
Найкращі лікарі з ін'єкцій ботокса в жувальні м'язи (массетери) в Стамбулі – ТОП-2 лікарі

Контент відповідає редакційній політиці Bookimed і його якість перевірив
Фахад Мавлюд
Melek Aksoy
  • Нове
  • 6 років досвіду
  • Туреччина, Стамбул, Qualident Dental Clinic
  • Dr. Melek Aksoy – General and Cosmetic Dentist

    Education & Training:
    Dr. Melek Aksoy obtained her Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree from Biruni University of Dentistry, equipping her with a strong foundation in both general and cosmetic dentistry.

    Work Experience:
    Dr. Aksoy has built an impressive career working at leading dental clinics in Istanbul, including Novadent and currently at Qualident Dental Clinic, where she specializes in comprehensive patient care.

    Specializations & Competitive Advantages:

    • General & Cosmetic Dentistry: Expertise in veneers, crowns, teeth whitening, and aesthetic restorations.
    • Advanced Aesthetic Techniques: Certified in botox and fillers for facial aesthetics, combining dental expertise with facial harmonization.
    • Periodontal & Prosthetic Expertise: Holds specialized training in Perio-Prosthetic approaches, allowing her to provide enhanced treatment options for patients requiring complex restorative solutions.
    • Cutting-Edge Dental Innovations: Attended Aesthetic Porcelain Laminate Veneers hands-on training, ensuring state-of-the-art smile design procedures.
    • Medical Aesthetic Expertise: Completed a Medical Aesthetic Botulinum Toxin Type A (Botox) course, expanding her expertise beyond traditional dentistry.

    Achievements & Certifications:
    Dr. Aksoy’s continuous pursuit of excellence is reflected in her numerous certifications from international and prestigious institutions, including:
    Facial Cosmetics with Botox & Fillers
    Aesthetic Porcelain Laminate Veneers
    Perio-Prosthetic Approach Training (Dubai)
    Clinical Occlusion & Management (Turkey)

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Ціна за запитом
Ghazwan Ghazi
  • Нове
  • 33 роки досвіду
  • Туреччина, Стамбул, Qualident Dental Clinic
  • ​Dr. Ghazwan F. Ghazi is a distinguished periodontist and dental implant specialist with over three decades of experience in the field.​

    Education & Training:

    • Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD): Graduated from Boston University School of Dentistry in 1992. 
    • Specialization in Periodontics and Dental Implants: Completed specialized training and earned a Master's degree from the New Jersey Dental School in 1997. ​

    Professional Experience:

    • Clinical Practice: Since 1997, Dr. Ghazi has been practicing periodontics and dental implantology in the Boston area, serving patients with dedication and expertise. 
    • Academic Contributions: Since 1998, he has been a faculty member at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, where he teaches clinical periodontics and dental implants to postgraduate residents. ​

    Certifications & Achievements:

    • Diplomate of The American Board of Periodontology: This certification signifies his commitment to maintaining the highest standards in periodontics.
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Візит лікаря
Ціна за запитом
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