hospital which performs interventions with innovative video-micro-surgical techniques with a digital microscope with a 4K 3D orbital camera with an exoscopic approach for the removal of extensive brain tumors. He has also managed more than 400 cases of minimally invasive surgery of trigeminal neuralgia, through the use of the exoscope, and of facial spasms and tumors of the posterior cranial fossa such as meningiomas and neurinomas.

Читати далі

During his career, he has performed around 4.500 surgeries, most of which of a very high cranial and vertebral complexity. He is part of the multidisciplinary team of Maria Cecilia Hospital which performs interventions with innovative video-micro-surgical techniques with a digital microscope with a 4K 3D orbital camera with an exoscopic approach for the removal of extensive brain tumors. He has also managed more than 400 cases of minimally invasive surgery of trigeminal neuralgia, through the use of the exoscope, and of facial spasms and tumors of the posterior cranial fossa such as meningiomas and neurinomas.

Читати далі

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