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Платформа №1 для лікування за кордоном з 2014 року

Emanuel Sporn

Фахівець із загальної хірургії

26 років досвіду

Доктор Емануель Спорн є висококваліфікованим фахівцем у хірургії, абдомінальній хірургії, судинній хірургії, абдомінальній хірургії, хірургії грудей та грижі. Він є експертом у галузі мінімально інвазивних хірургічних методів і провів обширні дослідження в США. Він має два приватні кабінети у Відні та надає своїм пацієнтам особистий догляд від початкової консультації до післяопераційного догляду. Він є міжнародно визнаним експертом у хірургії гриж, раку молочної залози та кишкової хірургії, і його шукають пацієнти в усьому світі.


Wiener Privatklinik ,Відень , Австрія

Professor Emanuel Sporn, Specialist in Surgery, Abdominal Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Abdominal and Breast. The professor specializes in hernia surgery, breast cancer, stomach and intestine surgery (including examination of the stomach and intestines), oncology and gall bladder surgery. Dr. Sporn also received additional qualifications in the field of vascular surgery, this helps him, on the one hand, to better assess disorders, and, on the other hand, to more reliably manage the main procedures for cancer patients and to deal with critical situations more confidently during the procedure. During his medical career, the professor conducted research at a renowned university and hernia center in the United States and thus played an important role in the development of new surgical techniques in the field of minimally invasive surgery. Numerous scientific articles and presentations in front of a specialized medical audience at national and international conferences attest to the authority of the professor in his specialization.

After 20 years at the University Surgical Hospital at the Medical University of Vienna, Dr. Sporn decided to devote himself entirely to treating his private patients. He runs two private offices in Vienna and conducts operations for his patients in the best private clinics in Vienna and Europe. Personal care of the patient from the initial consultation to the subsequent care, Professor Storn knows how important it is to give the patient a sense of security during a stressful period. Thus, he is always ready to answer questions and happily takes the time to build a stable foundation of trust between the doctor and the patient. In addition, Dr. Sporn is available in request of a second opinion. Since minimally invasive surgery was the primary focus of Professor Sporn's research at an early stage, he also focused on the application of laparoscopic surgical techniques in clinical conditions at an early stage and improved them over the years. The professor has established himself as an internationally recognized expert in the field of hernia surgery, and is currently in demand by patients from all over the world. He is also considered a recognized expert in breast cancer and intestinal surgery and is the first port of call for patients from all over Austria and above all from Eastern Europe and Russia.

Main specialization: 

• Hernia Surgery: 

• TAPP (minimally invasive inguinal hernia surgery) 

• Liechtenstein recovery (surgery on an open inguinal hernia with a mesh) 

• Lip repair (open operation on an inguinal hernia without mesh) 

• Lap IPOM (minimally invasive abdominal hernia surgery) 

• Sublay recovery (open hernia surgery with mesh implantation) 

• V-plasty plastic surgery (surgery on an open hernia with implantation of a mesh through a mini-incision).

 • Hernia surgery under local anesthesia 

• Primary closure of the hernial opening (operation on a hernia without mesh through a mini-incision) 

• Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (minimally invasive excision of the gallbladder) 

Intestinal surgery: 

• Minimally invasive and open bowel resection (left and right hemicolectomy, sigmoid resection, anterior rectal resection) 

• Hemorrhoids / proctology: • HAL (hemorrhoidal artery ligation) 

• RAR (rectal repair) 

• Procedure Milligan Morgan Reflux surgery: 

• Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication and 

• Dumb (minimally invasive reflux surgery) 

• LINX ring laparoscopic implantation (minimally invasive magnetic ring implantation for the treatment of reflux) 

• Breast Surgery / Breast Cancer: 

• Breast support surgery

 • Sentinel lymph node removal 

• Axillary lymph node dissection 

• Modified Radical Mastectomy 

• Vascular Surgery: 

• Surgery for varicose veins 

• Implantation Port-a-cath 

• Peripheral artery disease 

• Aneurysm surgery 

Medical career:

 • 1991-1997 He graduated from medical education at the University of Vienna 

• Training of specialists in general surgery, visceral surgery and vascular surgery: 

• 1997 Beginning of special training, counter-subjects in the army hospital and in the Vienna main hospital 

• 1998-1999 Work as the transplant coordinator in the transplant department at the University Hospital of Surgery, after which he underwent further training in the departments of general surgery, transplant surgery and pediatric surgery. 

• In 2005, he deepened his knowledge in the field of abdominal surgery and thyroid surgery in the surgical department of the Rudolfsstiftung hospital. In May 2005, he successfully passed the specialized exam. A few years later, additional subjects of visceral surgery and vascular surgery followed. Research and development of new surgical methods in the USA:

 • From March 2007 to August 2008 he conducted a research internship at the University of Missouri-Columbia, where he completed many research projects in the field of minimally invasive surgery and endoscopic surgery and developed new surgical methods (NOTES - Transluminal endoscopic surgery of the natural opening). 

• Upon returning to the university clinic in Vienna, habitation and awarding of "Venia docendi", at the age of 35. 

• In 2010, he was appointed senior doctor at the University Hospital of Surgery, a bit later receiving an additional subject for visceral surgery. Appointment as Associate Professor: 

• After fulfilling the strict qualification criteria (science, research and teaching), he was finally appointed assistant professor in April 2012.

 • From 2012 to 2014, he participated in the MBA Health Management Program at the WU Executive Academy. 

• In April 2018, he left the university clinic to devote himself exclusively to his private patients. 

Professor Sporn is the author of numerous original scientific works and a lecturer at major national and international congresses. Member of national and international surgical societies, including the Surgical Journal, the most highly regarded surgical journal.


Відгуки пацієнтів

Щоб ви могли прийняти виважене рішення при виборі лікаря та клініки, ми збираємо для вас відгуки пацієнтів Bookimed. Адже хто краще розповість про якість медичного обслуговування, ніж люди, які перевірили її на власному досвіді?

Кожен наш відгук реальний. Його може залишити лише пацієнт або його супроводжуючий, який забронював клініку через сайт Bookimed.com та відвідав її.

Ми публікуємо відгуки незалежно від того, позитивні вони чи негативні. При цьому кожен з них проходить перевірку на відповідність до Політики відгуків і коментарів.

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