Туреччина, Стамбул

Химиотерапия при лейкозе в Клініка Valued Med Hub Hospitals

2 акредитації якості клініки

Про клініку

рік заснування

Valued Med Hub Hospitals is a private multi-specialty medical center located in Istanbul, Turkey. The team specializes in neurosurgery, orthopedics, ophthalmology, organ transplant, and plastic surgery. Valued Med Hub Hospitals  serves both adults and children. Patients from Europe & Commonwealth, CIS countries, and Arab League States visit the clinic most often.


Ціни на лікування в клініці

Дата останнього оновлення цін – 29.04.2024. Ціни можуть змінюватись в залежності від медичного випадку та рекомендації лікарів.
Чек-ап обстеження
Онкологічний Check-up для чоловіків Ціна за запитом
Базовий Check-up Ціна за запитом
Check-up программа Премиум $2000 - $2500
Коронарографія Ціна за запитом
Check-up для чоловіків $500 - $2500
МРТ одного відділу $400
Передопераційна діагностика катаракти $150
Комп'ютерна рефрактометрія $50
Пахіметрія рогівки $50
МРТ головного мозку $400

Лікарі клініки

акредитації якості клініки

Turkish Medical Association
TR, Сертифікат Turkish Medical Association для медичної установи Клініка Valued Med Hub Hospitals
International Health Tourism Authorization Certificate
TR, Сертифікат International Health Tourism Authorization Certificate для медичної установи Клініка Valued Med Hub Hospitals

Клініка Valued Med Hub Hospitals: детальніше про клініку

Туреччина, Стамбул

Valued Med Hub Hospitals is an outstanding private multidisciplinary medical center located in the vibrant city of Istanbul, Turkey. The mission of the medical center is to provide world-class medical care with unwavering dedication, compassion and expertise. With a focus on excellence, Valued Med Hub Hospitals proudly cater to a wide range of medical specialties, ensuring that every patient receives the highest level of care.

The main specializations of the clinic

Neurosurgery. Valued Med Hub Hospitals' experienced team of neurosurgeons specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of neurological conditions. Whether it's complex brain surgeries or delicate spinal surgeries, the clinic's doctors strive to restore the neurological health and well-being of patients.

Oncology. At Valued Med Hub Hospitals, the medical staff helps solve the problems associated with diagnosing cancer. Experienced oncologists use the latest advances in cancer treatment to provide personalized care and support for patients on their cancer treatment journey.

Ophthalmology. Eyesight is precious and Valued Med Hub Hospitals  ophthalmologists are ready to protect and enhance it. From routine eye examinations to complex eye surgeries, the clinic's ophthalmologists strive to preserve and restore patients' vision with precision and care.

Transplantology. An experienced team of transplantologists specialize in life-saving organ transplant procedures. The clinic offers hope and a second chance at life to patients in need of organ transplants. The health and well-being of patients are the top priorities of the clinic.

For all ages

At Valued Med Hub Hospitals know that healthcare needs vary by generation. Therefore, the clinic provides services to both adults and children. At Valued Med Hub Hospitals, the clinic's doctors provide specialized care that meets the unique needs of each patient, ensuring that families get the comprehensive care they deserve.

Global reach

Valued Med Hub Hospitals is proud to be a medical center for patients from Russian-speaking countries, Europe and the Commonwealth, as well as the states of the Arab League. The clinic provides comprehensive assistance to foreign patients and provides impeccable medical care.

At Valued Med Hub Hospitals patient health is a priority. The doctors of the clinic strive to change the lives of patients using one diagnosis, one treatment and one success story at a time.

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