Чеська Республіка, Прага

Процедури з хірургії зниження ваги — Perfect Clinic

Про клініку

Perfect Clinic is a prestigious medical institution with a specialization in Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery. Now it has 3 Centers in different parts of the country. The team of 7 experienced surgeons provides counseling and performs ambulatory treatment without hospitalization. Another field of Clinic’s competence is Vascular Surgery with the use of laser technologies. This Center is very popular among patients from different countries.


Ціни на лікування в клініці

Дата останнього оновлення цін – 29.04.2024. Ціни можуть змінюватись в залежності від медичного випадку та рекомендації лікарів.
Пластична хірургія
Блефаропластика (корекція повік) Ціна за запитом
Ліпосакція Ціна за запитом
Ліпофільний Ціна за запитом
Ринопластика (пластика носа) Ціна за запитом

Perfect Clinic: детальніше про клініку

Чеська Республіка, Прага

Perfect Clinic is an elite medical institution specializing in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery in Prague. The Clinic has highly qualified medical staff and a high patients satisfaction rate.

Experienced surgeons and proper postoperative care provided the clinic with the status of a leading institution.

Perfect Clinic was opened in 2010 by M.D. Roman Kufa, who worked in Germany, the United Kingdom, and Australia.

Doctor Kufa is an experienced Plastic Surgeon, a member of many medical communities around the world, like the International Confederation for Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (IPRAS) and the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS). He is licensed in plastic surgery by the Czech Medical Chamber.

The Clinic provides a full range of aesthetic procedures and plastic surgery operations:

  • Blepharoplasty
  • Face Lifting
  • Forehead Lifting
  • Lip Augmentation
  • Lipofilling (using patient’s fat)
  • Neck Lifting
  • Otoplasty
  • Plastic Surgery of the Chin
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Breast Surgery (enlargement, reconstruction, reduction, lifting)
  • Gynecomastia treatment
  • Scars Correction
  • Abdominoplasty
  • Intimate surgeries
  • LAUP laser surgery (snoring treatment)

Cosmetic operations also include the use of botulinum toxin and other dermatological procedures.

Perfect Clinic cooperates with the Andel Laser Center (Laserové Centrum Anděl). Laser operations can be carried out with varicose veins, and with sclerosing vascular nets.

Perfect Clinic values the patients comfort. It has up-to-date equipment which helps to carry out surgeries at a high level of accuracy while ensuring safety. During post-surgery rest, the doctors monitor the essential life functions.

Fully equipped and furnished single-bedded/double-bedded rooms as well as “a la carte” meals.

The personnel speaks English, German, Russian and Polish. The Clinic can provide an interpreter if needed.